    FeatureCursor* createFeatureCursor( const Symbology::Query& query )
        TileKey key = *query.tileKey();

        int z = key.getLevelOfDetail();
        int tileX = key.getTileX();
        int tileY = key.getTileY();

        unsigned int numRows, numCols;
        key.getProfile()->getNumTiles(key.getLevelOfDetail(), numCols, numRows);
        tileY  = numRows - tileY - 1;

        //Get the image
        sqlite3_stmt* select = NULL;
        std::string queryStr = "SELECT tile_data from tiles where zoom_level = ? AND tile_column = ? AND tile_row = ?";
        int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2( _database, queryStr.c_str(), -1, &select, 0L );
        if ( rc != SQLITE_OK )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Failed to prepare SQL: " << queryStr << "; " << sqlite3_errmsg(_database) << std::endl;
            return NULL;

        bool valid = true;        

        sqlite3_bind_int( select, 1, z );
        sqlite3_bind_int( select, 2, tileX );
        sqlite3_bind_int( select, 3, tileY );

        rc = sqlite3_step( select );

        FeatureList features;

        if ( rc == SQLITE_ROW)
            // the pointer returned from _blob gets freed internally by sqlite, supposedly
            const char* data = (const char*)sqlite3_column_blob( select, 0 );
            int dataLen = sqlite3_column_bytes( select, 0 );
            std::string dataBuffer( data, dataLen );
            std::stringstream in(dataBuffer);
            MVT::read(in, key, features);
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "SQL QUERY failed for " << queryStr << ": " << std::endl;
            valid = false;

        sqlite3_finalize( select );

        // apply filters before returning.
        applyFilters( features );

        if (!features.empty())
            //OE_NOTICE << "Returning " << features.size() << " features" << std::endl;
            return new FeatureListCursor(features);

        return 0;
      virtual void traverse( FeatureTile* tile)
          if (_added && _cropMethod != CropFilter::METHOD_CROPPING) return;

          bool traverse = true;

          GeoExtent featureExtent(_feature->getSRS(), _feature->getGeometry()->getBounds());
          if (featureExtent.intersects( tile->getExtent()))
              //If the node contains the feature, and it doesn't contain the max number of features add it.  If it's already full then 
              //split it.
              if (tile->getKey().getLevelOfDetail() >= (unsigned int)_firstLevel && 
                  (tile->getFeatures().size() < (unsigned int)_maxFeatures || tile->getKey().getLevelOfDetail() == _maxLevel || tile->getKey().getLevelOfDetail() == _levelAdded))
                  if (_levelAdded < 0 || _levelAdded == tile->getKey().getLevelOfDetail())
                      osg::ref_ptr< Feature > clone = new Feature( *_feature, osg::CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_ALL );
                      FeatureList features;
                      features.push_back( clone );

                      CropFilter cropFilter(_cropMethod);
                      FilterContext context(0);
                      context.extent() = tile->getExtent();
                      cropFilter.push( features, context );

                      if (!features.empty() && clone->getGeometry() && clone->getGeometry()->isValid())
                          //tile->getFeatures().push_back( clone );
                          tile->getFeatures().push_back( clone->getFID() );
                          _added = true;
                          _levelAdded = tile->getKey().getLevelOfDetail();
                          traverse = false;

                  if (traverse || _cropMethod == CropFilter::METHOD_CROPPING)
                      tile->traverse( this );
                  tile->traverse( this );


    osg::HeightField* createHeightField( const TileKey&        key,
                                         ProgressCallback*     progress)
        if (key.getLevelOfDetail() > _maxDataLevel)
            //OE_NOTICE << "Reached maximum data resolution key=" << key.getLevelOfDetail() << " max=" << _maxDataLevel <<  std::endl;
            return NULL;

        int tileSize = _options.tileSize().value();

        //Allocate the heightfield
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::HeightField> hf = new osg::HeightField;
        hf->allocate(tileSize, tileSize);
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hf->getHeightList().size(); ++i) hf->getHeightList()[i] = NO_DATA_VALUE;

	    if (intersects(key))
            //Get the extents of the tile
            double xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
            key.getExtent().getBounds(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);

            const SpatialReference* featureSRS = _features->getFeatureProfile()->getSRS();
            GeoExtent extentInFeatureSRS = key.getExtent().transform( featureSRS );

            const SpatialReference* keySRS = key.getProfile()->getSRS();
            // populate feature list
            // assemble a spatial query. It helps if your features have a spatial index.
            Query query;
            query.bounds() = extentInFeatureSRS.bounds();

		    FeatureList featureList;
            osg::ref_ptr<FeatureCursor> cursor = _features->createFeatureCursor(query);
            while ( cursor.valid() && cursor->hasMore() )
                Feature* f = cursor->nextFeature();
                if ( f && f->getGeometry() )

            // We now have a feature list in feature SRS.

