    Quaternionfs getRotations( const GIDSet& gids ) const final
        const float deg2rad = float( M_PI ) / 180.f;
        const brion::NeuronMatrix& data =
            _circuit.get( gids, brion::NEURON_ROTATION );
        Quaternionfs rotations( gids.size( ));

#pragma omp parallel for
        for( size_t i = 0; i < gids.size(); ++i )
                // transform rotation Y angle in degree into rotation quaternion
                const float angle = lexical_cast<float>( data[i][0] ) * deg2rad;
                rotations[i] = Quaternionf( angle, Vector3f( 0, 1, 0 ));
            catch( const boost::bad_lexical_cast& )
                GIDSet::const_iterator gid = gids.begin();
                std::advance( gid, i );
                LBWARN << "Error parsing circuit orientation for gid "
                       << *gid << std::endl;
        return rotations;
    Vector3fs getPositions( const GIDSet& gids ) const final
        const brion::NeuronMatrix& data = _circuit.get( gids,
            brion::NEURON_POSITION_X | brion::NEURON_POSITION_Y |
            brion::NEURON_POSITION_Z );

        Vector3fs positions( gids.size( ));
#pragma omp parallel for
        for( size_t i = 0; i < gids.size(); ++i )
                positions[i] =
                    brion::Vector3f( lexical_cast< float >( data[i][0] ),
                                     lexical_cast< float >( data[i][1] ),
                                     lexical_cast< float >( data[i][2] ));
            catch( const boost::bad_lexical_cast& )
                GIDSet::const_iterator gid = gids.begin();
                std::advance( gid, i );
                LBWARN << "Error parsing circuit position for gid "
                       << *gid << std::endl;
        return positions;
std::vector<uint32_t> CompartmentReportCommon::_computeSubsetIndices(
    const GIDSet& source, const GIDSet& target)
    GIDSet::iterator i = source.begin();
    std::vector<uint32_t> indices;
    uint32_t sourceIndex = 0;
    for (const auto gid : target)
        assert(i != source.end());
        while (*i != gid)
    return indices;
GIDSet CompartmentReportCommon::_computeIntersection(const GIDSet& all,
                                                     const GIDSet& subset)
    GIDSet intersection;
    std::set_intersection(subset.begin(), subset.end(), all.begin(), all.end(),
                          std::inserter(intersection, intersection.begin()));
    if (intersection != subset || intersection.empty())
        LBWARN << "Requested " << subset.size() << " GIDs [" << *subset.begin()
               << ":" << *subset.rbegin() << "] are not a subset of the "
               << all.size() << " GIDs in the report [" << *all.begin() << ":"
               << *all.rbegin();
        if (intersection.empty())
            LBWARN << " with no GIDs in common" << std::endl;
            LBWARN << "], using intersection size " << intersection.size()
                   << " [" << *intersection.begin() << ":"
                   << *intersection.rbegin() << "]" << std::endl;
    return intersection;
文件: circuit.cpp 项目: eile/Brion
neuron::Morphologies Circuit::loadMorphologies( const GIDSet& gids,
                                                const Coordinates coords ) const
    const URIs& uris = getMorphologyURIs( gids );
    const auto circuitPath =
        // cache outside of loop, canonical does stat() which is slow on GPFS
        fs::canonical( _impl->getCircuitSource().getPath( )).generic_string();

    // < GID, hash >
    Strings gidHashes;
    gidHashes.reserve( uris.size( ));
    std::set< std::string > hashes;
    GIDSet::const_iterator gid = gids.begin();
    for( size_t i = 0; i < uris.size(); ++i, ++gid )
        auto hash = uris[i].getPath();
        if( hash[0] != '/' ) // opt: don't stat abs file path (see above)
            hash = fs::canonical( hash ).generic_string();

        if( coords == Coordinates::global )
            // store circuit + GID for transformed morphology
            hash += circuitPath + boost::lexical_cast< std::string >( *gid );

        hash = servus::make_uint128( hash ).getString();
        gidHashes.push_back( hash );
        hashes.insert( hash );

    CachedMorphologies cached = _impl->loadMorphologiesFromCache( hashes );

    // resolve missing morphologies and put them in GID-order into result
    neuron::Morphologies result;
    result.reserve( uris.size( ));

    const Matrix4fs transforms =
             coords == Coordinates::global ? getTransforms( gids ) : Matrix4fs();
    for( size_t i = 0; i < uris.size(); ++i )
        const URI& uri = uris[i];

        const std::string& hash = gidHashes[i];
        CachedMorphologies::const_iterator it = cached.find( hash );
        if( it == cached.end( ))
            neuron::MorphologyPtr morphology;
            const brion::Morphology raw( uri.getPath( ));
            if( coords == Coordinates::global )
                morphology.reset( new neuron::Morphology( raw, transforms[i] ));
                morphology.reset( new neuron::Morphology( raw ));

            cached.insert( std::make_pair( hash, morphology ));

            _impl->saveMorphologiesToCache( uri.getPath(), hash, morphology );

            result.push_back( morphology );
            result.push_back( it->second );

    return result;