void FlowUtilityUnit::ProcessFrame(FrameSetPtr input, list<FrameSetPtr>* output) { OpticalFlowFrame* flow_frame = dynamic_cast<OpticalFlowFrame*>(input->at(flow_stream_idx_).get()); if (options_.impose_grid_flow()) { for (int f = 0; f < flow_frame->MatchedFrames(); ++f) { flow_frame->ImposeLocallyConsistentGridFlow(frame_width_, frame_height_, f, options_.grid_ratio_x(), options_.grid_ratio_y(), options_.grid_num_offsets(), options_.grid_num_scales()); } } FeatureMatchList feature_list; if (options_.plot_flow() || !options_.feature_match_file().empty()) { flow_frame->GetFeatureMatchList(frame_width_, flow_frame->MatchedFrames() * options_.frac_feature_matches(), &feature_list); } if (options_.plot_flow()) { const VideoFrame* video_frame = dynamic_cast<const VideoFrame*>(input->at(video_stream_idx_).get()); ASSERT_LOG(video_frame); IplImage image; video_frame->ImageView(&image); PlotFlow(feature_list, flow_frame->MatchedFrames(), &image); } if (!options_.feature_match_file().empty()) { // Save feature_list to file. FlowFrame proto_frame; OpticalFlowFrame::FeatureMatchListToFlowFrame(feature_list, &proto_frame); int frame_size = proto_frame.ByteSize(); ofs_.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&frame_size), sizeof(frame_size)); proto_frame.SerializeToOstream(&ofs_); } output->push_back(input); }
void VideoReaderUnit::ProcessFrame(FrameSetPtr input, list<FrameSetPtr>* output) { if (!used_as_root_) { input->push_back(shared_ptr<VideoFrame>(ReadNextFrame())); output->push_back(input); ++frame_num_; } }
void VideoDisplayQtUnit::ProcessFrame(FrameSetPtr input, list<FrameSetPtr>* output) { // Fps control -> early return if updated too frequently. ptime curr_time = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time(); float msecs_passed = boost::posix_time::time_period( last_update_time_, curr_time).length().total_milliseconds(); output->push_back(input); if (msecs_passed < kMinFrameTime) { // Ok if we wait a bit? if (msecs_passed + kMaxWaitTime < kMinFrameTime) { boost::thread::sleep(boost::get_system_time() + boost::posix_time::milliseconds( kMinFrameTime - msecs_passed)); } else { return; } } const VideoFrame* frame = dynamic_cast<const VideoFrame*>(input->at(video_stream_idx_).get()); CHECK_NOTNULL(frame); // Draw. std::unique_ptr<QImage> image; if (options_.upscale != 1.0f) { // Resize. cv::Mat mat_view; frame->MatView(&mat_view); cv::resize(mat_view, *scaled_image_, scaled_image_->size()); // Make Qt image. image.reset(new QImage((const uint8_t*)scaled_image_->data, scaled_image_->cols, scaled_image_->rows, scaled_image_->step[0], QImage::Format_RGB888)); } else { // Make Qt image. image.reset(new QImage((const uint8_t*)frame->data(), frame->width(), frame->height(), frame->width_step(), QImage::Format_RGB888)); } // Show Qt image main_window_->DrawImage(image->rgbSwapped()); // Force refresh QApplication::processEvents(); // fps control last_update_time_ = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time(); }
void VideoWriterUnit2::ProcessFrame(FrameSetPtr input, std::list<FrameSetPtr>* output) { // Retrieve video frame const VideoFrame* frame = input->at(video_stream_idx_)->AsPtr<VideoFrame>(); cv::Mat image; frame->MatView(&image); writer_.write(image); // Forward input output->push_back(input); }
void VideoDisplayUnit::ProcessFrame(FrameSetPtr input, list<FrameSetPtr>* output) { const VideoFrame* frame = input->at(video_stream_idx_)->AsPtr<VideoFrame>(); cv::Mat image; frame->MatView(&image); if (frame_buffer_) { cv::resize(image, *frame_buffer_, frame_buffer_->size()); cv::imshow(window_name_.c_str(), *frame_buffer_); } else { cv::imshow(window_name_.c_str(), image); } output->push_back(input); cv::waitKey(1); }
