bool StudentLocalization::stepFindHead(const IntensityImage &image, FeatureMap &features) const { int yTop = getTopOfHead(image); int alpha = 13; int* histogram; int left, right; int diffFirstLast = -1, maxDiffFirstLast = -1; int ySides = -1; //number of slices the image will be 'cut' into for the histograms int count = ((image.getHeight() - yTop - 1) / alpha) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { //get histogram of current slice histogram = getHistogramX(image, alpha, yTop + i * alpha); findSidesInHistogram(histogram, image.getWidth(), &left, &right); //if no two sides have been found continue to the next slice if (left == -1 || right == -1) { continue; } //find the first peak gap between the left and right side to detect the position of the ears diffFirstLast = right - left; if (diffFirstLast > maxDiffFirstLast) { maxDiffFirstLast = diffFirstLast; } else { //if the gap is lower than the max, a peak has been found //and the y position of the ears will be set to the middle of the slice //where the peak is detected ySides = yTop + (i + 1) * alpha; break; } } //if no peak is detected return false if (ySides == -1) { return false; } //set the results in the feature map Point2D<double> * pointLeftSideHead = new Point2D<double>(left, ySides); Feature * leftSideHead = new Feature(Feature::FEATURE_HEAD_LEFT_SIDE, *pointLeftSideHead); features.putFeature(*leftSideHead); Point2D<double> * pointRightSideHead = new Point2D<double>(right, ySides); Feature * rightSideHead = new Feature(Feature::FEATURE_HEAD_RIGHT_SIDE, *pointRightSideHead); features.putFeature(*rightSideHead); Point2D<double> * pointTopOfHead = new Point2D<double>((left + right) / 2, yTop); Feature * topOfHead = new Feature(Feature::FEATURE_HEAD_TOP, *pointTopOfHead); features.putFeature(*topOfHead); return true; }
bool StudentLocalization::stepFindChinContours(const IntensityImage &image, FeatureMap &features) const { //Get the position of the mouth Feature Mouth = features.getFeature(Feature::FEATURE_MOUTH_TOP); Point2D<double> MouthPosition; //Initialise the chin feature std::vector<Point2D<double>> ChinPositions; Feature Chin = Feature(Feature::FEATURE_CHIN); Feature ChinContour = Feature(Feature::FEATURE_CHIN_CONTOUR); int y = 0; int m = 0; //Draw a half circle starting from the center of the mouth for (int j = HALF_CIRCLE; j > 0; j -= DEGREE_STEP){ //reset the position of the mouth MouthPosition.set(Mouth.getX(), Mouth.getY()); MouthPosition.set(drawLine(j, START_POSITION, MouthPosition)); m = m + 1; for (int i = 0; i < MEASURE_RANGE; i++){ MouthPosition.set(drawLine(j, MEASURE_STEP, MouthPosition)); Intensity pixel = image.getPixel(MouthPosition.getX(), MouthPosition.getY()); // If the intensity of the current pixel is lower than 2 (which means it is black) if (pixel < 2){ // If the current angle is within the bounds of the half circle if (j < RIGHT_HALF && j > LEFT_HALF){ ChinContour.addPoint(drawLine(j, 2, MouthPosition)); } else{ //Draw a point on the mouth position, to indicate the detection failed. ChinContour.addPoint(MouthPosition); } break; } } } features.putFeature(ChinContour); return true; }
