void NetworkInterface::flow_processing(ZMQ_Flow *zflow) { bool src2dst_direction; Flow *flow; if((time_t)zflow->last_switched > (time_t)last_pkt_rcvd) last_pkt_rcvd = zflow->last_switched; /* Updating Flow */ flow = getFlow(zflow->src_mac, zflow->dst_mac, zflow->vlan_id, &zflow->src_ip, &zflow->dst_ip, zflow->src_port, zflow->dst_port, zflow->l4_proto, &src2dst_direction, zflow->first_switched, zflow->last_switched); if(flow == NULL) return; if(zflow->l4_proto == IPPROTO_TCP) flow->updateTcpFlags(zflow->tcp_flags); flow->addFlowStats(src2dst_direction, zflow->pkt_sampling_rate*zflow->in_pkts, zflow->pkt_sampling_rate*zflow->in_bytes, zflow->pkt_sampling_rate*zflow->out_pkts, zflow->pkt_sampling_rate*zflow->out_bytes, zflow->last_switched); flow->setDetectedProtocol(zflow->l7_proto); flow->setJSONInfo(json_object_to_json_string(zflow->additional_fields)); flow->updateActivities(); incStats(zflow->src_ip.isIPv4() ? ETHERTYPE_IP : ETHERTYPE_IPV6, flow->get_detected_protocol(), zflow->pkt_sampling_rate*(zflow->in_bytes + zflow->out_bytes), zflow->pkt_sampling_rate*(zflow->in_pkts + zflow->out_pkts), 24 /* 8 Preamble + 4 CRC + 12 IFG */ + 14 /* Ethernet header */); purgeIdle(zflow->last_switched); }
void NetworkInterface::packet_processing(const u_int32_t when, const u_int64_t time, struct ndpi_ethhdr *eth, u_int16_t vlan_id, struct ndpi_iphdr *iph, struct ndpi_ip6_hdr *ip6, u_int16_t ipsize, u_int16_t rawsize) { bool src2dst_direction; u_int8_t l4_proto; Flow *flow; u_int8_t *eth_src = eth->h_source, *eth_dst = eth->h_dest; IpAddress src_ip, dst_ip; u_int16_t src_port, dst_port; struct ndpi_tcphdr *tcph = NULL; struct ndpi_udphdr *udph = NULL; u_int16_t l4_packet_len; u_int8_t *l4, tcp_flags = 0; u_int8_t *ip; bool is_fragment = false; if(iph != NULL) { /* IPv4 */ if(ipsize < 20) { incStats(ETHERTYPE_IP, NDPI_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN, rawsize, 1, 24 /* 8 Preamble + 4 CRC + 12 IFG */); return; } if((iph->ihl * 4) > ipsize || ipsize < ntohs(iph->tot_len) || (iph->frag_off & htons(0x1FFF /* IP_OFFSET */)) != 0) { is_fragment = true; } l4_packet_len = ntohs(iph->tot_len) - (iph->ihl * 4); l4_proto = iph->protocol; l4 = ((u_int8_t *) iph + iph->ihl * 4); ip = (u_int8_t*)iph; } else { /* IPv6 */ if(ipsize < sizeof(const struct ndpi_ip6_hdr)) { incStats(ETHERTYPE_IPV6, NDPI_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN, rawsize, 1, 24 /* 8 Preamble + 4 CRC + 12 IFG */); return; } l4_packet_len = ntohs(ip6->ip6_ctlun.ip6_un1.ip6_un1_plen)-sizeof(const struct ndpi_ip6_hdr); l4_proto = ip6->ip6_ctlun.ip6_un1.ip6_un1_nxt; l4 = (u_int8_t*)ip6 + sizeof(const struct ndpi_ip6_hdr); ip = (u_int8_t*)ip6; } if((l4_proto == IPPROTO_TCP) && (l4_packet_len >= 20)) { /* tcp */ tcph = (struct ndpi_tcphdr *)l4; src_port = tcph->source, dst_port = tcph->dest; tcp_flags = l4[13]; } else if((l4_proto == IPPROTO_UDP) && (l4_packet_len >= 8)) { /* udp */ udph = (struct ndpi_udphdr *)l4; src_port = udph->source, dst_port = udph->dest; } else { /* non tcp/udp protocols */ src_port = dst_port = 0; } if(iph != NULL) { src_ip.set_ipv4(iph->saddr); dst_ip.set_ipv4(iph->daddr); } else { src_ip.set_ipv6(&ip6->ip6_src); dst_ip.set_ipv6(&ip6->ip6_dst); } #if defined(WIN32) && defined(DEMO_WIN32) if(this->ethStats.getNumPackets() > MAX_NUM_PACKETS) { static bool showMsg = false; if(!showMsg) { ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "-----------------------------------------------------------"); ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "WARNING: this demo application is a limited ntopng version able to"); ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "capture up to %d packets. If you are interested", MAX_NUM_PACKETS); ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "in the full version please have a look at the ntop"); ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "home page http://www.ntop.org/."); ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "-----------------------------------------------------------"); ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, ""); showMsg = true; } return; } #endif /* Updating Flow */ flow = getFlow(eth_src, eth_dst, vlan_id, &src_ip, &dst_ip, src_port, dst_port, l4_proto, &src2dst_direction, last_pkt_rcvd, last_pkt_rcvd); if(flow == NULL) { incStats(iph ? ETHERTYPE_IP : ETHERTYPE_IPV6, NDPI_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN, rawsize, 1, 24 /* 8 Preamble + 4 CRC + 12 IFG */); return; } else { flow->incStats(src2dst_direction, rawsize); if(l4_proto == IPPROTO_TCP) flow->updateTcpFlags(tcp_flags); } /* Protocol Detection */ flow->updateActivities(); if(flow->isDetectionCompleted()) { /* Handle aggregations here */ switch(flow->get_detected_protocol()) { case NDPI_PROTOCOL_DNS: struct ndpi_flow_struct *ndpi_flow = flow->get_ndpi_flow(); struct ndpi_id_struct *cli = (struct ndpi_id_struct*)flow->get_cli_id(); struct ndpi_id_struct *srv = (struct ndpi_id_struct*)flow->get_srv_id(); if(ndpi_flow) { memset(&ndpi_flow->detected_protocol_stack, 0, sizeof(ndpi_flow->detected_protocol_stack)); ndpi_detection_process_packet(ndpi_struct, ndpi_flow, ip, ipsize, (u_int32_t)time, cli, srv); if(ndpi_flow->protos.dns.ret_code != 0) { /* This is a negative reply thus we notify the system that this aggregation must not be tracked */ flow->aggregateInfo((char*)ndpi_flow->host_server_name, l4_proto, NDPI_PROTOCOL_DNS, false); } } break; } flow->processDetectedProtocol(); flow->deleteFlowMemory(); incStats(iph ? ETHERTYPE_IP : ETHERTYPE_IPV6, flow->get_detected_protocol(), rawsize, 1, 24 /* 8 Preamble + 4 CRC + 12 IFG */); return; } else incStats(iph ? ETHERTYPE_IP : ETHERTYPE_IPV6, flow->get_detected_protocol(), rawsize, 1, 24 /* 8 Preamble + 4 CRC + 12 IFG */); if(!is_fragment) { struct ndpi_flow_struct *ndpi_flow = flow->get_ndpi_flow(); struct ndpi_id_struct *cli = (struct ndpi_id_struct*)flow->get_cli_id(); struct ndpi_id_struct *srv = (struct ndpi_id_struct*)flow->get_srv_id(); flow->setDetectedProtocol(ndpi_detection_process_packet(ndpi_struct, ndpi_flow, ip, ipsize, (u_int32_t)time, cli, srv)); } else { // FIX - only handle unfragmented packets // ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "IP fragments are not handled yet!"); } }