void FrameCompressor::Compress( FrameBuffer& my_buffer, const FrameBuffer& orig_buffer , int fnum )
    FrameOutputManager& foutput = m_encparams.BitsOut().FrameOutput();

    Frame& my_frame = my_buffer.GetFrame( fnum );
    const FrameParams& fparams = my_frame.GetFparams();
    const FrameSort& fsort = fparams.FSort();
    const ChromaFormat cformat = fparams.CFormat();

    // number of bits written, without byte alignment
    unsigned int num_mv_bits;
    m_medata_avail = false;

    CompCompressor my_compcoder(m_encparams , fparams );

    if (m_me_data)
        delete m_me_data;
        m_me_data = 0;

    if ( fsort != I_frame )

        m_me_data = new MEData( m_encparams.XNumMB() , m_encparams.YNumMB());

        // Motion estimate first
        MotionEstimator my_motEst( m_encparams );
        bool is_a_cut = my_motEst.DoME( orig_buffer , fnum , *m_me_data );

        // If we have a cut, and an L1 frame, then turn into an I-frame
        if ( is_a_cut )
            my_frame.SetFrameSort( I_frame );
            if ( m_encparams.Verbose() )
                std::cerr<<std::endl<<"Cut detected and I-frame inserted!";


    // Write the frame header. We wait until after motion estimation, since
    // this allows us to do cut-detection and (possibly) to decide whether
    // or not to skip a frame before actually encoding anything. However we
    // can do this at any point prior to actually writing any frame data.
    WriteFrameHeader( my_frame.GetFparams() );

    if ( !m_skipped )
    {    // If not skipped we continue with the coding ...

        if ( fsort != I_frame)
             // Code the MV data

            // If we're using global motion parameters, code them
            if (m_use_global)
                    Code the global motion parameters
                    TBC ....

            // If we're using block motion vectors, code them
            if ( m_use_block_mv )
                MvDataCodec my_mv_coder( &( foutput.MVOutput().Data() ) , 50 , cformat);

                my_mv_coder.InitContexts();//may not be necessary
                num_mv_bits = my_mv_coder.Compress( *m_me_data );            

                UnsignedGolombCode( foutput.MVOutput().Header() , num_mv_bits);

             // Then motion compensate

            MotionCompensator mycomp( m_encparams , SUBTRACT);
            mycomp.CompensateFrame( my_buffer , fnum , *m_me_data );


        //code component data
        my_compcoder.Compress( my_buffer.GetComponent( fnum , Y_COMP) );
        if (cformat != Yonly)
            my_compcoder.Compress( my_buffer.GetComponent( fnum , U_COMP) );
            my_compcoder.Compress( my_buffer.GetComponent( fnum , V_COMP) );

        //motion compensate again if necessary
        if ( fsort != I_frame )
            MotionCompensator mycomp( m_encparams , ADD);
            mycomp.CompensateFrame( my_buffer , fnum , *m_me_data );
            // Set me data available flag
            m_medata_avail = true;

         //finally clip the data to keep it in range

void ModeDecider::DoModeDecn(const FrameBuffer& my_buffer, int frame_num, MEData& me_data)

     // We've got 'raw' block motion vectors for up to two reference frames. Now we want
     // to make a decision as to mode. In this initial implementation, this is bottom-up
    // i.e. find mvs for MBs and sub-MBs and see whether it's worthwhile merging.    

    int ref1,ref2;

    // Initialise // 

    fsort = my_buffer.GetFrame(frame_num).GetFparams().FSort();
    if (fsort.IsInter())
        // Extract the references
        const vector<int>& refs = my_buffer.GetFrame(frame_num).GetFparams().Refs();
        num_refs = refs.size();
        ref1 = refs[0];

        // The picture we're doing estimation from
        m_pic_data = &(my_buffer.GetComponent( frame_num , Y_COMP));

        // Set up the hierarchy of motion vector data objects
        m_me_data_set[0] = new MEData( m_encparams.XNumMB() , m_encparams.YNumMB() , 
                                       m_encparams.XNumBlocks()/4 , m_encparams.YNumBlocks()/4, num_refs );
        m_me_data_set[1] = new MEData( m_encparams.XNumMB() , m_encparams.YNumMB() , 
                                       m_encparams.XNumBlocks()/2 , m_encparams.YNumBlocks()/2, num_refs );

        m_me_data_set[2] = &me_data;

        // Set up the lambdas to use per block
        m_me_data_set[0]->SetLambdaMap( 0 , me_data.LambdaMap() , 1.0/m_level_factor[0] );
        m_me_data_set[1]->SetLambdaMap( 1 , me_data.LambdaMap() , 1.0/m_level_factor[1] );

        // Set up the reference pictures
        m_ref1_updata = &(my_buffer.GetUpComponent( ref1 , Y_COMP));

        if (num_refs>1)
            ref2 = refs[1];
            m_ref2_updata = &(my_buffer.GetUpComponent( ref2 , Y_COMP));
            // Create an object for computing bi-directional prediction calculations            

            if ( m_encparams.MVPrecision()==MV_PRECISION_EIGHTH_PIXEL )
                m_bicheckdiff = new BiBlockEighthPel( *m_ref1_updata ,
                                                      *m_ref2_updata ,
                                                      *m_pic_data );
            else if ( m_encparams.MVPrecision()==MV_PRECISION_QUARTER_PIXEL )
                m_bicheckdiff = new BiBlockQuarterPel( *m_ref1_updata ,
                                                       *m_ref2_updata ,
                                                       *m_pic_data );
                m_bicheckdiff = new BiBlockHalfPel( *m_ref1_updata ,
                                                    *m_ref2_updata ,
                                                    *m_pic_data );
            ref2 = ref1;

        // Create an object for doing intra calculations
        m_intradiff = new IntraBlockDiff( *m_pic_data );

        // Loop over all the macroblocks, doing the work //

        for (m_ymb_loc=0 ; m_ymb_loc<m_encparams.YNumMB() ; ++m_ymb_loc )
            for (m_xmb_loc=0 ; m_xmb_loc<m_encparams.XNumMB(); ++m_xmb_loc )

        delete m_intradiff;
        if (num_refs>1)
            delete m_bicheckdiff;