void OsmNominatimRunner::search( const QString &searchTerm, const GeoDataLatLonBox &preferred )
    QString base = "http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?";
    QString query = "q=%1&format=xml&addressdetails=1&accept-language=%2";
    QString url = QString(base + query).arg(searchTerm).arg(MarbleLocale::languageCode());
    if( !preferred.isEmpty() ) {
        GeoDataCoordinates::Unit deg = GeoDataCoordinates::Degree;
        QString viewbox( "&viewbox=%1,%2,%3,%4&bounded=1" ); // left, top, right, bottom
        url += viewbox.arg(preferred.west(deg))

    m_request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", TinyWebBrowser::userAgent("Browser", "OsmNominatimRunner") );

    QEventLoop eventLoop;

    QTimer timer;
    timer.setSingleShot( true );
    timer.setInterval( 15000 );

    connect( &timer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
             &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
    connect( this, SIGNAL(searchFinished(QVector<GeoDataPlacemark*>)),
             &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()) );

    // @todo FIXME Must currently be done in the main thread, see bug 257376
    QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(startSearch()) );

    bool LocalMapLayer::isValidPerspective(const GeoDataLatLonBox &candidate) const
        if (!mVisible || !mHasContent)
        {   //any perspective is valid if no content is showing
            return true;

        GeoDataLatLonBox box = mLocalMapLogic->currentBox();
        if (!candidate.contains(box) && !candidate.intersects(box))
        {   //No relation - invalid perspective
            return false;

        //Acceptable scales
        qreal d = diameter(box);
        qreal zoomOutLimit = d * 4;
        qreal zoomInLimit = d * 0.25;
        qreal dCandidate = diameter(candidate);
        if (dCandidate > zoomOutLimit || dCandidate < zoomInLimit)
        {   //Box is too big or too small
            return false;

        return true;
MapScreen::perform_search(QString term, qreal distance)
    GeoDataLatLonBox box;
    GeoDataCoordinates location;


    last_search_term = term;
    last_search_distance = distance;

    if (distance > MAX_DISTANCE) {

    location = navigation_screen->map_widget->focusPoint();
    box.setNorth(location.latitude() - km_to_rad(distance));
    box.setSouth(location.latitude() + km_to_rad(distance));
    box.setEast(location.longitude() - km_to_rad(distance));
    box.setWest(location.longitude() + km_to_rad(distance));

    qDebug() << "Box north:" << box.north(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
    qDebug() << "Box south:" << box.south(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
    qDebug() << "Box west:" << box.west(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
    qDebug() << "Box east:" << box.east(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);

    search_manager->findPlacemarks(term, box);
void TestGeoDataLatLonAltBox::testUnited()
    QFETCH( GeoDataLatLonBox, box1 );
    QFETCH( GeoDataLatLonBox, box2 );
    QFETCH( GeoDataLatLonBox, expected );

    GeoDataLatLonBox const result = box1 | box2;

    QCOMPARE( result.north( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), expected.north( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
    QCOMPARE( result.south( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), expected.south( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
    QCOMPARE( result.west( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), expected.west( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
    QCOMPARE( result.east( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), expected.east( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
GeoDataLatLonAltBox::GeoDataLatLonAltBox( const GeoDataLatLonBox &other, qreal minAltitude, qreal maxAltitude )
    : GeoDataLatLonBox( other ),
      d( new GeoDataLatLonAltBoxPrivate )
    setWest(  other.west() );
    setEast(  other.east() );
    setNorth( other.north() );
    setSouth( other.south() );
    setRotation( other.rotation() );

    d->m_minAltitude = minAltitude;
    d->m_maxAltitude = maxAltitude;
QUrl CustomServerLayout::downloadUrl( const QUrl &prototypeUrl, const TileId &id ) const
    const GeoDataLatLonBox bbox = id.toLatLonBox( m_textureLayer );

