void SystemDraw::DrawTextOp(int x, int y, int angle, const wchar *text, Font font, Color ink, int n, const int *dx) { GuiLock __; int ascent = font.GetAscent(); double sina = 0; double cosa = 1; if(angle) Draw::SinCos(angle, sina, cosa); int xpos = 0; Buffer<cairo_glyph_t> gs(n); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cairo_glyph_t& g = gs[i]; g.index = GetGlyphInfo(font, text[i]).glyphi; g.x = fround(x + cosa * xpos + sina * ascent); g.y = fround(y + cosa * ascent - sina * xpos); xpos += dx ? dx[i] : font[text[i]]; } static LRUCache<FontSysData, Tuple2<Font, int> > cache; FontDataSysMaker m; m.font = font; m.angle = angle; FontSysData& sf = cache.Get(m); cairo_set_scaled_font(cr, sf.scaled_font); SetColor(ink); cairo_show_glyphs(cr, gs, n); cache.Shrink(64); }
Rect Widget::WriteCenteredLine(Graphics* g, int anOffset, const SexyString& theLine) { Font* aFont = g->GetFont(); int aWidth = aFont->StringWidth(theLine); int aX = (mWidth - aWidth) / 2; g->DrawString(theLine, aX, anOffset); return Rect(aX, anOffset - aFont->GetAscent(), aWidth, aFont->GetHeight()); }
void PaintCharacterSys(Painter& sw, double x, double y, int ch, Font fnt) { DrawLock __; PAINTER_TIMING("CharacterOp"); FT_Face face = FTFace(fnt, NULL); int glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, ch); if(glyph_index && FT_Load_Glyph(face, glyph_index, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT) == 0) RenderOutline(face->glyph->outline, sw, x, y + fnt.GetAscent()); sw.EvenOdd(true); }
bool Replace(Font fnt, int chr, Font& rfnt) { static Vector<int> rface; static Vector<dword> l, h; ONCELOCK { for(int i = 0; i < __countof(sFontReplacements) && rface.GetCount() < 20; i++) { int q = Font::FindFaceNameIndex(sFontReplacements[i].name); if(q > 0) { rface.Add(q); l.Add(sFontReplacements[i].l); h.Add(sFontReplacements[i].h); } } } Font f = fnt; // dword tl = chr < 4096 ? 0x80000000 >> (chr >> 7) : 0; // dword th = 0x80000000 >> ((dword)chr >> 11); for(int i = 0; i < rface.GetCount(); i++) { if(/*((l[i] & tl) || (h[i] & th)) && */IsNormal(f.Face(rface[i]), chr)) { int a = fnt.GetAscent(); int d = fnt.GetDescent(); if(f.GetAscent() > a || f.GetDescent() > d) { static sFontMetricsReplacement cache[256]; int q = CombineHash(fnt, f) & 255; if(cache[q].src != fnt || cache[q].dst != f) { cache[q].src = fnt; cache[q].dst = f; while((f.GetAscent() > a || f.GetDescent() > d) && f.GetHeight() > 1) { f.Height(max(1, min(f.GetHeight() - 1, f.GetHeight() * 9 / 10))); } cache[q].mdst = f; } else f = cache[q].mdst; } rfnt = f; return true; } } return false; }
void PaintCharacter(Painter& sw, const Pointf& p, int chr, Font font) { GlyphInfo gi = GetGlyphInfo(font, chr); PaintCharPath pw; pw.sw = &sw; if(gi.IsNormal()) font.Render(pw, p.x, p.y, chr); else if(gi.IsReplaced()) { Font fnt = font; fnt.Face(gi.lspc); fnt.Height(gi.rspc); fnt.Render(pw, p.x, p.y + font.GetAscent() - fnt.GetAscent(), chr); } else if(gi.IsComposed()) { ComposedGlyph cg; Compose(font, chr, cg); font.Render(pw, p.x, p.y, cg.basic_char); sw.Div(); cg.mark_font.Render(pw, p.x + cg.mark_pos.x, p.y + cg.mark_pos.y, cg.mark_char); } sw.EvenOdd(true); }
