Panner::Panner ( int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L ) : Fl_Group( X, Y, W, H, L ) { _bg_image = 0; _bg_image_scaled = 0; _bg_image_projection = 0; // _projection = POLAR; _points.push_back( Point( 1, 0 ) ); static float ranges[] = { 1,3,5,10,15 }; { Fl_Choice *o = _range_choice = new Fl_Choice(X + 40,Y + H - 18,75,18,"Range:"); o->box(FL_UP_FRAME); o->down_box(FL_DOWN_FRAME); o->textsize(9); o->labelsize(9); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->add("1 Meter",0,0,&ranges[0]); o->add("3 Meters",0,0,&ranges[1]); o->add("5 Meters",0,0,&ranges[2]); o->add("10 Meters",0,0,&ranges[3]); o->add("15 Meters",0,0,&ranges[4]); o->value(_range_mode); o->callback( cb_mode, this ); } { Fl_Choice *o = _projection_choice = new Fl_Choice(X + W - 75,Y + H - 18,75,18,"Projection:"); o->box(FL_UP_FRAME); o->down_box(FL_DOWN_FRAME); o->textsize(9); o->labelsize(9); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->add("Spherical"); o->add("Planar"); o->value(_projection_mode); o->callback( cb_mode, this ); } end(); }
int main ( int argc, char **argv ) { { Fl_Single_Window *w = new Fl_Single_Window( 800, 600 ); { Fl_Choice *o = new Fl_Choice( 0, 0, 200, 24, "Boxtype" ); o->align( FL_ALIGN_RIGHT ); o->callback( boxtype_cb, NULL ); o->add( "UP_BOX" ); o->add( "FLAT_BOX" ); o->add( "ROUNDED_BOX" ); o->add( "OVAL_BOX" ); } { Fl_Pack *o = new Fl_Pack( 0, 24, 800, 600 - 24 ); o->type( 0 ); { PerfTest *o = new PerfTest( 0,0, 800, 400, "Xlib" ); } { PerfTest *o = new PerfTest( 0,0, 800, 400, "Cairo" ); o->use_cairo = true; } o->end(); } w->end(); w->show(); } /* { */ /* Fl_Single_Window *w = new Fl_Single_Window( 800, 600 ); */ /* PerfTest *o = new PerfTest( 0,0, 800, 600 ); */ /* w->end(); */ /* w->show(); */ /* } */ Fl::run(); }
// add a parameter number to the tree Fl_Widget *onelabGroup::_addParameterWidget(onelab::number &p, int ww, int hh, Fl_Tree_Item *n, bool highlight, Fl_Color c) { char *path = strdup(getPath(n).c_str()); _treeStrings.push_back(path); // enumeration (display choices as value labels, not numbers) if(p.getChoices().size() && p.getChoices().size() == p.getValueLabels().size()){ Fl_Choice *but = new Fl_Choice(1, 1, ww, hh); std::vector<Fl_Menu_Item> menu; std::map<double, std::string> labels(p.getValueLabels()); for(std::map<double, std::string>::iterator it = labels.begin(); it != labels.end(); it++){ char *str = strdup(it->second.c_str()); _treeStrings.push_back(str); Fl_Menu_Item menuItem = {str, 0, 0, 0, 0}; if(highlight) menuItem.labelcolor(c); menu.push_back(menuItem); } Fl_Menu_Item it = {0}; menu.push_back(it); but->copy(&menu[0]); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < p.getChoices().size(); i++){ if(p.getValue() == p.getChoices()[i]){ but->value(i); break; } } but->callback(onelab_number_choice_cb, (void*)path); but->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT); if(p.getReadOnly()) but->deactivate(); return but; } // check box (boolean choice) if(p.getChoices().size() == 2 && p.getChoices()[0] == 0 && p.getChoices()[1] == 1){ n->labelsize(FL_NORMAL_SIZE + 2); Fl_Check_Button *but = new Fl_Check_Button(1, 1, ww / _widgetLabelRatio, hh); but->box(FL_FLAT_BOX); but->color(_tree->color()); but->value(p.getValue()); but->callback(onelab_number_check_button_cb, (void*)path); if(highlight) but->color(c); if(p.getReadOnly()) but->deactivate(); return but; } // non-editable value if(p.getReadOnly()){ outputRange *but = new outputRange(1, 1, ww, hh); //TODO but->callback(onelab_number_output_range_cb, (void*)path); but->value(p.getValue()); but->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT); but->graph(p.getAttribute("Graph")); if(highlight) but->color(c); return but; } // general number input inputRange *but = new inputRange(1, 1, ww, hh, onelab::parameter::maxNumber(), p.getAttribute("ReadOnlyRange") == "1"); but->value(p.getValue()); but->minimum(p.getMin()); but->maximum(p.getMax()); but->step(p.getStep()); but->choices(p.getChoices()); but->loop(p.getAttribute("Loop")); but->graph(p.getAttribute("Graph")); but->callback(onelab_number_input_range_cb, (void*)path); but->when(FL_WHEN_RELEASE | FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); but->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT); if(highlight) but->color(c); return but; }
