bool DeriveProduct::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* pOutArgList) { StepResource pStep("Execute Wizard Item", "app", "58FE5CAB-E941-4E60-BA55-B29D70715FC4"); pStep->addProperty("Item", getName()); mpStep = pStep.get(); if (!extractInputArgs(pInArgList)) { reportError("Unable to extract input arguments.", "5E158F48-6089-4A88-ABD0-55C717BD13E2"); return false; } View* pView = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<View>("View"); if (pView == NULL) { std::vector<Window*> windows; Service<DesktopServices>()->getWindows(SPATIAL_DATA_WINDOW, windows); if (!windows.empty()) { pView = static_cast<SpatialDataWindow*>(windows.front())->getSpatialDataView(); } } if (pView == NULL) { reportError("No view provided.", "852F585B-D239-4C0A-B993-70EE68EC8DEE"); return false; } ProductWindow* pProductWindow = Service<DesktopServices>()->deriveProduct(pView); if (pProductWindow == NULL) { reportError("Unable to derive product", "E24BB5A5-A675-4897-9C48-A4E4109379DF"); return false; } // Load a template if one is specified Filename* pTemplate = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Filename>("Template"); if (pTemplate != NULL) { if (!pProductWindow->getProductView()->loadTemplate(pTemplate->getFullPathAndName())) { reportError("Could not load the requested template!", "C99CE97E-3F0F-4CBB-8460-28D96D55596B"); return false; } } // Set the output values if (!pOutArgList->setPlugInArgValue("Window", pProductWindow) || !pOutArgList->setPlugInArgValue("View", pProductWindow->getProductView())) { reportError("Could not set the data set output value!", "3C53EDAE-DC70-4141-9759-ECD3EB9BE186"); return false; } reportComplete(); pStep->finalize(Message::Success); return true; }
bool WavelengthExporter::extractInputArgs(PlugInArgList* pArgList) { VERIFY(pArgList != NULL); mpProgress = pArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg()); mpWavelengths = pArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Wavelengths>(Wavelengths::WavelengthsArg()); if (mpWavelengths == NULL) { string message = "The " + Wavelengths::WavelengthsArg() + " input value is invalid."; if (mpProgress != NULL) { mpProgress->updateProgress(message, 0, ERRORS); } mpStep->finalize(Message::Failure, message); return false; } Filename* pFilename = pArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Filename>(Wavelengths::WavelengthFileArg()); if (pFilename == NULL) { string message = "The " + Wavelengths::WavelengthFileArg() + " input value is not present."; if (mpProgress != NULL) { mpProgress->updateProgress(message, 0, ERRORS); } mpStep->finalize(Message::Failure, message); return false; } mFilename = pFilename->getFullPathAndName(); if (mFilename.empty() == true) { string message = "The " + Wavelengths::WavelengthFileArg() + " input value is invalid."; if (mpProgress != NULL) { mpProgress->updateProgress(message, 0, ERRORS); } mpStep->finalize(Message::Failure, message); return false; } return true; }
bool ResamplerPlugIn::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* pOutArgList) { VERIFY(pInArgList != NULL && pOutArgList != NULL); ProgressTracker progress(pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg()), "Executing Spectral Resampler.", "spectral", "{88CD3E49-A522-431A-AE2A-96A6B2EB4012}"); Service<DesktopServices> pDesktop; const DataElement* pElement(NULL); std::string waveFilename; // get default resampling options from user config std::string resampleMethod = ResamplerOptions::getSettingResamplerMethod(); double dropOutWindow = ResamplerOptions::getSettingDropOutWindow(); double fwhm = ResamplerOptions::getSettingFullWidthHalfMax(); bool useFillValue = ResamplerOptions::getSettingUseFillValue(); double fillValue = ResamplerOptions::getSettingSignatureFillValue(); std::vector<Signature*> originalSignatures; std::auto_ptr<std::vector<Signature*> > pResampledSignatures(new std::vector<Signature*>); std::string errorMsg; if (isBatch()) { VERIFY(pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue("Signatures to resample", originalSignatures)); if (originalSignatures.empty()) { Signature* pSignature = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Signature>("Signature to resample"); if (pSignature != NULL) { originalSignatures.push_back(pSignature); } } if (originalSignatures.empty()) {"No signatures