bool Text::doRender() {
	// Font-Resource locken.
	FontResource *fontPtr = lockFontResource();
	if (!fontPtr)
		return false;

	// Charactermap-Resource locken.
	ResourceManager *rmPtr = getResourceManager();
	BitmapResource *charMapPtr;
		Resource *pResource = rmPtr->requestResource(fontPtr->getCharactermapFileName());
		if (!pResource) {
			BS_LOG_ERRORLN("Could not request resource \"%s\".", fontPtr->getCharactermapFileName().c_str());
			return false;
		if (pResource->getType() != Resource::TYPE_BITMAP) {
			BS_LOG_ERRORLN("Requested resource \"%s\" is not a bitmap.", fontPtr->getCharactermapFileName().c_str());
			return false;

		charMapPtr = static_cast<BitmapResource *>(pResource);

	// Framebufferobjekt holen.
	GraphicEngine *gfxPtr = Kernel::getInstance()->getGfx();

	bool result = true;
	Common::Array<Line>::iterator iter = _lines.begin();
	for (; iter != _lines.end(); ++iter) {
		// Feststellen, ob überhaupt Buchstaben der aktuellen Zeile vom Update betroffen sind.
		Common::Rect checkRect = (*iter).bbox;
		checkRect.translate(_absoluteX, _absoluteY);

		// Jeden Buchstaben einzeln Rendern.
		int curX = _absoluteX + (*iter).bbox.left;
		int curY = _absoluteY + (*iter).bbox.top;
		for (uint i = 0; i < (*iter).text.size(); ++i) {
			Common::Rect curRect = fontPtr->getCharacterRect((byte)(*iter).text[i]);

			Common::Rect renderRect(curX, curY, curX + curRect.width(), curY + curRect.height());
			int renderX = curX + (renderRect.left - renderRect.left);
			int renderY = curY + (renderRect.top - renderRect.top);
			renderRect.translate(curRect.left - curX, curRect.top - curY);
			result = charMapPtr->blit(renderX, renderY, Image::FLIP_NONE, &renderRect, _modulationColor);
			if (!result)

			curX += curRect.width() + fontPtr->getGapWidth();

	// Charactermap-Resource freigeben.

	// Font-Resource freigeben.

	return result;
bool Text::doRender(RectangleList *updateRects) {
	// lock Font Resource
	FontResource *fontPtr = lockFontResource();
	if (!fontPtr)
		return false;

	// lock Character map resource
	ResourceManager *rmPtr = getResourceManager();
	BitmapResource *charMapPtr;
		Resource *pResource = rmPtr->requestResource(fontPtr->getCharactermapFileName());
		if (!pResource) {
			warning("Could not request resource \"%s\".", fontPtr->getCharactermapFileName().c_str());
			return false;
		if (pResource->getType() != Resource::TYPE_BITMAP) {
			error("Requested resource \"%s\" is not a bitmap.", fontPtr->getCharactermapFileName().c_str());
			return false;

		charMapPtr = static_cast<BitmapResource *>(pResource);

	// Getting frame buffer object
	GraphicEngine *gfxPtr = Kernel::getInstance()->getGfx();

	bool result = true;
	Common::Array<Line>::iterator iter = _lines.begin();
	for (; iter != _lines.end(); ++iter) {
		// Determine whether any letters of the current line are affected by the update.
		Common::Rect checkRect = (*iter).bbox;
		checkRect.translate(_absoluteX, _absoluteY);

		// Render each letter individually.
		int curX = _absoluteX + (*iter).bbox.left;
		int curY = _absoluteY + (*iter).bbox.top;
		for (uint i = 0; i < (*iter).text.size(); ++i) {
			Common::Rect curRect = fontPtr->getCharacterRect((byte)(*iter).text[i]);

			Common::Rect renderRect(curX, curY, curX + curRect.width(), curY + curRect.height());
			renderRect.translate(curRect.left - curX, curRect.top - curY);
			result = charMapPtr->blit(curX, curY, Graphics::FLIP_NONE, &renderRect, _modulationColor, -1, -1, updateRects);
			if (!result)

			curX += curRect.width() + fontPtr->getGapWidth();

	// Free Character map resource

	// Free Font resource

	return result;
void Text::updateMetrics(FontResource &fontResource) {
	_width = 0;
	_height = 0;

	for (uint i = 0; i < _text.size(); ++i) {
		const Common::Rect &curRect = fontResource.getCharacterRect((byte)_text[i]);
		_width += curRect.width();
		if (i != _text.size() - 1)
			_width += fontResource.getGapWidth();
		if (_height < curRect.height())
			_height = curRect.height();
void Text::updateFormat() {
	FontResource *fontPtr = lockFontResource();