void ColorFltkMenu::make_window() { size(400, 305); { { Fl_Hold_Browser* o = categorybrowser = new Fl_Hold_Browser(10, 55, 125, 100, "Categories"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); o->color(VMDMENU_BROWSER_BG, VMDMENU_BROWSER_SEL); o->callback(category_cb, this); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Select color category then name to set active color") } { Fl_Hold_Browser* o = itembrowser = new Fl_Hold_Browser(140, 55, 120, 100, "Names"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); o->color(VMDMENU_BROWSER_BG, VMDMENU_BROWSER_SEL); o->callback(item_cb, this); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Select color category then name to set active color") } { Fl_Hold_Browser* o = colorbrowser = new Fl_Hold_Browser(265, 55, 125, 100, "Colors"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); o->color(VMDMENU_BROWSER_BG, VMDMENU_BROWSER_SEL); o->callback(color_cb, this); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Select color category then name to set active color") } new Fl_Box(10, 10, 190, 25, "Assign colors to categories:"); { Fl_Tabs* o = new Fl_Tabs(0, 165, 400, 150); #if defined(VMDMENU_WINDOW) o->color(VMDMENU_WINDOW, FL_GRAY); o->selection_color(VMDMENU_WINDOW); #endif { Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group(0, 185, 400, 125, "Color Definitions"); #if defined(VMDMENU_WINDOW) o->color(VMDMENU_WINDOW, FL_GRAY); o->selection_color(VMDMENU_WINDOW); #endif { Fl_Hold_Browser* o = colordefbrowser = new Fl_Hold_Browser(15, 195, 135, 100); o->labeltype(FL_NO_LABEL); o->color(VMDMENU_BROWSER_BG, VMDMENU_BROWSER_SEL); o->callback(colordef_cb, this); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Select color name to adjust RGB color definition") } { Fl_Value_Slider* o = redscale = new Fl_Value_Slider(160, 195, 225, 20); o->type(FL_HORIZONTAL); o->color(VMDMENU_COLOR_RSLIDER); o->callback(rgb_cb, this); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Adjust slider to change RGB color definition") } { Fl_Value_Slider* o = greenscale = new Fl_Value_Slider(160, 215, 225, 20); o->type(FL_HORIZONTAL); o->color(VMDMENU_COLOR_GSLIDER); o->callback(rgb_cb, this); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Adjust slider to change RGB color definition") } { Fl_Value_Slider* o = bluescale = new Fl_Value_Slider(160, 235, 225, 20); o->type(FL_HORIZONTAL); o->color(VMDMENU_COLOR_BSLIDER); o->callback(rgb_cb, this); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Adjust slider to change RGB color definition") } { Fl_Button* o = grayscalebutton = new Fl_Button(165, 265, 85, 25, "Grayscale"); o->type(FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON); #if defined(VMDMENU_WINDOW) o->color(VMDMENU_WINDOW, FL_GRAY); #endif VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Lock sliders for grayscale color") } defaultbutton = new Fl_Button(290, 265, 85, 25, "Default"); #if defined(VMDMENU_WINDOW) defaultbutton->color(VMDMENU_WINDOW, FL_GRAY); #endif defaultbutton->callback(default_cb, this); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(defaultbutton, "Reset to original RGB color") o->end(); } { Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group(0, 185, 400, 125, "Color Scale"); #if defined(VMDMENU_WINDOW) o->color(VMDMENU_WINDOW, FL_GRAY); o->selection_color(VMDMENU_WINDOW); #endif o->hide(); { Fl_Choice* o = scalemethod = new Fl_Choice(15, 220, 80, 25, "Method"); o->color(VMDMENU_CHOOSER_BG, VMDMENU_CHOOSER_SEL); o->down_box(FL_BORDER_BOX); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); o->callback(scalemethod_cb, this); } offsetvalue = new Fl_Value_Slider(160, 205, 180, 20, "Offset"); offsetvalue->type(FL_HORIZONTAL); offsetvalue->color(VMDMENU_SLIDER_BG, VMDMENU_SLIDER_FG); offsetvalue->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); offsetvalue->range(-1.0, 1.0); offsetvalue->callback(scalesettings_cb, this); { Fl_Value_Slider* o = midpointvalue = new Fl_Value_Slider(160, 235, 180, 20, "Midpoint"); o->type(FL_HORIZONTAL); midpointvalue->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); midpointvalue->color(VMDMENU_SLIDER_BG, VMDMENU_SLIDER_FG); o->range(0.0, 1.0); o->callback(scalesettings_cb, this); } image = new ColorscaleImage(10, 265, 380, 25, app); o->end(); } o->end(); } end(); } }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { Fl_Window* w; fl_init_locale_support("ewmconf", PREFIX"/share/locale"); readConfiguration(); {Fl_Window* o = new Fl_Window(320, 370, _("Window manager settings")); w = o; {Fl_Tabs* o = new Fl_Tabs(2, 5, 318, 325); o->color((Fl_Color)16); {Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group(1, 29, 316, 295, _("&Titlebar")); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP | FL_ALIGN_LEFT); {Fl_Choice* o = new Fl_Choice(83, 13, 105, 22, _("Text align:")); o->begin(); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_Text); new Fl_Item(_("Left")); new Fl_Item(_("Right")); new Fl_Item(_("Center")); o->value(title_align); o->end(); } {Fl_Value_Input* o = new Fl_Value_Input(243, 13, 60, 22, _("Height:")); o->minimum(10); o->maximum(50); o->step(1); o->value(20); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_Height); o->value(title_height); } {Fl_Button* o = titlebarLabelColorButton = new Fl_Button(85, 55, 60, 20, _("Titlebar label color: ")); o->box(FL_DOWN_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_titlebarLabelColorButton); o->align(132); o->color((Fl_Color)title_normal_color_text); } {Fl_Button* o = titlebarColorButton = new Fl_Button(85, 120, 60, 20, _("Titlebar color: ")); o->box(FL_DOWN_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_titlebarColorButton); o->align(132); o->color((Fl_Color) title_normal_color); } {Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group(153, 45, 160, 110); {Fl_Button* o = titlebarActiveLabelColorButton = new Fl_Button(90, 10, 60, 20, _("Titlebar active label color: ")); o->box(FL_DOWN_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_titlebarActiveLabelColorButton); o->align(132); o->color((Fl_Color) title_active_color_text); } {Fl_Button* o = titlebarActiveColorButton = new Fl_Button(90, 75, 60, 20, _("Titlebar active color: ")); o->box(FL_DOWN_BOX); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_titlebarActiveColorButton); o->align(132); o->color((Fl_Color)title_active_color); } o->end(); } {Fl_Choice* o = titlebarDrawGrad = new Fl_Choice(85, 157, 163, 23, _("Box type:")); o->begin(); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_titlebarDrawGrad); o->align(132); new Fl_Item(_("Flat")); new Fl_Item(_("Horizontal shade")); new Fl_Item(_("Thin down")); new Fl_Item(_("Up box")); new Fl_Item(_("Down box")); new Fl_Item(_("Plastic")); o->value(title_draw_grad); o->end(); } {Fl_Check_Button* o = useThemeButton = new Fl_Check_Button(8, 220, 300, 20, _("&Use theme")); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_useThemeButton); o->value(use_theme); } {Fl_Input* o = themePathInput = new Fl_Input(65, 247, 210, 23, _("Path:")); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_themePathInput); o->deactivate(); themePathInput->value(theme_path); } {Fl_Button* o = browse_btn = new Fl_Button(280, 247, 25, 23, _("...")); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_browse_btn); o->deactivate(); } {Fl_Divider* o = new Fl_Divider(8, 190, 300, 25, _("label")); o->color((Fl_Color)16); } {Fl_Divider* o = new Fl_Divider(8, 85, 297, 25, _("label")); o->color((Fl_Color)16); } o->end(); } {Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group(3, 20, 310, 305, _("&Resizing")); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP | FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->hide(); {Fl_Check_Button* o = animateButton = new Fl_Check_Button(10, 10, 300, 20, _("Animate size changes")); o->value(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_animateButton); o->value(animate); } {Fl_Value_Slider* o = animateSlider = new Fl_Value_Slider(70, 35, 235, 20, _("Speed:")); o->type(Fl_Value_Slider::HORIZONTAL|Fl_Slider::TICK_ABOVE); o->box(FL_DOWN_BOX); o->text_size(10); o->minimum(5); o->maximum(20); o->step(2); o->value(14); o->slider_size(8); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_animateSlider); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->value(animate_speed); if(animate) o->activate(); else o->deactivate(); } new Fl_Divider(0, 60, 300, 25, _("label")); {Fl_Check_Button* o = opaqueResize = new Fl_Check_Button(10, 85, 290, 20, _("Show window content while resizing")); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_opaqueResize); o->value(opaque_resize); } o->end(); } o->end(); } {Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(67, 337, 80, 25, _("&OK")); o->shortcut(0xff0d); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_OK); } {Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(152, 337, 80, 25, _("&Apply")); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_Apply); } {Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(237, 337, 80, 25, _("&Cancel")); o->shortcut(0xff1b); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_Cancel); } o->end(); } useThemeButton->do_callback(); w->show(argc, argv); return Fl::run(); }
void DisplayFltkMenu::make_window() { size(235, 445); { { Fl_Counter* o = nearclip = new Fl_Counter(105, 25, 110, 25, "Near Clip"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->range(0.01, 1000.0); o->step(0.05); o->lstep(0.5); o->precision(2); o->callback(nearclip_cb, app); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Set near clipping plane (OpenGL display only)") } { Fl_Counter* o = farclip = new Fl_Counter(105, 50, 110, 25, "Far Clip"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->range(0.01, 1000.0); o->step(0.05); o->lstep(0.5); o->precision(2); o->callback(farclip_cb, app); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Set far clipping plane (OpenGL display only)") } { Fl_Counter* o = eyesep = new Fl_Counter(105, 75, 110, 25, "Eye Sep"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->range(0.0, 100.0); o->step(0.01); o->lstep(0.1); o->precision(2); o->callback(eyesep_cb, app); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Set stereo eye separation") } { Fl_Counter* o = focal = new Fl_Counter(105, 100, 110, 25, "Focal Length"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->range(0.01, 