void GLScreen::glBufferStencil (const GLMatrix &matrix, GLVertexBuffer &vertexBuffer, CompOutput *output) { WRAPABLE_HND_FUNCTN (glBufferStencil, matrix, vertexBuffer, output); GLfloat x = output->x (); GLfloat y = screen->height () - output->y2 (); GLfloat x2 = output->x () + output->width (); GLfloat y2 = screen->height () - output->y2 () + output->height (); GLfloat vertices[] = { x, y, 0, x, y2, 0, x2, y, 0, x2, y2, 0 }; GLushort colorData[] = { 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff }; vertexBuffer.begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); vertexBuffer.addVertices (4, vertices); vertexBuffer.addColors (1, colorData); vertexBuffer.end (); }
void ShowFpsEffect::paintGraph(int x, int y, QList<int> values, QList<int> lines, bool colorize) { if (effects->isOpenGLCompositing()) { QColor color(0, 0, 0); color.setAlphaF(alpha); GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer(); vbo->reset(); vbo->setColor(color); QVector<float> verts; // First draw the lines foreach (int h, lines) { verts << x << y - h; verts << x + values.count() << y - h; }
// Create buffers required for drawing the mesh on hardware. This must be called // before rendering whenever the mesh has changed. // // return true if all hardware buffers could be created. bool MeshGeometry::realize() const { // Mark hardware buffers as up-to-date. Even if vertex buffer allocation fails, // we don't want to keep retrying every time a frame is rendered. m_hwBuffersCurrent = true; // Only create vertex buffers for submeshes for which the size of the vertex // data exceeds the limit below. const unsigned int VertexBufferSizeThreshold = 4096; // Don't create anything if hardware/driver doesn't support vertex buffer objects, // but report success anyhow. if (!GLVertexBuffer::supported()) { return true; } bool ok = true; freeSubmeshBuffers(); for (vector< counted_ptr<Submesh> >::const_iterator iter = m_submeshes.begin(); iter != m_submeshes.end(); ++iter) { Submesh* submesh = iter->ptr(); GLVertexBuffer* vertexBuffer = NULL; unsigned int size = submesh->vertices()->stride() * submesh->vertices()->count(); if (size > VertexBufferSizeThreshold) { vertexBuffer = new GLVertexBuffer(size, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB, submesh->vertices()->data()); if (!vertexBuffer->isValid()) { delete vertexBuffer; ok = false; } } // A null vertex pointer is legal and indicates that the vertex data is // stored in system memory instead of graphics memory. m_submeshBuffers.push_back(vertexBuffer); } return ok; }
void GLVertexBuffer::copyBuffer(const GraphicBufferPtr& to) { if(to) { GLVertexBuffer* dest = checked_cast<GLVertexBuffer*>(to.get()); if(glCopyBufferSubData) { glBindBuffer(GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER, this->getGLBuffer()); glBindBuffer(GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER, dest->getGLBuffer()); CHECK_GL_CALL(glCopyBufferSubData(GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER, GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER, 0, 0, this->count() * GetVertexElementsTotalSize(this->format()))); glBindBuffer(GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER, 0); glBindBuffer(GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER, 0); } else { log_error(L"GLVertexBuffer::copyBuffer: GL Copy Buffer Sub Data not supported"); } } }
void MouseMarkEffect::paintScreen(int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data) { effects->paintScreen(mask, region, data); // paint normal screen if (marks.isEmpty() && drawing.isEmpty()) return; if ( effects->compositingType() == OpenGLCompositing) { #ifndef KWIN_HAVE_OPENGLES glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); #endif glLineWidth(width); GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer(); vbo->reset(); vbo->setUseColor(true); vbo->setColor(color); if (ShaderManager::instance()->isValid()) { ShaderManager::instance()->pushShader(ShaderManager::ColorShader); } QVector<float> verts; foreach (const Mark & mark, marks) { verts.clear(); verts.reserve(mark.size() * 2); foreach (const QPoint & p, mark) { verts << p.x() << p.y(); } vbo->setData(verts.size() / 2, 2, verts.data(), NULL); vbo->render(GL_LINE_STRIP); }
void ShowPaintEffect::paintGL() { GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer(); vbo->reset(); vbo->setUseColor(true); if (ShaderManager::instance()->isValid()) { ShaderManager::instance()->pushShader(ShaderManager::ColorShader); } glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); QColor color = colors[ color_index ]; color.setAlphaF(0.2); vbo->setColor(color); QVector<float> verts; verts.reserve(painted.rects().count() * 12); foreach (const QRect & r, painted.rects()) { verts << r.x() + r.width() << r.y(); verts << r.x() << r.y(); verts << r.x() << r.y() + r.height(); verts << r.x() << r.y() + r.height(); verts << r.x() + r.width() << r.y() + r.height(); verts << r.x() + r.width() << r.y(); } vbo->setData(verts.count() / 2, 2, verts.data(), NULL); vbo->render(GL_TRIANGLES); if (ShaderManager::instance()->isValid()) { ShaderManager::instance()->popShader(); } glDisable(GL_BLEND); }
bool ShowrepaintScreen::glPaintOutput (const GLScreenPaintAttrib &attrib, const GLMatrix &transform, const CompRegion ®ion, CompOutput *output, unsigned int mask) { bool status; GLMatrix sTransform; // initially identity matrix unsigned short color[4]; status = gScreen->glPaintOutput (attrib, transform, region, output, mask); tmpRegion = region.intersected (*output); if (tmpRegion.isEmpty ()) return status; sTransform.toScreenSpace (output, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA); color[3] = optionGetIntensity () * 0xffff / 100; color[0] = (rand () & 7) * color[3] / 8; color[1] = (rand () & 7) * color[3] / 8; color[2] = (rand () & 7) * color[3] / 8; GLboolean glBlendEnabled = glIsEnabled (GL_BLEND); if (!glBlendEnabled) glEnable (GL_BLEND); std::vector<GLfloat> vertices; /* for each rectangle, use two triangles to display it */ foreach (const CompRect &box, tmpRegion.rects ()) { //first triangle vertices.push_back (box.x1 ()); vertices.push_back (box.y1 ()); vertices.push_back (0.0f); vertices.push_back (box.x1 ()); vertices.push_back (box.y2 ()); vertices.push_back (0.0f); vertices.push_back (box.x2 ()); vertices.push_back (box.y2 ()); vertices.push_back (0.0f); //second triangle vertices.push_back (box.x2 ()); vertices.push_back (box.y2 ()); vertices.push_back (0.0f); vertices.push_back (box.x2 ()); vertices.push_back (box.y1 ()); vertices.push_back (0.0f); vertices.push_back (box.x1 ()); vertices.push_back (box.y1 ()); vertices.push_back (0.0f); } GLVertexBuffer *stream = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer (); stream->begin (GL_TRIANGLES); stream->color4f ((float)color[0] / 65535.0f, (float)color[1] / 65535.0f, (float)color[2] / 65535.0f, (float)color[3] / 65535.0f); stream->addVertices (vertices.size () / 3, &vertices[0]); if (stream->end ()) stream->render (sTransform); stream->colorDefault (); /* only disable blending if it was disabled before */ if (!glBlendEnabled) glDisable (GL_BLEND); return status; }
/* GL interop test. Julia. */ TEST(GLInteropTest, Julia) { try { const int width = 1280; const int height = 720; const int bufWidth = 1920; const int bufHeight = 1080; // ------------------------------------------------------------ GLTestWindow window(width, height, true); GLContextParam param; param.DebugMode = true; param.Multisample = 8; GLContext context(window.Handle(), param); GLUtil::EnableDebugOutput(GLUtil::DebugOutputFrequencyLow); // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Choose device cudaDeviceProp prop; memset(&prop, 0, sizeof(cudaDeviceProp)); prop.major = 2; prop.minor = 0; int devID; HandleCudaError(cudaChooseDevice(&devID, &prop)); HandleCudaError(cudaGLSetGLDevice(devID)); // Get properties HandleCudaError(cudaGetDeviceProperties(&prop, devID)); // Create texture and PBO GLTexture2D texture; texture.SetMagFilter(GL_LINEAR); texture.SetMinFilter(GL_LINEAR); texture.SetWrap(GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); texture.Allocate(bufWidth, bufHeight, GL_RGBA8); GLPixelUnpackBuffer pbo; pbo.Allocate(bufWidth * bufHeight * 4, NULL, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); // Register cudaGraphicsResource* cudaPbo; HandleCudaError(cudaGraphicsGLRegisterBuffer(&cudaPbo, pbo.ID(), cudaGraphicsMapFlagsWriteDiscard)); // ------------------------------------------------------------ GLShader shader; shader.Compile("../resources/texturetest_simple2d.vert"); shader.Compile("../resources/texturetest_simple2d.frag"); shader.Link(); GLVertexArray vao; GLVertexBuffer positionVbo; GLIndexBuffer ibo; glm::vec3 v[] = { glm::vec3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3( 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f) }; GLuint i[] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0 }; positionVbo.AddStatic(12, &v[0].x); vao.Add(GLDefaultVertexAttribute::Position, &positionVbo); ibo.AddStatic(6, i); // ------------------------------------------------------------ double fps = 0.0; double timeSum = 0.0; double prevTime = GLTestUtil::CurrentTimeMilli(); int frameCount = 0; double start = GLTestUtil::CurrentTimeMilli(); float xcparam = -0.8f; float ycparam = 0.165f; float inc = 0.001f; while (window.ProcessEvent()) { // ------------------------------------------------------------ double currentTime = GLTestUtil::CurrentTimeMilli(); double elapsedTime = currentTime - prevTime; timeSum += elapsedTime; frameCount++; if (frameCount >= 13) { fps = 1000.0 * 13.0 / timeSum; timeSum = 0.0; frameCount = 0; } prevTime = currentTime; window.SetTitle((boost::format("GLInteropTest_Julia [FPS %.1f]") % fps).str()); // ------------------------------------------------------------ double elapsed = GLTestUtil::CurrentTimeMilli() - start; if (elapsed >= 1000.0) { break; } xcparam += inc; if (xcparam > -0.799f || xcparam < -0.811f) { inc *= -1.0f; } // ------------------------------------------------------------ HandleCudaError(cudaGraphicsMapResources(1, &cudaPbo, NULL)); // Get device pointer uchar4* devPtr; size_t bufferSize; HandleCudaError(cudaGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer((void**)&devPtr, &bufferSize, cudaPbo)); Run_GLInteropTestJuliaKernel(bufWidth, bufHeight, prop.multiProcessorCount, xcparam, ycparam, devPtr); HandleCudaError(cudaGraphicsUnmapResources(1, &cudaPbo, NULL)); texture.Replace(&pbo, glm::ivec4(0, 0, bufWidth, bufHeight), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE); // ------------------------------------------------------------ glClearBufferfv(GL_COLOR, 0, glm::value_ptr(glm::vec4(0.0f))); glViewportIndexedfv(0, glm::value_ptr(glm::vec4(0, 0, width, height))); shader.Begin(); shader.SetUniform("tex", 0); texture.Bind(); vao.Draw(GL_TRIANGLES, &ibo); texture.Unbind(); shader.End(); context.SwapBuffers(); } cudaDeviceReset(); } catch (const GLException& e) { FAIL() << GLTestUtil::PrintGLException(e); } }