#if QT_VERSION < 0x050000
    QString urlStr = prototypeUrl.toString();
    QString urlStr = prototypeUrl.toString( QUrl::DecodeReserved );

    urlStr.replace( "{zoomLevel}", QString::number( id.zoomLevel() ) );
    urlStr.replace( "{x}", QString::number( id.x() ) );
    urlStr.replace( "{y}", QString::number( id.y() ) );
    urlStr.replace( "{west}", QString::number( bbox.west( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 'f', 12 ) );
    urlStr.replace( "{south}", QString::number( bbox.south( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 'f', 12 ) );
    urlStr.replace( "{east}", QString::number( bbox.east( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 'f', 12 ) );
    urlStr.replace( "{north}", QString::number( bbox.north( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 'f', 12 ) );

    return QUrl( urlStr );
QUrl WmsServerLayout::downloadUrl( const QUrl &prototypeUrl, const Marble::TileId &tileId ) const
    GeoDataLatLonBox box = tileId.toLatLonBox( m_textureLayer );

#if QT_VERSION < 0x050000
    QUrl url = prototypeUrl;
    QUrlQuery url(prototypeUrl.query());
    url.addQueryItem( "service", "WMS" );
    url.addQueryItem( "request", "GetMap" );
    url.addQueryItem( "version", "1.1.1" );
    if ( !url.hasQueryItem( "styles" ) )
        url.addQueryItem( "styles", "" );
    if ( !url.hasQueryItem( "format" ) ) {
        if ( m_textureLayer->fileFormat().toLower() == "jpg" )
            url.addQueryItem( "format", "image/jpeg" );
            url.addQueryItem( "format", "image/" + m_textureLayer->fileFormat().toLower() );
    if ( !url.hasQueryItem( "srs" ) ) {
        url.addQueryItem( "srs", epsgCode() );
    if ( !url.hasQueryItem( "layers" ) )
        url.addQueryItem( "layers", m_textureLayer->name() );
    url.addQueryItem( "width", QString::number( m_textureLayer->tileSize().width() ) );
    url.addQueryItem( "height", QString::number( m_textureLayer->tileSize().height() ) );
    url.addQueryItem( "bbox", QString( "%1,%2,%3,%4" ).arg( QString::number( box.west( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 'f', 12 ) )
                                                      .arg( QString::number( box.south( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 'f', 12 ) )
                                                      .arg( QString::number( box.east( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 'f', 12 ) )
                                                      .arg( QString::number( box.north( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ), 'f', 12 ) ) );
#if QT_VERSION < 0x050000
    return url;
    QUrl finalUrl = prototypeUrl;
    return finalUrl;
DatabaseQuery::DatabaseQuery( const MarbleModel* model, const QString &searchTerm, const GeoDataLatLonBox &preferred ) :
    m_queryType( BroadSearch ), m_resultFormat( AddressFormat ), m_searchTerm( searchTerm.trimmed() ),
    m_category( OsmPlacemark::UnknownCategory )
    if ( model && model->positionTracking()->status() == PositionProviderStatusAvailable ) {
        m_position = model->positionTracking()->currentLocation();
        m_resultFormat = DistanceFormat;
    } else if ( !preferred.isEmpty() ) {
        m_position = preferred.center();
        m_resultFormat = AddressFormat;
    } else {
        m_resultFormat = AddressFormat;

    QStringList terms = m_searchTerm.split(QLatin1Char(','), QString::SkipEmptyParts );

    QRegExp streetAndHouse( "^(.*)\\s+(\\d+\\D?)$" );
    if ( streetAndHouse.indexIn( terms.first() ) != -1 ) {
        if ( streetAndHouse.capturedTexts().size() == 3 ) {
            terms.push_front( streetAndHouse.capturedTexts().at( 1 ) );
            terms.push_front( streetAndHouse.capturedTexts().at( 2 ) );