1000.0); o->step(0.05); o->lstep(0.5); o->precision(2); o->callback(focal_cb, app); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Set stereo focal point") } { Fl_Counter* o = screenh = new Fl_Counter(105, 135, 110, 25, "Screen Hgt"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->range(0.0, 100000.0); o->step(0.1); o->lstep(1.0); o->precision(1); o->callback(screenh_cb, app); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Set viewing frustum height") } { Fl_Counter* o = screend = new Fl_Counter(105, 160, 110, 25, "Screen Dist"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->range(-100000.0, 100000.0); o->step(0.1); o->lstep(1.0); o->precision(1); o->callback(screend_cb, app); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Set viewing frustum distance") } { Fl_Choice* o = cuemode = new Fl_Choice(105, 195, 110, 25, "Cue Mode"); o->color(VMDMENU_CHOOSER_BG); o->selection_color(VMDMENU_CHOOSER_SEL); o->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->callback(cuemode_cb, app); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Set depth cueing mode") for (int m=0; m<app->display->num_cue_modes(); m++) cuemode->add(app->display->cue_mode_name(m)); } { Fl_Counter* o = cuestart = new Fl_Counter(105, 220, 110, 25, "Cue Start"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->range(0.001, 1000.0); o->step(0.05); o->lstep(0.25); o->precision(2); o->callback(cuestart_cb, app); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Set linear depth cueing starting distance") } { Fl_Counter* o = cueend = new Fl_Counter(105, 245, 110, 25, "Cue End"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->range(0.001, 1000.0); o->step(0.05); o->lstep(0.25); o->precision(2); o->callback(cueend_cb, app); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Set linear depth cueing end distance") } { Fl_Counter* o = cuedensity = new Fl_Counter(105, 270, 110, 25, "Cue Density"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->range(0.001, 1000.0); o->step(0.05); o->lstep(0.1); o->precision(2); o->callback(cuedensity_cb, app); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Set exponential depth cueing density") } new Fl_Box(35, 305, 170, 25, "External Renderer Options"); { Fl_Choice* o = shadowmode = new Fl_Choice(105, 330, 110, 25, "Shadows"); o->color(VMDMENU_CHOOSER_BG); o->selection_color(VMDMENU_CHOOSER_SEL); o->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->callback(shadowmode_cb, app); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Enable shadows in external renderers") shadowmode->add("Off"); shadowmode->add("On"); } { Fl_Choice* o = aomode = new Fl_Choice(105, 355, 110, 25, "Amb. Occl."); o->color(VMDMENU_CHOOSER_BG); o->selection_color(VMDMENU_CHOOSER_SEL); o->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->callback(aomode_cb, app); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Enable ambient occlusion lighting in external renderers") aomode->add("Off"); aomode->add("On"); } { Fl_Counter* o = aoambient = new Fl_Counter(105, 380, 110, 25, "AO Ambient"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->range(0.0, 1.0); o->step(0.01); o->lstep(0.10); o->precision(2); o->callback(aoambient_cb, app); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Ambient occlusion lighting coefficient") } { Fl_Counter* o = aodirect = new Fl_Counter(105, 405, 110, 25, "AO Direct"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->range(0.0, 1.0); o->step(0.01); o->lstep(0.10); o->precision(2); o->callback(aodirect_cb, app); VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(o, "Direct lighting rescaling coefficient") } Fl_Box *box1 = new Fl_Box(10, 10, 215, 120); box1->box(FL_ENGRAVED_FRAME); Fl_Box *box2 = new Fl_Box(10, 130, 215, 65); box2->box(FL_ENGRAVED_FRAME); Fl_Box *box3 = new Fl_Box(10, 190, 215, 110); box3->box(FL_ENGRAVED_FRAME); Fl_Box *box4 = new Fl_Box(10, 300, 215, 135); box4->box(FL_ENGRAVED_FRAME); end(); end(); } }
SaveTrajectoryFltkMenu::SaveTrajectoryFltkMenu(VMDApp *vmdapp) : VMDFltkMenu("save", "Save Trajectory", vmdapp) { size(450, 250); { Fl_Choice* o = molchooser = new Fl_Choice(120, 10, 320, 25, "Save data from: "); o->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); o->down_box(FL_BORDER_BOX); o->color(VMDMENU_CHOOSER_BG); o->selection_color(VMDMENU_CHOOSER_SEL); o->callback(molchooser_cb, this); } { Fl_Input *o = selectinput = new Fl_Input(120, 45, 295, 25, "Selected atoms:"); o->selection_color(VMDMENU_VALUE_SEL); } { Fl_Choice* o = repchooser = new Fl_Choice(415, 45, 25, 25); o->down_box(FL_BORDER_BOX); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); o->color(VMDMENU_CHOOSER_BG, VMDMENU_CHOOSER_SEL); o->callback(repchooser_cb, this); } { Fl_Choice* o = filetypechooser = new Fl_Choice(20, 90, 115, 25, "File type:"); o->down_box(FL_BORDER_BOX); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); o->color(VMDMENU_CHOOSER_BG, VMDMENU_CHOOSER_SEL); } savebutton = new Fl_Return_Button(345, 90, 95, 25, "Save..."); savebutton->callback(save_cb, this); { Fl_Group* o = timestepgroup = new Fl_Group(20, 145, 165, 95, "Frames: "); o->box(FL_ENGRAVED_FRAME); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); { Fl_Button* o = saveinbackgroundbutton = new Fl_Round_Button(30, 215, 150, 20, "Save in background"); o->down_box(FL_ROUND_DOWN_BOX); o->type(FL_RADIO_BUTTON); } { Fl_Button* o = allatoncebutton = new Fl_Round_Button(30, 195, 150, 20, "Save all at once"); o->down_box(FL_ROUND_DOWN_BOX); o->type(FL_RADIO_BUTTON); } { Fl_Input* o = firstinput = new Fl_Int_Input(25, 170, 45, 20, "First:"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); o->selection_color(VMDMENU_VALUE_SEL); } { Fl_Input* o = lastinput = new Fl_Int_Input(80, 170, 45, 20, "Last:"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); o->selection_color(VMDMENU_VALUE_SEL); } { Fl_Input* o = strideinput = new Fl_Int_Input(135, 170, 45, 20, "Stride:"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); o->selection_color(VMDMENU_VALUE_SEL); } o->end(); datasetbrowser = new Fl_Multi_Browser(195, 145, 240, 95, "Volumetric Datasets"); datasetbrowser->align(5); datasetbrowser->color(VMDMENU_BROWSER_BG, VMDMENU_BROWSER_SEL); } end(); allatoncebutton->value(1); selected_molid = -1; datasetbrowser->deactivate(); command_wanted(Command::PLUGIN_UPDATE); command_wanted(Command::MOL_NEW); command_wanted(Command::MOL_RENAME); command_wanted(Command::MOL_DEL); command_wanted(Command::MOL_ADDREP); command_wanted(Command::MOL_DELREP); command_wanted(Command::MOL_MODREP); command_wanted(Command::MOL_MODREPITEM); command_wanted(Command::ANIM_DELETE); }
//---------------------------------------------------- // Constructor. Creates all of the widgets. // Add new widgets here //---------------------------------------------------- ImpressionistUI::ImpressionistUI() { // Create the main window m_mainWindow = new Fl_Window(600, 300, "Impressionist"); m_mainWindow->user_data((void*)(this)); // record self to be used by static callback functions // install menu bar m_menubar = new Fl_Menu_Bar(0, 0, 600, 25); m_menubar->menu(menuitems); // Create a group that will hold two sub windows inside the main // window Fl_Group* group = new Fl_Group(0, 25, 600, 275); // install paint view window m_paintView = new PaintView(300, 25, 300, 275, "This is the paint view");//0jon m_paintView->box(FL_DOWN_FRAME); // install original view window m_origView = new OriginalView(0, 25, 300, 275, "This is the orig view");//300jon m_origView->box(FL_DOWN_FRAME); // m_origView->deactivate(); group->end(); Fl_Group::current()->resizable(group); m_mainWindow->end(); // init values m_nSize = 10; m_nAngle = 45; m_nAlpha = 255; m_nBackgroundAlpha = 100; // brush dialog definition m_brushDialog = new Fl_Window(400, 325, "Brush Dialog"); // Add a brush type choice to the dialog m_BrushTypeChoice = new Fl_Choice(50,10,150,25,"&Brush"); m_BrushTypeChoice->user_data((void*)(this)); // record self to be used by static callback functions m_BrushTypeChoice->menu(brushTypeMenu); m_BrushTypeChoice->callback(cb_brushChoice); m_ClearCanvasButton = new Fl_Button(240,10,150,25,"&Clear Canvas"); m_ClearCanvasButton->user_data((void*)(this)); m_ClearCanvasButton->callback(cb_clear_canvas_button); m_transparentBackgroundButton = new Fl_Button(130,280,150,25,"&Show Background"); m_transparentBackgroundButton->user_data((void*)(this)); m_transparentBackgroundButton->callback(cb_transparentBackground); m_edgeImageButton = new Fl_Button(130,180,150,25,"&Toggle Edge Image"); m_edgeImageButton->user_data((void*)(this)); m_edgeImageButton->callback(cb_edgeImage); //Add angle choice menu Fl_Choice * myChoice = new Fl_Choice(95,60,150,25,"&Angle Choice"); myChoice->user_data((void*)(this)); // record self to be used by static callback functions myChoice->menu(angleChoiceMenu); myChoice->callback(cb_angleChoice); // Add brush size slider to the dialog m_BrushSizeSlider = new Fl_Value_Slider(10, 100, 300, 20, "Size"); m_BrushSizeSlider->user_data((void*)(this)); // record self to be used by static callback functions m_BrushSizeSlider->type(FL_HOR_NICE_SLIDER); m_BrushSizeSlider->labelfont(FL_COURIER); m_BrushSizeSlider->labelsize(12); m_BrushSizeSlider->minimum(1); m_BrushSizeSlider->maximum(40); m_BrushSizeSlider->step(1); m_BrushSizeSlider->value(m_nSize); m_BrushSizeSlider->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT); m_BrushSizeSlider->callback(cb_sizeSlides); // Add brush angle slider to the dialog m_BrushSizeSlider = new Fl_Value_Slider(10, 120, 300, 20, "Angle"); m_BrushSizeSlider->user_data((void*)(this)); // record self to be used by static callback functions