Rect Widget::WriteCenteredLine(Graphics* g, int anOffset, const SexyString& theLine, Color theColor1, Color theColor2, const Point& theShadowOffset) { Font* aFont = g->GetFont(); int aWidth = aFont->StringWidth(theLine); int aX = (mWidth - aWidth) / 2; g->SetColor(theColor2); g->DrawString(theLine, (mWidth - aWidth)/2 + theShadowOffset.mX, anOffset + theShadowOffset.mY); g->SetColor(theColor1); g->DrawString(theLine, (mWidth - aWidth)/2, anOffset); // account for shadow in position and size // TODO: this may not be necessary. return Rect( aX + min(0,theShadowOffset.mX), anOffset - aFont->GetAscent() + min(0,theShadowOffset.mY), aWidth + abs(theShadowOffset.mX), aFont->GetHeight() + abs(theShadowOffset.mY)); }
void RenderCharacterSys(FontGlyphConsumer& sw, double x, double y, int ch, Font fnt) { HFONT hfont = GetWin32Font(fnt, 0); if(hfont) { HDC hdc = Win32_IC(); HFONT ohfont = (HFONT) ::SelectObject(hdc, hfont); GLYPHMETRICS gm; MAT2 m_matrix; memset(&m_matrix, 0, sizeof(m_matrix)); m_matrix.eM11.value = 1; m_matrix.eM22.value = 1; int gsz = GetGlyphOutlineW(hdc, ch, GGO_NATIVE, &gm, 0, NULL, &m_matrix); if(gsz < 0) return; StringBuffer gb(gsz); gsz = GetGlyphOutlineW(hdc, ch, GGO_NATIVE, &gm, gsz, ~gb, &m_matrix); if(gsz < 0) return; RenderCharPath(~gb, gsz, sw, x, y + fnt.GetAscent()); ::SelectObject(hdc, ohfont); } }
void Draw::DrawText(int x, int y, int angle, const wchar *text, Font font, Color ink, int n, const int *dx) { #if defined(flagWINGL) || defined(flagLINUXGL) if(IsNull(ink)) return; DrawTextOp(x, y, angle, text, font, ink, n, dx); #else if(IsNull(ink)) return; if(n < 0) n = wstrlen(text); Std(font); double sina = 0; double cosa = 1; int posx = 0; if(angle) Draw::SinCos(angle, sina, cosa); Font font0 = font; if(GetInfo() & DRAWTEXTLINES) font.Underline(false).Strikeout(false); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { wchar chr = text[i]; GlyphInfo gi = GetGlyphInfo(font, chr); if(gi.IsNormal()) if(angle) DrawTextOp(int(x + cosa * posx), int(y - sina * posx), angle, &chr, font, ink, 1, NULL); else { int c = 1; int dd = 0; while(i + c < n && c < 1000) { GlyphInfo gi2 = GetGlyphInfo(font, text[i + c]); if(!gi2.IsNormal()) break; dd += dx ? dx[c - 1] : gi.width; c++; gi = gi2; } DrawTextOp(x + posx, y, 0, text + i, font, ink, c, dx); posx += dd; i += c - 1; if(dx) dx += c - 1; } else if(gi.IsReplaced()) { Font fnt = font; fnt.Face(gi.lspc); fnt.Height(gi.rspc); if(angle) DrawTextOp(int(x + cosa * posx), int(y - sina * (font.GetAscent() - fnt.GetAscent() + posx)), angle, &chr, fnt, ink, 1, NULL); else DrawTextOp(x + posx, y + font.GetAscent() - fnt.GetAscent(), 0, &chr, fnt, ink, 1, NULL); GlyphMetrics(gi, font, chr); } else if(gi.IsComposed()) { ComposedGlyph cg; Compose(font, chr, cg); if(angle) { DrawTextOp(int(x + cosa * posx), int(y - sina * posx), angle, &cg.basic_char, font, ink, 1, NULL); DrawTextOp(int(x + cosa * (posx + cg.mark_pos.x)), int(y - sina * (cg.mark_pos.y + posx)), angle, &cg.mark_char, cg.mark_font, ink, 1, NULL); } else { DrawTextOp(x + posx, y, 0, &cg.basic_char, font, ink, 1, NULL); DrawTextOp(x + cg.mark_pos.x + posx, y + cg.mark_pos.y, 0, &cg.mark_char, cg.mark_font, ink, 