void GridAnim::addGeometry (const GLTexture::MatrixList &matrix, const CompRegion ®ion, const CompRegion &clip, unsigned int maxGridWidth, unsigned int maxGridHeight) { if (region.isEmpty ()) // nothing to do return; GLfloat *v, *vMax; bool notUsing3dCoords = !using3D (); CompRect outRect (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ? mAWindow->savedOutRect () : mWindow->outputRect ()); CompWindowExtents outExtents (mAWindow->savedRectsValid () ? mAWindow->savedOutExtents () : mWindow->output ()); // window output (contents + decorations + shadows) coordinates and size int ox = outRect.x (); int oy = outRect.y (); int owidth = outRect.width (); int oheight = outRect.height (); // to be used if event is shade/unshade float winContentsY = oy + outExtents.top; float winContentsHeight = oheight - outExtents.top - outExtents.bottom; GLWindow *gWindow = GLWindow::get (mWindow); GLVertexBuffer *vertexBuffer = gWindow->vertexBuffer (); int vSize = vertexBuffer->getVertexStride (); // Indentation kept to provide a clean diff with the old code, for now... { int y1 = outRect.y1 (); int x2 = outRect.x2 (); int y2 = outRect.y2 (); float gridW = (float)owidth / (mGridWidth - 1); float gridH; if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventShade || mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade) { if (y1 < winContentsY) // if at top part gridH = mDecorTopHeight; else if (y2 > winContentsY + winContentsHeight) // if at bottom gridH = mDecorBottomHeight; else // in window contents (only in Y coords) { float winContentsHeight = oheight - (mDecorTopHeight + mDecorBottomHeight); gridH = winContentsHeight / (mGridHeight - 3); } } else gridH = (float)oheight / (mGridHeight - 1); int oldCount = vertexBuffer->countVertices (); gWindow->glAddGeometry (matrix, region, clip, gridW, gridH); int newCount = vertexBuffer->countVertices (); v = vertexBuffer->getVertices () + (oldCount * vSize); vMax = vertexBuffer->getVertices () + (newCount * vSize); float x, y, topiyFloat; // For each vertex for (; v < vMax; v += vSize) { x = v[0]; y = v[1]; if (y > y2) y = y2; if (mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventShade || mCurWindowEvent == WindowEventUnshade) { if (y1 < winContentsY) // if at top part { topiyFloat = (y - oy) / mDecorTopHeight; topiyFloat = MIN (topiyFloat, 0.999); // avoid 1.0 } else if (y2 > winContentsY + winContentsHeight) // if at bottom topiyFloat = (mGridHeight - 2) + (mDecorBottomHeight ? (y - winContentsY - winContentsHeight) / mDecorBottomHeight : 0); else // in window contents (only in Y coords) topiyFloat = (mGridHeight - 3) * (y - winContentsY) / winContentsHeight + 1; } else topiyFloat = (mGridHeight - 1) * (y - oy) / oheight; // topiy should be at most (mGridHeight - 2) int topiy = (int)(topiyFloat + 1e-4); if (topiy == mGridHeight - 1) --topiy; int bottomiy = topiy + 1; float iny = topiyFloat - topiy; float inyRest = 1 - iny; // End of calculations for y // Indentation kept to provide a clean diff with the old code... { if (x > x2) x = x2; // find containing grid cell (leftix rightix) x (topiy bottomiy) float leftixFloat = (mGridWidth - 1) * (x - ox) / owidth; int leftix = (int)(leftixFloat + 1e-4); if (leftix == mGridWidth - 1) --leftix; int rightix = leftix + 1; // GridModel::GridObjects that are at top, bottom, left, right corners of quad GridModel::GridObject *objToTopLeft = &(mModel->mObjects[topiy * mGridWidth + leftix]); GridModel::GridObject *objToTopRight = &(mModel->mObjects[topiy * mGridWidth + rightix]); GridModel::GridObject *objToBottomLeft = &(mModel->mObjects[bottomiy * mGridWidth + leftix]); GridModel::GridObject *objToBottomRight = &(mModel->mObjects[bottomiy * mGridWidth + rightix]); Point3d &objToTopLeftPos = objToTopLeft->mPosition; Point3d &objToTopRightPos = objToTopRight->mPosition; Point3d &objToBottomLeftPos = objToBottomLeft->mPosition; Point3d &objToBottomRightPos = objToBottomRight->mPosition; // find position in cell by taking remainder of flooring float inx = leftixFloat - leftix; float inxRest = 1 - inx; // Interpolate to find deformed coordinates float hor1x = (inxRest * objToTopLeftPos.x () + inx * objToTopRightPos.x ()); float hor1y = (inxRest * objToTopLeftPos.y () + inx * objToTopRightPos.y ()); float hor1z = (notUsing3dCoords ? 0 : inxRest * objToTopLeftPos.z () + inx * objToTopRightPos.z ()); float hor2x = (inxRest * objToBottomLeftPos.x () + inx * objToBottomRightPos.x ()); float hor2y = (inxRest * objToBottomLeftPos.y () + inx * objToBottomRightPos.y ()); float hor2z = (notUsing3dCoords ? 0 : inxRest * objToBottomLeftPos.z () + inx * objToBottomRightPos.z ()); float deformedX = inyRest * hor1x + iny * hor2x; float deformedY = inyRest * hor1y + iny * hor2y; float deformedZ = inyRest * hor1z + iny * hor2z; v[0] = deformedX; v[1] = deformedY; v[2] = deformedZ; } } } }
bool FireScreen::glPaintOutput (const GLScreenPaintAttrib &attrib, const GLMatrix &transform, const CompRegion ®ion, CompOutput *output, unsigned int mask) { bool status = gScreen->glPaintOutput (attrib, transform, region, output, mask); if ((!init && ps.active) || brightness < 1.0) { GLMatrix sTransform = transform; sTransform.toScreenSpace (output, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA); if (brightness < 1.0) { /* cover the screen with a rectangle and darken it * (coded as two GL_TRIANGLES for GLES compatibility) */ GLfloat vertices[18]; GLushort colors[24]; vertices[0] = (GLfloat)output->region ()->extents.x1; vertices[1] = (GLfloat)output->region ()->extents.y1; vertices[2] = 0.0f; vertices[3] = (GLfloat)output->region ()->extents.x1; vertices[4] = (GLfloat)output->region ()->extents.y2; vertices[5] = 0.0f; vertices[6] = (GLfloat)output->region ()->extents.x2; vertices[7] = (GLfloat)output->region ()->extents.y2; vertices[8] = 0.0f; vertices[9] = (GLfloat)output->region ()->extents.x2; vertices[10] = (GLfloat)output->region ()->extents.y2; vertices[11] = 0.0f; vertices[12] = (GLfloat)output->region ()->extents.x2; vertices[13] = (GLfloat)output->region ()->extents.y1; vertices[14] = 0.0f; vertices[15] = (GLfloat)output->region ()->extents.x1; vertices[16] = (GLfloat)output->region ()->extents.y1; vertices[17] = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i <= 5; ++i) { colors[i*4+0] = 0; colors[i*4+1] = 0; colors[i*4+2] = 0; colors[i*4+3] = (1.0 - brightness) * 65535.0f; } GLVertexBuffer *stream = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer (); GLboolean glBlendEnabled = glIsEnabled (GL_BLEND); if (!glBlendEnabled) glEnable (GL_BLEND); stream->begin (GL_TRIANGLES); stream->addVertices (6, vertices); stream->addColors (6, colors); if (stream->end ()) stream->render (sTransform); /* only disable blending if it was already disabled */ if (!glBlendEnabled) glDisable (GL_BLEND); } if (!init && ps.active) ps.drawParticles (sTransform); } return status; }
void CoverSwitchEffect::paintScreen(int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data) { effects->paintScreen(mask, region, data); if (mActivated || stop || stopRequested) { QList< EffectWindow* > tempList = currentWindowList; int index = tempList.indexOf(selected_window); if (animation || start || stop) { if (!start && !stop) { if (direction == Right) index++; else index--; if (index < 0) index = tempList.count() + index; if (index >= tempList.count()) index = index % tempList.count(); } foreach (Direction direction, scheduled_directions) { if (direction == Right) index++; else index--; if (index < 0) index = tempList.count() + index; if (index >= tempList.count()) index = index % tempList.count(); } } int leftIndex = index - 1; if (leftIndex < 0) leftIndex = tempList.count() - 1; int rightIndex = index + 1; if (rightIndex == tempList.count()) rightIndex = 0; EffectWindow* frontWindow = tempList[ index ]; leftWindows.clear(); rightWindows.clear(); bool evenWindows = (tempList.count() % 2 == 0) ? true : false; int leftWindowCount = 0; if (evenWindows) leftWindowCount = tempList.count() / 2 - 1; else leftWindowCount = (tempList.count() - 1) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < leftWindowCount; i++) { int tempIndex = (leftIndex - i); if (tempIndex < 0) tempIndex = tempList.count() + tempIndex; leftWindows.prepend(tempList[ tempIndex ]); } int rightWindowCount = 0; if (evenWindows) rightWindowCount = tempList.count() / 2; else rightWindowCount = (tempList.count() - 1) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < rightWindowCount; i++) { int tempIndex = (rightIndex + i) % tempList.count(); rightWindows.prepend(tempList[ tempIndex ]); } if (reflection) { // no reflections during start and stop animation // except when using a shader if ((!start && !stop) || effects->compositingType() == OpenGL2Compositing) paintScene(frontWindow, leftWindows, rightWindows, true); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // we can use a huge scale factor (needed to calculate the rearground vertices) // as we restrict with a PaintClipper painting on the current screen float reflectionScaleFactor = 100000 * tan(60.0 * M_PI / 360.0f) / area.width(); const float width = area.width(); const float height = area.height(); float vertices[] = { -width * 0.5f, height, 0.0, width * 0.5f, height, 0.0, width*reflectionScaleFactor, height, -5000, -width*reflectionScaleFactor, height, -5000 }; // foreground if (start) { mirrorColor[0][3] = timeLine.currentValue(); } else if (stop) { mirrorColor[0][3] = 1.0 - timeLine.currentValue(); } else { mirrorColor[0][3] = 1.0; } int y = 0; // have to adjust the y values to fit OpenGL // in OpenGL y==0 is at bottom, in Qt at top if (effects->numScreens() > 1) { QRect fullArea = effects->clientArea(FullArea, 0, 1); if (fullArea.height() != area.height()) { if (area.y() == 0) y = fullArea.height() - area.height(); else y = fullArea.height() - area.y() - area.height(); } } // use scissor to restrict painting of the reflection plane to current screen glScissor(area.x(), y, area.width(), area.height()); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); if (m_reflectionShader && m_reflectionShader->isValid()) { ShaderManager::instance()->pushShader(m_reflectionShader); QMatrix4x4 windowTransformation; windowTransformation.translate(area.x() + area.width() * 0.5f, 0.0, 0.0); m_reflectionShader->setUniform("windowTransformation", windowTransformation); m_reflectionShader->setUniform("u_frontColor", QVector4D(mirrorColor[0][0], mirrorColor[0][1], mirrorColor[0][2], mirrorColor[0][3])); m_reflectionShader->setUniform("u_backColor", QVector4D(mirrorColor[1][0], mirrorColor[1][1], mirrorColor[1][2], mirrorColor[1][3])); // TODO: make this one properly QVector<float> verts; QVector<float> texcoords; verts.reserve(18); texcoords.reserve(12); texcoords << 1.0 << 0.0; verts << vertices[6] << vertices[7] << vertices[8]; texcoords << 1.0 << 0.0; verts << vertices[9] << vertices[10] << vertices[11]; texcoords << 0.0 << 0.0; verts << vertices[0] << vertices[1] << vertices[2]; texcoords << 0.0 << 0.0; verts << vertices[0] << vertices[1] << vertices[2]; texcoords << 0.0 << 0.0; verts << vertices[3] << vertices[4] << vertices[5]; texcoords << 1.0 << 0.0; verts << vertices[6] << vertices[7] << vertices[8]; GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer(); vbo->reset(); vbo->setData(6, 3, verts.data(), texcoords.data()); vbo->render(GL_TRIANGLES); ShaderManager::instance()->popShader(); } glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } paintScene(frontWindow, leftWindows, rightWindows); // Render the caption frame if (windowTitle) { double opacity = 1.0; if (start) opacity = timeLine.currentValue(); else if (stop) opacity = 1.0 - timeLine.currentValue(); if (animation) captionFrame->setCrossFadeProgress(timeLine.currentValue()); captionFrame->render(region, opacity); } }
void CoverSwitchEffect::paintScreen(int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data) { effects->paintScreen(mask, region, data); if (mActivated || stop || stopRequested) { QMatrix4x4 origProjection; QMatrix4x4 origModelview; ShaderManager *shaderManager = ShaderManager::instance(); if (effects->numScreens() > 1) { // unfortunatelly we have to change the projection matrix in dual screen mode QRect fullRect = effects->clientArea(FullArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop()); float fovy = 60.0f; float aspect = 1.0f; float zNear = 0.1f; float zFar = 100.0f; float ymax = zNear * tan(fovy * M_PI / 360.0f); float ymin = -ymax; float xmin = ymin * aspect; float xmax = ymax * aspect; float xTranslate = 0.0; float yTranslate = 0.0; float xminFactor = 1.0; float xmaxFactor = 1.0; float yminFactor = 1.0; float ymaxFactor = 1.0; if (area.x() == 0 && area.width() != fullRect.width()) { // horizontal layout: left screen xminFactor = (float)area.width() / (float)fullRect.width(); xmaxFactor = ((float)fullRect.width() - (float)area.width() * 0.5f) / ((float)fullRect.width() * 0.5f); xTranslate = (float)fullRect.width() * 0.5f - (float)area.width() * 0.5f; } if (area.x() != 0 && area.width() != fullRect.width()) { // horizontal layout: right screen xminFactor = ((float)fullRect.width() - (float)area.width() * 0.5f) / ((float)fullRect.width() * 0.5f); xmaxFactor = (float)area.width() / (float)fullRect.width(); xTranslate = (float)fullRect.width() * 0.5f - (float)area.width() * 0.5f; } if (area.y() == 0 && area.height() != fullRect.height()) { // vertical layout: top screen yminFactor = ((float)fullRect.height() - (float)area.height() * 0.5f) / ((float)fullRect.height() * 0.5f); ymaxFactor = (float)area.height() / (float)fullRect.height(); yTranslate = (float)fullRect.height() * 0.5f - (float)area.height() * 0.5f; } if (area.y() != 0 && area.height() != fullRect.height()) { // vertical layout: bottom screen yminFactor = (float)area.height() / (float)fullRect.height(); ymaxFactor = ((float)fullRect.height() - (float)area.height() * 0.5f) / ((float)fullRect.height() * 0.5f); yTranslate = (float)fullRect.height() * 0.5f - (float)area.height() * 0.5f; } QMatrix4x4 projection; projection.frustum(xmin * xminFactor, xmax * xmaxFactor, ymin * yminFactor, ymax * ymaxFactor, zNear, zFar); QMatrix4x4 modelview; modelview.translate(xTranslate, yTranslate, 0.0); if (shaderManager->isShaderBound()) { GLShader *shader = shaderManager->pushShader(ShaderManager::GenericShader); origProjection = shader->getUniformMatrix4x4("projection"); origModelview = shader->getUniformMatrix4x4("modelview"); shader->setUniform("projection", projection); shader->setUniform("modelview", origModelview * modelview); shaderManager->popShader(); } else { #ifndef KWIN_HAVE_OPENGLES glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); pushMatrix(); loadMatrix(projection); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); pushMatrix(modelview); #endif } } QList< EffectWindow* > tempList = currentWindowList; int index = tempList.indexOf(selected_window); if (animation || start || stop) { if (!start && !stop) { if (direction == Right) index++; else index--; if (index < 0) index = tempList.count() + index; if (index >= tempList.count()) index = index % tempList.count(); } foreach (Direction direction, scheduled_directions) { if (direction == Right) index++; else index--; if (index < 0) index = tempList.count() + index; if (index >= tempList.count()) index = index % tempList.count(); } } int leftIndex = index - 1; if (leftIndex < 0) leftIndex = tempList.count() - 1; int rightIndex = index + 1; if (rightIndex == tempList.count()) rightIndex = 0; EffectWindow* frontWindow = tempList[ index ]; leftWindows.clear(); rightWindows.clear(); bool evenWindows = (tempList.count() % 2 == 0) ? true : false; int leftWindowCount = 0; if (evenWindows) leftWindowCount = tempList.count() / 2 - 1; else leftWindowCount = (tempList.count() - 1) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < leftWindowCount; i++) { int tempIndex = (leftIndex - i); if (tempIndex < 0) tempIndex = tempList.count() + tempIndex; leftWindows.prepend(tempList[ tempIndex ]); } int rightWindowCount = 0; if (evenWindows) rightWindowCount = tempList.count() / 2; else rightWindowCount = (tempList.count() - 1) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < rightWindowCount; i++) { int tempIndex = (rightIndex + i) % tempList.count(); rightWindows.prepend(tempList[ tempIndex ]); } if (reflection) { // no reflections during start and stop animation // except when using a shader if ((!start && !stop) || ShaderManager::instance()->isValid()) paintScene(frontWindow, leftWindows, rightWindows, true); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); #ifndef KWIN_HAVE_OPENGLES glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_FILL); #endif QRect fullRect = effects->clientArea(FullArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop()); // we can use a huge scale factor (needed to calculate the rearground vertices) // as we restrict with a PaintClipper painting on the current screen float reflectionScaleFactor = 100000 * tan(60.0 * M_PI / 360.0f) / area.width(); float vertices[] = { -area.width() * 0.5f, area.height(), 0.0, area.width() * 0.5f, area.height(), 0.0, (float)area.width()*reflectionScaleFactor, area.height(), -5000, -(float)area.width()*reflectionScaleFactor, area.height(), -5000 }; // foreground if (start) { mirrorColor[0][3] = timeLine.currentValue(); } else if (stop) { mirrorColor[0][3] = 1.0 - timeLine.currentValue(); } else { mirrorColor[0][3] = 1.0; } int y = 0; // have to adjust the y values to fit OpenGL // in OpenGL y==0 is at bottom, in Qt at top if (effects->numScreens() > 1) { QRect fullArea = effects->clientArea(FullArea, 0, 1); if (fullArea.height() != area.height()) { if (area.y() == 0) y = fullArea.height() - area.height(); else y = fullArea.height() - area.y() - area.height(); } } // use scissor to restrict painting of the reflection plane to current screen glScissor(area.x(), y, area.width(), area.height()); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); if (shaderManager->isValid() && m_reflectionShader->isValid()) { shaderManager->pushShader(m_reflectionShader); QMatrix4x4 windowTransformation; windowTransformation.translate(area.x() + area.width() * 0.5f, 0.0, 0.0); m_reflectionShader->setUniform("windowTransformation", windowTransformation); m_reflectionShader->setUniform("u_frontColor", QVector4D(mirrorColor[0][0], mirrorColor[0][1], mirrorColor[0][2], mirrorColor[0][3])); m_reflectionShader->setUniform("u_backColor", QVector4D(mirrorColor[1][0], mirrorColor[1][1], mirrorColor[1][2], mirrorColor[1][3])); // TODO: make this one properly QVector<float> verts; QVector<float> texcoords; verts.reserve(18); texcoords.reserve(12); texcoords << 1.0 << 0.0; verts << vertices[6] << vertices[7] << vertices[8]; texcoords << 1.0 << 0.0; verts << vertices[9] << vertices[10] << vertices[11]; texcoords << 0.0 << 0.0; verts << vertices[0] << vertices[1] << vertices[2]; texcoords << 0.0 << 0.0; verts << vertices[0] << vertices[1] << vertices[2]; texcoords << 0.0 << 0.0; verts << vertices[3] << vertices[4] << vertices[5]; texcoords << 1.0 << 0.0; verts << vertices[6] << vertices[7] << vertices[8]; GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer(); vbo->reset(); vbo->setData(6, 3, verts.data(), texcoords.data()); vbo->render(GL_TRIANGLES); shaderManager->popShader(); } else { #ifndef KWIN_HAVE_OPENGLES glPushMatrix(); if (effects->numScreens() > 1 && area.x() != fullRect.x()) { // have to change the reflection area in horizontal layout and right screen glTranslatef(-area.x(), 0.0, 0.0); } glTranslatef(area.x() + area.width() * 0.5f, 0.0, 0.0); glColor4fv(mirrorColor[0]); glBegin(GL_POLYGON); glVertex3f(vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2]); glVertex3f(vertices[3], vertices[4], vertices[5]); // rearground glColor4fv(mirrorColor[1]); glVertex3f(vertices[6], vertices[7], vertices[8]); glVertex3f(vertices[9], vertices[10], vertices[11]); glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); #endif } glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } paintScene(frontWindow, leftWindows, rightWindows); if (effects->numScreens() > 1) { if (shaderManager->isShaderBound()) { GLShader *shader = shaderManager->pushShader(ShaderManager::GenericShader); shader->setUniform("projection", origProjection); shader->setUniform("modelview", origModelview); shaderManager->popShader(); } else { #ifndef KWIN_HAVE_OPENGLES popMatrix(); // revert change of projection matrix glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); popMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); #endif } } // Render the caption frame if (windowTitle) { double opacity = 1.0; if (start) opacity = timeLine.currentValue(); else if (stop) opacity = 1.0 - timeLine.currentValue(); if (animation) captionFrame->setCrossFadeProgress(timeLine.currentValue()); captionFrame->render(region, opacity); } if ((thumbnails && (!dynamicThumbnails || (dynamicThumbnails && currentWindowList.size() >= thumbnailWindows))) && !(start || stop)) { BoxSwitchEffectProxy *proxy = static_cast<BoxSwitchEffectProxy*>(effects->getProxy("boxswitch")); if (proxy) proxy->paintWindowsBox(region); } }
void GLDevice::RDUnlockBuffer(RDVertexBufferP iBuffer) { GLVertexBuffer * buffer = static_cast<GLVertexBuffer *>(iBuffer); buffer->Unlock(GetCurrentContext()); }
void ShowFpsEffect::paintGL(int fps) { int x = this->x; int y = this->y; glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // TODO painting first the background white and then the contents // means that the contents also blend with the background, I guess ShaderBinder binder(ShaderManager::ColorShader); GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer(); vbo->reset(); QColor color(255, 255, 255); color.setAlphaF(alpha); vbo->setColor(color); QVector<float> verts; verts.reserve(12); verts << x + 2 * NUM_PAINTS + FPS_WIDTH << y; verts << x << y; verts << x << y + MAX_TIME; verts << x << y + MAX_TIME; verts << x + 2 * NUM_PAINTS + FPS_WIDTH << y + MAX_TIME; verts << x + 2 * NUM_PAINTS + FPS_WIDTH << y; vbo->setData(6, 2, verts.constData(), NULL); vbo->render(GL_TRIANGLES); y += MAX_TIME; // paint up from the bottom color.setRed(0); color.setGreen(0); vbo->setColor(color); verts.clear(); verts << x + FPS_WIDTH << y - fps; verts << x << y - fps; verts << x << y; verts << x << y; verts << x + FPS_WIDTH << y; verts << x + FPS_WIDTH << y - fps; vbo->setData(6, 2, verts.constData(), NULL); vbo->render(GL_TRIANGLES); color.setBlue(0); vbo->setColor(color); QVector<float> vertices; for (int i = 10; i < MAX_TIME; i += 10) { vertices << x << y - i; vertices << x + FPS_WIDTH << y - i; } vbo->setData(vertices.size() / 2, 2, vertices.constData(), NULL); vbo->render(GL_LINES); x += FPS_WIDTH; // Paint FPS graph paintFPSGraph(x, y); x += NUM_PAINTS; // Paint amount of rendered pixels graph paintDrawSizeGraph(x, y); // Paint FPS numerical value if (fpsTextRect.isValid()) { fpsText.reset(new GLTexture(fpsTextImage(fps))); fpsText->bind(); ShaderBinder binder(ShaderManager::SimpleShader); if (effects->compositingType() == OpenGL2Compositing) { binder.shader()->setUniform("offset", QVector2D(0, 0)); } fpsText->render(QRegion(fpsTextRect), fpsTextRect); fpsText->unbind(); effects->addRepaint(fpsTextRect); } // Paint paint sizes glDisable(GL_BLEND); }
void GLScreen::glPaintCompositedOutput (const CompRegion ®ion, GLFramebufferObject *fbo, unsigned int mask) { WRAPABLE_HND_FUNCTN (glPaintCompositedOutput, region, fbo, mask) GLMatrix sTransform; const GLTexture::Matrix & texmatrix = fbo->tex ()->matrix (); GLVertexBuffer *streamingBuffer = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer (); streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLES); if (mask & COMPOSITE_SCREEN_DAMAGE_ALL_MASK) { GLfloat tx1 = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (texmatrix, 0.0f); GLfloat tx2 = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (texmatrix, screen->width ()); GLfloat ty1 = 1.0 - COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (texmatrix, 0.0f); GLfloat ty2 = 1.0 - COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (texmatrix, screen->height ()); const GLfloat vertexData[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, (float)screen->height (), 0.0f, (float)screen->width (), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, (float)screen->height (), 0.0f, (float)screen->width (), (float)screen->height (), 0.0f, (float)screen->width (), 0.0f, 0.0f, }; const GLfloat textureData[] = { tx1, ty1, tx1, ty2, tx2, ty1, tx1, ty2, tx2, ty2, tx2, ty1, }; streamingBuffer->addVertices (6, &vertexData[0]); streamingBuffer->addTexCoords (0, 6, &textureData[0]); } else { BoxPtr pBox = const_cast <Region> (region.handle ())->rects; int nBox = const_cast <Region> (region.handle ())->numRects; while (nBox--) { GLfloat tx1 = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (texmatrix, pBox->x1); GLfloat tx2 = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (texmatrix, pBox->x2); GLfloat ty1 = 1.0 - COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (texmatrix, pBox->y1); GLfloat ty2 = 1.0 - COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (texmatrix, pBox->y2); const GLfloat vertexData[] = { (float)pBox->x1, (float)pBox->y1, 0.0f, (float)pBox->x1, (float)pBox->y2, 0.0f, (float)pBox->x2, (float)pBox->y1, 0.0f, (float)pBox->x1, (float)pBox->y2, 0.0f, (float)pBox->x2, (float)pBox->y2, 0.0f, (float)pBox->x2, (float)pBox->y1, 0.0f, }; const GLfloat textureData[] = { tx1, ty1, tx1, ty2, tx2, ty1, tx1, ty2, tx2, ty2, tx2, ty1, }; streamingBuffer->addVertices (6, &vertexData[0]); streamingBuffer->addTexCoords (0, 6, &textureData[0]); pBox++; } } streamingBuffer->end (); fbo->tex ()->enable (GLTexture::Fast); sTransform.toScreenSpace (&screen->fullscreenOutput (), -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA); streamingBuffer->render (sTransform); fbo->tex ()->disable (); }
void SnapHelperEffect::postPaintScreen() { effects->postPaintScreen(); if (m_timeline.currentValue() != 0.0) { // Display the guide if (effects->isOpenGLCompositing()) { GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer(); vbo->reset(); vbo->setUseColor(true); ShaderBinder binder(ShaderManager::ColorShader); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); QColor color; color.setRedF(0.5); color.setGreenF(0.5); color.setBlueF(0.5); color.setAlphaF(m_timeline.currentValue() * 0.5); vbo->setColor(color); glLineWidth(4.0); QVector<float> verts; verts.reserve(effects->numScreens() * 24); for (int i = 0; i < effects->numScreens(); ++i) { const QRect& rect = effects->clientArea(ScreenArea, i, 0); int midX = rect.x() + rect.width() / 2; int midY = rect.y() + rect.height() / 2 ; int halfWidth = m_window->width() / 2; int halfHeight = m_window->height() / 2; // Center lines verts << rect.x() + rect.width() / 2 << rect.y(); verts << rect.x() + rect.width() / 2 << rect.y() + rect.height(); verts << rect.x() << rect.y() + rect.height() / 2; verts << rect.x() + rect.width() << rect.y() + rect.height() / 2; // Window outline // The +/- 2 is to prevent line overlap verts << midX - halfWidth + 2 << midY - halfHeight; verts << midX + halfWidth + 2 << midY - halfHeight; verts << midX + halfWidth << midY - halfHeight + 2; verts << midX + halfWidth << midY + halfHeight + 2; verts << midX + halfWidth - 2 << midY + halfHeight; verts << midX - halfWidth - 2 << midY + halfHeight; verts << midX - halfWidth << midY + halfHeight - 2; verts << midX - halfWidth << midY - halfHeight - 2; } vbo->setData(verts.count() / 2, 2, verts.data(), NULL); vbo->render(GL_LINES); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glLineWidth(1.0); } if ( effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing ) { #ifdef KWIN_HAVE_XRENDER_COMPOSITING for (int i = 0; i < effects->numScreens(); ++i) { const QRect& rect = effects->clientArea( ScreenArea, i, 0 ); int midX = rect.x() + rect.width() / 2; int midY = rect.y() + rect.height() / 2 ; int halfWidth = m_window->width() / 2; int halfHeight = m_window->height() / 2; xcb_rectangle_t rects[6]; // Center lines rects[0].x = rect.x() + rect.width() / 2 - 2; rects[0].y = rect.y(); rects[0].width = 4; rects[0].height = rect.height(); rects[1].x = rect.x(); rects[1].y = rect.y() + rect.height() / 2 - 2; rects[1].width = rect.width(); rects[1].height = 4; // Window outline // The +/- 4 is to prevent line overlap rects[2].x = midX - halfWidth + 4; rects[2].y = midY - halfHeight; rects[2].width = 2*halfWidth - 4; rects[2].height = 4; rects[3].x = midX + halfWidth - 4; rects[3].y = midY - halfHeight + 4; rects[3].width = 4; rects[3].height = 2*halfHeight - 4; rects[4].x = midX - halfWidth; rects[4].y = midY + halfHeight - 4; rects[4].width = 2*halfWidth - 4; rects[4].height = 4; rects[5].x = midX - halfWidth; rects[5].y = midY - halfHeight; rects[5].width = 4; rects[5].height = 2*halfHeight - 4; xcb_render_fill_rectangles(xcbConnection(), XCB_RENDER_PICT_OP_OVER, effects->xrenderBufferPicture(), preMultiply(QColor(128, 128, 128, m_timeline.currentValue()*128)), 6, rects); } #endif } if (effects->compositingType() == QPainterCompositing) { QPainter *painter = effects->scenePainter(); painter->save(); QColor color; color.setRedF(0.5); color.setGreenF(0.5); color.setBlueF(0.5); color.setAlphaF(m_timeline.currentValue() * 0.5); QPen pen(color); pen.setWidth(4); painter->setPen(pen); painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); for (int i = 0; i < effects->numScreens(); ++i) { const QRect &rect = effects->clientArea(ScreenArea, i, 0); // Center lines painter->drawLine(rect.center().x(), rect.y(), rect.center().x(), rect.y() + rect.height()); painter->drawLine(rect.x(), rect.center().y(), rect.x() + rect.width(), rect.center().y()); // window outline QRect windowRect(rect.center(), m_window->geometry().size()); painter->drawRect(windowRect.translated(-windowRect.width()/2, -windowRect.height()/2)); } painter->restore(); } } else if (m_window && !m_active) { if (m_window->isDeleted()) m_window->unrefWindow(); m_window = NULL; } }
void CompText::draw (const GLMatrix &transform, float x, float y, float alpha) const { GLint oldBlendSrc, oldBlendDst; GLushort colorData[4]; GLfloat textureData[8]; GLfloat vertexData[12]; GLVertexBuffer *streamingBuffer = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer (); if (texture.empty ()) return; #ifdef USE_GLES GLint oldBlendSrcAlpha, oldBlendDstAlpha; glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB, &oldBlendSrc); glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_DST_RGB, &oldBlendDst); glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, &oldBlendSrcAlpha); glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA, &oldBlendDstAlpha); #else glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_SRC, &oldBlendSrc); glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_DST, &oldBlendDst); GLboolean wasBlend; wasBlend = glIsEnabled (GL_BLEND); if (!wasBlend) glEnable (GL_BLEND); #endif glBlendFunc (GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); colorData[0] = alpha * 65535; colorData[1] = alpha * 65535; colorData[2] = alpha * 65535; colorData[3] = alpha * 65535; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < texture.size (); i++) { GLTexture *tex = texture[i]; GLTexture::Matrix m = tex->matrix (); tex->enable (GLTexture::Good); streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); vertexData[0] = x; vertexData[1] = y - height; vertexData[2] = 0; vertexData[3] = x; vertexData[4] = y; vertexData[5] = 0; vertexData[6] = x + width; vertexData[7] = y - height; vertexData[8] = 0; vertexData[9] = x + width; vertexData[10] = y; vertexData[11] = 0; textureData[0] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (m, 0); textureData[1] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (m, 0); textureData[2] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (m, 0); textureData[3] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (m, height); textureData[4] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (m, width); textureData[5] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (m, 0); textureData[6] = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (m, width); textureData[7] = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (m, height); streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData); streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, vertexData); streamingBuffer->addTexCoords (0, 4, textureData); streamingBuffer->end (); streamingBuffer->render (transform); tex->disable (); } #ifdef USE_GLES glBlendFuncSeparate (oldBlendSrc, oldBlendDst, oldBlendSrcAlpha, oldBlendDstAlpha); #else if (!wasBlend) glDisable (GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc (oldBlendSrc, oldBlendDst); #endif }
void ResizeEffect::paintWindow(EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data) { if (m_active && w == m_resizeWindow) { if (m_features & TextureScale) { data.xTranslate += m_currentGeometry.x() - m_originalGeometry.x(); data.xScale *= m_currentGeometry.width(); data.xScale /= m_originalGeometry.width(); data.yTranslate += m_currentGeometry.y() - m_originalGeometry.y(); data.yScale *= m_currentGeometry.height(); data.yScale /= m_originalGeometry.height(); } effects->paintWindow(w, mask, region, data); if (m_features & Outline) { QRegion intersection = m_originalGeometry.intersected(m_currentGeometry); QRegion paintRegion = QRegion(m_originalGeometry).united(m_currentGeometry).subtracted(intersection); float alpha = 0.8f; QColor color = KColorScheme(QPalette::Normal, KColorScheme::Selection).background().color(); #ifdef KWIN_HAVE_OPENGL if (effects->compositingType() == OpenGLCompositing) { GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer(); vbo->reset(); vbo->setUseColor(true); if (ShaderManager::instance()->isValid()) { ShaderManager::instance()->pushShader(ShaderManager::ColorShader); } glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); color.setAlphaF(alpha); vbo->setColor(color); QVector<float> verts; verts.reserve(paintRegion.rects().count() * 12); foreach (const QRect & r, paintRegion.rects()) { verts << r.x() + r.width() << r.y(); verts << r.x() << r.y(); verts << r.x() << r.y() + r.height(); verts << r.x() << r.y() + r.height(); verts << r.x() + r.width() << r.y() + r.height(); verts << r.x() + r.width() << r.y(); } vbo->setData(verts.count() / 2, 2, verts.data(), NULL); vbo->render(GL_TRIANGLES); if (ShaderManager::instance()->isValid()) { ShaderManager::instance()->popShader(); } glDisable(GL_BLEND); } #endif #ifdef KWIN_HAVE_XRENDER_COMPOSITING if (effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing) { XRenderColor col; col.alpha = int(alpha * 0xffff); col.red = int(alpha * 0xffff * color.red() / 255); col.green = int(alpha * 0xffff * color.green() / 255); col.blue = int(alpha * 0xffff * color.blue() / 255); foreach (const QRect & r, paintRegion.rects()) XRenderFillRectangle(display(), PictOpOver, effects->xrenderBufferPicture(), &col, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()); }
void MeshGeometry::renderShadow(RenderContext& rc, double /* clock */) const { if (!m_hwBuffersCurrent) { realize(); } // Use an extremely basic material to avoid wasting time // with pixel shader calculations when we're just interested // in depth values. Material simpleMaterial; rc.bindMaterial(&simpleMaterial); rc.pushModelView(); rc.scaleModelView(m_meshScale); // Render all submeshes GLVertexBuffer* boundVertexBuffer = NULL; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_submeshes.size(); ++i) { const Submesh& submesh = *m_submeshes[i]; if (i < m_submeshBuffers.size() && m_submeshBuffers[i]) { boundVertexBuffer = m_submeshBuffers[i]; rc.bindVertexBuffer(submesh.vertices()->vertexSpec(), m_submeshBuffers[i], submesh.vertices()->stride()); } else { if (boundVertexBuffer) { boundVertexBuffer->unbind(); boundVertexBuffer = false; } rc.bindVertexArray(submesh.vertices()); } const vector<PrimitiveBatch*>& batches = submesh.primitiveBatches(); const vector<unsigned int>& materials = submesh.materials(); assert(batches.size() == materials.size()); // Render all batches in the submesh for (unsigned int j = 0; j < batches.size(); j++) { // Skip mostly transparent items when drawing into the shadow // buffer. // TODO: Textures with transparent parts aren't handled here unsigned int materialIndex = materials[j]; if (materialIndex >= m_materials.size() || m_materials[materialIndex]->opacity() > 0.5f) { rc.drawPrimitives(*batches[j]); } } } if (boundVertexBuffer) { boundVertexBuffer->unbind(); } rc.popModelView(); }
void MeshGeometry::render(RenderContext& rc, double /* clock */) const { if (!m_hwBuffersCurrent) { realize(); } // Track the last used material in order to avoid redundant // material bindings. unsigned int lastMaterialIndex = Submesh::DefaultMaterialIndex; rc.pushModelView(); rc.scaleModelView(m_meshScale); // Render all submeshes GLVertexBuffer* boundVertexBuffer = NULL; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_submeshes.size(); ++i) { const Submesh& submesh = *m_submeshes[i]; if (i < m_submeshBuffers.size() && m_submeshBuffers[i]) { boundVertexBuffer = m_submeshBuffers[i]; rc.bindVertexBuffer(submesh.vertices()->vertexSpec(), m_submeshBuffers[i], submesh.vertices()->stride()); } else { if (boundVertexBuffer) { boundVertexBuffer->unbind(); boundVertexBuffer = false; } rc.bindVertexArray(submesh.vertices()); } const vector<PrimitiveBatch*>& batches = submesh.primitiveBatches(); const vector<unsigned int>& materials = submesh.materials(); assert(batches.size() == materials.size()); // Render all batches in the submesh for (unsigned int j = 0; j < batches.size(); j++) { // If we have a new material, bind it unsigned int materialIndex = materials[j]; if (materialIndex != lastMaterialIndex) { if (materialIndex < m_materials.size()) { rc.bindMaterial(m_materials[materialIndex].ptr()); } lastMaterialIndex = materialIndex; } rc.drawPrimitives(*batches[j]); } } if (boundVertexBuffer) { boundVertexBuffer->unbind(); } rc.popModelView(); }