bool StudentLocalization::stepFindExactEyes(const IntensityImage &image, FeatureMap &features) const { int temp = 0; ImageIO::saveIntensityImage(image, ImageIO::getDebugFileName("input.png")); IntensityImageStudent copy(image); double** d_kern = new double*[3]; for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) { d_kern[y] = new double[3]; } d_kern[0][0] = 0; d_kern[0][1] = 1; d_kern[0][2] = 0; d_kern[1][0] = 1; d_kern[1][1] = 0; d_kern[1][2] = 1; d_kern[2][0] = 0; d_kern[2][1] = 1; d_kern[2][2] = 0; StudentKernel dilation = StudentKernel(d_kern, 3, 3, 0); Feature top = features.getFeature(Feature::FEATURE_HEAD_TOP); Feature bottom = features.getFeature(Feature::FEATURE_CHIN); Feature nose_bottom = features.getFeature(Feature::FEATURE_NOSE_BOTTOM); Feature headsideleft = features.getFeature(Feature::FEATURE_HEAD_LEFT_SIDE); Feature headsideright = features.getFeature(Feature::FEATURE_HEAD_RIGHT_SIDE); const int nose_to_top = nose_bottom.getY() - top.getY(); #if UNNECESSARY_CODE #endif Point2D<double> headsidelp = headsideleft.getPoints()[0]; headsidelp.setY(top.getY() + (nose_to_top*3/5)); headsidelp.setX((headsidelp.getX())); Point2D<double> headsiderp = headsideright.getPoints()[0]; headsiderp.setY(nose_bottom.getY() - (nose_to_top*1/5)); headsiderp.setX((headsiderp.getX() + 3)); IntensityImageStudent eyes = ImageUtils::subimage(&image, headsidelp, headsiderp); IntensityImageStudent eyes_dilated = dilation.dilate(&eyes); StudentHistogram histo{eyes_dilated.getWidth()}; int zero_points[2] = { 0, histo.get_length() * 1 / 7 }; int lowest_found[2] = { eyes_dilated.getHeight(), eyes_dilated.getHeight() }; int left_out = 0, left_out_x = 0, right_out = 0, right_out_x = 0, left_in = 0, left_in_x = 0, right_in = 0, right_in_x = 0; for (int x = 0; x < histo.get_length(); x++){ temp = 0; for (int y = 0; y < eyes_dilated.getHeight(); y++){ temp += eyes_dilated.getPixel(x, y) > 127 ? 0 : 1; } histo.set_value(x, temp); if (x < histo.get_length() * 3 / 10 && temp <= lowest_found[0]){ lowest_found[0] = temp; zero_points[0] = x; } if (x > histo.get_length() * 7 / 10 && temp < lowest_found[1]){ lowest_found[1] = temp; zero_points[1] = x; } } headsidelp.setX(headsidelp.getX() + zero_points[0]); headsiderp.setX(headsiderp.getX() - (histo.get_length() - zero_points[1])); headsidelp.setY(top.getY() + (nose_to_top * 2/ 5)); headsiderp.setY(nose_bottom.getY()); IntensityImageStudent eyes2(ImageUtils::subimage(&image, headsidelp, headsiderp)); IntensityImageStudent eyes_copy2(dilation.dilate(&eyes2)); histo.cut_to_size(zero_points[0], zero_points[1]); for (int x = 0; x < histo.get_length(); x++){ if (x < histo.get_length() * 2 / 9){ left_out_x = histo.get_value(x) > left_out ? x : left_out_x; left_out = histo.get_value(x) > left_out ? histo.get_value(x) : left_out; } else if (x < histo.get_length() * 4 / 9 && x > histo.get_length() * 2 / 9){ left_in_x = histo.get_value(x) > left_in ? x : left_in_x; left_in = histo.get_value(x) > left_in ? histo.get_value(x) : left_in; } else if (x > histo.get_length() * 7 / 9){ right_out_x = histo.get_value(x) > right_out ? x : right_out_x; right_out = histo.get_value(x) > right_out ? histo.get_value(x) : right_out; } else if (x > histo.get_length() * 5 / 9){ right_in_x = histo.get_value(x) > right_in ? x : right_in_x; right_in = histo.get_value(x) > right_in ? histo.get_value(x) : right_in; } } int forehead_val = 10, forehead_y = 0; StudentHistogram histo2{eyes_copy2.getHeight()}; for (int y = 0; y < histo2.get_length(); y++){ temp = 0; for (int x = 0; x < eyes_copy2.getWidth(); x++){ temp += eyes_copy2.getPixel(x, y) > 127 ? 