void ADynamicWeather::AdjustSunPositionBasedOnActorRotation()
  const FVector Direction = - GetActorQuat().GetForwardVector();
  const FVector2D SphericalCoords = Direction.UnitCartesianToSpherical();
  Weather.SunPolarAngle = FMath::RadiansToDegrees(SphericalCoords.X);
  Weather.SunAzimuthAngle = FMath::RadiansToDegrees(SphericalCoords.Y);
float AWheeledVehicleAIController::GoToNextTargetLocation(FVector &Direction)
  const auto &CurrentLocation = Vehicle->GetActorLocation();
  const auto Target = [&](){
    const auto &Result = TargetLocations.front();
    return FVector{Result.X, Result.Y, CurrentLocation.Z};

  if (Target.Equals(CurrentLocation, 80.0f)) {
    if (!TargetLocations.empty()) {
      return GoToNextTargetLocation(Direction);
    } else {
      return CalcStreeringValue(Direction);

  Direction = (Target - CurrentLocation).GetSafeNormal();

  const FVector &Forward = GetPawn()->GetActorForwardVector();

  float dirAngle = Direction.UnitCartesianToSpherical().Y;
  float actorAngle = Forward.UnitCartesianToSpherical().Y;

  dirAngle *= (180.0f / PI);
  actorAngle *= (180.0 / PI);

  float angle = dirAngle - actorAngle;

  if (angle > 180.0f) { angle -= 360.0f;} else if (angle < -180.0f) {
    angle += 360.0f;

  float Steering = 0.0f;
  if (angle < -MaximumSteerAngle) {
    Steering = -1.0f;
  } else if (angle > MaximumSteerAngle) {
    Steering = 1.0f;
  } else {
    Steering += angle / MaximumSteerAngle;

  return Steering;
float AWheeledVehicleAIController::CalcStreeringValue(FVector &direction)
  float steering = 0;
  FVector BoxExtent = Vehicle->GetVehicleBoundsExtent();
  FVector forward = Vehicle->GetActorForwardVector();

  FVector rightSensorPosition(BoxExtent.X / 2.0f, (BoxExtent.Y / 2.0f) + 100.0f, 0.0f);
  FVector leftSensorPosition(BoxExtent.X / 2.0f, -(BoxExtent.Y / 2.0f) - 100.0f, 0.0f);

  float forwardMagnitude = BoxExtent.X / 2.0f;

  float Magnitude = (float) sqrt(pow((double) leftSensorPosition.X, 2.0) + pow((double) leftSensorPosition.Y, 2.0));

  //same for the right and left
  float offset = FGenericPlatformMath::Acos(forwardMagnitude / Magnitude);

  float actorAngle = forward.UnitCartesianToSpherical().Y;

  float sinR = FGenericPlatformMath::Sin(actorAngle + offset);
  float cosR = FGenericPlatformMath::Cos(actorAngle + offset);

  float sinL = FGenericPlatformMath::Sin(actorAngle - offset);
  float cosL = FGenericPlatformMath::Cos(actorAngle - offset);

  rightSensorPosition.Y = sinR * Magnitude;
  rightSensorPosition.X = cosR * Magnitude;

  leftSensorPosition.Y = sinL * Magnitude;
  leftSensorPosition.X = cosL * Magnitude;

  FVector rightPositon = GetPawn()->GetActorLocation() + FVector(rightSensorPosition.X, rightSensorPosition.Y, 0.0f);
  FVector leftPosition = GetPawn()->GetActorLocation() + FVector(leftSensorPosition.X, leftSensorPosition.Y, 0.0f);

  FRoadMapPixelData rightRoadData = RoadMap->GetDataAt(rightPositon);
  if (!rightRoadData.IsRoad()) { steering -= 0.2f;}

  FRoadMapPixelData leftRoadData = RoadMap->GetDataAt(leftPosition);
  if (!leftRoadData.IsRoad()) { steering += 0.2f;}

  FRoadMapPixelData roadData = RoadMap->GetDataAt(GetPawn()->GetActorLocation());
  if (!roadData.IsRoad()) {
    steering = -1;
  } else if (roadData.HasDirection()) {

    direction = roadData.GetDirection();
    FVector right = rightRoadData.GetDirection();
    FVector left = leftRoadData.GetDirection();

    forward.Z = 0.0f;

    float dirAngle = direction.UnitCartesianToSpherical().Y;
    float rightAngle = right.UnitCartesianToSpherical().Y;
    float leftAngle = left.UnitCartesianToSpherical().Y;

    dirAngle *= (180.0f / PI);
    rightAngle *= (180.0 / PI);
    leftAngle *= (180.0 / PI);
    actorAngle *= (180.0 / PI);

    float min = dirAngle - 90.0f;
    if (min < -180.0f) { min = 180.0f + (min + 180.0f);}

    float max = dirAngle + 90.0f;
    if (max > 180.0f) { max = -180.0f + (max - 180.0f);}

    if (dirAngle < -90.0 || dirAngle > 90.0) {
      if (rightAngle < min && rightAngle > max) { steering -= 0.2f;}
      if (leftAngle < min && leftAngle > max) { steering += 0.2f;}
    } else {
      if (rightAngle < min || rightAngle > max) { steering -= 0.2f;}
      if (leftAngle < min || leftAngle > max) { steering += 0.2f;}

    float angle = dirAngle - actorAngle;

    if (angle > 180.0f) { angle -= 360.0f;} else if (angle < -180.0f) {
      angle += 360.0f;

    if (angle < -MaximumSteerAngle) {
      steering = -1.0f;
    } else if (angle > MaximumSteerAngle) {
      steering = 1.0f;
    } else {
      steering += angle / MaximumSteerAngle;

  return steering;