void AActor::ResetPropertiesForConstruction()
	// Get class CDO
	AActor* Default = GetClass()->GetDefaultObject<AActor>();
	// RandomStream struct name to compare against
	const FName RandomStreamName(TEXT("RandomStream"));

	// We don't want to reset references to world object
	const bool bIsLevelScriptActor = IsA(ALevelScriptActor::StaticClass());

	// Iterate over properties
	for( TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(GetClass()) ; It ; ++It )
		UProperty* Prop = *It;
		UStructProperty* StructProp = Cast<UStructProperty>(Prop);
		UClass* PropClass = CastChecked<UClass>(Prop->GetOuter()); // get the class that added this property

		// First see if it is a random stream, if so reset before running construction script
		if( (StructProp != NULL) && (StructProp->Struct != NULL) && (StructProp->Struct->GetFName() == RandomStreamName) )
			FRandomStream* StreamPtr =  StructProp->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<FRandomStream>(this);
		// If it is a blueprint added variable that is not editable per-instance, reset to default before running construction script
		else if( !bIsLevelScriptActor 
				&& Prop->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_DisableEditOnInstance)
				&& PropClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_CompiledFromBlueprint) 
				&& !Prop->IsA(UDelegateProperty::StaticClass()) 
				&& !Prop->IsA(UMulticastDelegateProperty::StaticClass()) )
			Prop->CopyCompleteValue_InContainer(this, Default);
void UKismetMathLibrary::ResetRandomStream(const FRandomStream& Stream)