CC_FILE_ERROR FBXFilter::saveToFile(ccHObject* entity, QString filename, SaveParameters& parameters) { if (!entity) return CC_FERR_BAD_ARGUMENT; std::vector<ccGenericMesh*> meshes; if (entity->isKindOf(CC_TYPES::MESH)) { meshes.push_back(static_cast<ccGenericMesh*>(entity)); } else if (entity->isA(CC_TYPES::HIERARCHY_OBJECT)) { for (unsigned i=0; i<entity->getChildrenNumber(); ++i) { ccHObject* child = entity->getChild(i); if (child->isKindOf(CC_TYPES::MESH)) meshes.push_back(static_cast<ccGenericMesh*>(child)); } } if (meshes.empty()) { return CC_FERR_NO_SAVE; } //The first thing to do is to create the FBX Manager which is the object allocator for almost all the classes in the SDK FbxManager* lSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); if( !lSdkManager ) { ccLog::Warning("[FBX] Error: Unable to create FBX Manager!"); return CC_FERR_CONSOLE_ERROR; } else { ccLog::Print("[FBX] Autodesk FBX SDK version %s", lSdkManager->GetVersion()); } try { //Create an IOSettings object. This object holds all import/export settings. FbxIOSettings* ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(lSdkManager, IOSROOT); lSdkManager->SetIOSettings(ios); //Load plugins from the executable directory (optional) //FbxString lPath = FbxGetApplicationDirectory(); //lSdkManager->LoadPluginsDirectory(lPath.Buffer()); //Create an FBX scene. This object holds most objects imported/exported from/to files. FbxScene* lScene = FbxScene::Create(lSdkManager, "My Scene"); if( !lScene ) { ccLog::Warning("[FBX] Error: Unable to create FBX scene!"); return CC_FERR_CONSOLE_ERROR; } // create scene info { FbxDocumentInfo* sceneInfo = FbxDocumentInfo::Create(lSdkManager,"SceneInfo"); sceneInfo->mTitle = qPrintable(QString("Mesh: ") + (meshes.size() == 1 ? meshes[0]->getName() : QString("Multiple meshes"))); sceneInfo->mAuthor = "CloudCompare"; sceneInfo->mRevision = "rev. 1.0"; sceneInfo->mKeywords = "cloudcompare mesh"; // we need to add the sceneInfo before calling AddThumbNailToScene because // that function is asking the scene for the sceneInfo. lScene->SetSceneInfo(sceneInfo); } //create thumbnail //{ // FbxThumbnail* lThumbnail = FbxThumbnail::Create(lScene,""); // lThumbnail->SetDataFormat(FbxThumbnail::eRGB_24); // lThumbnail->SetSize(FbxThumbnail::e64x64); // lThumbnail->SetThumbnailImage(cSceneThumbnail); // if (lScene->GetSceneInfo()) // { // lScene->GetSceneInfo()->SetSceneThumbnail(lThumbnail); // } //} // Build the node tree. FbxNode* lRootNode = lScene->GetRootNode(); { for (size_t i=0; i<meshes.size(); ++i) { FbxNode* meshNode = ToFbxMesh(meshes[i],lScene,filename,i); if (meshNode) lRootNode->AddChild(meshNode); else ccLog::Warning(QString("[FBX] Failed to convert mesh '%1' to FBX mesh/node!").arg(meshes[i]->getName())); } } int fileFormat = -1; //Display a combox box to let the user choose the export file format { FbxManager* pSdkManager = FbxManager::GetDefaultManager(); int lFormatCount = pSdkManager ? pSdkManager->GetIOPluginRegistry()->GetWriterFormatCount() : 0; if (lFormatCount > 0) { if (s_defaultOutputFormat.isEmpty()) { try { QMessageBox msgBox(QMessageBox::Question,"FBX format","Choose output format:"); QMap<QAbstractButton*,int> buttons; for (int lFormatIndex=0; lFormatIndex<lFormatCount; lFormatIndex++) { if (pSdkManager->GetIOPluginRegistry()->WriterIsFBX(lFormatIndex)) { FbxString lDesc = pSdkManager->GetIOPluginRegistry()->GetWriterFormatDescription(lFormatIndex); QPushButton *button = msgBox.addButton(lDesc.Buffer(), QMessageBox::AcceptRole); buttons[button] = lFormatIndex; } } msgBox.exec(); //get the right format fileFormat = buttons[msgBox.clickedButton()]; } catch(...) { } } else { //try to find the default output format as set by the user for (int lFormatIndex=0; lFormatIndex<lFormatCount; lFormatIndex++) { if (pSdkManager->GetIOPluginRegistry()->WriterIsFBX(lFormatIndex)) { FbxString lDesc = pSdkManager->GetIOPluginRegistry()->GetWriterFormatDescription(lFormatIndex); QString sanitizedDesc = SanitizeFBXFormatString(lDesc.Buffer()); if (s_defaultOutputFormat == sanitizedDesc) { ccLog::Print(QString("[FBX] Default output file format: %1").arg(sanitizedDesc)); fileFormat = lFormatIndex; break; } } } //if we failed to find the specified file format, warn the user and display the list of supported formats if (fileFormat < 0) { ccLog::Warning(QString("[FBX] File format '%1' not supported").arg(s_defaultOutputFormat)); ccLog::Print("[FBX] Supported output formats:"); for (int lFormatIndex=0; lFormatIndex<lFormatCount; lFormatIndex++) { if (pSdkManager->GetIOPluginRegistry()->WriterIsFBX(lFormatIndex)) { FbxString lDesc = pSdkManager->GetIOPluginRegistry()->GetWriterFormatDescription(lFormatIndex); ccLog::Print(QString("\t- %1").arg(SanitizeFBXFormatString(lDesc.Buffer()))); } } } } } } // Save the scene. bool lResult = SaveScene(lSdkManager, lScene, qPrintable(filename),fileFormat); // Destroy all objects created by the FBX SDK. if( lSdkManager ) lSdkManager->Destroy(); return lResult ? CC_FERR_NO_ERROR : CC_FERR_CONSOLE_ERROR; } catch(...) { ccLog::Warning("[FBX] FBX SDK has thrown an unknown exception!"); return CC_FERR_THIRD_PARTY_LIB_EXCEPTION; } }
CC_FILE_ERROR FBXFilter::saveToFile(ccHObject* entity, const char* filename) { if (!entity) return CC_FERR_BAD_ARGUMENT; std::vector<ccGenericMesh*> meshes; if (entity->isKindOf(CC_MESH)) { meshes.push_back(static_cast<ccGenericMesh*>(entity)); } else if (entity->isA(CC_HIERARCHY_OBJECT)) { for (unsigned i=0; i<entity->getChildrenNumber(); ++i) { ccHObject* child = entity->getChild(i); if (child->isKindOf(CC_MESH)) meshes.push_back(static_cast<ccGenericMesh*>(child)); } } if (meshes.empty()) { return CC_FERR_NO_SAVE; } //The first thing to do is to create the FBX Manager which is the object allocator for almost all the classes in the SDK FbxManager* lSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); if( !lSdkManager ) { ccLog::Warning("[FBX] Error: Unable to create FBX Manager!"); return CC_FERR_CONSOLE_ERROR; } else { ccLog::Print("[FBX] Autodesk FBX SDK version %s", lSdkManager->GetVersion()); } //Create an IOSettings object. This object holds all import/export settings. FbxIOSettings* ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(lSdkManager, IOSROOT); lSdkManager->SetIOSettings(ios); //Load plugins from the executable directory (optional) //FbxString lPath = FbxGetApplicationDirectory(); //lSdkManager->LoadPluginsDirectory(lPath.Buffer()); //Create an FBX scene. This object holds most objects imported/exported from/to files. FbxScene* lScene = FbxScene::Create(lSdkManager, "My Scene"); if( !lScene ) { ccLog::Warning("[FBX] Error: Unable to create FBX scene!"); return CC_FERR_CONSOLE_ERROR; } // create scene info { FbxDocumentInfo* sceneInfo = FbxDocumentInfo::Create(lSdkManager,"SceneInfo"); sceneInfo->mTitle = qPrintable(QString("Mesh: ") + (meshes.size() == 1 ? meshes[0]->getName() : QString("Multiple meshes"))); sceneInfo->mAuthor = "CloudCompare"; sceneInfo->mRevision = "rev. 1.0"; sceneInfo->mKeywords = "cloudcompare mesh"; // we need to add the sceneInfo before calling AddThumbNailToScene because // that function is asking the scene for the sceneInfo. lScene->SetSceneInfo(sceneInfo); } //create thumbnail //{ // FbxThumbnail* lThumbnail = FbxThumbnail::Create(lScene,""); // lThumbnail->SetDataFormat(FbxThumbnail::eRGB_24); // lThumbnail->SetSize(FbxThumbnail::e64x64); // lThumbnail->SetThumbnailImage(cSceneThumbnail); // if (lScene->GetSceneInfo()) // { // lScene->GetSceneInfo()->SetSceneThumbnail(lThumbnail); // } //} // Build the node tree. FbxNode* lRootNode = lScene->GetRootNode(); { for (size_t i=0; i<meshes.size(); ++i) { FbxNode* meshNode = ToFbxMesh(meshes[i],lScene); if (meshNode) lRootNode->AddChild(meshNode); else ccLog::Warning(QString("[FBX] Failed to convert mesh '%1' to FBX mesh/node!").arg(meshes[i]->getName())); } } // Save the scene. bool lResult = SaveScene(lSdkManager, lScene, filename); // Destroy all objects created by the FBX SDK. if( lSdkManager ) lSdkManager->Destroy(); return lResult ? CC_FERR_NO_ERROR : CC_FERR_CONSOLE_ERROR; }