void VideoWriterUnit::ProcessFrame(FrameSetPtr input, list<FrameSetPtr>* output) { // Write single frame. const VideoFrame* frame = input->at(video_stream_idx_)->AsPtr<VideoFrame>(); // Copy video_frame to frame_bgr_. const uint8_t* src_data = frame->data(); uint8_t* dst_data = frame_bgr_->data[0]; for (int i = 0; i < frame_height_; ++i, src_data += frame->width_step(), dst_data += frame_bgr_->linesize[0]) { memset(dst_data, 0, LineSize()); memcpy(dst_data, src_data, 3 * frame_width_); } // Convert bgr picture to codec. sws_scale(sws_context_, frame_bgr_->data, frame_bgr_->linesize, 0, frame_height_, frame_encode_->data, frame_encode_->linesize); int got_frame; EncodeFrame(frame_encode_, &got_frame); ++frame_num_; output->push_back(input); }
void ColorTransform::ProcessFrame(FrameSetPtr input, list<FrameSetPtr>* output) { VideoFrame* frame = dynamic_cast<VideoFrame*>(input->at(video_stream_idx_).get()); ASSERT_LOG(frame); IplImage image; frame->ImageView(&image); // Read transform weights. float weights[3]; float shift; ifs_ >> weights[0] >> weights[1] >> weights[2] >> shift; for (int i = 0; i < frame_height_; ++i) { uchar* color_ptr = RowPtr<uchar>(&image, i); for (int j = 0; j < frame_width_; ++j, color_ptr +=3 ) { color_ptr[0] = (uchar) clamp_uchar((float)color_ptr[0] * weights[0] * shift); color_ptr[1] = (uchar) clamp_uchar((float)color_ptr[1] * weights[1] * shift); color_ptr[2] = (uchar) clamp_uchar((float)color_ptr[2] * weights[2] * shift); } } output->push_back(input); }
void VideoPipelineStats::ProcessFrame(FrameSetPtr input, list<FrameSetPtr>* output) { const int bins = sinks_.size(); const int border = 40; const float scale = (options_.frame_height - border) / (options_.max_queue_height * 1.3); // Create a new frameset and video-frame. shared_ptr<VideoFrame> curr_frame(new VideoFrame(options_.frame_width, options_.frame_height, 3, frame_width_step_)); cv::Mat image; curr_frame->MatView(&image); image.setTo(180); // Draw histogram. const int spacing = image.cols / (bins + 2); for (int i = 0; i < bins; ++i) { // Locations. int val = sinks_[i].first->GetQueueSize(); int col = (i + 1) * spacing; int row = options_.frame_height - border - (val * scale); cv::Point pt1(col - spacing / 3, row); cv::Point pt2(col + spacing / 3, image.rows - border); // Bar plot. cv::rectangle(image, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(0, 0, 200), -2); // Neg. last arg for filled. // Value text. cv::Point txt_pt(col - spacing / 3, options_.frame_height - border / 3 - 10); cv::putText(image, base::StringPrintf("%02d", val), txt_pt, cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, CV_RGB(0, 0, 0), 2); // Name text. txt_pt.y += 15; cv::putText(image, sinks_[i].second, txt_pt, cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, CV_RGB(0, 0, 0), 1); // Fps text. txt_pt.y = border / 3; cv::putText(image, base::StringPrintf("%3.1f", sinks_[i].first->MinTreeRate()), txt_pt, cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, CV_RGB(0, 0, 0), 1); } // Print running time. boost::posix_time::ptime curr_time = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time(); float secs_passed = boost::posix_time::time_period( start_time_, curr_time).length().total_milliseconds() * 1.e-3f; cv::putText(image, base::StringPrintf("up: %5.1f", secs_passed), cv::Point(options_.frame_width - 75, border / 3), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, CV_RGB(0, 0, 0), 1); // Pass to output. input->push_back(curr_frame); output->push_back(input); }
