// A utility function for cloning the apply instruction.
static FullApplySite CloneApply(FullApplySite AI, SILBuilder &Builder) {
  // Clone the Apply.
  auto Args = AI.getArguments();
  SmallVector<SILValue, 8> Ret(Args.size());
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Args.size(); i != e; ++i)
    Ret[i] = Args[i];

  FullApplySite NAI;

  switch (AI.getInstruction()->getKind()) {
  case SILInstructionKind::ApplyInst:
    NAI = Builder.createApply(AI.getLoc(), AI.getCallee(),
  case SILInstructionKind::TryApplyInst: {
    auto *TryApplyI = cast<TryApplyInst>(AI.getInstruction());
    NAI = Builder.createTryApply(AI.getLoc(), AI.getCallee(),
    llvm_unreachable("Trying to clone an unsupported apply instruction");

  return NAI;
/// Checks if a generic callee and caller have compatible layout constraints.
static bool isCallerAndCalleeLayoutConstraintsCompatible(FullApplySite AI) {
  SILFunction *Callee = AI.getReferencedFunction();
  auto CalleeSig = Callee->getLoweredFunctionType()->getGenericSignature();
  auto SubstParams = CalleeSig->getSubstitutableParams();
  auto AISubs = AI.getSubstitutions();
  for (auto idx : indices(SubstParams)) {
    auto Param = SubstParams[idx];
    // Map the parameter into context
    auto ContextTy = Callee->mapTypeIntoContext(Param->getCanonicalType());
    auto Archetype = ContextTy->getAs<ArchetypeType>();
    if (!Archetype)
    auto Layout = Archetype->getLayoutConstraint();
    if (!Layout)
    // The generic parameter has a layout constraint.
    // Check that the substitution has the same constraint.
    auto AIReplacement = AISubs[idx].getReplacement();
    auto AIArchetype = AIReplacement->getAs<ArchetypeType>();
    if (!AIArchetype)
      return false;
    auto AILayout = AIArchetype->getLayoutConstraint();
    if (!AILayout)
      return false;
    if (AILayout != Layout)
      return false;
  return true;
// Returns true if the callee contains a partial apply instruction,
// whose substitutions list would contain opened existentials after
// inlining.
static bool calleeHasPartialApplyWithOpenedExistentials(FullApplySite AI) {
  if (!AI.hasSubstitutions())
    return false;

  SILFunction *Callee = AI.getReferencedFunction();
  auto Subs = AI.getSubstitutions();

  // Bail if there are no open existentials in the list of substitutions.
  bool HasNoOpenedExistentials = true;
  for (auto Sub : Subs) {
    if (Sub.getReplacement()->hasOpenedExistential()) {
      HasNoOpenedExistentials = false;

  if (HasNoOpenedExistentials)
    return false;

  auto SubsMap = Callee->getLoweredFunctionType()

  for (auto &BB : *Callee) {
    for (auto &I : BB) {
      if (auto PAI = dyn_cast<PartialApplyInst>(&I)) {
        auto PAISubs = PAI->getSubstitutions();
        if (PAISubs.empty())

        // Check if any of substitutions would contain open existentials
        // after inlining.
        auto PAISubMap = PAI->getOrigCalleeType()
        PAISubMap = PAISubMap.subst(SubsMap);
        if (PAISubMap.hasOpenedExistential())
          return true;

  return false;
/// \brief Inlines all mandatory inlined functions into the body of a function,
/// first recursively inlining all mandatory apply instructions in those
/// functions into their bodies if necessary.
/// \param F the function to be processed
/// \param AI nullptr if this is being called from the top level; the relevant
///   ApplyInst requiring the recursive call when non-null
/// \param FullyInlinedSet the set of all functions already known to be fully
///   processed, to avoid processing them over again
/// \param SetFactory an instance of ImmutableFunctionSet::Factory
/// \param CurrentInliningSet the set of functions currently being inlined in
///   the current call stack of recursive calls
/// \returns true if successful, false if failed due to circular inlining.
static bool
runOnFunctionRecursively(SILFunction *F, FullApplySite AI,
                         SILModule::LinkingMode Mode,
                         DenseFunctionSet &FullyInlinedSet,
                         ImmutableFunctionSet::Factory &SetFactory,
                         ImmutableFunctionSet CurrentInliningSet,
                         ClassHierarchyAnalysis *CHA) {
  // Avoid reprocessing functions needlessly.
  if (FullyInlinedSet.count(F))
    return true;

