文件: Main.cpp 项目: bogoli/CS1410
// report function 
void report(Geometry &obj){

	cout << "----- Geometry Report -----\n";
	cout << "   Name:    " << obj.GetName() << endl;
	cout << "   Type:    " << obj.GetType() << endl; 
	cout << "   Volume:  " << obj.ComputeVolume()  << endl;
	cout << "   Surface: " << obj.ComputeSurface() << endl;
	cout << "---------------------------\n";
Geometry* Raytracer::Raytrace(Ray &r, Color &col, int depth, float &dist)
	if(depth > TRACEDEPTH)
		return NULL;
	dist = MAX_DIST;
	Vector intersection, L, N, V, R, sampleDir, samplePos;
	Geometry *geom = NULL;
	//int result = 0;
	int res;
	float dot, diff, spec, shade = 0.0f, ldist, rdist, tempdist, ambient;
	float step = 1.0f / lrflti(shadowQuality);
	Color diffuse, specular, reflection, accumulator;
	Ray shadow, ambientRay;
	bool inShade;

	//find the nearest intersection
	vector<Geometry *> &gv = sc->GetObjects();
	for(vector<Geometry *>::iterator git = gv.begin(); git != gv.end(); git++)
		if((*git)->GetType() == Geometry::BVHACCEL)
			BVH *bvh = static_cast<BVH *>(*git);
			Geometry *ng = NULL;
			res = bvh->IntersectRecursive(r, dist, &ng);
				geom = ng;
			res = (*git)->Intersect(r, dist);
				geom = *git;
				//result = res;

	//if there's no hit, terminate the ray
		return NULL;

		col = geom->GetMaterial().GetColor() * geom->GetLightIntensity();
		//determine the point of intersection
		intersection = r.origin + (r.direction * dist);

		//accumulate the lighting
		vector<Geometry *> &lov = sc->GetObjects();
		for(vector<Geometry *>::iterator lit = lov.begin(); lit != lov.end(); lit++)
			if(((*lit)->IsLight()) && ((*lit)->GetType() == Geometry::SPHERE))
				L = ((Sphere *)(*lit))->GetPosition() - intersection;
				ldist = L.Length();
				L /= ldist;

				if(geom->GetType() == Geometry::SDFUNC)
					N = geom->GetNormal(intersection);
					shadow.origin = intersection + N * (10.0f * EPSILON);
					shadow.origin = intersection + L * EPSILON;

				if(shadowQuality == 1)
               Geometry *lcache = (*lit)->GetLightCacheItem(omp_get_thread_num());
					shade = 1.0f;

					shadow.direction = L;
               //try shadow cache first
               bool lightCacheHit = false;
               if(lcache && (lcache->Intersect(shadow, ldist)))
                  lightCacheHit = true;
                  shade = 0.0f;

               //now iterate through the geometry
                  vector<Geometry *> &sov = sc->GetObjects();
                  for(vector<Geometry *>::iterator sit = sov.begin(); sit != sov.end(); sit++)
                     if((*sit != *lit) && (*sit != lcache) && ((*sit)->Intersect(shadow, ldist)))
                        (*lit)->SetLightCacheItem(*sit, omp_get_thread_num());
                        shade = 0.0f;
					shade = 0.0f;
					int i;
					//apparently parallel shadows slows it down
					//#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(light, intersection, ldist, numItems, step) private(i, inShade, tempdist, shadowObj, s) firstprivate(shadow) reduction(+:shade) schedule(dynamic, 1)
					for(i = 0; i < shadowQuality; i++)
                  Geometry *lcache = (*lit)->GetLightCacheItem(omp_get_thread_num());
						shadow.direction = (*lit)->GeneratePoint() - intersection;
						inShade = false;
						tempdist = ldist;

                  //try shadow cache first
                  bool lightCacheHit = false;
                  if(lcache && (lcache->Intersect(shadow, tempdist)))
                     lightCacheHit = true;
                     shade = 0.0f;

                  //now iterate through the geometry
                     vector<Geometry *> &sov = sc->GetObjects();
                     for(vector<Geometry *>::iterator sit = sov.begin(); sit != sov.end(); sit++)
                        if((*sit != *lit) && (*sit != lcache) && ((*sit)->Intersect(shadow, tempdist)))
                           (*lit)->SetLightCacheItem(*sit, omp_get_thread_num());
                           inShade = true;

                  //update the shading
							shade += step;

				//make sure the point isn't in a shadow
				if(shade != 0.0f)
					N = geom->GetNormal(intersection);

					if(geom->GetMaterial().GetDiffuse() > 0)
						dot = N.Dot(L);
						if(dot > 0)
							diff = dot * geom->GetMaterial().GetDiffuse();
							diffuse = geom->GetMaterial().GetColor() * (*lit)->GetMaterial().GetColor() * diff;

					if(geom->GetMaterial().GetSpecular() > 0)
						V = r.direction;
						R = L - N * L.Dot(N) * 2.0f;
						dot = V.Dot(R);
						if(dot > 0)
							spec = powf(dot, 20.0f) * geom->GetMaterial().GetSpecular();
							specular = geom->GetMaterial().GetSpecularColor() * (*lit)->GetMaterial().GetColor() * spec;

					col += (diffuse + specular) * shade;
					//col += geom->GetMaterial().GetColor();
		} //end light loop