void SegmentationDisplayUnit::ProcessFrame(FrameSetPtr input, list<FrameSetPtr>* output) { // Fps control, early return if updated too frequently. ptime curr_time = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time(); float msecs_passed = boost::posix_time::time_period( last_update_time_, curr_time).length().total_milliseconds(); output->push_back(input); const PointerFrame<SegmentationDesc>& seg_frame = input->at(seg_stream_idx_)->As<PointerFrame<SegmentationDesc>>(); const SegmentationDesc& desc = seg_frame.Ref(); // Update hierarchy if present. if (desc.hierarchy_size() > 0) { seg_hier_.reset(new SegmentationDesc(desc)); } if (msecs_passed < kMinFrameTime) { // Ok if we wait a bit? if (msecs_passed + kMaxWaitTime < kMinFrameTime) { boost::thread::sleep(boost::get_system_time() + boost::posix_time::milliseconds( kMinFrameTime - msecs_passed)); } else { return; } } // Fetch video frame. cv::Mat frame_view; if (vid_stream_idx_ >= 0) { const VideoFrame* frame = dynamic_cast<const VideoFrame*>(input->at(vid_stream_idx_).get()); CHECK_NOTNULL(frame); frame->MatView(&frame_view); } // Parse slider (percentage) // Only update if slider was changed. const float curr_level = main_window_->GetLevel(); if (curr_level != fractional_level_) { fractional_level_ = curr_level; // Fractional specification for hierarchy-level. absolute_level_ = (int)(fractional_level_ * (seg_hier_->hierarchy_size() - 1.f)); } // Render segmentation. RenderRegionsRandomColor(absolute_level_, options_.highlight_edges, options_.draw_shape_descriptors, desc, &seg_hier_->hierarchy(), render_frame_.get()); if (options_.concat_with_source) { CHECK_GE(vid_stream_idx_, 0) << "Request concatenation with source but no video stream present."; cv::Mat top_half = output_frame_->rowRange(0, frame_height_); render_frame_->copyTo(top_half); cv::Mat bottom_half = output_frame_->rowRange(frame_height_, 2 * frame_height_); frame_view.copyTo(bottom_half); } else { if (vid_stream_idx_ >= 0) { // Blend with input. cv::addWeighted(frame_view, 1.0 - options_.blend_alpha, *render_frame_, options_.blend_alpha, 0, // Offset. *output_frame_); } else { *output_frame_ = *render_frame_; } } // Draw. std::unique_ptr<QImage> image; if (options_.upscale != 1.0f) { // Resize cv::resize(*output_frame_, *scaled_image_, scaled_image_->size()); image.reset(new QImage((const uint8_t*)scaled_image_->data, scaled_image_->cols, scaled_image_->rows, scaled_image_->step[0], QImage::Format_RGB888)); } else { image.reset(new QImage((const uint8_t*)output_frame_->data, output_frame_->cols, output_frame_->rows, output_frame_->step[0], QImage::Format_RGB888)); } // Show Qt image main_window_->DrawImage(image->rgbSwapped()); // Force refresh QApplication::processEvents(); // fps control last_update_time_ = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time(); }
void ColorCheckerUnit::ProcessFrame(FrameSetPtr input, list<FrameSetPtr>* output) { VideoFrame* frame = dynamic_cast<VideoFrame*>(input->at(video_stream_idx_).get()); ASSERT_LOG(frame); IplImage image; frame->ImageView(&image); const VideoFrame* lum_frame = dynamic_cast<const VideoFrame*>(input->at(lum_stream_idx_).get()); ASSERT_LOG(lum_frame); IplImage lum_image; lum_frame->ImageView(&lum_image); // Sum according to checker image. vector<CvPoint3D32f> colors(256); vector<float> pixel_num(256); for (int i = 0; i < frame_height_; ++i) { const uchar* mask_ptr = RowPtr<const uchar>(checker_img_, i); uchar* color_ptr = RowPtr<uchar>(&image, i); const uchar* lum_ptr = RowPtr<const uchar>(&lum_image, i); for (int j = 0; j < frame_width_; ++j, ++mask_ptr, color_ptr +=3, ++lum_ptr) { int idx = mask_ptr[0]; if (idx == 0) // Don't sample background continue; // Is pixel within range? int min_val = std::min(std::min(color_ptr[0], color_ptr[1]), color_ptr[2]); int max_val = std::max(std::max(color_ptr[0], color_ptr[1]), color_ptr[2]); if (min_val >= min_thresh_ && max_val <= max_thresh_) { // if (lum_ptr[0] >= min_thresh_ && lum_ptr[0] <= max_thresh_) { ++pixel_num[idx]; colors[idx] = colors[idx] + cvPoint3D32f(color_ptr[0], color_ptr[1], color_ptr[2]); // Mark pixel as processed! color_ptr[0] ^= 0xff; color_ptr[1] ^= 0xff; color_ptr[2] ^= 0xff; } } } if (frame_num_ != 0) ofs_ << "\n"; // Normalize and output. int processed_colors = 0; for (vector<int>::const_iterator c = checker_ids_.begin(); c != checker_ids_.end(); ++c) { if (pixel_num[*c] > 0) { ++processed_colors; colors[*c] = colors[*c] * (1.0 / pixel_num[*c]); } ofs_ << *c << " " << pixel_num[*c] << " " << colors[*c].x << " " << colors[*c].y << " " << colors[*c].z << " "; } std::cout << "Frame " << frame_num_ << ": Processed colors " << processed_colors << "\n"; ++frame_num_; output->push_back(input); }