0 : 1; } histo2.set_value(y, temp); } for (int y = 0; y < histo2.get_length(); y++){ if (histo2.get_value(y) <= forehead_val){ forehead_val = histo2.get_value(y); forehead_y = y; } else if (histo2.get_value(y) > 35 && forehead_val != 10) break; } headsidelp.setY(top.getY() + (nose_to_top * 2 / 5) + forehead_y); forehead_val = 15, forehead_y = histo2.get_length() -1; for (int y = histo2.get_length() -1; y > 0; --y){ if (histo2.get_value(y) <= forehead_val){ forehead_val = histo2.get_value(y); forehead_y = y; } else if (histo2.get_value(y) > 40 && forehead_val != 15) break; } headsiderp.setY(nose_bottom.getY() - (histo2.get_length() - forehead_y + 4)); Point2D<double> precise_ref{headsidelp}; IntensityImageStudent eyes3(ImageUtils::subimage(&image, headsidelp, headsiderp)); IntensityImageStudent eyes_copy3(dilation.dilate(&eyes3)); #ifdef DEBUG ImageIO::saveIntensityImage(eyes2, ImageIO::getDebugFileName("first eye cut.png")); ImageIO::saveIntensityImage(eyes_copy3, ImageIO::getDebugFileName("subimage_test3.png")); #endif // DEBUG StudentHistogram histo4{ eyes_copy3.getHeight() }; for (int y = 0; y < histo4.get_length(); y++){ temp = 0; for (int x = 0; x < eyes_copy3.getWidth(); x++){ temp += eyes_copy3.getPixel(x, y) > 127 ? 0 : 1; } histo4.set_value(y, temp); } #ifdef DEBUG ImageIO::saveIntensityImage(*histo2.get_debug_image(), ImageIO::getDebugFileName("histo2.png")); #endif // DEBUG int step = 0, bottom_eye_y = headsiderp.getY(), top_eye_y = headsidelp.getY() +10; for (int y = histo4.get_length(); y > 0; --y){ if (step == 0 && histo4.get_value(y) > 30){ bottom_eye_y = y; step++; } if (step == 1 && histo4.get_value(y) < histo4.get_value(bottom_eye_y)){ top_eye_y = y; break; } } IntensityImageStudent eyes_precise{eyes3}; for (int x = 0; x < eyes_precise.getWidth(); x++){ eyes_precise.setPixel(x, top_eye_y, 127); eyes_precise.setPixel(x, bottom_eye_y + 2, 127); } for (int y = 0; y < eyes_precise.getHeight(); y++){ eyes_precise.setPixel(left_in_x, y, 127); eyes_precise.setPixel(right_in_x, y, 127); eyes_precise.setPixel(left_out_x, y, 127); eyes_precise.setPixel(right_out_x, y, 127); } bottom_eye_y += 2; IntensityImageStudent eyes_precise2 = ImageUtils::subimage( &eyes_precise, Point2D<double>{0.0, (double)(top_eye_y)}, Point2D<double>{(double)eyes_precise.getWidth(), (double)bottom_eye_y} ); #ifdef DEBUG ImageIO::saveIntensityImage(eyes_precise2, ImageIO::getDebugFileName("eyes_precise.png")); ImageIO::saveIntensityImage(*histo.get_debug_image(), ImageIO::getDebugFileName("histo.png")); #endif // DEBUG StudentHistogram histoTopBottom{eyes_precise2.getWidth()}; for (int i = 0; i < histoTopBottom.get_length(); i++){ temp = 0; for (int j = 0; j < eyes_precise2.getHeight(); j++){ temp += eyes_precise2.getPixel(i, j) > 127? 