	if (_autoWrap && (uint) _width >= _autoWrapThreshold && _text.size() >= 2) {
		_width = 0;
		uint curLineWidth = 0;
		uint curLineHeight = 0;
		uint curLine = 0;
		uint tempLineWidth = 0;
		uint lastSpace = 0; // we need at least 1 space character to start a new line...
		_lines[0].text = "";
		for (uint i = 0; i < _text.size(); ++i) {
			uint j;
			tempLineWidth = 0;
			lastSpace = 0;
			for (j = i; j < _text.size(); ++j) {
				if ((byte)_text[j] == ' ')
					lastSpace = j;

				const Common::Rect &curCharRect = fontPtr->getCharacterRect((byte)_text[j]);
				tempLineWidth += curCharRect.width();
				tempLineWidth += fontPtr->getGapWidth();

				if ((tempLineWidth >= _autoWrapThreshold) && (lastSpace > 0))

			if (j == _text.size()) // everything in 1 line.
				lastSpace = _text.size();

			curLineWidth = 0;
			curLineHeight = 0;
			for (j = i; j < lastSpace; ++j) {
				_lines[curLine].text += _text[j];

				const Common::Rect &curCharRect = fontPtr->getCharacterRect((byte)_text[j]);
				curLineWidth += curCharRect.width();
				curLineWidth += fontPtr->getGapWidth();
				if ((uint)curCharRect.height() > curLineHeight)
					curLineHeight = curCharRect.height();

			_lines[curLine].bbox.right = curLineWidth;
			_lines[curLine].bbox.bottom = curLineHeight;
			if ((uint)_width < curLineWidth)
				_width = curLineWidth;

			if (lastSpace < _text.size()) {
				assert(curLine == _lines.size());
				_lines.resize(curLine + 1);
				_lines[curLine].text = "";

			i = lastSpace;

		// Bounding box of each line relative to the first set (center aligned).
		_height = 0;
		Common::Array<Line>::iterator iter = _lines.begin();
		for (; iter != _lines.end(); ++iter) {
			Common::Rect &bbox = (*iter).bbox;
			bbox.left = (_width - bbox.right) / 2;
			bbox.right = bbox.left + bbox.right;
			bbox.top = (iter - _lines.begin()) * fontPtr->getLineHeight();
			bbox.bottom = bbox.top + bbox.bottom;
			_height += bbox.height();
	} else {
		// No auto format, so all the text is copied to a single line.
		_lines[0].text = _text;
		_lines[0].bbox = Common::Rect(0, 0, _width, _height);

void Text::updateFormat() {
	FontResource *fontPtr = lockFontResource();


	if (_autoWrap && (uint) _width >= _autoWrapThreshold && _text.size() >= 2) {
		_width = 0;
		uint curLineWidth = 0;
		uint curLineHeight = 0;
		uint curLine = 0;
		uint tempLineWidth = 0;
		uint lastSpace = 0; // we need at least 1 space character to start a new line...
		_lines[0].text = "";
		for (uint i = 0; i < _text.size(); ++i) {
			uint j;
			tempLineWidth = 0;
			lastSpace = 0;
			for (j = i; j < _text.size(); ++j) {
				if ((byte)_text[j] == ' ')
					lastSpace = j;

				const Common::Rect &curCharRect = fontPtr->getCharacterRect((byte)_text[j]);
				tempLineWidth += curCharRect.width();
				tempLineWidth += fontPtr->getGapWidth();

				if ((tempLineWidth >= _autoWrapThreshold) && (lastSpace > 0))

			if (j == _text.size()) // everything in 1 line.
				lastSpace = _text.size();

			curLineWidth = 0;
			curLineHeight = 0;
			for (j = i; j < lastSpace; ++j) {
				_lines[curLine].text += _text[j];

				const Common::Rect &curCharRect = fontPtr->getCharacterRect((byte)_text[j]);
				curLineWidth += curCharRect.width();
				curLineWidth += fontPtr->getGapWidth();
				if ((uint)curCharRect.height() > curLineHeight)
					curLineHeight = curCharRect.height();

			_lines[curLine].bbox.right = curLineWidth;
			_lines[curLine].bbox.bottom = curLineHeight;
			if ((uint)_width < curLineWidth)
				_width = curLineWidth;

			if (lastSpace < _text.size()) {
				BS_ASSERT(curLine == _lines.size());
				_lines.resize(curLine + 1);
				_lines[curLine].text = "";

			i = lastSpace;

		// Bounding-Box der einzelnen Zeilen relativ zur ersten festlegen (vor allem zentrieren).
		_height = 0;
		Common::Array<Line>::iterator iter = _lines.begin();
		for (; iter != _lines.end(); ++iter) {
			Common::Rect &bbox = (*iter).bbox;
			bbox.left = (_width - bbox.right) / 2;
			bbox.right = bbox.left + bbox.right;
			bbox.top = (iter - _lines.begin()) * fontPtr->getLineHeight();
			bbox.bottom = bbox.top + bbox.bottom;
			_height += bbox.height();
	} else {
		// Keine automatische Formatierung, also wird der gesamte Text in nur eine Zeile kopiert.
		_lines[0].text = _text;
		_lines[0].bbox = Common::Rect(0, 0, _width, _height);
