bool STROKE_FONT::LoadNewStrokeFont( const char* const aNewStrokeFont[], int aNewStrokeFontSize )
    m_glyphs.resize( aNewStrokeFontSize );
    m_glyphBoundingBoxes.resize( aNewStrokeFontSize );

    for( int j = 0; j < aNewStrokeFontSize; j++ )
        GLYPH    glyph;
        double   glyphStartX = 0.0;
        double   glyphEndX = 0.0;
        VECTOR2D glyphBoundingX;

        std::deque<VECTOR2D> pointList;

        int i = 0;

        while( aNewStrokeFont[j][i] )
            VECTOR2D    point( 0.0, 0.0 );
            char        coordinate[2] = { 0, };

            for( int k = 0; k < 2; k++ )
                coordinate[k] = aNewStrokeFont[j][i + k];

            if( i < 2 )
                // The first two values contain the width of the char
                glyphStartX     = ( coordinate[0] - 'R' ) * STROKE_FONT_SCALE;
                glyphEndX       = ( coordinate[1] - 'R' ) * STROKE_FONT_SCALE;
                glyphBoundingX  = VECTOR2D( 0, glyphEndX - glyphStartX );
            else if( ( coordinate[0] == ' ' ) && ( coordinate[1] == 'R' ) )
                // Raise pen
                if( pointList.size() > 0 )
                    glyph.push_back( pointList );

                // In stroke font, coordinates values are coded as <value> + 'R',
                // <value> is an ASCII char.
                // therefore every coordinate description of the Hershey format has an offset,
                // it has to be subtracted
                // Note:
                //  * the stroke coordinates are stored in reduced form (-1.0 to +1.0),
                //    and the actual size is stroke coordinate * glyph size
                //  * a few shapes have a height slightly bigger than 1.0 ( like '{' '[' )
                point.x = (double) ( coordinate[0] - 'R' ) * STROKE_FONT_SCALE - glyphStartX;
                #define FONT_OFFSET -10
				// FONT_OFFSET is here for historical reasons, due to the way the stroke font
                // was built. It allows shapes coordinates like W M ... to be >= 0
                // Only shapes like j y have coordinates < 0
                point.y = (double) ( coordinate[1] - 'R' + FONT_OFFSET ) * STROKE_FONT_SCALE;
                pointList.push_back( point );

            i += 2;

        if( pointList.size() > 0 )
            glyph.push_back( pointList );

        m_glyphs[j] = glyph;

        // Compute the bounding box of the glyph
        m_glyphBoundingBoxes[j] = computeBoundingBox( glyph, glyphBoundingX );

    return true;
bool STROKE_FONT::LoadNewStrokeFont( const char* const aNewStrokeFont[], int aNewStrokeFontSize )
    m_glyphs.resize( aNewStrokeFontSize );
    m_glyphBoundingBoxes.resize( aNewStrokeFontSize );

    for( int j = 0; j < aNewStrokeFontSize; j++ )
        GLYPH    glyph;
        double   glyphStartX = 0.0;
        double   glyphEndX = 0.0;
        VECTOR2D glyphBoundingX;

        std::deque<VECTOR2D> pointList;

        int i = 0;

        while( aNewStrokeFont[j][i] )
            VECTOR2D    point( 0.0, 0.0 );
            char        coordinate[2] = { 0, };

            for( int k = 0; k < 2; k++ )
                coordinate[k] = aNewStrokeFont[j][i + k];

            if( i < 2 )
                // The first two values contain the width of the char
                glyphStartX     = ( coordinate[0] - 'R' ) * HERSHEY_SCALE;
                glyphEndX       = ( coordinate[1] - 'R' ) * HERSHEY_SCALE;
                glyphBoundingX  = VECTOR2D( 0, glyphEndX - glyphStartX );
            else if( ( coordinate[0] == ' ' ) && ( coordinate[1] == 'R' ) )
                // Raise pen
                if( pointList.size() > 0 )
                    glyph.push_back( pointList );

                // Every coordinate description of the Hershey format has an offset,
                // it has to be subtracted
                point.x = (double) ( coordinate[0] - 'R' ) * HERSHEY_SCALE - glyphStartX;
                point.y = (double) ( coordinate[1] - 'R' ) * HERSHEY_SCALE;
                pointList.push_back( point );

            i += 2;

        if( pointList.size() > 0 )
            glyph.push_back( pointList );

        m_glyphs[j] = glyph;

        // Compute the bounding box of the glyph
        m_glyphBoundingBoxes[j] = computeBoundingBox( glyph, glyphBoundingX );

    return true;