0: 1; } histoTopBottom.set_value(i, temp); } #ifdef DEBUG ImageIO::saveIntensityImage(*histoTopBottom.get_debug_image(), ImageIO::getDebugFileName("histo.png")); #endif // DEBUG int outsideLeftX = 0, insideLeftX = 0, insideRightX = 0, outsideRightX = histoTopBottom.get_length()-1; for (int i = 0; i < histoTopBottom.get_length(); i++){ if (histoTopBottom.get_value(i) > eyes_precise2.getHeight() / 2 && i < histoTopBottom.get_length()*1/4){ outsideLeftX = i; i = histoTopBottom.get_length() * 1 / 4; } else if (histoTopBottom.get_value(i) < eyes_precise2.getHeight() / 3 && i < histoTopBottom.get_length() / 2 && i > histoTopBottom.get_length() * 1 / 4){ insideLeftX = i; i = histoTopBottom.get_length() / 2; } else if (histoTopBottom.get_value(i) > eyes_precise2.getHeight() / 2 && i < histoTopBottom.get_length() * 3 / 4 && i > histoTopBottom.get_length() / 2){ insideRightX = i; i = histoTopBottom.get_length() * 3 / 4; } else if (histoTopBottom.get_value(i) < eyes_precise2.getHeight() / 3 && i > histoTopBottom.get_length() * 3 / 4){ outsideRightX = i; break; } } #ifdef DEBUG IntensityImageStudent eyes_precise21 = ImageUtils::subimage(&eyes_precise, Point2D<double>{(double)outsideLeftX, (double)(top_eye_y)}, Point2D<double>{(double)insideLeftX, (double)bottom_eye_y}); ImageIO::saveIntensityImage(eyes_precise21, ImageIO::getDebugFileName("left_eye.png")); IntensityImageStudent eyes_precise22 = ImageUtils::subimage(&eyes_precise, Point2D<double>{(double)insideRightX, (double)(top_eye_y)}, Point2D<double>{(double)outsideRightX, (double)bottom_eye_y}); ImageIO::saveIntensityImage(eyes_precise22, ImageIO::getDebugFileName("right_eye.png")); #endif Feature left = Feature(Feature::FEATURE_EYE_LEFT_RECT); Feature right = Feature(Feature::FEATURE_EYE_RIGHT_RECT); left.addPoint(precise_ref + Point2D<double>{(double)outsideLeftX, (double)(top_eye_y)}); left.addPoint(precise_ref + Point2D<double>{(double)insideLeftX, (double)bottom_eye_y}); right.addPoint(precise_ref + Point2D<double>{(double)insideRightX, (double)(top_eye_y)}); right.addPoint(precise_ref + Point2D<double>{(double)outsideRightX, (double)bottom_eye_y}); features.putFeature(right); features.putFeature(left); for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) { delete[] d_kern[y]; } delete[] d_kern; return true; }
bool StudentLocalization::stepFindHead(const IntensityImage &image, FeatureMap &features) const { Histogram AxisY(image, 50, 50, 0, 0, Axis::y); //determine top of the head int topHead = -1; for (int i = 0; i < AxisY.getSize(); ++i) { if (AxisY.getValue(i) > 2) { topHead = i; break; } } if (topHead == -1) { return false; } //determine sides int lastLeftX = -1; int lastRightX = -1; for (int y = topHead; y < image.getHeight(); y += 20) { Histogram layerX(image, 0, 0, y, (image.getHeight() - y - 20), Axis::x); //determine leftside of the head int leftX = -1; for (int i = 0; i < layerX.getSize(); ++i) { if (layerX.getValue(i) > 2) { leftX = i; break; } } //determine rightside of the head int rightX = -1; for (int i = layerX.getSize() - 1; i >= 0 ; --i) { if (layerX.getValue(i) > 2) { rightX = i; break; } } // if not both sides are found skip the rest of the loop if (leftX == -1 || rightX == -1) { continue; } int currentHeadWidth = rightX - leftX; int lastHeadWidth = lastRightX - lastLeftX; if (currentHeadWidth < lastHeadWidth) { Feature * headUpperBound = new Feature(Feature::FEATURE_HEAD_TOP, Point2D<double>(lastRightX - (currentHeadWidth / 2), topHead)); Feature * headLeftBound = new Feature(Feature::FEATURE_HEAD_LEFT_SIDE, Point2D<double>(lastLeftX, y)); Feature * headRightBound = new Feature(Feature::FEATURE_HEAD_RIGHT_SIDE, Point2D<double>(lastRightX, y)); features.putFeature(*headUpperBound); features.putFeature(*headLeftBound); features.putFeature(*headRightBound); return true; } lastLeftX = leftX; lastRightX = rightX; } return false; }
