void TSMesh::innerRender( TSVertexBufferHandle &vb, GFXPrimitiveBufferHandle &pb )
   if ( !vb.isValid() || !pb.isValid() )

   GFX->setVertexBuffer( vb );
   GFX->setPrimitiveBuffer( pb );
   for( U32 p = 0; p < primitives.size(); p++ )
      GFX->drawPrimitive( p );
void TerrainBlock::_renderBlock( SceneRenderState *state )
   PROFILE_SCOPE( TerrainBlock_RenderBlock );

   // Prevent rendering shadows if feature is disabled
   if ( !mCastShadows && state->isShadowPass() ) 
   MatrixF worldViewXfm = state->getWorldViewMatrix();
   worldViewXfm.mul( getRenderTransform() );

   MatrixF worldViewProjXfm = state->getProjectionMatrix();
   worldViewProjXfm.mul( worldViewXfm );

   const MatrixF &objectXfm = getRenderWorldTransform();

   Point3F objCamPos = state->getDiffuseCameraPosition();
   objectXfm.mulP( objCamPos );

   // Get the shadow material.
   if ( !mDefaultMatInst )
      mDefaultMatInst = TerrainCellMaterial::getShadowMat();

   // Make sure we have a base material.
   if ( !mBaseMaterial )
      mBaseMaterial = new TerrainCellMaterial();
      mBaseMaterial->init( this, 0, false, false, true );

   // Did the detail layers change?
   if ( mDetailsDirty )
      mDetailsDirty = false;

   // If the layer texture has been cleared or is 
   // dirty then update it.
   if ( mLayerTex.isNull() || mLayerTexDirty )

   // If the layer texture is dirty or we lost the base
   // texture then regenerate it.
   if ( mLayerTexDirty || mBaseTex.isNull() )
      _updateBaseTexture( false );
      mLayerTexDirty = false;

   static Vector<TerrCell*> renderCells;

   mCell->cullCells( state,
                     &renderCells );

   RenderPassManager *renderPass = state->getRenderPass();

   MatrixF *riObjectToWorldXfm = renderPass->allocUniqueXform( getRenderTransform() );

   const bool isColorDrawPass = state->isDiffusePass() || state->isReflectPass();

   // This is here for shadows mostly... it allows the
   // proper shadow material to be generated.
   BaseMatInstance *defaultMatInst = state->getOverrideMaterial( mDefaultMatInst );

   // Only pass and use the light manager if this is not a shadow pass.
   LightManager *lm = NULL;
   if ( isColorDrawPass )
      lm = LIGHTMGR;

   for ( U32 i=0; i < renderCells.size(); i++ )
      TerrCell *cell = renderCells[i];

      // Ok this cell is fit to render.
      TerrainRenderInst *inst = renderPass->allocInst<TerrainRenderInst>();

      // Setup lights for this cell.
      if ( lm )
         SphereF bounds = cell->getSphereBounds();
         getRenderTransform().mulP( bounds.center );

         LightQuery query;
         query.init( bounds );
		   query.getLights( inst->lights, 8 );

      GFXVertexBufferHandleBase vertBuff;
      GFXPrimitiveBufferHandle  primBuff;

      cell->getRenderPrimitive( &inst->prim, &vertBuff, &primBuff );

      inst->mat = defaultMatInst;
      inst->vertBuff = vertBuff.getPointer();

      if ( primBuff.isValid() )
         // Use the cell's custom primitive buffer
         inst->primBuff = primBuff.getPointer();
         // Use the standard primitive buffer for this cell
         inst->primBuff = mPrimBuffer.getPointer();

      inst->objectToWorldXfm = riObjectToWorldXfm;

      // If we're not drawing to the shadow map then we need
      // to include the normal rendering materials. 
      if ( isColorDrawPass )
         const SphereF &bounds = cell->getSphereBounds();         

         F32 sqDist = ( bounds.center - objCamPos ).lenSquared();         

         F32 radiusSq = mSquared( ( mMaxDetailDistance + bounds.radius ) * smDetailScale );

         // If this cell is near enough to get detail textures then
         // use the full detail mapping material.  Else we use the
         // simple base only material.
         if ( !state->isReflectPass() && sqDist < radiusSq )
            inst->cellMat = cell->getMaterial();
         else if ( state->isReflectPass() )
            inst->cellMat = mBaseMaterial->getReflectMat();
            inst->cellMat = mBaseMaterial;

      inst->defaultKey = (U32)cell->getMaterials();

      // Submit it for rendering.
      renderPass->addInst( inst );

   // Trigger the debug rendering.
   if (  state->isDiffusePass() && 
         !renderCells.empty() && 
         smDebugRender )
      // Store the render cells for later.
      mDebugCells = renderCells;

