int ComboWindow::handle(int event) { static bool resizing = false; switch (event) { case FL_PUSH: { Fl_Rect size_grip(w()-SIZE_GRIP, h()-SIZE_GRIP, SIZE_GRIP, SIZE_GRIP); if(size_grip.posInRect(Fl::event_x(), Fl::event_y())) { resizing = true; return 1; } break; } case FL_DRAG: if(resizing) { int W=Fl::event_x(), H=Fl::event_y(); if(W < combo->w()) W = combo->w(); if(H < combo->h()) H = combo->h(); size(W, H); combo->list->Fl_Group::size(W-box()->dw(), H-SIZE_GRIP-box()->dh()); return 1; } break; case FL_RELEASE: if(resizing) { resizing=false; return 1; } break; case FL_KEY: case FL_MOVE: if(combo->list) combo->list->handle(event); return 1; default: break; } return Fl_Menu_Window::handle(event); }
void ComboBrowser::browser_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *data) { // we get callbacks for all keys? if(Fl::event_key() != FL_Enter && Fl::event_key() != ' ') return; ComboBrowser *br = (ComboBrowser *)w; Fl_Input_Browser *combo = (Fl_Input_Browser *)data; Fl_Widget *item = br->item(); if(!item) return; if (item->is_group()) return; // can't select a group! combo->item(item); combo->value(item->label().c_str()); combo->redraw(FL_DAMAGE_VALUE); combo->hide_popup(); combo->do_callback(); }
void cb_run_app(Fl_Input *i, void*) { Fl_String exec(i->value()); if ((exec == "") || (exec == " ")) return; exec = "ede-launch \""+exec; exec += "\""; fl_start_child_process(exec, false); Fl_Input_Browser *ib = (Fl_Input_Browser *)i->parent(); if (!ib->find(i->value())) { ib->add(i->value()); Fl_String_List history; int c = 0; if (ib->children() > 15) c = ib->children() - 15; for (; c < ib->children(); c++) { history.append(ib->child(c)->label()); } pGlobalConfig.set("Panel", "RunHistory", history.to_string("|")); pGlobalConfig.flush(); } i->value(""); }
int ComboBrowser::handle(int event) { // Work-around... if(Fl::event_key()==FL_Down && (!item() || children()==1)) { item(child(0)); Fl_Group::focus(item()); } if((event==FL_SHORTCUT||event==FL_KEY) && !(combo->type()&Fl_Input_Browser::NONEDITABLE)) { if( (Fl::event_key()!=FL_Escape) && (Fl::event_key()!=FL_Up) && (Fl::event_key()!=FL_Down) && !(Fl::event_key()==FL_Enter && item()) ) return combo->input()->handle(FL_KEY); } static bool was_wheel=false; if(was_wheel) { was_wheel=false; return 1; } switch (event) { case FL_MOUSEWHEEL: { was_wheel=true; break; } case FL_KEY: case FL_SHORTCUT: if(Fl::event_key() == FL_Escape) { combo->hide_popup(); return 1; } break; case FL_PUSH: { Fl::event_clicks(1); Fl_Rect size_grip(w()-SIZE_GRIP, h(), SIZE_GRIP, SIZE_GRIP); if(size_grip.posInRect(Fl::event_x(), Fl::event_y())) return 1; if(Fl::event_x() > w() || Fl::event_x() < x() || Fl::event_y() > h() || Fl::event_y() < y() ) { combo->hide_popup(); if(Fl::event_y() < y()-combo->h()) combo->send(FL_PUSH); return 1; } break; } case FL_MOVE: event = FL_DRAG; case FL_RELEASE: case FL_DRAG: // this causes a drag-in to the widget to work: if (Fl::event_inside(0, 0, w(), h())) Fl::pushed(this); else { Fl::pushed(0); return 0; } default: break; } return Fl_Browser::handle(event); }