bool StudentLocalization::stepFindChinContours(const IntensityImage &image, FeatureMap &features) const { // Maak een basetimer object om de tijd bij te houden dat de implementatie nodig heeft. BaseTimer basetimer; // Start de basetimer. basetimer.start(); // test getal int startStep = 15; bool first = true; // Sla het middenpunt van de mond op. Point2D<double> MouthCenterPoint = features.getFeature(Feature::FEATURE_MOUTH_CENTER).getPoints()[0]; // Sla het kin punt op. Point2D<double> ChinPoint = features.getFeature(Feature::FEATURE_CHIN).getPoints()[0]; int range = MouthCenterPoint.getY() - ChinPoint.getY(); // Object om kincountoer punten in op te slaan. Feature output = Feature(Feature::FEATURE_CHIN_CONTOUR); int degrees; int steps = 15; int lastdif; double correction = -1; int lastSteps = 0; int vorigeX = 0; // Bereken 20 punten van de kin. for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++) { bool ireg = false; if (i>9) { correction = 1; } else if (i < 9) { correction =0; } // Sla middelpunt mond x op. int checkX = MouthCenterPoint.getX(); // Sla middelpunt mond y op. int checkY = MouthCenterPoint.getY(); double gradenInRad = (-90+(i * 10)) *(PI/180); steps = startStep; Point2D<double> gevondenPunt; // Middelste punt van de kin is als het goed is bekend. Dit is punt nummer 9 dus zal worden overgeslagen. if (i != 9) { while (true) { if (!first&&steps > startStep + 10) { lastdif / i; ireg = true; gevondenPunt.set(MouthCenterPoint.getX() + ((lastSteps + correction)* std::sin(gradenInRad)), MouthCenterPoint.getY() + ((lastSteps + correction) * std::cos(gradenInRad))); steps = lastSteps + correction; break; } checkX = MouthCenterPoint.getX()+ (steps * std::sin(gradenInRad)); checkY = MouthCenterPoint.getY()+(steps * std::cos(gradenInRad)); Intensity pixel = image.getPixel(std::round(checkX), std::round(checkY)); if (int(pixel) == 0) { if (checkX - vorigeX <2) { lastdif / i; ireg = true; gevondenPunt.set(MouthCenterPoint.getX() + ((lastSteps + correction)* std::sin(gradenInRad)), MouthCenterPoint.getY() + ((lastSteps + correction) * std::cos(gradenInRad))); steps = lastSteps + correction; break; } ireg=false; gevondenPunt.set(checkX, checkY); break; } steps++; } vorigeX = checkX; std::cout << gevondenPunt <<"\n"; startStep = steps - 5; output.addPoint(Point2D<double>(gevondenPunt.x,gevondenPunt.y)); first=false; if (ireg) { startStep = steps-5; lastSteps = steps; } else { lastdif = lastSteps - steps; lastSteps = steps; } } else { output.addPoint(ChinPoint); } } features.putFeature(output); basetimer.stop(); std::ofstream myfile;"tijd.txt", std::ofstream::ate); myfile << "Chincontours convert tijd in s: " << basetimer.elapsedSeconds() << " tijd ms:" << basetimer.elapsedMilliSeconds() << " tijd us" << basetimer.elapsedMicroSeconds(); myfile.close(); return true; }