U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 unum_parseDecimal(const UNumberFormat* fmt, const UChar* text, int32_t textLength, int32_t *parsePos /* 0 = start */, char *outBuf, int32_t outBufLength, UErrorCode *status) { if (U_FAILURE(*status)) { return -1; } if ((outBuf == NULL && outBufLength != 0) || outBufLength < 0) { *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; return -1; } Formattable res; parseRes(res, fmt, text, textLength, parsePos, status); StringPiece sp = res.getDecimalNumber(*status); if (U_FAILURE(*status)) { return -1; } else if (sp.size() > outBufLength) { *status = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR; } else if (sp.size() == outBufLength) { uprv_strncpy(outBuf, sp.data(), sp.size()); *status = U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING; } else { U_ASSERT(outBufLength > 0); uprv_strcpy(outBuf, sp.data()); } return sp.size(); }
static jobject NativeDecimalFormat_parse(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jlong addr, jstring text, jobject position, jboolean parseBigDecimal) { static jmethodID gPP_getIndex = env->GetMethodID(JniConstants::parsePositionClass, "getIndex", "()I"); static jmethodID gPP_setIndex = env->GetMethodID(JniConstants::parsePositionClass, "setIndex", "(I)V"); static jmethodID gPP_setErrorIndex = env->GetMethodID(JniConstants::parsePositionClass, "setErrorIndex", "(I)V"); ScopedJavaUnicodeString src(env, text); if (!src.valid()) { return NULL; } // make sure the ParsePosition is valid. Actually icu4c would parse a number // correctly even if the parsePosition is set to -1, but since the RI fails // for that case we have to fail too int parsePos = env->CallIntMethod(position, gPP_getIndex, NULL); if (parsePos < 0 || parsePos > env->GetStringLength(text)) { return NULL; } Formattable res; ParsePosition pp(parsePos); DecimalFormat* fmt = toDecimalFormat(addr); fmt->parse(src.unicodeString(), res, pp); if (pp.getErrorIndex() == -1) { env->CallVoidMethod(position, gPP_setIndex, pp.getIndex()); } else { env->CallVoidMethod(position, gPP_setErrorIndex, pp.getErrorIndex()); return NULL; } if (parseBigDecimal) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; StringPiece str = res.getDecimalNumber(status); if (U_SUCCESS(status)) { int len = str.length(); const char* data = str.data(); if (strncmp(data, "NaN", 3) == 0 || strncmp(data, "Inf", 3) == 0 || strncmp(data, "-Inf", 4) == 0) { double resultDouble = res.getDouble(status); return doubleValueOf(env, resultDouble); } return newBigDecimal(env, data, len); } return NULL; } switch (res.getType()) { case Formattable::kDouble: return doubleValueOf(env, res.getDouble()); case Formattable::kLong: return longValueOf(env, res.getLong()); case Formattable::kInt64: return longValueOf(env, res.getInt64()); default: return NULL; } }
void DecimalFormatTest::execParseTest(int32_t lineNum, const UnicodeString &inputText, const UnicodeString &expectedType, const UnicodeString &expectedDecimal, UErrorCode &status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } DecimalFormatSymbols symbols(Locale::getUS(), status); UnicodeString pattern = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("####"); DecimalFormat format(pattern, symbols, status); Formattable result; if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("file dcfmtest.txt, line %d: %s error creating the formatter.", lineNum, u_errorName(status)); return; } ParsePosition pos; int32_t expectedParseEndPosition = inputText.length(); format.parse(inputText, result, pos); if (expectedParseEndPosition != pos.getIndex()) { errln("file dcfmtest.txt, line %d: Expected parse position afeter parsing: %d. " "Actual parse position: %d", expectedParseEndPosition, pos.getIndex()); return; } char expectedTypeC[2]; expectedType.extract(0, 1, expectedTypeC, 2, US_INV); Formattable::Type expectType = Formattable::kDate; switch (expectedTypeC[0]) { case 'd': expectType = Formattable::kDouble; break; case 'i': expectType = Formattable::kLong; break; case 'l': expectType = Formattable::kInt64; break; default: errln("file dcfmtest.tx, line %d: unrecongized expected type \"%s\"", lineNum, InvariantStringPiece(expectedType).data()); return; } if (result.getType() != expectType) { errln("file dcfmtest.txt, line %d: expectedParseType(%s) != actual parseType(%s)", lineNum, formattableType(expectType), formattableType(result.getType())); return; } StringPiece decimalResult = result.getDecimalNumber(status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("File %s, line %d: error %s. Line in file dcfmtest.txt: %d:", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status), lineNum); return; } InvariantStringPiece expectedResults(expectedDecimal); if (decimalResult != expectedResults) { errln("file dcfmtest.txt, line %d: expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"", lineNum, expectedResults.data(), decimalResult.data()); } return; }