are available to be resampled.", 0, ERRORS, true); return false; } pElement = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<DataElement>("Data element wavelength source"); Filename* pWaveFilename = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Filename>("Wavelengths Filename"); if (pWaveFilename != NULL) { waveFilename = pWaveFilename->getFullPathAndName(); } VERIFY(pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue("Resampling Method", resampleMethod)); VERIFY(pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue("Drop out window", dropOutWindow)); VERIFY(pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue("FWHM", fwhm)); VERIFY(pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue("Use fill value", useFillValue)); VERIFY(pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue("Fill value", fillValue)); } else { ResamplerPlugInDlg dlg(pDesktop->getMainWidget()); if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Rejected) {"User canceled resampling.", 0, ABORT, true); progress.upALevel(); return false; } originalSignatures = dlg.getSignaturesToResample(); resampleMethod = dlg.getResamplingMethod(); dropOutWindow = dlg.getDropOutWindow(); fwhm = dlg.getFWHM(); useFillValue = dlg.getUseFillValue(); fillValue = dlg.getFillValue(); pElement = dlg.getWavelengthsElement(); waveFilename = dlg.getWavelengthsFilename(); } std::string resampledTo; FactoryResource<Wavelengths> pWavelengths; if (pElement != NULL) // try loading wavelengths from user specified data element { if (getWavelengthsFromElement(pElement, pWavelengths.get(), errorMsg) == false) {, 0, ERRORS, true); return false; } resampledTo = pElement->getName(); } else if (waveFilename.empty() == false) // if no user provided raster, look for a wavelengths file { if (QFile::exists(QString::fromStdString(waveFilename))) { if (getWavelengthsFromFile(waveFilename, pWavelengths.get(), errorMsg) == false) {, 0, ERRORS, true); return false; } } else { errorMsg = "The wavelengths file \"" + waveFilename + "\" could not be found.";, 0, ERRORS, true); return false; } resampledTo = waveFilename; } else // if no wavelength source provided, look for raster in current active spatial data view { SpatialDataView* pView = dynamic_cast<SpatialDataView*>(pDesktop->getCurrentWorkspaceWindowView()); if (pView != NULL) { LayerList* pLayerList = pView->getLayerList(); if (pLayerList != NULL) { pElement = pLayerList->getPrimaryRasterElement(); pWavelengths->initializeFromDynamicObject(pElement->getMetadata(), false); if (pWavelengths->isEmpty()) {"No target wavelengths are available for resampling the signatures.", 0, ERRORS, true); return false; } resampledTo = pElement->getName(); } } } PlugInResource pPlugIn("Resampler"); Resampler* pResampler = dynamic_cast<Resampler*>(pPlugIn.get()); if (pResampler == NULL) {"The \"Resampler\" plug-in is not available so the signatures can not be resampled.", 0, ERRORS, true); return false; } std::string dataName("Reflectance"); std::string wavelengthName("Wavelength"); // save user config settings - Resampler doesn't have interface to set them separately from user config std::string configMethod = ResamplerOptions::getSettingResamplerMethod(); ResamplerOptions::setSettingResamplerMethod(resampleMethod); double configDropout = ResamplerOptions::getSettingDropOutWindow(); ResamplerOptions::setSettingDropOutWindow(dropOutWindow); double configFwhm = ResamplerOptions::getSettingFullWidthHalfMax(); ResamplerOptions::setSettingFullWidthHalfMax(fwhm); std::vector<double> toWavelengths = pWavelengths->getCenterValues(); std::vector<double> toFwhm = pWavelengths->getFwhm(); if (toFwhm.size() != toWavelengths.size()) { toFwhm.clear(); // Resampler will use the default config setting fwhm if this vector is empty } unsigned int numSigs = originalSignatures.size(); unsigned int numSigsResampled(0);"Begin resampling signatures...", 0, NORMAL); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < numSigs; ++index) { if (isAborted()) {"Resampling aborted by user", 100 * index / numSigs, ABORT, true); return false; } if (originalSignatures[index] == NULL) { continue; } // check if signature has target wavelength centers and doesn't need to be resampled if (needToResample(originalSignatures[index], pWavelengths.get()) == false) { pResampledSignatures->push_back(originalSignatures[index]); ++numSigsResampled; continue; } DataVariant