  // Prevent attempt to circularly inline.
  if (CurrentInliningSet.contains(F)) {
    // This cannot happen on a top-level call, so AI should be non-null.
    assert(AI && "Cannot have circular inline without apply");
    SILLocation L = AI.getLoc();
    assert(L && "Must have location for transparent inline apply");
    diagnose(F->getModule().getASTContext(), L.getStartSourceLoc(),
    return false;

  // Add to the current inlining set (immutably, so we only affect the set
  // during this call and recursive subcalls).
  CurrentInliningSet = SetFactory.add(CurrentInliningSet, F);

  SmallVector<SILValue, 16> CaptureArgs;
  SmallVector<SILValue, 32> FullArgs;
  for (auto FI = F->begin(), FE = F->end(); FI != FE; ++FI) {
    for (auto I = FI->begin(), E = FI->end(); I != E; ++I) {
      FullApplySite InnerAI = FullApplySite::isa(&*I);

      if (!InnerAI)

      auto *ApplyBlock = InnerAI.getParent();

      auto NewInstPair = tryDevirtualizeApply(InnerAI, CHA);
      if (auto *NewInst = NewInstPair.first) {
        replaceDeadApply(InnerAI, NewInst);
        if (auto *II = dyn_cast<SILInstruction>(NewInst))
          I = II->getIterator();
          I = NewInst->getParentBB()->begin();
        auto NewAI = FullApplySite::isa(NewInstPair.second.getInstruction());
        if (!NewAI)

        InnerAI = NewAI;

      SILLocation Loc = InnerAI.getLoc();
      SILValue CalleeValue = InnerAI.getCallee();
      bool IsThick;
      PartialApplyInst *PAI;
      SILFunction *CalleeFunction = getCalleeFunction(InnerAI, IsThick,
                                                      CaptureArgs, FullArgs,
      if (!CalleeFunction ||
          CalleeFunction->isTransparent() == IsNotTransparent)

      // Then recursively process it first before trying to inline it.
      if (!runOnFunctionRecursively(CalleeFunction, InnerAI, Mode,
                                    FullyInlinedSet, SetFactory,
                                    CurrentInliningSet, CHA)) {
        // If we failed due to circular inlining, then emit some notes to
        // trace back the failure if we have more information.
        // FIXME: possibly it could be worth recovering and attempting other
        // inlines within this same recursive call rather than simply
        // propagating the failure.
        if (AI) {
          SILLocation L = AI.getLoc();
          assert(L && "Must have location for transparent inline apply");
          diagnose(F->getModule().getASTContext(), L.getStartSourceLoc(),
        return false;

      // Inline function at I, which also changes I to refer to the first
      // instruction inlined in the case that it succeeds. We purposely
      // process the inlined body after inlining, because the inlining may
      // have exposed new inlining opportunities beyond those present in
      // the inlined function when processed independently.
      DEBUG(llvm::errs() << "Inlining @" << CalleeFunction->getName()
                         << " into @" << InnerAI.getFunction()->getName()
                         << "\n");

      // Decrement our iterator (carefully, to avoid going off the front) so it
      // is valid after inlining is done.  Inlining deletes the apply, and can
      // introduce multiple new basic blocks.
      if (I != ApplyBlock->begin())
        I = ApplyBlock->end();

      TypeSubstitutionMap ContextSubs;
      std::vector<Substitution> ApplySubs(InnerAI.getSubstitutions());

      if (PAI) {
        auto PAISubs = PAI->getSubstitutions();
        ApplySubs.insert(ApplySubs.end(), PAISubs.begin(), PAISubs.end());


      SILInliner Inliner(*F, *CalleeFunction,
                         ContextSubs, ApplySubs);
      if (!Inliner.inlineFunction(InnerAI, FullArgs)) {
        I = InnerAI.getInstruction()->getIterator();

      // Inlining was successful. Remove the apply.