            bool transformRequired = !keySRS->isHorizEquivalentTo(featureSRS);
			if (!featureList.empty())
				// Iterate over the output heightfield and sample the data that was read into it.
				double dx = (xmax - xmin) / (tileSize-1);
				double dy = (ymax - ymin) / (tileSize-1);

				for (int c = 0; c < tileSize; ++c)
					double geoX = xmin + (dx * (double)c);
					for (int r = 0; r < tileSize; ++r)
						double geoY = ymin + (dy * (double)r);

						float h = NO_DATA_VALUE;

						for (FeatureList::iterator f = featureList.begin(); f != featureList.end(); ++f)
							osgEarth::Symbology::Polygon* boundary = dynamic_cast<osgEarth::Symbology::Polygon*>((*f)->getGeometry());

							if (!boundary)
								OE_WARN << LC << "NOT A POLYGON" << std::endl;
								GeoPoint geo(keySRS, geoX, geoY, 0.0, ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE);

                                if ( transformRequired )
                                    geo = geo.transform(featureSRS);

								if ( boundary->contains2D(geo.x(), geo.y()) )
                                    h = (*f)->getDouble(_options.attr().value());

                                    if ( keySRS->isGeographic() )
                                        // for a round earth, must adjust the final elevation accounting for the
                                        // curvature of the earth; so we have to adjust it in the feature boundary's
                                        // local tangent plane.
                                        Bounds bounds = boundary->getBounds();
                                        GeoPoint anchor( featureSRS, bounds.center().x(), bounds.center().y(), h, ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE );
                                        if ( transformRequired )
                                            anchor = anchor.transform(keySRS);

                                        // For transforming between ECEF and local tangent plane:
                                        osg::Matrix localToWorld, worldToLocal;
                                        worldToLocal.invert( localToWorld );

                                        // Get the ECEF location of the anchor point:
                                        osg::Vec3d ecef;
                                        geo.toWorld( ecef );

                                        // Move it into Local Tangent Plane coordinates:
                                        osg::Vec3d local = ecef * worldToLocal;

                                        // Reset the Z to zero, since the LTP is centered on the "h" elevation:
                                        local.z() = 0.0;

                                        // Back into ECEF:
                                        ecef = local * localToWorld;

                                        // And back into lat/long/alt:
                                        geo.fromWorld( geo.getSRS(), ecef);

                                        h = geo.z();

						hf->setHeight(c, r, h-0.1);
        return hf.release();
    FeatureCursor* createFeatureCursor( const Symbology::Query& query )
        TileKey key = *query.tileKey();

#if 0
        // Debug
        Polygon* poly = new Polygon();
        poly->push_back(key.getExtent().xMin(), key.getExtent().yMin());
        poly->push_back(key.getExtent().xMax(), key.getExtent().yMin());
        poly->push_back(key.getExtent().xMax(), key.getExtent().yMax());
        poly->push_back(key.getExtent().xMin(), key.getExtent().yMax());
        FeatureList features;
        Feature* feature = new Feature(poly, SpatialReference::create("wgs84"));
        features.push_back( feature );
        return new FeatureListCursor( features );

        osg::ref_ptr< osgEarth::ImageLayer > layer = query.getMap()->getImageLayerByName(*_options.layer());
        if (layer.valid())
            GeoImage image = layer->createImage( key );
            FeatureList features;

            if (image.valid())
                double pixWidth  = key.getExtent().width() / (double)image.getImage()->s();
                double pixHeight = key.getExtent().height() / (double)image.getImage()->t();
                ImageUtils::PixelReader reader(image.getImage());

                for (unsigned int r = 0; r < image.getImage()->t(); r++)
                    double y = key.getExtent().yMin() + (double)r * pixHeight;

                    double minX = 0;
                    double maxX = 0;
                    float value = 0.0;

                    for (unsigned int c = 0; c < image.getImage()->s(); c++)
                        double x = key.getExtent().xMin() + (double)c * pixWidth;

                        osg::Vec4f color = reader(c, r);

                        // Starting a new row.  Initialize the values.
                        if (c == 0)
                            minX = x;
                            maxX = x + pixWidth;
                            value = color.r(); 
                        // Ending a row, finish the polygon.
                        else if (c == image.getImage()->s() -1)
                            // Increment the maxX to finish the row.
                            maxX = x + pixWidth;
                            Polygon* poly = new Polygon();
                            poly->push_back(minX, y);
                            poly->push_back(maxX, y);
                            poly->push_back(maxX, y+pixHeight);
                            poly->push_back(minX, y+pixHeight);
                            Feature* feature = new Feature(poly, SpatialReference::create("wgs84"));
                            feature->set(*_options.attribute(), value);
                            features.push_back( feature );
                            minX = x;
                            maxX = x + pixWidth;
                            value = color.r();
                        // The value is different, so complete the polygon and start a new one.
                        else if (color.r() != value)
                            Polygon* poly = new Polygon();
                            poly->push_back(minX, y);
                            poly->push_back(maxX, y);
                            poly->push_back(maxX, y+pixHeight);
                            poly->push_back(minX, y+pixHeight);
                            Feature* feature = new Feature(poly, SpatialReference::create("wgs84"));
                            feature->set(*_options.attribute(), value);
                            features.push_back( feature );
                            minX = x;
                            maxX = x + pixWidth;
                            value = color.r();
                        // The value is the same as the previous value, continue the polygon by increasing the maxX.
                        else if (color.r() == value)
                            maxX = x + pixWidth;