      ObjectRenderInst *ri = state->getRenderPass()->allocInst<ObjectRenderInst>();
      ri->renderDelegate.bind( this, &TerrainBlock::_renderDebug );
      ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Editor;
      state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri );
void TSMesh::innerRender( TSMaterialList *materials, const TSRenderState &rdata, TSVertexBufferHandle &vb, GFXPrimitiveBufferHandle &pb )
   PROFILE_SCOPE( TSMesh_InnerRender );

   if( vertsPerFrame <= 0 ) 

   F32 meshVisibility = rdata.getFadeOverride() * mVisibility;
   if ( meshVisibility < VISIBILITY_EPSILON )

   const SceneRenderState *state = rdata.getSceneState();
   RenderPassManager *renderPass = state->getRenderPass();

   MeshRenderInst *coreRI = renderPass->allocInst<MeshRenderInst>();
   coreRI->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Mesh;

   const MatrixF &objToWorld = GFX->getWorldMatrix();

   // Sort by the center point or the bounds.
   if ( rdata.useOriginSort() )
      coreRI->sortDistSq = ( objToWorld.getPosition() - state->getCameraPosition() ).lenSquared();
      Box3F rBox = mBounds;
      objToWorld.mul( rBox );
      coreRI->sortDistSq = rBox.getSqDistanceToPoint( state->getCameraPosition() );      

   if (getFlags(Billboard))
      Point3F camPos = state->getDiffuseCameraPosition();
      Point3F objPos;
      objToWorld.getColumn(3, &objPos);
      Point3F targetVector = camPos - objPos;
         targetVector.z = 0.0f;
      MatrixF orient = MathUtils::createOrientFromDir(targetVector);

      coreRI->objectToWorld = renderPass->allocUniqueXform( orient );
      coreRI->objectToWorld = renderPass->allocUniqueXform( objToWorld );

   coreRI->worldToCamera = renderPass->allocSharedXform(RenderPassManager::View);
   coreRI->projection = renderPass->allocSharedXform(RenderPassManager::Projection);

   AssertFatal( vb.isValid(), "TSMesh::innerRender() - Got invalid vertex buffer!" );
   AssertFatal( pb.isValid(), "TSMesh::innerRender() - Got invalid primitive buffer!" );

   coreRI->vertBuff = &vb;
   coreRI->primBuff = &pb;
   coreRI->defaultKey2 = (U32) coreRI->vertBuff;

   coreRI->materialHint = rdata.getMaterialHint();

   coreRI->visibility = meshVisibility;  
   coreRI->cubemap = rdata.getCubemap();

   // NOTICE: SFXBB is removed and refraction is disabled!
   //coreRI->backBuffTex = GFX->getSfxBackBuffer();

   for ( S32 i = 0; i < primitives.size(); i++ )
      const TSDrawPrimitive &draw = primitives[i];

      // We need to have a material.
      if ( draw.matIndex & TSDrawPrimitive::NoMaterial )

      // for inspection if you happen to be running in a debugger and can't do bit 
      // operations in your head.
      S32 triangles = draw.matIndex & TSDrawPrimitive::Triangles;
      S32 strip = draw.matIndex & TSDrawPrimitive::Strip;
      S32 fan = draw.matIndex & TSDrawPrimitive::Fan;
      S32 indexed = draw.matIndex & TSDrawPrimitive::Indexed;
      S32 type = draw.matIndex & TSDrawPrimitive::TypeMask;

      const U32 matIndex = draw.matIndex & TSDrawPrimitive::MaterialMask;
      BaseMatInstance *matInst = materials->getMaterialInst( matIndex );


      // Get the instancing material if this mesh qualifies.
      if ( meshType != SkinMeshType && pb->mPrimitiveArray[i].numVertices < smMaxInstancingVerts )
         matInst = InstancingMaterialHook::getInstancingMat( matInst );


      // If we don't have a material instance after the overload then
      // there is nothing to render... skip this primitive.
      matInst = state->getOverrideMaterial( matInst );
      if ( !matInst || !matInst->isValid())

      // If the material needs lights then gather them
      // here once and set them on the core render inst.
      if ( matInst->isForwardLit() && !coreRI->lights[0] && rdata.getLightQuery() )
         rdata.getLightQuery()->getLights( coreRI->lights, 8 );

      MeshRenderInst *ri = renderPass->allocInst<MeshRenderInst>();
      *ri = *coreRI;

      ri->matInst = matInst;
      ri->defaultKey = matInst->getStateHint();
      ri->primBuffIndex = i;

      // Translucent materials need the translucent type.
      if ( matInst->getMaterial()->isTranslucent() )
         ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Translucent;
         ri->translucentSort = true;

      renderPass->addInst( ri );