      // Reestablish our iterator if it wrapped.
      if (I == ApplyBlock->end())
        I = ApplyBlock->begin();

      // If the inlined apply was a thick function, then we need to balance the
      // reference counts for correctness.
      if (IsThick)
        fixupReferenceCounts(I, Loc, CalleeValue, CaptureArgs);

      // Now that the IR is correct, see if we can remove dead callee
      // computations (e.g. dead partial_apply closures).
      cleanupCalleeValue(CalleeValue, CaptureArgs, FullArgs);

      // Reposition iterators possibly invalidated by mutation.
      FI = SILFunction::iterator(ApplyBlock);
      I = ApplyBlock->begin();
      E = ApplyBlock->end();

  // Keep track of full inlined functions so we don't waste time recursively
  // reprocessing them.
  return true;
// Start with the substitutions from the apply.
// Try to propagate them to find out the real substitutions required
// to invoke the method.
static ArrayRef<Substitution>
getSubstitutionsForCallee(SILModule &M, CanSILFunctionType GenCalleeType,
                          SILType ClassInstanceType, FullApplySite AI) {
  // *NOTE*:
  // Apply instruction substitutions are for the Member from a protocol or
  // class B, where this member was first defined, before it got overridden by
  // derived classes.
  // The implementation F (the implementing method) which was found may have
  // a different set of generic parameters, e.g. because it is implemented by a
  // class D1 derived from B.
  // ClassInstanceType may have a type different from both the type B
  // the Member belongs to and from the ClassInstanceType, e.g. if
  // ClassInstance is of a class D2, which is derived from D1, but does not
  // override the Member.
  // As a result, substitutions provided by AI are for Member, whereas
  // substitutions in ClassInstanceType are for D2. And substitutions for D1
  // are not available directly in a general case. Therefore, they have to
  // be computed.
  // What we know for sure:
  //   B is a superclass of D1
  //   D1 is a superclass of D2.
  // D1 can be the same as D2. D1 can be the same as B.
  // So, substitutions from AI are for class B.
  // Substitutions for class D1 by means of bindSuperclass(), which starts
  // with a bound type ClassInstanceType and checks its superclasses until it
  // finds a bound superclass matching D1 and returns its substitutions.

  // Class F belongs to.
  CanType FSelfClass = GenCalleeType->getSelfParameter().getType();

  SILType FSelfSubstType;
  Module *Module = M.getSwiftModule();

  ArrayRef<Substitution> ClassSubs;

  if (GenCalleeType->isPolymorphic()) {
    // Declaration of the class F belongs to.
    if (auto *FSelfTypeDecl = FSelfClass.getNominalOrBoundGenericNominal()) {
      // Get the unbound generic type F belongs to.
      CanType FSelfGenericType =

      assert((isa<BoundGenericType>(ClassInstanceType.getSwiftRValueType()) ||
              isa<NominalType>(ClassInstanceType.getSwiftRValueType())) &&
             "Self type should be either a bound generic type"
             "or a non-generic type");

      assert((isa<UnboundGenericType>(FSelfGenericType) ||
              isa<NominalType>(FSelfGenericType)) &&
             "Method implementation self type should be generic");

      if (isa<BoundGenericType>(ClassInstanceType.getSwiftRValueType())) {
        auto BoundBaseType = bindSuperclass(FSelfGenericType,
        if (auto BoundTy = BoundBaseType->getAs<BoundGenericType>()) {
          ClassSubs = BoundTy->getSubstitutions(Module, nullptr);
  } else {
    // If the callee is not polymorphic, no substitutions are required.
    return {};

  if (ClassSubs.empty())
    return AI.getSubstitutions();

  auto AISubs = AI.getSubstitutions();

