bool CurvatureUI::update() { if(!glui){ cerr << "CurvatureUI::update() - Error! No GLUI object to update (not showing)!" << endl; return false; } else { // Update the controls that don't use // 'live' variables //update_non_lives(); glui->sync_live(); return true; } }
bool CurvatureUI::show() { if(glui){ cerr << "CurvatureUI::show() - Error! CurvatureUI is already shown!" << endl; return false; } else { build(); if(!glui){ cerr << "CurvatureUI::show() - Error! CurvatureUI failed to build GLUI object!" << endl; return false; } else { glui->show(); // Update the controls that don't use // 'live' variables //update_non_lives(); glui->sync_live(); return true; } } }