 * @brief Read observations from XML document
 * @param[in] xml XML document.
 * @exception GException::invalid_instrument
 *            Invalid instrument encountered.
 * Reads observations from the first observation list that is found in the
 * XML document. The decoding of the instrument specific observation
 * definition is done within the observation's read() method.
 * @todo Observation names and IDs are not verified so far for uniqueness.
 *       This would be required to achieve an unambiguous update of parameters
 *       in an already existing XML file when using the write method.
void GObservations::read(const GXml& xml)
    // Get pointer on observation library
    GXmlElement* lib = xml.element("observation_list", 0);

    // Loop over all observations
    int n = lib->elements("observation");
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {

        // Get pointer on observation
        GXmlElement* obs = static_cast<GXmlElement*>(lib->element("observation", i));

        // Get attributes
        std::string name       = obs->attribute("name");
        std::string id         = obs->attribute("id");
        std::string instrument = obs->attribute("instrument");

        // Get model
        GObservationRegistry registry;
        GObservation*        ptr = registry.alloc(instrument);

        // If observation is valid then read its definition from XML file
        if (ptr != NULL) {

            // Read definition

            // Set attributes

        } // endif: observation was valid

        // ... otherwise throw an exception
        else {
            throw GException::invalid_instrument(G_READ, instrument);

        // Append observation to container

        // Free model (appending clones the observation)
        delete ptr;

    } // endfor: looped over all observations

    // Return