QList<GLC_Point2d> glc::normalyzePolygon(const QList<GLC_Point2d>& polygon)
    QList<GLC_Point2d> subject;
    const int count= polygon.count();
    Q_ASSERT(count > 2);

    GLC_Point2d minPoint= polygon.first();
    GLC_Point2d maxPoint= minPoint;
    for (int i= 1; i < count; ++i)
        GLC_Point2d point= polygon.at(i);
        minPoint.setX(qMin(point.x(), minPoint.x()));
        minPoint.setY(qMin(point.y(), minPoint.y()));

        maxPoint.setX(qMax(point.x(), maxPoint.x()));
        maxPoint.setY(qMax(point.y(), maxPoint.y()));
    const GLC_Vector2d range= maxPoint - minPoint;
    Q_ASSERT(range.x() != 0.0);
    Q_ASSERT(range.y() != 0.0);

    for (int i= 0; i < count; ++i)
        const GLC_Point2d point= polygon.at(i);
        const GLC_Point2d temp= (point - minPoint);

        const GLC_Point2d result(temp.x() / range.x(), temp.y() / range.y());

    return subject;
GLC_Point2d GLC_Viewport::project(const GLC_Point3d &point, bool useCameraMatrix) const
    GLC_Matrix4x4 modelView;
    GLC_Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix;

    GLint viewport[4]= {0, 0, m_Width, m_Height};
    if (useCameraMatrix)
        modelView= m_pViewCam->modelViewMatrix();
        projectionMatrix= m_ProjectionMatrix;
        modelView= GLC_Context::current()->modelViewMatrix();
        glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
        projectionMatrix= GLC_Context::current()->projectionMatrix();

    double x;
    double y;
    double z;
    glc::gluProject(point.x(), point.y(), point.z(), modelView.getData(), projectionMatrix.getData(), viewport, &x, &y, &z);

    GLC_Vector2d subject;

    return subject;
// find intersection between two 2D segments
QVector<GLC_Point2d> glc::findIntersection(const GLC_Point2d& s1p1, const GLC_Point2d& s1p2, const GLC_Point2d& s2p1, const GLC_Point2d& s2p2)
	const GLC_Vector2d D0= s1p2 - s1p1;
	const GLC_Vector2d D1= s2p2 - s2p1;
	// The QVector of result points
	QVector<GLC_Point2d> result;

	const GLC_Vector2d E(s2p1 - s1p1);
	double kross= D0 ^ D1;
	double sqrKross= kross * kross;
	const double sqrLen0= D0.x() * D0.x() + D0.y() * D0.y();
	const double sqrLen1= D1.x() * D1.x() + D1.y() * D1.y();
	// Test if the line are nor parallel
	if (sqrKross > (EPSILON * sqrLen0 * sqrLen1))
		const double s= (E ^ D1) / kross;
		if ((s < 0.0) || (s > 1.0))
			// Intersection of lines is not a point on segment s1p1 + s * DO
			return result; // Return empty QVector
		const double t= (E ^ D0) / kross;

		if ((t < 0.0) || (t > 1.0))
			// Intersection of lines is not a point on segment s2p1 + t * D1
			return result; // Return empty QVector

		// Intersection of lines is a point on each segment
		result << (s1p1 + (D0 * s));
		return result; // Return a QVector of One Point

	// Lines of the segments are parallel
	const double sqrLenE= E.x() * E.x() + E.y() * E.y();
	kross= E ^ D0;
	sqrKross= kross * kross;
	if (sqrKross > (EPSILON * sqrLen0 * sqrLenE))
		// Lines of the segments are different
		return result; // Return empty QVector