  CanSILFunctionType AIGenCalleeType =

  CanType AISelfClass = AIGenCalleeType->getSelfParameter().getType();

  unsigned NextMethodParamIdx = 0;
  unsigned NumMethodParams = 0;
  if (AIGenCalleeType->isPolymorphic()) {
    NextMethodParamIdx = 0;
    // Generic parameters of the method start after generic parameters
    // of the instance class.
    if (auto AISelfClassSig =
            AISelfClass.getClassBound()->getGenericSignature()) {
      NextMethodParamIdx = AISelfClassSig->getGenericParams().size();
    NumMethodParams = AISubs.size() - NextMethodParamIdx;

  unsigned NumSubs = ClassSubs.size() + NumMethodParams;

  if (ClassSubs.size() == NumSubs)
    return ClassSubs;

  // Mix class subs with method specific subs from the AI substitutions.

  // Assumptions: AI substitutions contain first the substitutions for
  // a class of the method being invoked and then the substitutions
  // for a method being invoked.
  auto Subs = M.getASTContext().Allocate<Substitution>(NumSubs);

  unsigned i = 0;
  for (auto &S : ClassSubs) {
    Subs[i++] = S;

  for (; i < NumSubs; ++i, ++NextMethodParamIdx) {
    Subs[i] = AISubs[NextMethodParamIdx];

  return Subs;
/// Insert monomorphic inline caches for a specific class or metatype
/// type \p SubClassTy.
static FullApplySite speculateMonomorphicTarget(FullApplySite AI,
                                                SILType SubType,
                                                CheckedCastBranchInst *&CCBI) {
  CCBI = nullptr;
  // Bail if this class_method cannot be devirtualized.
  if (!canDevirtualizeClassMethod(AI, SubType))
    return FullApplySite();

  // Create a diamond shaped control flow and a checked_cast_branch
  // instruction that checks the exact type of the object.
  // This cast selects between two paths: one that calls the slow dynamic
  // dispatch and one that calls the specific method.
  auto It = AI.getInstruction()->getIterator();
  SILFunction *F = AI.getFunction();
  SILBasicBlock *Entry = AI.getParent();

  // Iden is the basic block containing the direct call.
  SILBasicBlock *Iden = F->createBasicBlock();
  // Virt is the block containing the slow virtual call.
  SILBasicBlock *Virt = F->createBasicBlock();

  SILBasicBlock *Continue = Entry->splitBasicBlock(It);

  SILBuilderWithScope Builder(Entry, AI.getInstruction());
  // Create the checked_cast_branch instruction that checks at runtime if the
  // class instance is identical to the SILType.

  ClassMethodInst *CMI = cast<ClassMethodInst>(AI.getCallee());

  CCBI = Builder.createCheckedCastBranch(AI.getLoc(), /*exact*/ true,
                                       CMI->getOperand(), SubType, Iden,
  It = CCBI->getIterator();

  SILBuilderWithScope VirtBuilder(Virt, AI.getInstruction());
  SILBuilderWithScope IdenBuilder(Iden, AI.getInstruction());
  // This is the class reference downcasted into subclass SubType.
  SILValue DownCastedClassInstance = Iden->getBBArg(0);

  // Copy the two apply instructions into the two blocks.
  FullApplySite IdenAI = CloneApply(AI, IdenBuilder);
  FullApplySite VirtAI = CloneApply(AI, VirtBuilder);