m_BrushSizeSlider->type(FL_HOR_NICE_SLIDER); m_BrushSizeSlider->labelfont(FL_COURIER); m_BrushSizeSlider->labelsize(12); m_BrushSizeSlider->minimum(0); m_BrushSizeSlider->maximum(180); m_BrushSizeSlider->step(1); m_BrushSizeSlider->value(m_nAngle); m_BrushSizeSlider->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT); m_BrushSizeSlider->callback(cb_angleSlides); // Add brush angle slider to the dialog m_BrushSizeSlider = new Fl_Value_Slider(10, 140, 300, 20, "Opacity"); m_BrushSizeSlider->user_data((void*)(this)); // record self to be used by static callback functions m_BrushSizeSlider->type(FL_HOR_NICE_SLIDER); m_BrushSizeSlider->labelfont(FL_COURIER); m_BrushSizeSlider->labelsize(12); m_BrushSizeSlider->minimum(0); m_BrushSizeSlider->maximum(255); m_BrushSizeSlider->step(1); m_BrushSizeSlider->value(m_nAlpha); m_BrushSizeSlider->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT); m_BrushSizeSlider->callback(cb_alphaSlides); // Add brush angle slider to the dialog m_BrushSizeSlider = new Fl_Value_Slider(10, 250, 300, 20, "Background\nOpacity"); m_BrushSizeSlider->user_data((void*)(this)); // record self to be used by static callback functions m_BrushSizeSlider->type(FL_HOR_NICE_SLIDER); m_BrushSizeSlider->labelfont(FL_COURIER); m_BrushSizeSlider->labelsize(12); m_BrushSizeSlider->minimum(0); m_BrushSizeSlider->maximum(255); m_BrushSizeSlider->step(1); m_BrushSizeSlider->value(m_nBackgroundAlpha); m_BrushSizeSlider->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT); m_BrushSizeSlider->callback(cb_backgroundAlphaSlides); m_brushDialog->end(); // filter dialog definition std::fill(fltKernel,fltKernel+(FLT_WIDTH*FLT_HEIGHT)-1,0.0f); // m_nScale = 1.0f; // m_nOffset = 0.0f; m_filterDialog = new Fl_Window(400, 200, "Filter Dialog"); m_BrushTypeChoice = new Fl_Choice(150,10,150,25,"&Select Source"); m_BrushTypeChoice->user_data((void*)(this)); // record self to be used by static callback functions m_BrushTypeChoice->menu(filterChoiceMenu); m_BrushTypeChoice->callback(cb_filterChoice); m_ApplyFilterButton = new Fl_Button(30,170,100,25,"&Apply Filter"); m_ApplyFilterButton->user_data((void*)(this)); m_ApplyFilterButton->callback(cb_apply_filter_button); m_PreviewFilterButton = new Fl_Button(150,170,100,25,"&Preview Filter"); m_PreviewFilterButton->user_data((void*)(this)); m_PreviewFilterButton->callback(cb_preview_filter_button); m_CancelFilterButton = new Fl_Button(270,170,100,25,"&Cancel"); m_CancelFilterButton->user_data((void*)(this)); m_CancelFilterButton->callback(cb_cancel_filter_button); Fl_Float_Input* scaleInput = new Fl_Float_Input(50, 80, 40, 20,"&Scale"); scaleInput->user_data((void*)(this)); scaleInput->callback(cb_scaleInput); Fl_Float_Input* offsetInput = new Fl_Float_Input(50, 100, 40, 20,"&Offset"); offsetInput->user_data((void*)(this)); offsetInput->callback(cb_offsetInput); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_00 = new Fl_Float_Input(100, 50, 50, 20); filterInput_00->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_00->callback(cb_filterInput_00); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_01 = new Fl_Float_Input(150, 50, 50, 20); filterInput_01->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_01->callback(cb_filterInput_01); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_02 = new Fl_Float_Input(200, 50, 50, 20); filterInput_02->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_02->callback(cb_filterInput_02); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_03 = new Fl_Float_Input(250, 50, 50, 20); filterInput_03->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_03->callback(cb_filterInput_03); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_04 = new Fl_Float_Input(300, 50, 50, 20); filterInput_04->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_04->callback(cb_filterInput_04); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_10 = new Fl_Float_Input(100, 70, 50, 20); filterInput_10->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_10->callback(cb_filterInput_10); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_11 = new Fl_Float_Input(150, 70, 50, 20); filterInput_11->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_11->callback(cb_filterInput_11); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_12 = new Fl_Float_Input(200, 70, 50, 20); filterInput_12->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_12->callback(cb_filterInput_12); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_13 = new Fl_Float_Input(250, 70, 50, 20); filterInput_13->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_13->callback(cb_filterInput_13); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_14 = new Fl_Float_Input(300, 70, 50, 20); filterInput_14->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_14->callback(cb_filterInput_14); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_20 = new Fl_Float_Input(100, 90, 50, 