Fl_Scopes_Manager::Fl_Scopes_Manager(int x, int y, int width, int height, Fl_MDI_Viewport *s, const char *name) { Fl::lock(); s->begin(); Fl_MDI_Window *w = SWin = new Fl_MDI_Window(0, 0, width, height, name); w->user_data((void *)this); w->resizable(w->view()); w->titlebar()->close_button()->hide(); w->view()->begin(); Scopes_Tabs = new Fl_Tabs*[Num_Scopes]; Scope_Show = new Fl_Check_Button*[Num_Scopes]; Scope_Pause = new Fl_Button*[Num_Scopes]; Scope_OneShot = new Fl_Check_Button*[Num_Scopes]; Scope_Options = new Fl_Menu_Button*[Num_Scopes]; Grid_Color = new Fl_Button*[Num_Scopes]; Bg_Color = new Fl_Button*[Num_Scopes]; Sec_Div = new Fl_Input_Browser*[Num_Scopes]; Save_Type = new Fl_Check_Button*[Num_Scopes]; Save_Points = new Fl_Int_Input*[Num_Scopes]; Save_Time = new Fl_Float_Input*[Num_Scopes]; Save_File = new Fl_Input*[Num_Scopes]; Save = new Fl_Light_Button*[Num_Scopes]; Save_Flag = new int[Num_Scopes]; Save_File_Pointer = new FILE*[Num_Scopes]; Trace_Page = new Fl_Group**[Num_Scopes]; Trace_Show = new Fl_Check_Button**[Num_Scopes]; Units_Div = new Fl_Input_Browser**[Num_Scopes]; Trace_Color = new Fl_Button**[Num_Scopes]; Trace_Pos = new Fl_Dial**[Num_Scopes]; Trace_Width = new Fl_Dial**[Num_Scopes]; Trigger_Mode = new Fl_Choice*[Num_Scopes]; Trace_Options = new Fl_Menu_Button**[Num_Scopes]; Scope_Windows = new Fl_Scope_Window*[Num_Scopes]; for (int i = 0; i < Num_Scopes; i++) { Save_Flag[i] = false; { Fl_Tabs *o = Scopes_Tabs[i] = new Fl_Tabs(160, 5, width-165, height-40); o->new_page("General"); { Fl_Check_Button *o = Scope_Show[i] = new Fl_Check_Button(10, 25, 100, 20, "Show/Hide"); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)show_scope, (void *)i); } { Fl_Button *o = Scope_Pause[i] = new Fl_Button(10, 75, 90, 25, "Trigger"); o->value(0); o->deactivate(); o->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)pause_scope, (void *)i); } { Fl_Check_Button *o = Scope_OneShot[i] = new Fl_Check_Button(10, 50, 100, 20, "OneShot/Run"); o->deactivate(); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)oneshot_scope, (void *)i); } { Fl_Menu_Button *o = Scope_Options[i] = new Fl_Menu_Button(10, 105, 90, 25, "Options"); o->menu(Scope_Opts); o->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); o->child(0)->set_value(); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)enter_options, (void *)i); } { Fl_Button *o = Grid_Color[i] = new Fl_Button(10, 135, 90, 25, "Grid Color"); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)select_grid_color, (void *)i); } { Fl_Button *o = Bg_Color[i] = new Fl_Button(10, 165, 90, 25, "Bg Color"); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)select_bg_color, (void *)i); } { Fl_Input_Browser *o = Sec_Div[i] = new Fl_Input_Browser(200, 25, 60, 20, "Sec/Div: "); o->add("0.001|0.005|0.01|0.05|0.1|0.5|1"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->value("0.1"); o->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)enter_secdiv, (void *)i); } { Fl_Check_Button *o = Save_Type[i] = new Fl_Check_Button(140, 50, 100, 20, "Points/Time"); o->value(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)select_save, (void *)i); } { Fl_Int_Input *o = Save_Points[i] = new Fl_Int_Input(200, 75, 60, 20, "N Points: "); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->value("1000"); } { Fl_Float_Input *o = Save_Time[i] = new Fl_Float_Input(200, 105, 60, 20, "Time [s]: "); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->value("1.0"); o->deactivate(); } { Fl_Input *o = Save_File[i] = new Fl_Input(200, 135, 100, 20, "Filename:"); char buf[100]; o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); sprintf(buf, "%s", Scopes[i].name); o->value(buf); } { Fl_Light_Button *o = Save[i] = new Fl_Light_Button(140, 165, 90, 25, "Save"); o->selection_color(FL_BLACK); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)enable_saving, (void *)i); } { Fl_Choice *o = Trigger_Mode[i] = new Fl_Choice(60, 200, 170, 25, "Trigger:"); o->add("Continuous Roling|Continuous Overwrite|Rising (-to+) CH1|Falling (+to-) CH1|Hold"); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->value(0); o->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)enter_trigger_mode, (void *)i); } Trace_Page[i] = new Fl_Group*[Scopes[i].ntraces]; Trace_Show[i] = new Fl_Check_Button*[Scopes[i].ntraces]; Units_Div[i] = new Fl_Input_Browser*[Scopes[i].ntraces]; Trace_Color[i] = new Fl_Button*[Scopes[i].ntraces]; Trace_Pos[i] = new Fl_Dial*[Scopes[i].ntraces]; Trace_Width[i] = new Fl_Dial*[Scopes[i].ntraces]; Trace_Options[i] = new Fl_Menu_Button*[Scopes[i].ntraces]; for (int j = 0; j < Scopes[i].ntraces; j++) { s_idx_T *idx = new s_idx_T; idx->scope_idx = i; idx->trace_idx = j; Trace_Page[i][j] = o->new_page(Scopes[i].traceName[j]); Trace_Page[i][j]->label_color(FL_WHITE); { Fl_Check_Button *o = Trace_Show[i][j] = new Fl_Check_Button(10, 25, 100, 20, "Show/Hide"); o->value(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)show_trace, (void *)idx); } { Fl_Input_Browser *o = Units_Div[i][j] = new Fl_Input_Browser(77, 55, 60, 20, "Units/Div: "); o->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->value("2.5"); o->add("0.001|0.002|0.005|0.01|0.02|0.05|0.1|0.2|0.5|1|2|5|10|50|100|1000"); o->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)enter_unitsdiv, (void *)idx); } { Fl_Button *o = Trace_Color[i][j] = new Fl_Button(10, 90, 90, 25, "Trace Color"); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)select_trace_color, (void *)idx); } { Fl_Dial *o = Trace_Pos[i][j] = new Fl_Dial(170, 40, 50, 50, "Trace Offset"); o->type(Fl_Dial::LINE); o->minimum(0.0); o->maximum(2.0); o->value(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)change_trace_pos, (void *)idx); } { Fl_Dial *o = Trace_Width[i][j] = new Fl_Dial(250, 40, 50, 50, "Trace Width"); o->type(Fl_Dial::LINE); o->minimum(0.1); o->maximum(40.0); o->value(0.1); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)change_trace_width, (void *)idx); } { Fl_Menu_Button *o = Trace_Options[i][j] = new Fl_Menu_Button(10, 130, 90, 25, "Options "); int i; o->menu(Trace_Opts); o->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)enter_options, (void *)idx); // for(i=0;i<o->children();i++) { // loop through all menu items, and add checked items to the value // o->child(i)->set_value(); // } } } o->end(); Fl_Group::current()->resizable(w); } } for (int i = 1; i < Num_Scopes; i++) { Scopes_Tabs[i]->hide(); } Scopes_Tabs[0]->show(); Help = new Fl_Button(width-150, height-30, 70, 25, "Help"); Close = new Fl_Button(width-75, height-30, 70, 25, "Close"); Close->callback((Fl_Callback *)close); Fl_Browser *o = Scopes_Tree = new Fl_Browser(5, 5, 150, height-10); o->indented(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback *)select_scope); for (int i = 0; i < Num_Scopes; i++) { add_paper(Scopes_Tree, Scopes[i].name, Fl_Image::read_xpm(0, scope_icon)); } w->view()->end(); s->end(); w->titlebar()->h(15); w->titlebar()->color(FL_BLACK); w->position(x, y); Fl::unlock(); }