                if (!features.empty())
                    //OE_NOTICE << LC << "Returning " << features.size() << " features" << std::endl;
                    return new FeatureListCursor( features );
            OE_NOTICE << LC << "Couldn't get layer " << *_options.layer() << std::endl;
        return 0;
    FeatureCursor* createFeatureCursor(const Symbology::Query& query, ProgressCallback* progress)
        FeatureCursor* result = 0L;

        std::string url = createURL( query );

        // the URL wil lbe empty if it was invalid or outside the level bounds of the layer.
        if (url.empty())
            return 0L;

        OE_DEBUG << LC << url << std::endl;
        URI uri(url, _options.url()->context());

        // read the data:
        ReadResult r = uri.readString(_readOptions.get(), progress);

        const std::string& buffer = r.getString();
        const Config&      meta   = r.metadata();

        bool dataOK = false;

        FeatureList features;
        if ( !buffer.empty() )
            // Get the mime-type from the metadata record if possible
            std::string mimeType = r.metadata().value( IOMetadata::CONTENT_TYPE );
            //If the mimetype is empty then try to set it from the format specification
            if (mimeType.empty())
                if (_options.format().value() == "json") mimeType = "json";
                else if (_options.format().value().compare("gml") == 0) mimeType = "text/xml";
                else if (_options.format().value().compare("pbf") == 0) mimeType = "application/x-protobuf";
            dataOK = getFeatures( buffer, *query.tileKey(), mimeType, features );

        if ( dataOK )
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "Read " << features.size() << " features" << std::endl;

        //If we have any filters, process them here before the cursor is created
        if (getFilters() && !getFilters()->empty() && !features.empty())
            FilterContext cx;
            cx.extent() = query.tileKey()->getExtent();

            for (FeatureFilterChain::const_iterator i = getFilters()->begin(); i != getFilters()->end(); ++i)
                FeatureFilter* filter = i->get();
                cx = filter->push(features, cx);

        // If we have any features and we have an fid attribute, override the fid of the features
        if (_options.fidAttribute().isSet())
            for (FeatureList::iterator itr = features.begin(); itr != features.end(); ++itr)
                std::string attr = itr->get()->getString(_options.fidAttribute().get());                
                FeatureID fid = as<long>(attr, 0);
                itr->get()->setFID( fid );

        result = new FeatureListCursor(features);
        return result;
    FilterContext push(FeatureList& input, FilterContext& context)
        if (_featureSource.valid())
            // Get any features that intersect this query.
            FeatureList boundaries;
            getFeatures(context.extent().get(), boundaries );
            // The list of output features
            FeatureList output;

            if (boundaries.empty())
                // No intersecting features.  If contains is false, then just the output to the input.
                if (contains() == false)
                    output = input;
                // Transform the boundaries into the coordinate system of the features
                for (FeatureList::iterator itr = boundaries.begin(); itr != boundaries.end(); ++itr)
                    itr->get()->transform( context.profile()->getSRS() );

                for(FeatureList::const_iterator f = input.begin(); f != input.end(); ++f)
                    Feature* feature = f->get();
                    if ( feature && feature->getGeometry() )
                        osg::Vec2d c = feature->getGeometry()->getBounds().center2d();

                        if ( contains() == true )
                            // coarsest:
                            if (_featureSource->getFeatureProfile()->getExtent().contains(GeoPoint(feature->getSRS(), c.x(), c.y())))
                                for (FeatureList::iterator itr = boundaries.begin(); itr != boundaries.end(); ++itr)
                                    Ring* ring = dynamic_cast< Ring*>(itr->get()->getGeometry());
                                    if (ring && ring->contains2D(c.x(), c.y()))
                                        output.push_back( feature );

                            bool contained = false;

                            // coarsest:
                            if (_featureSource->getFeatureProfile()->getExtent().contains(GeoPoint(feature->getSRS(), c.x(), c.y())))
                                for (FeatureList::iterator itr = boundaries.begin(); itr != boundaries.end(); ++itr)
                                    Ring* ring = dynamic_cast< Ring*>(itr->get()->getGeometry());
                                    if (ring && ring->contains2D(c.x(), c.y()))
                                        contained = true;
                            if ( !contained )
                                output.push_back( feature );

            OE_INFO << LC << "Allowed " << output.size() << " out of " << input.size() << " features\n";

            input = output;

        return context;