1, NULL); } GlyphMetrics(gi, font, chr); } else { Font fnt = Arial(font.GetHeight()); wchar chr = 0x25a1; gi = GetGlyphInfo(fnt, chr); if(!gi.IsNormal()) { chr = ' '; gi = GetGlyphInfo(fnt, chr); } if(angle) DrawTextOp(int(x + cosa * posx), int(y - sina * posx), angle, &chr, fnt, ink, 1, NULL); else DrawTextOp(x + posx, y, 0, &chr, fnt, ink, 1, NULL); } posx += dx ? *dx++ : gi.width; } if((GetInfo() & DRAWTEXTLINES) && (font0.IsUnderline() || font0.IsStrikeout())) { int hg = abs(font0.GetCy()); if(hg == 0) hg = 10; int thickness = max(hg / 20, 1); int ascent = font0.GetAscent(); Size offset = Point(0, ascent); if(angle) { offset.cx = fround(ascent * sina); offset.cy = fround(ascent * cosa); } x += offset.cx; y += offset.cy; if(font0.IsUnderline()) { int p = max(hg / 15, int(font0.Info().GetDescent() > 0)); DrawLine( int(x + p * sina), int(y + p * cosa), int(x + posx * cosa + p * sina), int(y - posx * sina + p * cosa), thickness, ink ); } if(font0.IsStrikeout()) { int p = -ascent / 3; DrawLine( int(x + p * sina), int(y + p * cosa), int(x + posx * cosa + p * sina), int(y - posx * sina + p * cosa), thickness, ink ); } } #endif }
void Draw::DrawText(int x, int y, int angle, const wchar *text, Font font, Color ink, int n, const int *dx) { #ifdef flagWINGL if(IsNull(ink)) return; DrawTextOp(x, y, angle, text, font, ink, n, dx); #else if(IsNull(ink)) return; if(n < 0) n = wstrlen(text); Std(font); double sina; double cosa; int d = 0; if(angle) Draw::SinCos(angle, sina, cosa); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { wchar chr = text[i]; GlyphInfo gi = GetGlyphInfo(font, chr); if(gi.IsNormal()) if(angle) DrawTextOp(int(x + cosa * d), int(y - sina * d), angle, &chr, font, ink, 1, NULL); else { int c = 1; int dd = 0; while(i + c < n) { GlyphInfo gi2 = GetGlyphInfo(font, text[i + c]); if(!gi2.IsNormal()) break; dd += dx ? dx[c] : gi.width; c++; gi = gi2; } DrawTextOp(x + d, y, 0, text + i, font, ink, c, dx); d += dd; i += c - 1; if(dx) dx += c - 1; } else if(gi.IsReplaced()) { Font fnt = font; fnt.Face(gi.lspc); fnt.Height(gi.rspc); if(angle) DrawTextOp(int(x + cosa * d), int(y - sina * (font.GetAscent() - fnt.GetAscent() + d)), angle, &chr, fnt, ink, 1, NULL); else DrawTextOp(x + d, y + font.GetAscent() - fnt.GetAscent(), 0, &chr, fnt, ink, 1, NULL); GlyphMetrics(gi, font, chr); } else if(gi.IsComposed()) { ComposedGlyph cg; Compose(font, chr, cg); if(angle) { DrawTextOp(int(x + cosa * d), int(y - sina * d), angle, &cg.basic_char, font, ink, 1, NULL); DrawTextOp(int(x + cosa * (d + cg.mark_pos.x)), int(y - sina * (cg.mark_pos.y + d)), angle, &cg.mark_char, cg.mark_font, ink, 1, NULL); } else { DrawTextOp(x + d, y, 0, &cg.basic_char, font, ink, 1, NULL); DrawTextOp(x + cg.mark_pos.x + d, y + cg.mark_pos.y, 0, &cg.mark_char, cg.mark_font, ink, 1, NULL); } GlyphMetrics(gi, font, chr); } else { Font fnt = Arial(font.GetHeight()); wchar chr = 0x25a1; gi = GetGlyphInfo(fnt, chr); if(!gi.IsNormal()) { chr = ' '; gi = GetGlyphInfo(fnt, chr); } if(angle) DrawTextOp(int(x + cosa * d), int(y - sina * d), angle, &chr, fnt, ink, 1, NULL); else DrawTextOp(x + d, y, 0, &chr, fnt, ink, 1, NULL); } d += dx ? *dx++ : gi.width; } #endif }