int main(int argc, char **argv) { char Name = 'M'; std::string taq = "TaquinA5_2.txt"; if (argc == 3) { std::ifstream infile;[2]); if (!infile.is_open()) { std::cout << "Error: file <" << argv[2] << ">" << " not found" << std::endl; return (-1); } infile.close(); taq = argv[2]; FileLoader F; std::string S; Puzzle P; SolutionGenerator SG; short unsigned int** Tab; clock_t timeDeb, timeEnd; std::list<Puzzle> OpenedList, ClosedList; int x = 0, y = 0, fg = -42; timeDeb = clock(); DisplayLogo(); F.LoadFile(taq.c_str(), S); std::istringstream In(S); P.SetAlgo(Name); Tab = P.CreatePuzzle(S); std::list<Puzzle>::iterator FirstPuzzle; OpenedList.push_back(P); while (fg != 0 && !OpenedList.empty()) { FirstPuzzle = OpenedList.begin(); fg = Resume(FirstPuzzle, OpenedList, ClosedList, timeEnd); ProcessUp(FirstPuzzle, OpenedList, ClosedList); ProcessDown(FirstPuzzle, OpenedList, ClosedList); ProcessRight(FirstPuzzle, OpenedList, ClosedList); ProcessLeft(FirstPuzzle, OpenedList, ClosedList); (*FirstPuzzle).ClearListTab(); ClosedList.push_back(*FirstPuzzle); OpenedList.erase(FirstPuzzle); } if (fg != 0) std::cout << "NO SOLUTION FOR THIS TAQUIN!!!" << std::endl; std::cout << "CLOSED LIST NUMBER OF CONTENTS : \t\t[" << ClosedList.size() << "]"<< std::endl; std::cout << "TIME ELAPSED : \t\t[" << static_cast<double>(timeEnd - timeDeb) << "] ms." << std::endl; ShowNbMoves(); std::cout << "Cleaning..." << std::endl; Clean(OpenedList, ClosedList); std::cout << "Clean done" << std::endl; } return (0); }
void Preprocessor::RecursivePreprocess( std::string filename, FileLoader& file_source, LexemList& lexems, DefineTable& define_table ) { unsigned int start_line = CurrentLine; LinesThisFile = 0; CurrentFile = filename; SetFileMacro( define_table, CurrentFile ); SetLineMacro( define_table, LinesThisFile ); // Path formatting must be done in main application std::string CurrentFileRoot = RootPath + CurrentFile; if( std::find( FilesPreprocessed.begin(), FilesPreprocessed.end(), CurrentFileRoot ) == FilesPreprocessed.end() ) FilesPreprocessed.push_back( CurrentFileRoot ); std::vector<char> data; bool loaded = file_source.LoadFile( RootPath, filename, data ); if( !loaded ) { PrintErrorMessage( std::string( "Could not open file " ) + RootPath + filename ); return; } if( data.size() == 0 ) return; char* d_end = &data[data.size() - 1]; ++d_end; Lex( &data[0], d_end, lexems ); LexemList::iterator itr = lexems.begin(); LexemList::iterator end = lexems.end(); LLITR old = end; while( itr != end ) { if( itr->Type == Lexem::NEWLINE ) { if( itr != old ) { CurrentLine++; LinesThisFile++; SetLineMacro( define_table, LinesThisFile ); } old = itr; ++itr; } else if( itr->Type == Lexem::PREPROCESSOR ) { LLITR start_of_line = itr; LLITR end_of_line = ParsePreprocessor( lexems, itr, end ); LexemList directive( start_of_line, end_of_line ); if( SkipPragmas && directive.begin()->Value == "#pragma" ) { itr = end_of_line; Lexem wspace; wspace.Type = Lexem::WHITESPACE; wspace.Value = " "; for( LLITR it = start_of_line; it != end_of_line;) { ++it; it = lexems.insert( it, wspace ); ++it; } continue; } itr = lexems.erase( start_of_line, end_of_line ); std::string value = directive.begin()->Value; if( value == "#define" ) { ParseDefine( define_table, directive ); } else if( value == "#ifdef" ) { std::string def_name; ParseIf( directive, def_name ); DefineTable::iterator dti = define_table.find( def_name ); if( dti == define_table.end() ) { LLITR splice_to = ParseIfDef( itr, end ); itr = lexems.erase( itr, splice_to ); } } else if( value == "#ifndef" ) { std::string def_name; ParseIf( directive, def_name ); DefineTable::iterator dti = define_table.find( def_name ); if( dti != define_table.end() ) { LLITR splice_to = ParseIfDef( itr, end ); itr = lexems.erase( itr, splice_to ); } } else if( value == "#if" ) { bool satisfied = EvaluateExpression( define_table, directive ) != 0; if( !satisfied ) { LLITR splice_to = ParseIfDef( itr, end ); itr = lexems.erase( itr, splice_to ); } } else if( value == "#endif" ) { // ignore } else if( value == "#include" ) { if( LNT ) LNT->AddLineRange( PrependRootPath( filename ), start_line, CurrentLine - LinesThisFile ); unsigned int save_lines_this_file = LinesThisFile; std::string file_name; ParseIf( directive, file_name ); std::string file_name_ = RemoveQuotes( file_name ); if( IncludeTranslator ) IncludeTranslator->Call( file_name_ ); if( std::find( FileDependencies.begin(), FileDependencies.end(), file_name_ ) == FileDependencies.end() ) FileDependencies.push_back( file_name_ ); LexemList next_file; RecursivePreprocess( AddPaths( filename, file_name_ ), file_source, next_file, define_table ); lexems.splice( itr, next_file ); start_line = CurrentLine; LinesThisFile = save_lines_this_file; CurrentFile = filename; SetFileMacro( define_table, CurrentFile ); SetLineMacro( define_table, LinesThisFile ); } else if( value == "#pragma" ) { ParsePragma( directive ); } else if( value == "#message" ) { std::string message; ParseTextLine( directive, message ); PrintMessage( message ); } else if( value == "#warning" ) { std::string warning; ParseTextLine( directive, warning ); PrintWarningMessage( warning ); } else if( value == "#error" ) { std::string error; ParseTextLine( directive, error ); PrintErrorMessage( error ); } else { PrintErrorMessage( "Unknown directive '" + value + "'." ); } } else if( itr->Type == Lexem::IDENTIFIER ) { itr = ExpandDefine( itr, end, lexems, define_table ); } else { ++itr; } } if( LNT ) LNT->AddLineRange( PrependRootPath( filename ), start_line, CurrentLine - LinesThisFile ); }