void ResizeScreen::glPaintRectangle (const GLScreenPaintAttrib &sAttrib, const GLMatrix &transform, CompOutput *output, unsigned short *borderColor, unsigned short *fillColor) { GLVertexBuffer *streamingBuffer = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer (); BoxRec box; GLMatrix sTransform (transform); GLfloat vertexData [12]; GLfloat vertexData2[24]; GLint origSrc, origDst; GLushort fc[4], bc[4]; #ifdef USE_GLES GLint origSrcAlpha, origDstAlpha; glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB, &origSrc); glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_DST_RGB, &origDst); glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, &origSrcAlpha); glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA, &origDstAlpha); #else glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_SRC, &origSrc); glGetIntegerv (GL_BLEND_DST, &origDst); #endif /* Premultiply the alpha values */ bc[3] = (float) borderColor[3] / (float) 65535.0f; bc[0] = ((float) borderColor[0] / 65535.0f) * bc[3]; bc[1] = ((float) borderColor[1] / 65535.0f) * bc[3]; bc[2] = ((float) borderColor[2] / 65535.0f) * bc[3]; logic.getPaintRectangle (&box); vertexData[0] = box.x1; vertexData[1] = box.y1; vertexData[2] = 0.0f; vertexData[3] = box.x1; vertexData[4] = box.y2; vertexData[5] = 0.0f; vertexData[6] = box.x2; vertexData[7] = box.y1; vertexData[8] = 0.0f; vertexData[9] = box.x2; vertexData[10] = box.y2; vertexData[11] = 0.0f; // FIXME: this is a quick work-around. // GL_LINE_LOOP and GL_LINE_STRIP primitive types in the SGX Pvr X11 driver // take special number of vertices (and reorder them). Thus, usage of // those line primitive is currently not supported by our GLVertexBuffer // implementation. This is a quick workaround to make it all work until // we come up with a better GLVertexBuffer::render(...) function. vertexData2[0] = box.x1; vertexData2[1] = box.y1; vertexData2[2] = 0.0f; vertexData2[3] = box.x1; vertexData2[4] = box.y2; vertexData2[5] = 0.0f; vertexData2[6] = box.x1; vertexData2[7] = box.y2; vertexData2[8] = 0.0f; vertexData2[9] = box.x2; vertexData2[10] = box.y2; vertexData2[11] = 0.0f; vertexData2[12] = box.x2; vertexData2[13] = box.y2; vertexData2[14] = 0.0f; vertexData2[15] = box.x2; vertexData2[16] = box.y1; vertexData2[17] = 0.0f; vertexData2[18] = box.x2; vertexData2[19] = box.y1; vertexData2[20] = 0.0f; vertexData2[21] = box.x1; vertexData2[22] = box.y1; vertexData2[23] = 0.0f; sTransform.toScreenSpace (output, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA); glEnable (GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc (GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); /* fill rectangle */ if (fillColor) { fc[3] = fillColor[3]; fc[0] = fillColor[0] * (unsigned long)fc[3] / 65535; fc[1] = fillColor[1] * (unsigned long)fc[3] / 65535; fc[2] = fillColor[2] * (unsigned long)fc[3] / 65535; streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); streamingBuffer->addColors (1, fc); streamingBuffer->addVertices (4, &vertexData[0]); streamingBuffer->end (); streamingBuffer->render (sTransform); } /* draw outline */ static const int borderWidth = 2; glLineWidth (borderWidth); streamingBuffer->begin (GL_LINES); streamingBuffer->addColors (1, borderColor); streamingBuffer->addVertices (8, &vertexData2[0]); streamingBuffer->end (); streamingBuffer->render (sTransform); glDisable (GL_BLEND); #ifdef USE_GLES glBlendFuncSeparate (origSrc, origDst, origSrcAlpha, origDstAlpha); #else glBlendFunc (origSrc, origDst); #endif CompositeScreen *cScreen = CompositeScreen::get (screen); CompRect damage (box.x1 - borderWidth, box.y1 - borderWidth, box.x2 - box.x1 + 2 * borderWidth, box.y2 - box.y1 + 2 * borderWidth); cScreen->damageRegion (damage); }
void BlurEffect::doBlur(const QRegion& shape, const QRect& screen, const float opacity) { const QRegion expanded = expand(shape) & screen; const QRect r = expanded.boundingRect(); // Upload geometry for the horizontal and vertical passes GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer(); uploadGeometry(vbo, expanded, shape); vbo->bindArrays(); // Create a scratch texture and copy the area in the back buffer that we're // going to blur into it GLTexture scratch(r.width(), r.height()); scratch.setFilter(GL_LINEAR); scratch.setWrapMode(GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); scratch.bind(); glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, r.x(), displayHeight() - r.y() - r.height(), r.width(), r.height()); // Draw the texture on the offscreen framebuffer object, while blurring it horizontally target->attachTexture(tex); GLRenderTarget::pushRenderTarget(target); shader->bind(); shader->setDirection(Qt::Horizontal); shader->setPixelDistance(1.0 / r.width()); // Set up the texture matrix to transform from screen coordinates // to texture coordinates. QMatrix4x4 textureMatrix; textureMatrix.scale(1.0 / scratch.width(), -1.0 / scratch.height(), 1); textureMatrix.translate(-r.x(), -scratch.height() - r.y(), 0); shader->setTextureMatrix(textureMatrix); vbo->draw(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, expanded.rectCount() * 6); GLRenderTarget::popRenderTarget(); scratch.unbind(); scratch.discard(); // Now draw the horizontally blurred area back to the backbuffer, while // blurring it vertically and clipping it to the window shape. tex.bind(); shader->setDirection(Qt::Vertical); shader->setPixelDistance(1.0 / tex.height()); // Modulate the blurred texture with the window opacity if the window isn't opaque if (opacity < 1.0) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendColor(0, 0, 0, opacity); glBlendFunc(GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA); } // Set the up the texture matrix to transform from screen coordinates // to texture coordinates. textureMatrix.setToIdentity(); textureMatrix.scale(1.0 / tex.width(), -1.0 / tex.height(), 1); textureMatrix.translate(0, -tex.height(), 0); shader->setTextureMatrix(textureMatrix); vbo->draw(GL_TRIANGLES, expanded.rectCount() * 6, shape.rectCount() * 6); vbo->unbindArrays(); if (opacity < 1.0) { glDisable(GL_BLEND); } tex.unbind(); shader->unbind(); }
void GLScreen::glPaintTransformedOutput (const GLScreenPaintAttrib &sAttrib, const GLMatrix &transform, const CompRegion ®ion, CompOutput *output, unsigned int mask) { WRAPABLE_HND_FUNCTN (glPaintTransformedOutput, sAttrib, transform, region, output, mask) GLMatrix sTransform = transform; if (mask & PAINT_SCREEN_CLEAR_MASK) clearTargetOutput (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); setLighting (true); glApplyTransform (sAttrib, output, &sTransform); if ((mask & CLIP_PLANE_MASK) == CLIP_PLANE_MASK) { if (transformIsSimple (sTransform)) { glEnableOutputClipping (sTransform, region, output); sTransform.toScreenSpace (output, -sAttrib.zTranslate); priv->paintOutputRegion (sTransform, region, output, mask); glDisableOutputClipping (); } else if ( (GL::fboEnabled && GL::fboStencilSupported) || GL::stencilBuffer ) { sTransform.toScreenSpace (output, -sAttrib.zTranslate); glClearStencil (0); glClear (GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); glEnable (GL_STENCIL_TEST); glStencilFunc (GL_ALWAYS, 1, 1); glStencilOp (GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_REPLACE); GLVertexBuffer vb; vb.setAutoProgram (priv->autoProgram); glBufferStencil (sTransform, vb, output); glColorMask (GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE); glStencilMask (1); vb.render (sTransform); glColorMask (GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); glStencilFunc (GL_EQUAL, 1, 1); glStencilOp (GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP); priv->paintOutputRegion (sTransform, region, output, mask); glDisable (GL_STENCIL_TEST); } else { // This won't look quite right but should never happen. // Give a warning? sTransform.toScreenSpace (output, -sAttrib.zTranslate); priv->paintOutputRegion (sTransform, region, output, mask); } } else { sTransform.toScreenSpace (output, -sAttrib.zTranslate); priv->paintOutputRegion (sTransform, region, output, mask); } }
void BlurEffect::doCachedBlur(EffectWindow *w, const QRegion& region, const float opacity) { const QRect screen = effects->virtualScreenGeometry(); const QRegion blurredRegion = blurRegion(w).translated(w->pos()) & screen; const QRegion expanded = expand(blurredRegion) & screen; const QRect r = expanded.boundingRect(); // The background texture we get is only partially valid. CacheEntry it = windows.find(w); if (it == windows.end()) { BlurWindowInfo bwi; bwi.blurredBackground = GLTexture(r.width(),r.height()); bwi.damagedRegion = expanded; bwi.dropCache = false; bwi.windowPos = w->pos(); it = windows.insert(w, bwi); } else if (it->blurredBackground.size() != r.size()) { it->blurredBackground = GLTexture(r.width(),r.height()); it->dropCache = false; it->windowPos = w->pos(); } else if (it->windowPos != w->pos()) { it->dropCache = false; it->windowPos = w->pos(); } GLTexture targetTexture = it->blurredBackground; targetTexture.setFilter(GL_LINEAR); targetTexture.setWrapMode(GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); shader->bind(); QMatrix4x4 textureMatrix; QMatrix4x4 modelViewProjectionMatrix; /** * Which part of the background texture can be updated ? * * Well this is a rather difficult question. We kind of rely on the fact, that * we need a bigger background region being painted before, more precisely if we want to * blur region A we need the background region expand(A). This business logic is basically * done in prePaintWindow: * data.paint |= expand(damagedArea); * * Now "data.paint" gets clipped and becomes what we receive as the "region" variable * in this function. In theory there is now only one function that does this clipping * and this is paintSimpleScreen. The clipping has the effect that "damagedRegion" * is no longer a subset of "region" and we cannot fully validate the cache within one * rendering pass. If we would now update the "damageRegion & region" part of the cache * we would wrongly update the part of the cache that is next to the "region" border and * which lies within "damagedRegion", just because we cannot assume that the framebuffer * outside of "region" is valid. Therefore the maximal damaged region of the cache that can * be repainted is given by: * validUpdate = damagedRegion - expand(damagedRegion - region); * * Now you may ask what is with the rest of "damagedRegion & region" that is not part * of "validUpdate" but also might end up on the screen. Well under the assumption * that only the occlusion culling can shrink "data.paint", we can control this by reducing * the opaque area of every window by a margin of the blurring radius (c.f. prePaintWindow). * This way we are sure that this area is overpainted by a higher opaque window. * * Apparently paintSimpleScreen is not the only function that can influence "region". * In fact every effect's paintWindow that is called before Blur::paintWindow * can do so (e.g. SlidingPopups). Hence we have to make the compromise that we update * "damagedRegion & region" of the cache but only mark "validUpdate" as valid. **/ const QRegion damagedRegion = it->damagedRegion; const QRegion updateBackground = damagedRegion & region; const QRegion validUpdate = damagedRegion - expand(damagedRegion - region); const QRegion horizontal = validUpdate.isEmpty() ? QRegion() : (updateBackground & screen); const QRegion vertical = blurredRegion & region; const int horizontalOffset = 0; const int horizontalCount = horizontal.rectCount() * 6; const int verticalOffset = horizontalCount; const int verticalCount = vertical.rectCount() * 6; GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer(); uploadGeometry(vbo, horizontal, vertical); vbo->bindArrays(); if (!validUpdate.isEmpty()) { const QRect updateRect = (expand(updateBackground) & expanded).boundingRect(); // First we have to copy the background from the frontbuffer // into a scratch texture (in this case "tex"). tex.bind(); glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, updateRect.x(), displayHeight() - updateRect.y() - updateRect.height(), updateRect.width(), updateRect.height()); // Draw the texture on the offscreen framebuffer object, while blurring it horizontally target->attachTexture(targetTexture); GLRenderTarget::pushRenderTarget(target); shader->setDirection(Qt::Horizontal); shader->setPixelDistance(1.0 / tex.width()); modelViewProjectionMatrix.ortho(0, r.width(), r.height(), 0 , 0, 65535); modelViewProjectionMatrix.translate(-r.x(), -r.y(), 0); shader->setModelViewProjectionMatrix(modelViewProjectionMatrix); // Set up the texture matrix to transform from screen coordinates // to texture coordinates. textureMatrix.scale(1.0 / tex.width(), -1.0 / tex.height(), 1); textureMatrix.translate(-updateRect.x(), -updateRect.height() - updateRect.y(), 0); shader->setTextureMatrix(textureMatrix); vbo->draw(GL_TRIANGLES, horizontalOffset, horizontalCount); GLRenderTarget::popRenderTarget(); tex.unbind(); // mark the updated region as valid it->damagedRegion -= validUpdate; } // Now draw the horizontally blurred area back to the backbuffer, while // blurring it vertically and clipping it to the window shape. targetTexture.bind(); shader->setDirection(Qt::Vertical); shader->setPixelDistance(1.0 / targetTexture.height()); // Modulate the blurred texture with the window opacity if the window isn't opaque if (opacity < 1.0) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendColor(0, 0, 0, opacity); glBlendFunc(GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA); } modelViewProjectionMatrix.setToIdentity(); const QSize screenSize = effects->virtualScreenSize(); modelViewProjectionMatrix.ortho(0, screenSize.width(), screenSize.height(), 0, 0, 65535); shader->setModelViewProjectionMatrix(modelViewProjectionMatrix); // Set the up the texture matrix to transform from screen coordinates // to texture coordinates. textureMatrix.setToIdentity(); textureMatrix.scale(1.0 / targetTexture.width(), -1.0 / targetTexture.height(), 1); textureMatrix.translate(-r.x(), -targetTexture.height() - r.y(), 0); shader->setTextureMatrix(textureMatrix); vbo->draw(GL_TRIANGLES, verticalOffset, verticalCount); vbo->unbindArrays(); if (opacity < 1.0) { glDisable(GL_BLEND); } targetTexture.unbind(); shader->unbind(); }
void PrivateGLScreen::paintBackground (const GLMatrix &transform, const CompRegion ®ion, bool transformed) { GLVertexBuffer *streamingBuffer = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer (); GLfloat vertexData[18]; GLushort colorData[4]; BoxPtr pBox = const_cast <Region> (region.handle ())->rects; int n, nBox = const_cast <Region> (region.handle ())->numRects; if (!nBox) return; if (screen->desktopWindowCount ()) { if (!backgroundTextures.empty ()) { backgroundTextures.clear (); } backgroundLoaded = false; return; } else { if (!backgroundLoaded) updateScreenBackground (); backgroundLoaded = true; } if (backgroundTextures.empty ()) { streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLES); n = nBox; while (n--) { vertexData[0] = pBox->x1; vertexData[1] = pBox->y1; vertexData[2] = 0.0f; vertexData[3] = pBox->x1; vertexData[4] = pBox->y2; vertexData[5] = 0.0f; vertexData[6] = pBox->x2; vertexData[7] = pBox->y1; vertexData[8] = 0.0f; vertexData[9] = pBox->x1; vertexData[10] = pBox->y2; vertexData[11] = 0.0f; vertexData[12] = pBox->x2; vertexData[13] = pBox->y2; vertexData[14] = 0.0f; vertexData[15] = pBox->x2; vertexData[16] = pBox->y1; vertexData[17] = 0.0f; streamingBuffer->addVertices (6, vertexData); pBox++; } colorData[0] = colorData[1] = colorData[2] = 0; colorData[3] = std::numeric_limits <unsigned short>::max (); streamingBuffer->addColors (1, colorData); streamingBuffer->end (); streamingBuffer->render (transform); } else { n = nBox; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < backgroundTextures.size (); i++) { GLfloat textureData[12]; GLTexture *bg = backgroundTextures[i]; CompRegion r = region & *bg; pBox = const_cast <Region> (r.handle ())->rects; nBox = const_cast <Region> (r.handle ())->numRects; n = nBox; streamingBuffer->begin (GL_TRIANGLES); while (n--) { GLfloat tx1 = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (bg->matrix (), pBox->x1); GLfloat tx2 = COMP_TEX_COORD_X (bg->matrix (), pBox->x2); GLfloat ty1 = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (bg->matrix (), pBox->y1); GLfloat ty2 = COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (bg->matrix (), pBox->y2); vertexData[0] = pBox->x1; vertexData[1] = pBox->y1; vertexData[2] = 0.0f; vertexData[3] = pBox->x1; vertexData[4] = pBox->y2; vertexData[5] = 0.0f; vertexData[6] = pBox->x2; vertexData[7] = pBox->y1; vertexData[8] = 0.0f; vertexData[9] = pBox->x1; vertexData[10] = pBox->y2; vertexData[11] = 0.0f; vertexData[12] = pBox->x2; vertexData[13] = pBox->y2; vertexData[14] = 0.0f; vertexData[15] = pBox->x2; vertexData[16] = pBox->y1; vertexData[17] = 0.0f; textureData[0] = tx1; textureData[1] = ty1; textureData[2] = tx1; textureData[3] = ty2; textureData[4] = tx2; textureData[5] = ty1; textureData[6] = tx1; textureData[7] = ty2; textureData[8] = tx2; textureData[9] = ty2; textureData[10] = tx2; textureData[11] = ty1; streamingBuffer->addVertices (6, vertexData); streamingBuffer->addTexCoords (0, 6, textureData); pBox++; } streamingBuffer->end (); if (bg->name ()) { if (transformed) bg->enable (GLTexture::Good); else bg->enable (GLTexture::Fast); streamingBuffer->render (transform); bg->disable (); } } } }
void LanczosFilter::performPaint(EffectWindowImpl* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data) { if (effects->compositingType() == KWin::OpenGLCompositing && (data.xScale() < 0.9 || data.yScale() < 0.9) && KGlobalSettings::graphicEffectsLevel() & KGlobalSettings::SimpleAnimationEffects) { if (!m_inited) init(); const QRect screenRect = Workspace::self()->clientArea(ScreenArea, w->screen(), w->desktop()); // window geometry may not be bigger than screen geometry to fit into the FBO if (m_shader && w->width() <= screenRect.width() && w->height() <= screenRect.height()) { double left = 0; double top = 0; double right = w->width(); double bottom = w->height(); foreach (const WindowQuad & quad, data.quads) { // we need this loop to include the decoration padding left = qMin(left, quad.left()); top = qMin(top, quad.top()); right = qMax(right, quad.right()); bottom = qMax(bottom, quad.bottom()); } double width = right - left; double height = bottom - top; if (width > screenRect.width() || height > screenRect.height()) { // window with padding does not fit into the framebuffer // so cut of the shadow left = 0; top = 0; width = w->width(); height = w->height(); } int tx = data.xTranslation() + w->x() + left * data.xScale(); int ty = data.yTranslation() + w->y() + top * data.yScale(); int tw = width * data.xScale(); int th = height * data.yScale(); const QRect textureRect(tx, ty, tw, th); const bool hardwareClipping = !