void OpticalFlowUnit::KeyFrameTrack(FrameSetPtr input, const FrameSet& feedback_input, list<FrameSetPtr>* output) { // Get luminance IplImage. const VideoFrame* frame = dynamic_cast<const VideoFrame*>(input->at(video_stream_idx_).get()); ASSERT_LOG(frame); IplImage image; frame->ImageView(&image); ASSERT_LOG(image.nChannels == 1); const int retrack_dist_ = 1000; bool reset_key_frame = false; if (key_frame_stream_idx_ >= 0 && processed_frames_ > 0) { const ValueFrame<bool>* key_frame = dynamic_cast<ValueFrame<bool>*>(feedback_input.at(key_frame_stream_idx_).get()); reset_key_frame = key_frame->value(); } // We set a key-frame is reset_key_frame is already set // or frame_num_ frames have passed. if (processed_frames_ - last_key_frame_ >= frame_num_) { reset_key_frame = true; } const int frames_to_track = 1; int frame_size = 0; // Size of optical flow frame. if (processed_frames_ > 0) { // Key-frame: Track all frames until last key-frame. if (reset_key_frame) frame_size = processed_frames_ - last_key_frame_; else if (processed_frames_ - last_key_frame_ <= frames_to_track) { // Second frame. Prev. frame and key-frame are identical. frame_size = processed_frames_ - last_key_frame_; } else if ((processed_frames_ - last_key_frame_) % retrack_dist_ == 0) frame_size = processed_frames_ - last_key_frame_; else frame_size = frames_to_track + 1; // plus key-frame track. } shared_ptr<OpticalFlowFrame> off(new OpticalFlowFrame(frame_size, reset_key_frame)); int num_features = max_features_; // Track w.r.t. previous frame if (processed_frames_ > 0) { // Extract features in current image. cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(&image, eig_image_.get(), tmp_image_.get(), cur_features_.get(), &num_features, .005, 2, 0); CvTermCriteria term_criteria = cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 50, .02); int flow_flags = 0; // Track w.r.t. previous frame. // If key-frame, track w.r.t to all previous frames until last key-frame. int tracked_frames = std::min(frame_size, frames_to_track); //1; if (reset_key_frame) tracked_frames = processed_frames_ - last_key_frame_; else { // Do a dense track from time to time to rid out false matches. if ((processed_frames_ - last_key_frame_) % retrack_dist_ == 0) tracked_frames = processed_frames_ - last_key_frame_; } for (int t = 0; t < tracked_frames; ++t) { ASSURE_LOG(processed_frames_ - t - 1 >= 0); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(&image, prev_image_[t].get(), cur_pyramid_.get(), prev_pyramid_[t].get(), cur_features_.get(), prev_features_.get(), num_features, cvSize(10, 10), 3, flow_status_.get(), flow_track_error_.get(), term_criteria, flow_flags); flow_flags |= CV_LKFLOW_INITIAL_GUESSES; flow_flags |= CV_LKFLOW_PYR_A_READY; float frame_diam = sqrt((float)(frame_width_ * frame_width_ + frame_height_ * frame_height_)); off->AddFeatures(prev_features_.get(), cur_features_.get(), flow_status_.get(), num_features, frame_diam * .05, t, -t - 1, 0.f); } if (reset_key_frame) { // Is key-frame --> reinitialize. last_key_frame_ = processed_frames_; // Test for sufficient data and no retrack happens. } else if (processed_frames_ - last_key_frame_ > frames_to_track && (processed_frames_ - last_key_frame_) % retrack_dist_ != 0) { // Track w.r.t. prev. key-frame. const DataFrame* seg_frame = feedback_input[seg_stream_idx_].get(); Segment::SegmentationDesc