bool LogCatReader::OnFileEvent(int _fd, unsigned mask) { assert(_fd == fd.Get()); char buffer[1024]; ssize_t nbytes = fd.Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (nbytes > 0) { if (data.length() < 1024 * 1024) data.append(buffer, nbytes); return true; } else { EndOfFile(); return false; } }
~LogCatReader() { io_thread.LockRemove(fd.Get()); fd.Close(); Kill(; }
LogCatReader(IOThread &_io_thread, FileDescriptor &&_fd, pid_t _pid) :io_thread(_io_thread), fd(std::move(_fd)), pid(_pid) { io_thread.LockAdd(fd.Get(), IOThread::READ, *this); }
gcc_pure bool operator()(const File &a, FileDescriptor b) const { return a.fd.Get() < b.Get(); }
gcc_pure bool operator()(FileDescriptor a, const File &b) const { return a.Get() < b.fd.Get(); }
/** * Returns the file descriptor that should be polled on. */ int GetReadFD() const { return r.Get(); }