  // See if Continue has a release on self as the instruction right after the
  // apply. If it exists, move it into position in the diamond.
  if (auto *Release =
          dyn_cast<StrongReleaseInst>(std::next(Continue->begin()))) {
    if (Release->getOperand() == CMI->getOperand()) {
      VirtBuilder.createStrongRelease(Release->getLoc(), CMI->getOperand());

  // Create a PHInode for returning the return value from both apply
  // instructions.
  SILArgument *Arg = Continue->createBBArg(AI.getType());
  if (!isa<TryApplyInst>(AI)) {
    IdenBuilder.createBranch(AI.getLoc(), Continue,
    VirtBuilder.createBranch(AI.getLoc(), Continue,

  // Remove the old Apply instruction.
  if (!isa<TryApplyInst>(AI))
  auto *OriginalBB = AI.getParent();
  if (OriginalBB->empty())

  // Update the stats.

  // Devirtualize the apply instruction on the identical path.
  auto NewInstPair = devirtualizeClassMethod(IdenAI, DownCastedClassInstance);
  assert(NewInstPair.first && "Expected to be able to devirtualize apply!");
  replaceDeadApply(IdenAI, NewInstPair.first);

  // Split critical edges resulting from VirtAI.
  if (auto *TAI = dyn_cast<TryApplyInst>(VirtAI)) {
    auto *ErrorBB = TAI->getFunction()->createBasicBlock();
    Builder.createBranch(TAI->getLoc(), TAI->getErrorBB(),

    auto *NormalBB = TAI->getFunction()->createBasicBlock();
    Builder.createBranch(TAI->getLoc(), TAI->getNormalBB(),
                        {NormalBB->getBBArg(0) });

    SmallVector<SILValue, 4> Args;
    for (auto Arg : VirtAI.getArguments()) {
    FullApplySite NewVirtAI = Builder.createTryApply(VirtAI.getLoc(), VirtAI.getCallee(),
        VirtAI.getSubstCalleeSILType(), VirtAI.getSubstitutions(),
        Args, NormalBB, ErrorBB);
    VirtAI = NewVirtAI;

  return VirtAI;
// Start with the substitutions from the apply.
// Try to propagate them to find out the real substitutions required
// to invoke the method.
static void
getSubstitutionsForCallee(SILModule &M,
                          CanSILFunctionType baseCalleeType,
                          CanType derivedSelfType,
                          FullApplySite AI,
                          SmallVectorImpl<Substitution> &newSubs) {

  // If the base method is not polymorphic, no substitutions are required,
  // even if we originally had substitutions for calling the derived method.
  if (!baseCalleeType->isPolymorphic())

  // Add any generic substitutions for the base class.
  Type baseSelfType = baseCalleeType->getSelfParameter().getType();
  if (auto metatypeType = baseSelfType->getAs<MetatypeType>())
    baseSelfType = metatypeType->getInstanceType();

  auto *baseClassDecl = baseSelfType->getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
  assert(baseClassDecl && "not a class method");

  unsigned baseDepth = 0;
  SubstitutionMap baseSubMap;
  if (auto baseClassSig = baseClassDecl->getGenericSignatureOfContext()) {
    baseDepth = baseClassSig->getGenericParams().back()->getDepth() + 1;

    // Compute the type of the base class, starting from the
    // derived class type and the type of the method's self
    // parameter.
    Type derivedClass = derivedSelfType;
    if (auto metatypeType = derivedClass->getAs<MetatypeType>())
      derivedClass = metatypeType->getInstanceType();
    baseSubMap = derivedClass->getContextSubstitutionMap(
        M.getSwiftModule(), baseClassDecl);

  SubstitutionMap origSubMap;
  if (auto origCalleeSig = AI.getOrigCalleeType()->getGenericSignature())
    origSubMap = origCalleeSig->getSubstitutionMap(AI.getSubstitutions());