    Q_ASSERT( terms.size() > 0 );
    if ( terms.size() == 1 ) {
        m_queryType = isPointOfInterest( m_searchTerm ) ? CategorySearch : BroadSearch;
    } else if ( terms.size() == 2 ) {
        m_street = terms.first().trimmed();
        m_region = terms.last().trimmed();
        m_queryType = isPointOfInterest( m_street ) ? CategorySearch : AddressSearch;
    } else {
        m_houseNumber = terms.first().trimmed();
        m_street = terms.at( 1 ).trimmed();
        m_region = terms.last().trimmed(); // skips 2, 3, ..., if any
        m_queryType = AddressSearch;
bool ViewportParams::resolves ( const GeoDataLatLonBox &latLonBox ) const
    return latLonBox.width() + latLonBox.height() > 2.0 * angularResolution();
void GroundOverlayFrame::update()
    GeoDataLatLonBox overlayLatLonBox = m_overlay->latLonBox();
    GeoDataPolygon *poly = dynamic_cast<GeoDataPolygon*>( placemark()->geometry() );

    GeoDataCoordinates rotatedCoord;

    GeoDataCoordinates northWest(overlayLatLonBox.west(), overlayLatLonBox.north());
    rotatedCoord = northWest.rotateAround(overlayLatLonBox.center(), overlayLatLonBox.rotation());
    poly->outerBoundary().append( rotatedCoord );

    GeoDataCoordinates southWest(overlayLatLonBox.west(), overlayLatLonBox.south());
    rotatedCoord = southWest.rotateAround(overlayLatLonBox.center(), overlayLatLonBox.rotation());
    poly->outerBoundary().append( rotatedCoord );

    GeoDataCoordinates southEast(overlayLatLonBox.east(), overlayLatLonBox.south());
    rotatedCoord = southEast.rotateAround(overlayLatLonBox.center(), overlayLatLonBox.rotation());
    poly->outerBoundary().append( rotatedCoord );

    GeoDataCoordinates northEast(overlayLatLonBox.east(), overlayLatLonBox.north());
    rotatedCoord = northEast.rotateAround(overlayLatLonBox.center(), overlayLatLonBox.rotation());
    poly->outerBoundary().append( rotatedCoord );
void TestGeoDataLatLonAltBox::testDefaultConstruction()
    GeoDataLatLonBox const latLonBox;

    QCOMPARE( latLonBox.north(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonBox.south(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonBox.east(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonBox.west(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonBox.rotation(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonBox.width(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonBox.height(), 0.0 );
    QVERIFY( !latLonBox.crossesDateLine() );
    QCOMPARE( latLonBox.center(), GeoDataCoordinates( 0, 0 ) );
    QVERIFY( latLonBox.isNull() );
    QVERIFY( latLonBox.isEmpty() );

    QVERIFY( (latLonBox|latLonBox).isNull() );
    QVERIFY( (latLonBox|latLonBox).isEmpty() );
    QVERIFY( !latLonBox.intersects( latLonBox ) );

    GeoDataLatLonAltBox const latLonAltBox;

    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.north(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.south(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.east(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.west(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.rotation(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.width(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.height(), 0.0 );
    QVERIFY( !latLonAltBox.crossesDateLine() );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.center(), GeoDataCoordinates( 0, 0, 0 ) );
    QVERIFY( latLonAltBox.isNull() );
    QVERIFY( latLonAltBox.isEmpty() );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.minAltitude(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.maxAltitude(), 0.0 );
    QCOMPARE( latLonAltBox.altitudeMode(), ClampToGround );

    QVERIFY( (latLonAltBox|latLonAltBox).isNull() );
    QVERIFY( (latLonAltBox|latLonAltBox).isEmpty() );
    QVERIFY( !latLonAltBox.intersects( latLonAltBox ) );
QList< GeoGraphicsItem* > GeoGraphicsScene::items( const GeoDataLatLonBox &box, int zoomLevel ) const
    if ( box.west() > box.east() ) {
        // Handle boxes crossing the IDL by splitting it into two separate boxes
        GeoDataLatLonBox left;
        left.setWest( -M_PI );
        left.setEast( box.east() );
        left.setNorth( box.north() );
        left.setSouth( box.south() );

        GeoDataLatLonBox right;
        right.setWest( box.west() );
        right.setEast( M_PI );
        right.setNorth( box.north() );
        right.setSouth( box.south() );

        QList< GeoGraphicsItem* > allItems = items( left, zoomLevel );
        foreach( GeoGraphicsItem* item, items( right, zoomLevel ) ) {
            if ( !allItems.contains( item ) ) {
                allItems << item;
        return allItems;