20); filterInput_20->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_20->callback(cb_filterInput_20); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_21 = new Fl_Float_Input(150, 90, 50, 20); filterInput_21->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_21->callback(cb_filterInput_21); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_22 = new Fl_Float_Input(200, 90, 50, 20); filterInput_22->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_22->callback(cb_filterInput_22); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_23 = new Fl_Float_Input(250, 90, 50, 20); filterInput_23->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_23->callback(cb_filterInput_23); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_24 = new Fl_Float_Input(300, 90, 50, 20); filterInput_24->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_24->callback(cb_filterInput_24); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_30 = new Fl_Float_Input(100, 110, 50, 20); filterInput_30->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_30->callback(cb_filterInput_30); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_31 = new Fl_Float_Input(150, 110, 50, 20); filterInput_31->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_31->callback(cb_filterInput_31); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_32 = new Fl_Float_Input(200, 110, 50, 20); filterInput_32->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_32->callback(cb_filterInput_32); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_33 = new Fl_Float_Input(250, 110, 50, 20); filterInput_33->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_33->callback(cb_filterInput_33); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_34 = new Fl_Float_Input(300, 110, 50, 20); filterInput_34->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_34->callback(cb_filterInput_34); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_40 = new Fl_Float_Input(100, 130, 50, 20); filterInput_40->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_40->callback(cb_filterInput_40); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_41 = new Fl_Float_Input(150, 130, 50, 20); filterInput_41->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_41->callback(cb_filterInput_41); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_42 = new Fl_Float_Input(200, 130, 50, 20); filterInput_42->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_42->callback(cb_filterInput_42); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_43 = new Fl_Float_Input(250, 130, 50, 20); filterInput_43->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_43->callback(cb_filterInput_43); Fl_Float_Input* filterInput_44 = new Fl_Float_Input(300, 130, 50, 20); filterInput_44->user_data((void*)(this)); filterInput_44->callback(cb_filterInput_44); m_filterDialog->end(); }
Fl_Scopes_Manager::Fl_Scopes_Manager(int x, int y, int width, int height, Fl_MDI_Viewport *s, const char *name) { Fl::lock(); s->begin(); Fl_MDI_Window *w = SWin = new Fl_MDI_Window(0, 0, width, height, name); w->user_data((void *)this); w->resizable(w->view()); w->titlebar()->close_button()->hide(); w->view()->begin(); Scopes_Tabs = new Fl_Tabs*[Num_Scopes]; Scope_Show = new Fl_Check_Button*[Num_Scopes]; Scope_Pause = new Fl_Button*[Num_Scopes]; Scope_OneShot = new Fl_Check_Button*[Num_Scopes]; Scope_Options = new Fl_Menu_Button*[Num_Scopes]; Grid_Color = new Fl_Button*[Num_Scopes]; Bg_Color = new Fl_Button*[Num_Scopes]; Sec_Div = new Fl_Input_Browser*[Num_Scopes]; Save_Type = new Fl_Check_Button*[Num_Scopes]; Save_Points = new Fl_Int_Input*[Num_Scopes]; Save_Time = new Fl_Float_Input*[Num_Scopes]; Save_File = new Fl_Input*[Num_Scopes]; Save = new Fl_Light_Button*[Num_Scopes]; Save_Flag = new int[Num_Scopes]; Save_File_Pointer = new FILE*[Num_Scopes]; Trace_Page = new Fl_Group**[Num_Scopes]; Trace_Show = new Fl_Check_Button**[Num_Scopes]; Units_Div = new Fl_Input_Browser**[Num_Scopes]; Trace_Color = new Fl_Button**[Num_Scopes]; Trace_Pos = new Fl_Dial**[Num_Scopes]; Trace_Width = new Fl_Dial**[Num_Scopes]; Trigger_Mode = new Fl_Choice*[Num_Scopes]; Trace_Options = new Fl_Menu_Button**[Num_Scopes]; Scope_Windows = new Fl_Scope_Window*[Num_Scopes]; for (int i = 0; i < Num_Scopes; i++) { Save_Flag[i] = false; { Fl_Tabs *o = Scopes_Tabs[i] = new Fl_Tabs(160, 5, width-165, height-40); o->new_page("General"); { Fl_Check_Button *o = Scope_Show[i] = new Fl_Check_Button(10, 25, 100, 20, "Show/Hide"); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)show_scope, (void *)i); } { Fl_Button *o = Scope_Pause[i] = new Fl_Button(10, 75, 90, 25, "Trigger"); o->value(0); o->deactivate(); o->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)pause_scope, (void *)i); } { Fl_Check_Button *o = Scope_OneShot[i] = new Fl_Check_Button(10, 50, 100, 20, "OneShot/Run"); o->deactivate(); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)oneshot_scope, (void *)i); } { Fl_Menu_Button *o = Scope_Options[i] = new Fl_Menu_Button(10, 105, 90, 25, "Options"); o->menu(Scope_Opts); o->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); o->child(0)->set_value(); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)enter_options, (void *)i); } { Fl_Button *o = Grid_Color[i] = new Fl_Button(10, 135, 90, 25, "Grid Color"); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)select_grid_color, (void *)i); } { Fl_Button *o = Bg_Color[i] = new Fl_Button(10, 165, 90, 25, "Bg Color"); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)select_bg_color, (void *)i); } { Fl_Input_Browser *o = Sec_Div[i] = new Fl_Input_Browser(200, 25, 60, 20, "Sec/Div: "); o->add("0.001|0.005|0.01|0.05|0.1|0.5|1"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->value("0.1"); o->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)enter_secdiv, (void *)i); } { Fl_Check_Button *o = Save_Type[i] = new Fl_Check_Button(140, 50, 100, 20, "Points/Time"); o->value(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)select_save, (void *)i); } { Fl_Int_Input *o = Save_Points[i] = new Fl_Int_Input(200, 75, 60, 20, "N Points: "); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->value("1000"); } { Fl_Float_Input *o = Save_Time[i] = new Fl_Float_Input(200, 105, 60, 20, "Time [s]: "); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->value("1.0"); o->deactivate(); } { Fl_Input *o = Save_File[i] = new Fl_Input(200, 135, 100, 20, "Filename:"); char buf[100]; o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); sprintf(buf, "%s", Scopes[i].name); o->value(buf); } { Fl_Light_Button *o = Save[i] = new Fl_Light_Button(140, 165, 90, 25, "Save"); o->selection_color(FL_BLACK); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)enable_saving, (void *)i); } { Fl_Choice *o = Trigger_Mode[i] = new Fl_Choice(60, 200, 170, 25, "Trigger:"); o->add("Continuous Roling|Continuous Overwrite|Rising (-to+) CH1|Falling (+to-) CH1|Hold"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->value(0); o->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)enter_trigger_mode, (void *)i); } Trace_Page[i] = new Fl_Group*[Scopes[i].ntraces]; Trace_Show[i] = new Fl_Check_Button*[Scopes[i].ntraces]; Units_Div[i] = new Fl_Input_Browser*[Scopes[i].ntraces]; Trace_Color[i] = new Fl_Button*[Scopes[i].ntraces]; Trace_Pos[i] = new Fl_Dial*[Scopes[i].ntraces]; Trace_Width[i] = new Fl_Dial*[Scopes[i].ntraces]; Trace_Options[i] = new Fl_Menu_Button*[Scopes[i].ntraces]; for (int j = 0; j < Scopes[i].ntraces; j++) { s_idx_T *idx = new s_idx_T; idx->scope_idx = i; idx->trace_idx = j; Trace_Page[i][j] = o->new_page(Scopes[i].traceName[j]); Trace_Page[i][j]->label_color(FL_WHITE); { Fl_Check_Button *o = Trace_Show[i][j] = new Fl_Check_Button(10, 25, 100, 20, "Show/Hide"); o->value(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)show_trace, (void *)idx); } { Fl_Input_Browser *o = Units_Div[i][j] = new Fl_Input_Browser(77, 55, 60, 20, "Units/Div: "); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->value("2.5"); o->add("0.001|0.002|0.005|0.01|0.02|0.05|0.1|0.2|0.5|1|2|5|10|50|100|1000"); o->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)enter_unitsdiv, (void *)idx); } { Fl_Button *o = Trace_Color[i][j] = new Fl_Button(10, 90, 90, 25, "Trace Color"); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)select_trace_color, (void *)idx); } { Fl_Dial *o = Trace_Pos[i][j] = new Fl_Dial(170, 40, 50, 50, "Trace Offset"); o->type(Fl_Dial::LINE); o->minimum(0.0); o->maximum(2.0); o->value(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)change_trace_pos, (void *)idx); } { Fl_Dial *o = Trace_Width[i][j] = new Fl_Dial(250, 40, 50, 50, "Trace Width"); o->type(Fl_Dial::LINE); o->minimum(0.1); o->maximum(40.0); o->value(0.1); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)change_trace_width, (void *)idx); } { Fl_Menu_Button *o = Trace_Options[i][j] = new Fl_Menu_Button(10, 130, 90, 25, "Options "); int i; o->menu(Trace_Opts); o->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)enter_options, (void *)idx); // for(i=0;i<o->children();i++) { // loop through all menu items, and add checked items to the value // o->child(i)->set_value(); // } } } o->end(); Fl_Group::current()->resizable(w); } } for (int i = 1; i < Num_Scopes; i++) { Scopes_Tabs[i]->hide(); } Scopes_Tabs[0]->show(); Help = new Fl_Button(width-150, height-30, 70, 25, "Help"); Close = new Fl_Button(width-75, height-30, 70, 25, "Close"); Close->callback((Fl_Callback *)close); Fl_Browser *o = Scopes_Tree = new Fl_Browser(5, 5, 150, height-10); o->indented(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)select_scope); for (int i = 0; i < Num_Scopes; i++) { add_paper(Scopes_Tree, Scopes[i].name, Fl_Image::read_xpm(0, scope_icon)); } w->view()->end(); s->end(); w->titlebar()->h(15); w->titlebar()->color(FL_BLACK); w->position(x, y); Fl::unlock(); }