  Type calleeSelfType = AI.getOrigCalleeType()->getSelfParameter().getType();
  if (auto metatypeType = calleeSelfType->getAs<MetatypeType>())
    calleeSelfType = metatypeType->getInstanceType();
  auto *calleeClassDecl = calleeSelfType->getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
  assert(calleeClassDecl && "self is not a class type");

  // Add generic parameters from the method itself, ignoring any generic
  // parameters from the derived class.
  unsigned origDepth = 0;
  if (auto calleeClassSig = calleeClassDecl->getGenericSignatureOfContext())
    origDepth = calleeClassSig->getGenericParams().back()->getDepth() + 1;

  auto baseCalleeSig = baseCalleeType->getGenericSignature();

  auto subMap =

  // Build the new substitutions using the base method signature.
  baseCalleeSig->getSubstitutions(subMap, newSubs);
/// \brief Inlines all mandatory inlined functions into the body of a function,
/// first recursively inlining all mandatory apply instructions in those
/// functions into their bodies if necessary.
/// \param F the function to be processed
/// \param AI nullptr if this is being called from the top level; the relevant
///   ApplyInst requiring the recursive call when non-null
/// \param FullyInlinedSet the set of all functions already known to be fully
///   processed, to avoid processing them over again
/// \param SetFactory an instance of ImmutableFunctionSet::Factory
/// \param CurrentInliningSet the set of functions currently being inlined in
///   the current call stack of recursive calls
/// \returns true if successful, false if failed due to circular inlining.
static bool
runOnFunctionRecursively(SILFunction *F, FullApplySite AI,
                         SILModule::LinkingMode Mode,
                         DenseFunctionSet &FullyInlinedSet,
                         ImmutableFunctionSet::Factory &SetFactory,
                         ImmutableFunctionSet CurrentInliningSet,
                         ClassHierarchyAnalysis *CHA) {
  // Avoid reprocessing functions needlessly.
  if (FullyInlinedSet.count(F))
    return true;

  // Prevent attempt to circularly inline.
  if (CurrentInliningSet.contains(F)) {
    // This cannot happen on a top-level call, so AI should be non-null.
    assert(AI && "Cannot have circular inline without apply");
    SILLocation L = AI.getLoc();
    assert(L && "Must have location for transparent inline apply");
    diagnose(F->getModule().getASTContext(), L.getStartSourceLoc(),
    return false;

  // Add to the current inlining set (immutably, so we only affect the set
  // during this call and recursive subcalls).
  CurrentInliningSet = SetFactory.add(CurrentInliningSet, F);

  SmallVector<SILValue, 16> CaptureArgs;
  SmallVector<SILValue, 32> FullArgs;

  for (auto FI = F->begin(), FE = F->end(); FI != FE; ++FI) {
    for (auto I = FI->begin(), E = FI->end(); I != E; ++I) {
      FullApplySite InnerAI = FullApplySite::isa(&*I);

      if (!InnerAI)

      auto *ApplyBlock = InnerAI.getParent();

      auto NewInstPair = tryDevirtualizeApply(InnerAI, CHA);
      if (auto *NewInst = NewInstPair.first) {
        replaceDeadApply(InnerAI, NewInst);
        if (auto *II = dyn_cast<SILInstruction>(NewInst))
          I = II->getIterator();
          I = NewInst->getParentBlock()->begin();
        auto NewAI = FullApplySite::isa(NewInstPair.second.getInstruction());
        if (!NewAI)

        InnerAI = NewAI;

      SILLocation Loc = InnerAI.getLoc();
      SILValue CalleeValue = InnerAI.getCallee();
      bool IsThick;
      PartialApplyInst *PAI;
      SILFunction *CalleeFunction = getCalleeFunction(InnerAI, IsThick,
                                                      CaptureArgs, FullArgs,
      if (!CalleeFunction ||
          CalleeFunction->isTransparent() == IsNotTransparent)

      if (F->isFragile() &&
          !CalleeFunction->hasValidLinkageForFragileRef()) {
        if (!CalleeFunction->hasValidLinkageForFragileInline()) {
          llvm::errs() << "caller: " << F->getName() << "\n";
          llvm::errs() << "callee: " << CalleeFunction->getName() << "\n";
          llvm_unreachable("Should never be inlining a resilient function into "
                           "a fragile function");