	// Lines of the segments are the same. Need to test for overlap of segments.
	const double s0= (D0 * E) / sqrLen0;
	const double s1= (D0 * D1) / sqrLen0;
	const double sMin= qMin(s0, s1);
	const double sMax= qMax(s0, s1);
	QVector<double> overlaps= findIntersection(0.0, 1.0, sMin, sMax);
	const int iMax= overlaps.size();
	for (int i= 0; i < iMax; ++i)
		result.append(s1p1 + (D0 * overlaps[i]));
	return result;
GLC_Vector2d round(const GLC_Vector2d& vector, double accuracy)
    GLC_Vector2d subject(glc::round(vector.x(), accuracy), glc::round(vector.y(), accuracy));

    return subject;
GLC_Vector2d round(const GLC_Vector2d& vector)
	GLC_Vector2d subject(glc::round(vector.x()), glc::round(vector.y()));

	return subject;
bool glc::compare(const GLC_Vector2d& v1, const GLC_Vector2d& v2, double accuracy)
    bool compareResult= (qAbs(v1.x() - v2.x()) <= accuracy);
    return compareResult && (qAbs(v1.y() - v2.y()) <= accuracy);
bool glc::compare(const GLC_Vector2d& v1, const GLC_Vector2d& v2)
	bool compareResult= (qAbs(v1.x() - v2.x()) <= comparedPrecision);
	return compareResult && (qAbs(v1.y() - v2.y()) <= comparedPrecision);
// return true if there is an intersection between a ray and a segment
bool glc::isIntersectedRaySegment(const GLC_Point2d& s1p1, const GLC_Vector2d& s1p2, const GLC_Point2d& s2p1, const GLC_Point2d& s2p2)
	const GLC_Vector2d D0= s1p2 - s1p1;
	const GLC_Vector2d D1= s2p2 - s2p1;

	const GLC_Vector2d E(s2p1 - s1p1);
	double kross= D0 ^ D1;
	double sqrKross= kross * kross;
	const double sqrLen0= D0.x() * D0.x() + D0.y() * D0.y();
	const double sqrLen1= D1.x() * D1.x() + D1.y() * D1.y();
	// Test if the line are nor parallel
	if (sqrKross > (EPSILON * sqrLen0 * sqrLen1))
		const double s= (E ^ D1) / kross;
		if ((s < 0.0))
			// Intersection of lines is not a point on segment s1p1 + s * DO
			return false;
		const double t= (E ^ D0) / kross;

		if ((t < 0.0) || (t > 1.0))
			// Intersection of lines is not a point on segment s2p1 + t * D1
			return false;

		// Intersection of lines is a point on each segment
		return true;

	// Lines of the segments are parallel
	const double sqrLenE= E.x() * E.x() + E.y() * E.y();
	kross= E ^ D0;
	sqrKross= kross * kross;
	if (sqrKross > (EPSILON * sqrLen0 * sqrLenE))
		// Lines of are different
		return false;
	else return true;

// return true if there is an intersection between 2 segments
bool glc::isIntersected(const GLC_Point2d& s1p1, const GLC_Point2d& s1p2, const GLC_Point2d& s2p1, const GLC_Point2d& s2p2)
	const GLC_Vector2d D0= s1p2 - s1p1;
	const GLC_Vector2d D1= s2p2 - s2p1;

	const GLC_Vector2d E(s2p1 - s1p1);
	double kross= D0 ^ D1;
	double sqrKross= kross * kross;
	const double sqrLen0= D0.x() * D0.x() + D0.y() * D0.y();
	const double sqrLen1= D1.x() * D1.x() + D1.y() * D1.y();
	// Test if the line are nor parallel
	if (sqrKross > (EPSILON * sqrLen0 * sqrLen1))
		const double s= (E ^ D1) / kross;
		if ((s < 0.0) || (s > 1.0))
			// Intersection of lines is not a point on segment s1p1 + s * DO
			return false;
		const double t= (E ^ D0) / kross;

		if ((t < 0.0) || (t > 1.0))
			// Intersection of lines is not a point on segment s2p1 + t * D1
			return false;

		// Intersection of lines is a point on each segment
		return true;

	// Lines of the segments are parallel
	const double sqrLenE= E.x() * E.x() + E.y() * E.y();
	kross= E ^ D0;
	sqrKross= kross * kross;
	if (sqrKross > (EPSILON * sqrLen0 * sqrLenE))
		// Lines of the segments are different
		return false;

	// Lines of the segments are the same. Need to test for overlap of segments.
	const double s0= (D0 * E) / sqrLen0;
	const double s1= s0 + (D0 * D1) / sqrLen0;
	const double sMin= qMin(s0, s1);
	const double sMax= qMax(s0, s1);
	if (findIntersection(0.0, 1.0, sMin, sMax).size() == 0) return false; else return true;
