/// Perturbs a random plan
void PlanningSystem::mutate()
	double d = rand.uniform();
	GMatrix& p = *plans[rand.next(plans.size())];
	if(d < 0.1) { // lengthen the plan
		if(p.rows() < maxPlanLength) {
			GVec* newActions = new GVec(actionDims);
			p.takeRow(newActions, rand.next(p.rows() + 1));
	else if(d < 0.2) { // shorten the plan
		if(p.rows() > 1) {
	else if(d < 0.7) { // perturb a single element of an action vector
		GVec& actions = p[rand.next(p.rows())];
		size_t i = rand.next(actions.size());
			actions[i] = std::max(0.0, std::min(1.0, actions[i] + 0.03 * rand.normal()));
	else if(d < 0.9) { // perturb a whole action vector
		GVec& actions = p[rand.next(p.rows())];
		for(size_t i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++) {
			actions[i] = std::max(0.0, std::min(1.0, actions[i] + 0.02 * rand.normal()));
	else { // perturb the whole plan
		for(size_t j = 0; j < p.rows(); j++) {
			GVec& actions = p[j];
			for(size_t i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++) {
				actions[i] = std::max(0.0, std::min(1.0, actions[i] + 0.01 * rand.normal()));