      // Then recursively process it first before trying to inline it.
      if (!runOnFunctionRecursively(CalleeFunction, InnerAI, Mode,
                                    FullyInlinedSet, SetFactory,
                                    CurrentInliningSet, CHA)) {
        // If we failed due to circular inlining, then emit some notes to
        // trace back the failure if we have more information.
        // FIXME: possibly it could be worth recovering and attempting other
        // inlines within this same recursive call rather than simply
        // propagating the failure.
        if (AI) {
          SILLocation L = AI.getLoc();
          assert(L && "Must have location for transparent inline apply");
          diagnose(F->getModule().getASTContext(), L.getStartSourceLoc(),
        return false;

      // Inline function at I, which also changes I to refer to the first
      // instruction inlined in the case that it succeeds. We purposely
      // process the inlined body after inlining, because the inlining may
      // have exposed new inlining opportunities beyond those present in
      // the inlined function when processed independently.
      DEBUG(llvm::errs() << "Inlining @" << CalleeFunction->getName()
                         << " into @" << InnerAI.getFunction()->getName()
                         << "\n");

      // If we intend to inline a thick function, then we need to balance the
      // reference counts for correctness.
      if (IsThick && I != ApplyBlock->begin()) {
        // We need to find an appropriate location for our fix up code
        // We used to do this after inlining Without any modifications
        // This caused us to add a release in a wrong place:
        // It would release a value *before* retaining it!
        // It is really problematic to do this after inlining -
        // Finding a valid insertion point is tricky:
        // Inlining might add new basic blocks and/or remove the apply
        // We want to add the fix up *just before* where the current apply is!
        // Unfortunately, we *can't* add the fix up code here:
        // Inlining might fail for any reason -
        // If that occurred we'd need to undo our fix up code.
        // Instead, we split the current basic block -
        // Making sure we have a basic block that starts with our apply.
        SILBuilderWithScope B(I);
        ApplyBlock = splitBasicBlockAndBranch(B, &*I, nullptr, nullptr);
        I = ApplyBlock->begin();

      // Decrement our iterator (carefully, to avoid going off the front) so it
      // is valid after inlining is done.  Inlining deletes the apply, and can
      // introduce multiple new basic blocks.
      if (I != ApplyBlock->begin())
        I = ApplyBlock->end();

      std::vector<Substitution> ApplySubs(InnerAI.getSubstitutions());

      if (PAI) {
        auto PAISubs = PAI->getSubstitutions();
        ApplySubs.insert(ApplySubs.end(), PAISubs.begin(), PAISubs.end());

      SILOpenedArchetypesTracker OpenedArchetypesTracker(*F);
      // The callee only needs to know about opened archetypes used in
      // the substitution list.
      if (PAI) {

      SILInliner Inliner(*F, *CalleeFunction,
                         ApplySubs, OpenedArchetypesTracker);
      if (!Inliner.inlineFunction(InnerAI, FullArgs)) {
        I = InnerAI.getInstruction()->getIterator();

      // Inlining was successful. Remove the apply.

      // Reestablish our iterator if it wrapped.
      if (I == ApplyBlock->end())
        I = ApplyBlock->begin();

      // Update the iterator when instructions are removed.
      DeleteInstructionsHandler DeletionHandler(I);

      // If the inlined apply was a thick function, then we need to balance the
      // reference counts for correctness.
      if (IsThick)
        fixupReferenceCounts(I, Loc, CalleeValue, CaptureArgs);

      // Now that the IR is correct, see if we can remove dead callee
      // computations (e.g. dead partial_apply closures).
      cleanupCalleeValue(CalleeValue, CaptureArgs, FullArgs);