		//calculate ambient lighting
		if(occlusion > 0)
			//setup needed for both types of AO
			ambient = 0.0f;

			//we can use really fake and fast AO for SDFs
			if(geom->GetType() == Geometry::SDFUNC)
				//this type of AO calculation needs far less "rays"
				occlusion /= 12;
				if(occlusion == 0)
					occlusion = 1;

				//from Rendering Worlds With Two Triangles paper
				//ao = 1 - k * sum(1, 5, 1/(2^i) * (pink(i) - yellow(i)));
				// pink(i) = distance from intersection point to sample point along the normal
				//         = delta * i
				// yellow(i) = distance from sample point to surface
				//           = distfield(intersection + delta * i * n)
				N = geom->GetNormal(intersection);
				SDF *sdf = reinterpret_cast<SDF *>(geom);
				float sum = 0.0f;
				float k = 0.3f; // magic number for choosing overall strength of AO
				float scale = 1.0f;
				float delta = 0.1f; // magic number for sample distances
				for(int i = 1; i <= occlusion; i++)
					scale *= 0.5f;
					float pink = delta * static_cast<float>(i);

					Vector sample = intersection + (N * pink);
					float yellow = sdf->distance(sample);

					sum += scale * fmax(pink - yellow, 0.0f); //note that pink >= yellow since the intersection point is the furthest possible you could go
				ambient = k * (1.0f - sum);
				//initialize the ambient light
				float u, v, sqrtv, angle, ambdist;
				bool intersected;
				Vector sampleDir;
				float invsamples = 1.0f / lrflti(occlusion);

				//shoot out cosine weighted rays
				for(int i = 0; i < occlusion; i++)
					u = lrflti(rand()) * MAX_RAND_DIVIDER * TWOPI;
					v = lrflti(rand()) * MAX_RAND_DIVIDER;
					sqrtv = sqrtf(v);
					sampleDir =  Vector(cosf(u) * sqrtv, sinf(u) * sqrtv, sqrtf(1.0f - v));

					N = geom->GetNormal(intersection);
					angle = N.Dot(sampleDir);
					if(angle < 0)
						sampleDir *= -1.0f;
						angle = -angle;

					intersected = false;
					if(geom->GetType() == Geometry::SDFUNC)
						ambientRay.origin = intersection + N * (10.0f * EPSILON);
						ambientRay.origin = intersection + sampleDir * EPSILON;
					ambientRay.direction = sampleDir;
					ambdist = MAXDEPTH;
					vector<Geometry *> &aov = sc->GetObjects();
					for(vector<Geometry *>::iterator aoit = aov.begin(); aoit != aov.end(); aoit++)
						if((!(*aoit)->IsLight()) && ((*aoit)->Intersect(ambientRay, ambdist)))
							intersected = true;

						ambient += invsamples * angle;

			col += geom->GetMaterial().GetColor() * geom->GetMaterial().GetDiffuse() * ambient;

		//get reflection
		if(geom->GetMaterial().GetReflectivity() > 0)
			if(depth < TRACEDEPTH)
				/*N = geom->GetNormal(intersection);
				  R = r.direction - N * (2.0f * N.Dot(r.direction));
				  Raytrace(Ray(intersection + R * EPSILON, R), reflection, depth + 1, rdist);
				  col += reflection * geom->GetMaterial().GetColor() * geom->GetMaterial().GetReflectivity();*/

				N = geom->GetNormal(intersection);
				R = r.direction - N * (2.0f * N.Dot(r.direction));
				samplePos = intersection + R * EPSILON;
				Ray reflectedRay(samplePos, R);
				Raytrace(reflectedRay, accumulator, depth + 1, rdist);
				for(int i = 1; i < reflectionBlur; i++)
					float x = ((0.2f * lrflti(rand())) / RAND_MAX) - 0.1f;
					float y = ((0.2f * lrflti(rand())) / RAND_MAX) - 0.1f;
					float z = ((0.2f * lrflti(rand())) / RAND_MAX) - 0.1f;
					sampleDir = R + Vector(x, y, z);
					Ray sampleRay(samplePos, sampleDir);
					Raytrace(sampleRay, reflection, depth + 1, rdist);
					accumulator += reflection;
				if(reflectionBlur > 1)
					accumulator /= lrflti(reflectionBlur);
				col += accumulator * geom->GetMaterial().GetColor() * geom->GetMaterial().GetReflectivity();
	return geom;