(QRegion(textureRect)-region).isEmpty(); int sw = width; int sh = height; GLTexture *cachedTexture = static_cast< GLTexture*>(w->data(LanczosCacheRole).value<void*>()); if (cachedTexture) { if (cachedTexture->width() == tw && cachedTexture->height() == th) { cachedTexture->bind(); if (hardwareClipping) { glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } if (ShaderManager::instance()->isValid()) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); const qreal rgb = data.brightness() * data.opacity(); const qreal a = data.opacity(); GLShader *shader = ShaderManager::instance()->pushShader(ShaderManager::SimpleShader); shader->setUniform(GLShader::Offset, QVector2D(0, 0)); shader->setUniform(GLShader::ModulationConstant, QVector4D(rgb, rgb, rgb, a)); shader->setUniform(GLShader::Saturation, data.saturation()); shader->setUniform(GLShader::AlphaToOne, 0); cachedTexture->render(region, textureRect, hardwareClipping); ShaderManager::instance()->popShader(); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } else { prepareRenderStates(cachedTexture, data.opacity(), data.brightness(), data.saturation()); cachedTexture->render(region, textureRect, hardwareClipping); restoreRenderStates(cachedTexture, data.opacity(), data.brightness(), data.saturation()); } if (hardwareClipping) { glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } cachedTexture->unbind(); m_timer.start(5000, this); return; } else { // offscreen texture not matching - delete delete cachedTexture; cachedTexture = 0; w->setData(LanczosCacheRole, QVariant()); } } WindowPaintData thumbData = data; thumbData.setXScale(1.0); thumbData.setYScale(1.0); thumbData.setXTranslation(-w->x() - left); thumbData.setYTranslation(-w->y() - top); thumbData.setBrightness(1.0); thumbData.setOpacity(1.0); thumbData.setSaturation(1.0); // Bind the offscreen FBO and draw the window on it unscaled updateOffscreenSurfaces(); GLRenderTarget::pushRenderTarget(m_offscreenTarget); glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); w->sceneWindow()->performPaint(mask, infiniteRegion(), thumbData); // Create a scratch texture and copy the rendered window into it GLTexture tex(sw, sh); tex.setFilter(GL_LINEAR); tex.setWrapMode(GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); tex.bind(); glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 0, m_offscreenTex->height() - sh, sw, sh); // Set up the shader for horizontal scaling float dx = sw / float(tw); int kernelSize; m_shader->createKernel(dx, &kernelSize); m_shader->createOffsets(kernelSize, sw, Qt::Horizontal); m_shader->bind(); m_shader->setUniforms(); // Draw the window back into the FBO, this time scaled horizontally glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); QVector<float> verts; QVector<float> texCoords; verts.reserve(12); texCoords.reserve(12); texCoords << 1.0 << 0.0; verts << tw << 0.0; // Top right texCoords << 0.0 << 0.0; verts << 0.0 << 0.0; // Top left texCoords << 0.0 << 1.0; verts << 0.0 << sh; // Bottom left texCoords << 0.0 << 1.0; verts << 0.0 << sh; // Bottom left texCoords << 1.0 << 1.0; verts << tw << sh; // Bottom right texCoords << 1.0 << 0.0; verts << tw << 0.0; // Top right GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer(); vbo->reset(); vbo->setData(6, 2, verts.constData(), texCoords.constData()); vbo->render(GL_TRIANGLES); // At this point we don't need the scratch texture anymore tex.unbind(); tex.discard(); // create scratch texture for second rendering pass GLTexture tex2(tw, sh); tex2.setFilter(GL_LINEAR); tex2.setWrapMode(GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); tex2.bind(); glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 0, m_offscreenTex->height() - sh, tw, sh); // Set up the shader for vertical scaling float dy = sh / float(th); m_shader->createKernel(dy, &kernelSize); m_shader->createOffsets(kernelSize, m_offscreenTex->height(), Qt::Vertical); m_shader->setUniforms(); // Now draw the horizontally scaled window in the FBO at the right // coordinates on the screen, while scaling it vertically and blending it. glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); verts.clear(); verts << tw << 0.0; // Top right verts << 0.0 << 0.0; // Top left verts << 0.0 << th; // Bottom left verts << 0.0 << th; // Bottom left verts << tw << th; // Bottom right verts << tw << 0.0; // Top right vbo->setData(6, 2, verts.constData(), texCoords.constData()); vbo->render(GL_TRIANGLES); tex2.unbind(); tex2.discard(); m_shader->unbind(); // create cache texture GLTexture *cache = new GLTexture(tw, th); cache->setFilter(GL_LINEAR); cache->setWrapMode(GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); cache->bind(); glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 0, m_offscreenTex->height() - th, tw, th); GLRenderTarget::popRenderTarget(); if (hardwareClipping) { glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } if (ShaderManager::instance()->isValid()) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); const qreal rgb = data.brightness() * data.opacity(); const qreal a = data.opacity(); GLShader *shader = ShaderManager::instance()->pushShader(ShaderManager::SimpleShader); shader->setUniform(GLShader::Offset, QVector2D(0, 0)); shader->setUniform(GLShader::ModulationConstant, QVector4D(rgb, rgb, rgb, a)); shader->setUniform(GLShader::Saturation, data.saturation()); shader->setUniform(GLShader::AlphaToOne, 0); cache->render(region, textureRect, hardwareClipping); ShaderManager::instance()->popShader(); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } else { prepareRenderStates(cache, data.opacity(), data.brightness(), data.saturation()); cache->render(region, textureRect, hardwareClipping); restoreRenderStates(cache, data.opacity(), data.brightness(), data.saturation()); } if (hardwareClipping) { glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } cache->unbind(); w->setData(LanczosCacheRole, QVariant::fromValue(static_cast<void*>(cache))); // Delete the offscreen surface after 5 seconds m_timer.start(5000, this); return; } } // if ( effects->compositingType() == KWin::OpenGLCompositing )
void ParticleSystem::drawParticles(const GLMatrix &transform) { int i, j, k, l; /* Check that the cache is big enough */ if (vertices_cache.size () < particles.size () * VERTEX_COMPONENTS) vertices_cache.resize (particles.size () * VERTEX_COMPONENTS); if (coords_cache.size () < particles.size () * COORD_COMPONENTS) coords_cache.resize (particles.size () * COORD_COMPONENTS); if (colors_cache.size () < particles.size () * COLOR_COMPONENTS) colors_cache.resize (particles.size () * COLOR_COMPONENTS); if (darken > 0) if (dcolors_cache.size () < particles.size () * COLOR_COMPONENTS) dcolors_cache.resize (particles.size () * COLOR_COMPONENTS); GLboolean glBlendEnabled = glIsEnabled (GL_BLEND); if (!glBlendEnabled) glEnable (GL_BLEND); if (tex) { glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex); glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); } i = j = k = l = 0; GLfloat w, h; GLfloat xMinusW, xPlusW, yMinusH, yPlusH; GLushort r, g, b, a, dark_a; /* for each particle, use two triangles to display it */ foreach (Particle &part, particles) { if (part.life > 0.0f) { w = part.width / 2.0f; h = part.height / 2.0f; r = part.r * 65535.0f; g = part.g * 65535.0f; b = part.b * 65535.0f; a = part.life * part.a * 65535.0f; dark_a = part.life * part.a * 65535.0f * darken; w += w * part.w_mod * part.life; h += h * part.h_mod * part.life; xMinusW = part.x - w; xPlusW = part.x + w; yMinusH = part.y - h; yPlusH = part.y + h; //first triangle vertices_cache[i + 0] = xMinusW; vertices_cache[i + 1] = yMinusH; vertices_cache[i + 2] = part.z; vertices_cache[i + 3] = xMinusW; vertices_cache[i + 4] = yPlusH; vertices_cache[i + 5] = part.z; vertices_cache[i + 6] = xPlusW; vertices_cache[i + 7] = yPlusH; vertices_cache[i + 8] = part.z; //second triangle vertices_cache[i + 9] = xPlusW; vertices_cache[i + 10] = yPlusH; vertices_cache[i + 11] = part.z; vertices_cache[i + 12] = xPlusW; vertices_cache[i + 13] = yMinusH; vertices_cache[i + 14] = part.z; vertices_cache[i + 15] = xMinusW; vertices_cache[i + 16] = yMinusH; vertices_cache[i + 17] = part.z; i += 18; coords_cache[j + 0] = 0.0; coords_cache[j + 1] = 0.0; coords_cache[j + 2] = 0.0; coords_cache[j + 3] = 1.0; coords_cache[j + 4] = 1.0; coords_cache[j + 5] = 1.0; //second coords_cache[j + 6] = 1.0; coords_cache[j + 7] = 1.0; coords_cache[j + 8] = 1.0; coords_cache[j + 9] = 0.0; coords_cache[j + 10] = 0.0; coords_cache[j + 11] = 0.0; j += 12; colors_cache[k + 0] = r; colors_cache[k + 1] = g; colors_cache[k + 2] = b; colors_cache[k + 3] = a; colors_cache[k + 4] = r; colors_cache[k + 5] = g; colors_cache[k + 6] = b; colors_cache[k + 7] = a; colors_cache[k + 8] = r; colors_cache[k + 9] = g; colors_cache[k + 10] = b; colors_cache[k + 11] = a; //second colors_cache[k + 12] = r; colors_cache[k + 13] = g; colors_cache[k + 14] = b; colors_cache[k + 15] = a; colors_cache[k + 16] = r; colors_cache[k + 17] = g; colors_cache[k + 18] = b; colors_cache[k + 19] = a; colors_cache[k + 20] = r; colors_cache[k + 21] = g; colors_cache[k + 22] = b; colors_cache[k + 23] = a; k += 24; if (darken > 0) { dcolors_cache[l + 0] = r; dcolors_cache[l + 1] = g; dcolors_cache[l + 2] = b; dcolors_cache[l + 3] = dark_a; dcolors_cache[l + 4] = r; dcolors_cache[l + 5] = g; dcolors_cache[l + 6] = b; dcolors_cache[l + 7] = dark_a; dcolors_cache[l + 8] = r; dcolors_cache[l + 9] = g; dcolors_cache[l + 10] = b; dcolors_cache[l + 11] = dark_a; //second dcolors_cache[l + 12] = r; dcolors_cache[l + 13] = g; dcolors_cache[l + 14] = b; dcolors_cache[l + 15] = dark_a; dcolors_cache[l + 16] = r; dcolors_cache[l + 17] = g; dcolors_cache[l + 18] = b; dcolors_cache[l + 19] = dark_a; dcolors_cache[l + 20] = r; dcolors_cache[l + 21] = g; dcolors_cache[l + 22] = b; dcolors_cache[l + 23] = dark_a; l += 24; } } } GLVertexBuffer *stream = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer (); if (darken > 0) { glBlendFunc (GL_ZERO, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); stream->begin (GL_TRIANGLES); stream->addVertices (i / 3, &vertices_cache[0]); stream->addTexCoords (0, j / 2, &coords_cache[0]); stream->addColors (l / 4, &dcolors_cache[0]); if (stream->end ()) stream->render (transform); } /* draw particles */ glBlendFunc (GL_SRC_ALPHA, blendMode); stream->begin (GL_TRIANGLES); stream->addVertices (i / 3, &vertices_cache[0]); stream->addTexCoords (0, j / 2, &coords_cache[0]); stream->addColors (k / 4, &colors_cache[0]); if (stream->end ()) stream->render (transform); glBlendFunc (GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); /* only disable blending if it was disabled before */ if (!glBlendEnabled) glDisable (GL_BLEND); }
void * GLDevice::RDLockBuffer(RDVertexBufferP iBuffer, uint32_t iOffset, uint32_t iSize, ELockMode iAccess) { GLVertexBuffer * buffer = static_cast<GLVertexBuffer *>(iBuffer); return buffer->Lock(GetCurrentContext(), iOffset, iSize, ConvertLockAccess(iAccess)); }