      // Reposition iterators possibly invalidated by mutation.
      FI = SILFunction::iterator(ApplyBlock);
      E = ApplyBlock->end();
      assert(FI == SILFunction::iterator(I->getParent()) &&
             "Mismatch between the instruction and basic block");

  // Keep track of full inlined functions so we don't waste time recursively
  // reprocessing them.
  return true;
// Start with the substitutions from the apply.
// Try to propagate them to find out the real substitutions required
// to invoke the method.
static void
getSubstitutionsForCallee(SILModule &M,
                          CanSILFunctionType baseCalleeType,
                          CanType derivedSelfType,
                          FullApplySite AI,
                          SmallVectorImpl<Substitution> &newSubs) {

  // If the base method is not polymorphic, no substitutions are required,
  // even if we originally had substitutions for calling the derived method.
  if (!baseCalleeType->isPolymorphic())

  auto derivedClass = derivedSelfType;
  if (auto metatypeType = dyn_cast<MetatypeType>(derivedClass))
    derivedClass = CanType(metatypeType->getInstanceType());

  SubstitutionMap subMap;

  if (auto origCalleeSig = AI.getOrigCalleeType()->getGenericSignature()) {
    auto calleeSelfType = AI.getSubstCalleeType()->getSelfParameter().getType();
    if (auto metatypeType = dyn_cast<MetatypeType>(calleeSelfType))
      calleeSelfType = CanType(metatypeType->getInstanceType());
    auto *calleeClassDecl = calleeSelfType->getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
    assert(calleeClassDecl && "self is not a class type");

    auto origSubs = AI.getSubstitutions();

    // Add generic parameters from the method itself, ignoring any generic
    // parameters from the derived class.
    unsigned minDepth = 0;
    if (auto derivedClassSig = calleeClassDecl->getGenericSignatureOfContext())
      minDepth = derivedClassSig->getGenericParams().back()->getDepth() + 1;

    for (auto depTy : origCalleeSig->getAllDependentTypes()) {
      // Grab the next substitution.
      auto sub = origSubs.front();
      origSubs = origSubs.slice(1);

      // If the dependent type doesn't contain any generic parameter with
      // a depth of at least the minimum, skip this type.
      auto canTy = depTy->getCanonicalType();
      auto hasInnerGenericParameter = [minDepth](Type type) -> bool {
        if (auto gp = type->getAs<GenericTypeParamType>()) {
          return gp->getDepth() >= minDepth;
        return false;

      if (!Type(canTy.getPointer()).findIf(hasInnerGenericParameter))

      // Otherwise, record the replacement and conformances for the mapped
      // type.
      subMap.addSubstitution(canTy, sub.getReplacement());
      subMap.addConformances(canTy, sub.getConformances());

  // Add any generic substitutions for the base class.
  auto baseSelfType = baseCalleeType->getSelfParameter().getType();
  if (auto metatypeType = dyn_cast<MetatypeType>(baseSelfType))
    baseSelfType = CanType(metatypeType->getInstanceType());

  auto *baseClassDecl = baseSelfType.getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
  assert(baseClassDecl && "not a class method");

  if (auto baseClassSig = baseClassDecl->getGenericSignatureOfContext()) {
    // Compute the type of the base class, starting from the
    // derived class type and the type of the method's self
    // parameter.
    auto baseClass = derivedClass->getSuperclassForDecl(baseClassDecl, nullptr)
    auto baseClassSubs = baseClass->gatherAllSubstitutions(
        M.getSwiftModule(), nullptr);

    // Decompose the base class substitutions, adding them to the same
    // substitution maps as above.
    baseClassSig->getSubstitutionMap(baseClassSubs, subMap);

  // Build the new substitutions using the base method signature.
  auto baseCalleeSig = baseCalleeType->getGenericSignature();
  baseCalleeSig->getSubstitutions(subMap, newSubs);