desc; desc.ParseFromArray(seg_frame->data(), seg_frame->size()); // Expect per-frame segmentation. ASSURE_LOG(desc.hierarchy_size() > 1) << "Hierarchy expected to be present in every frame."; const RegionFlowFrame* flow_frame = dynamic_cast<const RegionFlowFrame*>(feedback_input[region_flow_idx_].get()); // Get region_flow w.r.t prev. key_frame, which is always the last frame in region_flow. vector<RegionFlowFrame::RegionFlow> region_flow; flow_frame->FillVector(®ion_flow, flow_frame->MatchedFrames() - 1); ASSURE_LOG(flow_frame->FrameID(flow_frame->MatchedFrames() - 1) + processed_frames_ - 1 == last_key_frame_); int level = flow_frame->Level(); Segment::SegmentationDescToIdImage(id_img_.get(), frame_width_ * sizeof(int), // width_step frame_width_, frame_height_, level, desc, 0); // no hierarchy. // Initialize prev. feature locations with guess from region flow. int tracked_feature = 0; // Buffer region vector lookups. // Neighbor processing later on, can be costly if executed for each feature indepently. hash_map<int, CvPoint2D32f> region_vec; for (int i = 0; i < num_features; ++i) { int x = prev_features_[i].x + 0.5; int y = prev_features_[i].y + 0.5; x = std::max(0, std::min(x, frame_width_ - 1)); y = std::max(0, std::min(y, frame_height_ - 1)); int region_id = id_img_[y * frame_width_ + x]; // Buffered? hash_map<int, CvPoint2D32f>::const_iterator look_up_loc = region_vec.find(region_id); if (look_up_loc != region_vec.end() && look_up_loc->first == region_id) { prev_features_[i] = prev_features_[i] + look_up_loc->second; ++tracked_feature; continue; } RegionFlowFrame::RegionFlow rf_to_find; rf_to_find.region_id = region_id; vector<RegionFlowFrame::RegionFlow>::const_iterator rf_loc = std::lower_bound(region_flow.begin(), region_flow.end(), rf_to_find); if(rf_loc != region_flow.end() && rf_loc->region_id == region_id) { prev_features_[i] = prev_features_[i] + rf_loc->mean_vector; region_vec[region_id] = rf_loc->mean_vector; ++tracked_feature; } else { // Poll the neighbors recursively. int neighbor_matches = 0; CvPoint2D32f neighbor_vec = cvPoint2D32f(0, 0); const int max_rounds = 2; vector<int> to_visit(1, region_id); vector<int> visited; for (int round = 0; round < max_rounds; ++round) { // Add all neighbors of all elements in to_visit that are not in visited to to_visit. vector<int> new_to_visit; for (vector<int>::const_iterator v = to_visit.begin(); v != to_visit.end(); ++v) { const Segment::CompoundRegion& comp_region = GetCompoundRegionFromId(*v, desc.hierarchy(level)); for (int j = 0, n_sz = comp_region.neighbor_id_size(); j < n_sz; ++j) { int n_id = comp_region.neighbor_id(j); vector<int>::const_iterator visit_loc = std::lower_bound(visited.begin(), visited.end(), n_id); if (visit_loc == visited.end() || *visit_loc != n_id) new_to_visit.push_back(n_id); } } // Remove duplicates from new_to_vist. std::sort(new_to_visit.begin(), new_to_visit.end()); vector<int>::iterator new_to_visit_end = std::unique(new_to_visit.begin(), new_to_visit.end()); // Process all members in new_to_visit. for (vector<int>::const_iterator v = new_to_visit.begin(); v != new_to_visit_end; ++v) { RegionFlowFrame::RegionFlow rf_to_find; rf_to_find.region_id = *v; vector<RegionFlowFrame::RegionFlow>::const_iterator rf_loc = std::lower_bound(region_flow.begin(), region_flow.end(), rf_to_find); if(rf_loc != region_flow.end() && rf_loc->region_id == rf_to_find.region_id) { ++neighbor_matches; neighbor_vec = neighbor_vec + rf_loc->mean_vector; } } if (neighbor_matches > 0) { ++tracked_feature; prev_features_[i] = prev_features_[i] + neighbor_vec * (1.0f / neighbor_matches); region_vec[region_id] = neighbor_vec * (1.0f / neighbor_matches); break; } // Setup next round. visited.insert(visited.end(), to_visit.begin(), to_visit.end()); to_visit.swap(new_to_visit); visited.insert(visited.end(), to_visit.begin(), to_visit.end()); } } // end