GFXTextureObject* ReflectionManager::getRefractTex( bool forceUpdate )
   GFXTarget *target = GFX->getActiveRenderTarget();
   GFXFormat targetFormat = target->getFormat();
   const Point2I &targetSize = target->getSize();

#if defined(TORQUE_OS_XENON)
   // On the Xbox360, it needs to do a resolveTo from the active target, so this
   // may as well be the full size of the active target
   const U32 desWidth = targetSize.x;
   const U32 desHeight = targetSize.y;
   const U32 desWidth = mFloor( (F32)targetSize.x * smRefractTexScale );
   const U32 desHeight = mFloor( ( F32)targetSize.y * smRefractTexScale );

   if ( mRefractTex.isNull() || 
        mRefractTex->getWidth() != desWidth ||
        mRefractTex->getHeight() != desHeight ||
        mRefractTex->getFormat() != targetFormat )
      mRefractTex.set( desWidth, desHeight, targetFormat, &RefractTextureProfile, "mRefractTex" );    
      mUpdateRefract = true;

   if ( forceUpdate || mUpdateRefract )
      target->resolveTo( mRefractTex );   
      mUpdateRefract = false;

   return mRefractTex;
GFXTextureObject *RenderPassManager::getDepthTargetTexture()
   // If this is OpenGL, or something else has set the depth buffer, return the pointer
   if( mDepthBuff.isValid() )
      // If this is OpenGL, make sure the depth target matches up
      // with the active render target.  Otherwise recreate.
      if( GFX->getAdapterType() == OpenGL )
         GFXTarget* activeRT = GFX->getActiveRenderTarget();
         AssertFatal( activeRT, "Must be an active render target to call 'getDepthTargetTexture'" );
         Point2I activeRTSize = activeRT->getSize();
         if( mDepthBuff.getWidth() == activeRTSize.x &&
             mDepthBuff.getHeight() == activeRTSize.y )
            return mDepthBuff.getPointer();
         return mDepthBuff.getPointer();

   if(GFX->getAdapterType() == OpenGL)
      AssertFatal(GFX->getActiveRenderTarget(), "Must be an active render target to call 'getDepthTargetTexture'");

      const Point2I rtSize = GFX->getActiveRenderTarget()->getSize();
      mDepthBuff.set(rtSize.x, rtSize.y, GFXFormatD24S8, 
         &GFXDefaultZTargetProfile, avar("%s() - mDepthBuff (line %d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__));
      return mDepthBuff.getPointer();

   // Default return value
   return GFXTextureTarget::sDefaultDepthStencil;
GFXTextureObject* ReflectionManager::getRefractTex()
   GFXTarget *target = GFX->getActiveRenderTarget();
   GFXFormat targetFormat = target->getFormat();
   const Point2I &targetSize = target->getSize();
   const U32 desWidth = mFloor( (F32)targetSize.x * mRefractTexScale );
   const U32 desHeight = mFloor( ( F32)targetSize.y * mRefractTexScale );

   if ( mRefractTex.isNull() || 
        mRefractTex->getWidth() != desWidth ||
        mRefractTex->getHeight() != desHeight ||
        mRefractTex->getFormat() != targetFormat )
      mRefractTex.set( desWidth, desHeight, targetFormat, &RefractTextureProfile, "mRefractTex" );    
      mUpdateRefract = true;

   if ( mUpdateRefract )
      target->resolveTo( mRefractTex );   
      mUpdateRefract = false;

   return mRefractTex;