var = originalSignatures[index]->getData(dataName); if (var.isValid() == false) { continue; } std::vector<double> fromData; if (!var.getValue(fromData)) { continue; } var = originalSignatures[index]->getData(wavelengthName); if (var.isValid() == false) { continue; } std::vector<double> fromWavelengths; if (!var.getValue(fromWavelengths)) { continue; } std::string resampledSigName = originalSignatures[index]->getName() + "_resampled"; int suffix(2); ModelResource<Signature> pSignature(resampledSigName, NULL); // probably not needed but just in case resampled name already used while (pSignature.get() == NULL) { pSignature = ModelResource<Signature>(resampledSigName + StringUtilities::toDisplayString(suffix), NULL); ++suffix; } if (resampledTo.empty() == false) { DynamicObject* pMetaData = pSignature->getMetadata(); if (pMetaData != NULL) { pMetaData->setAttribute(CommonSignatureMetadataKeys::ResampledTo(), resampledTo); } } std::vector<double> toData; std::vector<int> toBands; if (pResampler->execute(fromData, toData, fromWavelengths, toWavelengths, toFwhm, toBands, errorMsg)) { if (toWavelengths.size() != toBands.size()) { if (toBands.size() < 2) // no need to try if only one point { continue; } if (useFillValue) { std::vector<double> values(toWavelengths.size(), fillValue); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < toBands.size(); ++i) { values[static_cast<unsigned int>(toBands[i])] = toData[i]; } toData.swap(values); DynamicObject* pMetaData = pSignature->getMetadata(); if (pMetaData != NULL) { pMetaData->setAttribute(CommonSignatureMetadataKeys::FillValue(), fillValue); } } else { std::vector<double> wavelengths(toBands.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < toBands.size(); ++i) { wavelengths[i] = toWavelengths[static_cast<unsigned int>(toBands[i])]; } toWavelengths.swap(wavelengths); } } pSignature->setData(dataName, toData); pSignature->setData(wavelengthName, toWavelengths); SignatureDataDescriptor* pDesc = dynamic_cast<SignatureDataDescriptor*>(pSignature->getDataDescriptor()); if (pDesc == NULL) { continue; } pDesc->setUnits(dataName, originalSignatures[index]->getUnits(dataName)); pResampledSignatures->push_back(pSignature.release()); ++numSigsResampled; } std::string progressStr = QString("Resampled signature %1 of %2 signatures").arg(index + 1).arg(numSigs).toStdString();, (index + 1) * 100 / numSigs, NORMAL); } // reset config options ResamplerOptions::setSettingResamplerMethod(configMethod); ResamplerOptions::setSettingDropOutWindow(configDropout); ResamplerOptions::setSettingFullWidthHalfMax(configFwhm); if (numSigsResampled == numSigs) {"Complete", 100, NORMAL); progress.upALevel(); } else { errorMsg = QString("Only %1 of the %2 signatures were successfully resampled.").arg( numSigsResampled).arg(numSigs).toStdString();, 100, WARNING, true); } VERIFY(pOutArgList->setPlugInArgValue("Resampled signatures", pResampledSignatures.release())); return true; }
bool WavelengthExporter::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* pOutArgList) { if (pInArgList == NULL) { return false; } StepResource pStep(string("Execute ") + getName(), "Spectral", "B6112093-AE6A-4319-85D8-B7A4C1E3DC5E"); // Extract the input args Progress* pProgress = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg()); DynamicObject* pWavelengthData = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<DynamicObject>(Wavelengths::WavelengthsArg()); if (pWavelengthData == NULL) { string message = "The " + Wavelengths::WavelengthsArg() + " input value is invalid."; if (pProgress != NULL) { pProgress->updateProgress(message, 0, ERRORS); } pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, message); return false; } Filename* pFilename = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Filename>(Wavelengths::WavelengthFileArg()); if (pFilename == NULL) { string message = "The " + Wavelengths::WavelengthFileArg() + " input value is not present."; if (pProgress != NULL) { pProgress->updateProgress(message, 0, ERRORS); } pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, message); return false; } mFilename = pFilename->getFullPathAndName(); if (mFilename.empty() == true) { string message = "The " + Wavelengths::WavelengthFileArg() + " input