polling neighbors. } // end for loop over features. std::cout << "Tracked feature ratio: " << (float)tracked_feature / num_features << "\n"; // Compute flow to key frame. int t = processed_frames_ - last_key_frame_ - 1; flow_flags |= CV_LKFLOW_INITIAL_GUESSES; flow_flags |= CV_LKFLOW_PYR_A_READY; cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(&image, prev_image_[t].get(), cur_pyramid_.get(), prev_pyramid_[t].get(), cur_features_.get(), prev_features_.get(), num_features, cvSize(10, 10), 3, flow_status_.get(), flow_track_error_.get(), term_criteria, flow_flags); float frame_diam = sqrt((float)(frame_width_ * frame_width_ + frame_height_ * frame_height_)); // Add to end. off->AddFeatures(prev_features_.get(), cur_features_.get(), flow_status_.get(), num_features, frame_diam * .05, frame_size - 1, -t - 1, 0.f); } } input->push_back(off); prev_image_.push_front(cvCloneImageShared(&image)); ++processed_frames_; output->push_back(input); }
void OpticalFlowUnit::PreviousFrameTrack(FrameSetPtr input, list<FrameSetPtr>* output, const vector<CvPoint2D32f>* polygon) { // Get luminance IplImage. const VideoFrame* frame = dynamic_cast<const VideoFrame*>(input->at(video_stream_idx_).get()); ASSERT_LOG(frame); IplImage image; frame->ImageView(&image); ASSERT_LOG(image.nChannels == 1); // First match always direct predecessor. int num_matches = processed_frames_ > 0 ? 1 : 0; if (processed_frames_ > 0) { // For t = num_matches - 1, we need have // processed_frames_ - 1 - t * matching_stride_ >= 0 // t * matching_stride <= processed_frames_ - 1 // num_matches - 1 <= (processed_frames_ - 1) / matching_stride // num_matches <= (processed_frames_ - 1) / matching_stride + 1 num_matches += std::min(frame_num_ - 1, (processed_frames_ - 1) / matching_stride_); } shared_ptr<OpticalFlowFrame> off(new OpticalFlowFrame(num_matches, false)); int num_features = max_features_; const float frame_diam = sqrt((float)(frame_width_ * frame_width_ + frame_height_ * frame_height_)); // Extract features in current image. // Change param to .05 for fewer features and more speed. cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(&image, eig_image_.get(), tmp_image_.get(), cur_features_.get(), &num_features, .005, 5, 0); if (polygon) { // Reject all features out of bounds. vector<CvPoint2D32f> outline(*polygon); for (int i = 0; i < outline.size(); ++i) { outline[i].y = frame_height_ - 1 - outline[i].y; } outline.push_back(outline[0]); // Use prev. features as tmp. buffer int p = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_features; ++i) { CvPoint2D32f pt = cur_features_[i]; pt.y = frame_height_ - 1 - pt.y; if (WithinConvexPoly(pt, outline, 0)) prev_features_[p++] = cur_features_[i]; } cur_features_.swap(prev_features_); num_features = p; } CvTermCriteria term_criteria = cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 50, .02); int flow_flags = 0; for (int t = 0; t < off->MatchedFrames(); ++t ) { int prev_frame = processed_frames_ - 1 - t * matching_stride_; ASSERT_LOG(prev_frame >= 0); // Find correspond features in previous image for each extracted // feature in current frame. cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(&image, prev_image_[t * matching_stride_].get(), cur_pyramid_.get(), prev_pyramid_[0].get(), // just one pyramid here. cur_features_.get(), prev_features_.get(), num_features, cvSize(10, 10), 3, flow_status_.get(), flow_track_error_.get(), term_criteria, flow_flags); flow_flags |= CV_LKFLOW_PYR_A_READY; flow_flags |= CV_LKFLOW_INITIAL_GUESSES; off->AddFeatures(prev_features_.get(), cur_features_.get(), flow_status_.get(), num_features, frame_diam * .05, t, -1 - t * matching_stride_, 0.f); } input->push_back(off); prev_image_.push_front(cvCloneImageShared(&image)); ++processed_frames_; output->push_back(input); }