void check(const std::string &inner_loop_level,
               const std::string &outer_loop_level) {
        Buffer<float> result = outer.realize(1, 1, 1);

        Module m = outer.compile_to_module({outer.infer_arguments()});
        CheckLoopLevels c(inner_loop_level, outer_loop_level);
int rdom_wrapper_test() {
    Func source("source"), g("g"), result("result");
    Var x("x"), y("y");

    source(x, y) = x + y;
    ImageParam img(Int(32), 2, "img");
    Buffer<int> buf = source.realize(200, 200);

    g(x, y) = 10;
    g(x, y) += 2 * img(x, x);
    RDom r(0, 200, 0, 200);
    g(r.x, r.y) += 3 * img(r.y, r.y);

    // Make a global wrapper on 'g', so that we can schedule initialization
    // and the update on the same compute level at the global wrapper
    Func wrapper = g.in().compute_root();
    g.compute_at(wrapper, x);
    Func img_f = img;

    // Check the call graphs.
    // Expect 'wrapper' to call 'g', initialization of 'g' to call nothing
    // and its update to call 'img_f' and 'g', 'img_f' to call 'img'
    Module m = wrapper.compile_to_module({wrapper.infer_arguments()});
    CheckCalls c;

    CallGraphs expected = {
        {g.name(), {img_f.name(), g.name()}},
        {wrapper.name(), {g.name()}},
        {img_f.name(), {img.name()}},
    if (check_call_graphs(c.calls, expected) != 0) {
        return -1;

    Buffer<int> im = wrapper.realize(200, 200);
    auto func = [](int x, int y) { return 4*x + 6* y + 10; };
    if (check_image(im, func)) {
        return -1;
    return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    Param<float> reservoirConcentration;
    Param<float> stepTime;
    Param<float> layerMixConst;
    Param<float> layerTimeDivisor;

    Func sumDx;
    Func layerMixed;
    Func initialDeveloperMirrored;
    ImageParam devConc(type_of<float>(),2);
    Func dDevelConc;
    Func developerConcentration = lambda(x,y,devConc(x,y));
    dDevelConc = calcLayerMix(developerConcentration, layerMixConst, stepTime,
                              layerTimeDivisor, reservoirConcentration);
    std::vector<Argument> ddcArgs = dDevelConc.infer_arguments();

    return 0;