// TreeNodeInfoInitPutArgSplit: Set the NodeInfo for a GT_PUTARG_SPLIT node
// Arguments:
//    argNode - a GT_PUTARG_SPLIT node
// Return Value:
//    None.
// Notes:
//    Set the child node(s) to be contained
void Lowering::TreeNodeInfoInitPutArgSplit(GenTreePutArgSplit* argNode, TreeNodeInfo& info, fgArgTabEntryPtr argInfo)
    assert(argNode->gtOper == GT_PUTARG_SPLIT);

    GenTreePtr putArgChild = argNode->gtOp.gtOp1;

    // Registers for split argument corresponds to source
    argNode->gtLsraInfo.dstCount = argInfo->numRegs;
    info.srcCount += argInfo->numRegs;

    regNumber argReg  = argInfo->regNum;
    regMaskTP argMask = RBM_NONE;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < argInfo->numRegs; i++)
        argMask |= genRegMask((regNumber)((unsigned)argReg + i));
    argNode->gtLsraInfo.setDstCandidates(m_lsra, argMask);

    if (putArgChild->OperGet() == GT_FIELD_LIST)
        // Generated code:
        // 1. Consume all of the items in the GT_FIELD_LIST (source)
        // 2. Store to target slot and move to target registers (destination) from source
        argNode->gtLsraInfo.srcCount = argInfo->numRegs + argInfo->numSlots;

        // To avoid redundant moves, have the argument operand computed in the
        // register in which the argument is passed to the call.
        GenTreeFieldList* fieldListPtr = putArgChild->AsFieldList();
        for (unsigned idx = 0; fieldListPtr != nullptr; fieldListPtr = fieldListPtr->Rest(), idx++)
            if (idx < argInfo->numRegs)
                GenTreePtr node = fieldListPtr->gtGetOp1();
                node->gtLsraInfo.setSrcCandidates(m_lsra, genRegMask((regNumber)((unsigned)argReg + idx)));

        assert(putArgChild->TypeGet() == TYP_STRUCT);
        assert(putArgChild->OperGet() == GT_OBJ);

        // We could use a ldr/str sequence so we need a internal register
        argNode->gtLsraInfo.srcCount         = 1;
        argNode->gtLsraInfo.internalIntCount = 1;
        regMaskTP internalMask               = RBM_ALLINT & ~argMask;
        argNode->gtLsraInfo.setInternalCandidates(m_lsra, internalMask);

        GenTreePtr objChild = putArgChild->gtOp.gtOp1;
        if (objChild->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR_ADDR)
            // We will generate all of the code for the GT_PUTARG_SPLIT, the GT_OBJ and the GT_LCL_VAR_ADDR
            // as one contained operation
            MakeSrcContained(putArgChild, objChild);
        argNode->gtLsraInfo.srcCount = putArgChild->gtLsraInfo.srcCount;
        MakeSrcContained(argNode, putArgChild);
// TreeNodeInfoInitCall: Set the NodeInfo for a call.
// Arguments:
//    call - The call node of interest
// Return Value:
//    None.
void Lowering::TreeNodeInfoInitCall(GenTreeCall* call)
    TreeNodeInfo*   info              = &(call->gtLsraInfo);
    LinearScan*     l                 = m_lsra;
    Compiler*       compiler          = comp;
    bool            hasMultiRegRetVal = false;
    ReturnTypeDesc* retTypeDesc       = nullptr;

    info->srcCount = 0;
    if (call->TypeGet() != TYP_VOID)
        hasMultiRegRetVal = call->HasMultiRegRetVal();
        if (hasMultiRegRetVal)
            // dst count = number of registers in which the value is returned by call
            retTypeDesc    = call->GetReturnTypeDesc();
            info->dstCount = retTypeDesc->GetReturnRegCount();
            info->dstCount = 1;
        info->dstCount = 0;

    GenTree* ctrlExpr = call->gtControlExpr;
    if (call->gtCallType == CT_INDIRECT)
        // either gtControlExpr != null or gtCallAddr != null.
        // Both cannot be non-null at the same time.
        assert(ctrlExpr == nullptr);
        assert(call->gtCallAddr != nullptr);
        ctrlExpr = call->gtCallAddr;

    // set reg requirements on call target represented as control sequence.
    if (ctrlExpr != nullptr)
        // we should never see a gtControlExpr whose type is void.
        assert(ctrlExpr->TypeGet() != TYP_VOID);


        // In case of fast tail implemented as jmp, make sure that gtControlExpr is
        // computed into a register.
        if (call->IsFastTailCall())
            NYI_ARM("tail call");

#ifdef _TARGET_ARM64_
            // Fast tail call - make sure that call target is always computed in IP0
            // so that epilog sequence can generate "br xip0" to achieve fast tail call.
            ctrlExpr->gtLsraInfo.setSrcCandidates(l, genRegMask(REG_IP0));
#endif // _TARGET_ARM64_
#ifdef _TARGET_ARM_
        info->internalIntCount = 1;
#endif // _TARGET_ARM_

    RegisterType registerType = call->TypeGet();

// Set destination candidates for return value of the call.

