bool FeRomList::load_romlist( const std::string &path,
			const std::string &romlist_name,
			const std::string &user_path,
			const std::string &stat_path,
			FeDisplayInfo &display )
	m_user_path = user_path;
	m_romlist_name = romlist_name;

	m_availability_checked = false;

	m_global_filter_ptr = NULL;
	m_global_filtered_out_count = 0;

	FeFilter *first_filter = display.get_global_filter();
	if ( first_filter )

		if ( !first_filter->test_for_target( FeRomInfo::FileIsAvailable )
			&& !first_filter->test_for_target( FeRomInfo::Favourite )
			&& !first_filter->test_for_target( FeRomInfo::Tags ) )
			// If the global filter doesn't care about file availability,
			// favourites or tags then we can apply it right up front when we
			// load the romlist.  We signal this by setting m_global_filter_ptr
			m_global_filter_ptr = first_filter;
			first_filter = NULL;

	sf::Clock load_timer;

	bool retval = FeBaseConfigurable::load_from_file(
			path + m_romlist_name + FE_ROMLIST_FILE_EXTENSION, ";" );

	// Create rom name to romlist entry lookup map
	std::map < std::string, FeRomInfo * > rom_map;
	std::map < std::string, FeRomInfo * >::iterator rm_itr;
	for ( FeRomInfoListType::iterator itr = m_list.begin(); itr != m_list.end(); ++itr )
		rom_map[ (*itr).get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ) ] = &(*itr);

	// Load favourites

	std::string load_name( m_user_path + m_romlist_name + FE_FAVOURITE_FILE_EXTENSION );
	std::ifstream myfile( load_name.c_str() );

	if ( myfile.is_open() )
		while ( myfile.good() )
			size_t pos=0;
			std::string line, name;

			getline( myfile, line );
			token_helper( line, pos, name );

			if ( !name.empty() )
				rm_itr = rom_map.find( name );
				if ( rm_itr != rom_map.end() )
					(*rm_itr).second->set_info( FeRomInfo::Favourite, "1" );
					m_extra_favs.insert( name );


	// Load tags
	load_name = m_user_path + m_romlist_name + "/";

	if ( directory_exists( load_name ) )
		std::vector<std::string> temp_tags;
		get_basename_from_extension( temp_tags, load_name, FE_FAVOURITE_FILE_EXTENSION );

		for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr=temp_tags.begin(); itr!=temp_tags.end(); ++itr )
			if ( (*itr).empty() )

			std::ifstream myfile( std::string(load_name + (*itr) + FE_FAVOURITE_FILE_EXTENSION).c_str() );

			if ( !myfile.is_open() )

			std::map<std::string, bool>::iterator itt = m_tags.begin();
			itt = m_tags.insert( itt, std::pair<std::string,bool>( (*itr), false ) );

			while ( myfile.good() )
				size_t pos=0;
				std::string line, rname;

				getline( myfile, line );
				token_helper( line, pos, rname );

				if ( !rname.empty() )
					rm_itr = rom_map.find( rname );
					if ( rm_itr != rom_map.end() )
						(*rm_itr).second->append_tag( (*itt).first.c_str() );
						m_extra_tags.insert( std::pair<std::string,const char*>(rname, (*itt).first.c_str() ) );


	// Apply global filter if it hasn't been applied already
	if ( first_filter )
		if ( first_filter->test_for_target( FeRomInfo::FileIsAvailable ) )

		FeRomInfoListType::iterator last_it=m_list.begin();
		for ( FeRomInfoListType::iterator it=m_list.begin(); it!=m_list.end(); )
			if ( first_filter->apply_filter( *it ) )
				if ( last_it != it )
					it = m_list.erase( last_it, it );

				last_it = it;
				// This rom is being filtered out and we may need to keep track of a few things
				// 1. Track if this is a favourite...
				if ( !(*it).get_info( FeRomInfo::Favourite ).empty() )
					m_extra_favs.insert( (*it).get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname ) );

				// 2. Track if this rom has tags we'll need to keep
				if ( !(*it).get_info( FeRomInfo::Tags ).empty() )
					const std::string &name = (*it).get_info( FeRomInfo::Romname );
					const std::string &tags = (*it).get_info( FeRomInfo::Tags );
					const char sep[] = { FE_TAGS_SEP, 0 };

					size_t pos=0;
					while ( pos < tags.size() )
						std::string one_tag;
						token_helper( tags, pos, one_tag, sep );

						std::map<std::string, bool>::iterator itt = m_tags.find( one_tag );
						if ( itt != m_tags.end() )
							m_extra_tags.insert( std::pair<std::string,const char *>( name, (*itt).first.c_str() ) );


		if ( last_it != m_list.end() )
			m_list.erase( last_it, m_list.end() );

	std::cout << " - Loaded master romlist '" << m_romlist_name
			<< "' in " << load_timer.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds()
			<< " ms (" << m_list.size() << " entries kept, " << m_global_filtered_out_count
			<< " discarded)" << std::endl;


	// Apply filters
	int filters_count = display.get_filter_count();

	// If the display doesn't have any filters configured, we create a single "filter" in the romlist object
	// with every romlist entry in it
	if ( filters_count == 0 )
		filters_count = 1;

	m_filtered_list.reserve( filters_count );
	for ( int i=0; i<filters_count; i++ )
		m_filtered_list.push_back( std::vector< FeRomInfo *>()  );

		FeFilter *f = display.get_filter( i );
		if ( f )
			if ( f->get_size() > 0 ) // if this is non zero then we've loaded before and know how many to expect
				m_filtered_list[i].reserve( f->get_size() );

			if ( f->test_for_target( FeRomInfo::FileIsAvailable ) )

			for ( FeRomInfoListType::iterator itr=m_list.begin(); itr!=m_list.end(); ++itr )
				if ( f->apply_filter( *itr ) )
					m_filtered_list[i].push_back( &( *itr ) );
		else // no filter situation, so we just add the entire list...
			m_filtered_list[i].reserve( m_list.size() );
			for ( FeRomInfoListType::iterator itr=m_list.begin(); itr!=m_list.end(); ++itr )
				m_filtered_list[i].push_back( &( *itr ) );

		// make sure stats are loaded for the roms we will be showing
		if ( !stat_path.empty() )
			for ( std::vector< FeRomInfo * >::iterator itf=m_filtered_list[i].begin();
						++itf )
				(*itf)->load_stats( stat_path ); // this will just return if stats are already loaded for the rom

		if ( f )
			// track the size of the filtered list in our filter info object
			f->set_size( m_filtered_list[i].size() );

			// Sort and/or prune now if configured for this filter
			FeRomInfo::Index sort_by=f->get_sort_by();
			bool rev = f->get_reverse_order();
			int list_limit = f->get_list_limit();

			if ( sort_by != FeRomInfo::LAST_INDEX )
				std::stable_sort( m_filtered_list[i].begin(),
						FeRomListSorter2( sort_by, rev ) );
			else if ( rev != false )
				std::reverse( m_filtered_list[i].begin(), m_filtered_list[i].end() );

			if (( list_limit != 0 ) && ( (int)m_filtered_list[i].size() > abs( list_limit ) ))
				if ( list_limit > 0 )
					m_filtered_list[i].erase( m_filtered_list[i].begin() + list_limit, m_filtered_list[i].end() );
					m_filtered_list[i].erase( m_filtered_list[i].begin(), m_filtered_list[i].end() + list_limit );

	std::cout << " - Constructed " << filters_count << " filters in "
			<< load_timer.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds()
			<< " ms (" << filters_count * m_list.size() << " comparisons)" << std::endl;

	return retval;