value is invalid."; if (pProgress != NULL) { pProgress->updateProgress(message, 0, ERRORS); } pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, message); return false; } // Save the wavelength values Wavelengths wavelengths(pWavelengthData); bool bSuccess = saveWavelengths(wavelengths); if (bSuccess == false) { string message = "Could not save the wavelengths to the file."; if (pProgress != NULL) { pProgress->updateProgress(message, 0, ERRORS); } pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, message); return false; } if (pProgress != NULL) { pProgress->updateProgress("Wavelength export completed successfully.", 100, NORMAL); } pStep->finalize(Message::Success); return true; }
bool ElmBatch::extractInputArgs(PlugInArgList* pInputArgList) { if (ElmCore::extractInputArgs(pInputArgList) == false) { return false; } StepResource pStep("Extract Batch Input Args", "app", "32A136BE-8531-42ca-8B22-086293B5A925"); VERIFY(pStep.get() != NULL); // Get the Use Gains/Offsets Flag. if (pInputArgList->getPlugInArgValue<bool>(UseGainsOffsetsArg(), mUseGainsOffsets) == false) { pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, "The \"" + UseGainsOffsetsArg() + "\" input arg is invalid."); if (mpProgress != NULL) { mpProgress->updateProgress(pStep->getFailureMessage(), 100, ERRORS); } return false; } if (mUseGainsOffsets == true) { // If the Use Gains/Offsets Flag is set to true, get the Gains/Offsets Filename. Filename* pFilename = pInputArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Filename>(GainsOffsetsFilenameArg()); if (pFilename == NULL || pFilename->getFullPathAndName().empty() == true) { // If the Gains/Offsets Filename is not set, use the default. mGainsOffsetsFilename = getDefaultGainsOffsetsFilename(); } else if (pFilename->isDirectory() == true) { pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, "The \"" + GainsOffsetsFilenameArg() + "\" cannot be a directory."); if (mpProgress != NULL) { mpProgress->updateProgress(pStep->getFailureMessage(), 100, ERRORS); } return false; } else { mGainsOffsetsFilename = pFilename->getFullPathAndName(); } } else { // If the Use Gains/Offsets Flag is set to false, get the Signature Filenames and AOI Filenames. vector<Filename*> pSignatureFilenames; if (pInputArgList->getPlugInArgValue<vector<Filename*> > (SignatureFilenamesArg(), pSignatureFilenames) == false) { pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, "The \"" + SignatureFilenamesArg() + "\" input arg is invalid."); if (mpProgress != NULL) { mpProgress->updateProgress(pStep->getFailureMessage(), 100, ERRORS); } return false; } for (vector<Filename*>::iterator iter = pSignatureFilenames.begin(); iter != pSignatureFilenames.end(); ++iter) { bool previouslyLoaded; Signature* pSignature = dynamic_cast<Signature*> (getElement(*iter, "Signature", NULL, previouslyLoaded)); if (pSignature == NULL) { pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, "The \"" + SignatureFilenamesArg() + "\" input arg contains an invalid value."); if (mpProgress != NULL) { mpProgress->updateProgress(pStep->getFailureMessage(), 100, ERRORS); } return false; } mpSignatures.push_back(pSignature); if (previouslyLoaded == false) { mpSignaturesToDestroy.push_back(pSignature); } } // Get the AOI names. vector<Filename*> pAoiFilenames; if (pInputArgList->getPlugInArgValue<vector<Filename*> >(AoiFilenamesArg(), pAoiFilenames) == false) { pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, "The \"" + AoiFilenamesArg() + "\" input arg is invalid."); if (mpProgress != NULL) { mpProgress->updateProgress(pStep->getFailureMessage(), 100, ERRORS); } return false; } for (vector<Filename*>::iterator iter = pAoiFilenames.begin(); iter != pAoiFilenames.end(); ++iter) { bool previouslyLoaded; AoiElement* pAoiElement = dynamic_cast<AoiElement*> (getElement(*iter, "AoiElement", mpRasterElement, previouslyLoaded)); if (pAoiElement == NULL) { pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, "The \"" + AoiFilenamesArg() + "\" input arg contains an invalid value."); if (mpProgress != NULL) { mpProgress->updateProgress(pStep->getFailureMessage(), 100, ERRORS); } return false; } mpAoiElements.push_back(pAoiElement); if (previouslyLoaded == false) { mpAoiElementsToDestroy.push_back(pAoiElement); } } } pStep->finalize(); return true; }