#ifdef _TARGET_ARM_
    if (call->IsHelperCall(compiler, CORINFO_HELP_INIT_PINVOKE_FRAME))
        // The ARM CORINFO_HELP_INIT_PINVOKE_FRAME helper uses a custom calling convention that returns with
        // TCB in REG_PINVOKE_TCB. fgMorphCall() sets the correct argument registers.
        info->setDstCandidates(l, RBM_PINVOKE_TCB);
#endif // _TARGET_ARM_
        if (hasMultiRegRetVal)
        assert(retTypeDesc != nullptr);
        info->setDstCandidates(l, retTypeDesc->GetABIReturnRegs());
    else if (varTypeIsFloating(registerType))
        info->setDstCandidates(l, RBM_FLOATRET);
    else if (registerType == TYP_LONG)
        info->setDstCandidates(l, RBM_LNGRET);
        info->setDstCandidates(l, RBM_INTRET);

    // If there is an explicit this pointer, we don't want that node to produce anything
    // as it is redundant
    if (call->gtCallObjp != nullptr)
        GenTreePtr thisPtrNode = call->gtCallObjp;

        if (thisPtrNode->gtOper == GT_PUTARG_REG)

    // First, count reg args
    bool callHasFloatRegArgs = false;

    for (GenTreePtr list = call->gtCallLateArgs; list; list = list->MoveNext())

        GenTreePtr argNode = list->Current();

        fgArgTabEntryPtr curArgTabEntry = compiler->gtArgEntryByNode(call, argNode);

        if (curArgTabEntry->regNum == REG_STK)
            // late arg that is not passed in a register
            assert(argNode->gtOper == GT_PUTARG_STK);

            TreeNodeInfoInitPutArgStk(argNode->AsPutArgStk(), curArgTabEntry);

        // A GT_FIELD_LIST has a TYP_VOID, but is used to represent a multireg struct
        if (argNode->OperGet() == GT_FIELD_LIST)

            // There could be up to 2-4 PUTARG_REGs in the list (3 or 4 can only occur for HFAs)
            regNumber argReg = curArgTabEntry->regNum;
            for (GenTreeFieldList* entry = argNode->AsFieldList(); entry != nullptr; entry = entry->Rest())
                TreeNodeInfoInitPutArgReg(entry->Current()->AsUnOp(), argReg, *info, false, &callHasFloatRegArgs);

                // Update argReg for the next putarg_reg (if any)
                argReg = genRegArgNext(argReg);

#if defined(_TARGET_ARM_)
                // A double register is modelled as an even-numbered single one
                if (entry->Current()->TypeGet() == TYP_DOUBLE)
                    argReg = genRegArgNext(argReg);
#endif // _TARGET_ARM_
#ifdef _TARGET_ARM_
        else if (argNode->OperGet() == GT_PUTARG_SPLIT)
            fgArgTabEntryPtr curArgTabEntry = compiler->gtArgEntryByNode(call, argNode);
            TreeNodeInfoInitPutArgSplit(argNode->AsPutArgSplit(), *info, curArgTabEntry);
            TreeNodeInfoInitPutArgReg(argNode->AsUnOp(), curArgTabEntry->regNum, *info, false, &callHasFloatRegArgs);

    // Now, count stack args
    // Note that these need to be computed into a register, but then
    // they're just stored to the stack - so the reg doesn't
    // need to remain live until the call.  In fact, it must not
    // because the code generator doesn't actually consider it live,
    // so it can't be spilled.

    GenTreePtr args = call->gtCallArgs;
    while (args)
        GenTreePtr arg = args->gtOp.gtOp1;

        // Skip arguments that have been moved to the Late Arg list
        if (!(args->gtFlags & GTF_LATE_ARG))
            if (arg->gtOper == GT_PUTARG_STK)
                fgArgTabEntryPtr curArgTabEntry = compiler->gtArgEntryByNode(call, arg);

                assert(curArgTabEntry->regNum == REG_STK);

                TreeNodeInfoInitPutArgStk(arg->AsPutArgStk(), curArgTabEntry);
#ifdef _TARGET_ARM_
            else if (arg->OperGet() == GT_PUTARG_SPLIT)
                fgArgTabEntryPtr curArgTabEntry = compiler->gtArgEntryByNode(call, arg);
                TreeNodeInfoInitPutArgSplit(arg->AsPutArgSplit(), *info, curArgTabEntry);
                TreeNodeInfo* argInfo = &(arg->gtLsraInfo);
                if (argInfo->dstCount != 0)
                    argInfo->isLocalDefUse = true;

                argInfo->dstCount = 0;
        args = args->gtOp.gtOp2;

    // If it is a fast tail call, it is already preferenced to use IP0.
    // Therefore, no need set src candidates on call tgt again.
    if (call->IsVarargs() && callHasFloatRegArgs && !call->IsFastTailCall() && (ctrlExpr != nullptr))
        NYI_ARM("float reg varargs");

        // Don't assign the call target to any of the argument registers because
        // we will use them to also pass floating point arguments as required
        // by Arm64 ABI.
        ctrlExpr->gtLsraInfo.setSrcCandidates(l, l->allRegs(TYP_INT) & ~(RBM_ARG_REGS));

#ifdef _TARGET_ARM_

    if (call->NeedsNullCheck())

#endif // _TARGET_ARM_