void CharFeatureCollection::calculateOutputDataMatrix(std::vector<ImageChar*> &imageChars)
	// check if there are features:
	if (mImageCharFeatureVec.empty()) {
		std::cout << "Exception in CharFeatureCollection::calculateOutputDataMatrix(std::vector<ImageChar> &imageChars): no feature vector list!" << std::endl;
		throw NoDataException("No features specified for feature vector calculation!");

	// calc. size of one column:
	int nCols = 0;
	for (int i=0; i<mImageCharFeatureVec.size(); ++i) {
		nCols += mImageCharFeatureVec[i]->vectorSize();
	// resize output matrix:
	const int nRows = imageChars.size();
	std::cout << "2 matrix dimensions are: " << nRows << " x " << nCols << std::endl;
	mDataMatrix.resize(nRows, nCols);
#if 1 // take preprocessed image from pointer in ImageChar
	#pragma omp parallel for
	for (int i=0; i<nRows; ++i) {
#if 0
		if (imageChars[i]->mPreprocessingResults.isEmpty()) {

//		GrayImage<> *pPreprImage = imageChars[i]->pPreprImage;
		GrayImage<> *pPreprImage = imageChars[i]->mPreprocessingResults.mpProcessedImage;
		if (!pPreprImage) {
			std::cerr << "Preprocessing image not available while computing features!" << std::endl;
			throw NoDataException("Preprocessing image not available while computing features!");
		this->calculateOutputDataRow(*pPreprImage, i, mDataMatrix);
		std::cout << "2Computed feature " << i+1 << " of " << nRows << std::endl;
		// store reference to feature vector in ImageChar of mpImageCharsVec:
		imageChars[i]->setFeatureData(&mDataMatrix, i);
	} // end for all rows i
#else // extract bounding box image from ImageChar
	for (int i=0; i<nRows; ++i) {
		GrayImage<> *pImage = imageChars[i]->pImage;
		BoundingBox bbox = imageChars[i]->bBox;
		GrayImage<> charImage;
//		std::cout << "current row: " << i << std::endl;
		this->calculateOutputDataRow(charImage, i, mDataMatrix);
		// store reference to feature vector in ImageChar of mpImageCharsVec:
		imageChars[i]->setFeatureData(&mDataMatrix, i);
	} // end for all rows i

} // end calculateOutputDataMatrix
TextLineTracer::downscale(GrayImage const& input, Dpi const& dpi)
	// Downscale to 200 DPI.
	QSize downscaled_size(input.size());
	if (dpi.horizontal() < 180 || dpi.horizontal() > 220 || dpi.vertical() < 180 || dpi.vertical() > 220) {
		downscaled_size.setWidth(std::max<int>(1, input.width() * 200 / dpi.horizontal()));
		downscaled_size.setHeight(std::max<int>(1, input.height() * 200 / dpi.vertical()));

	return scaleToGray(input, downscaled_size);
void process_slice( const boost::filesystem::path &folderPath, uint z, Z3i::DigitalSet &set3d ) {
	boost::filesystem::path filePath = folderPath ;
	filePath /= QString("slice-%1.pgm").arg( z, 0, 10 ).toStdString() ;
	GrayImage image = PNMReader<GrayImage>::importPGM( filePath.string() );
	Z2i::DigitalSet *objpts = newDigitalSet2DFromBinaryImage( image ) ;
	if ( !objpts->empty() ) {
		VertexPolygon convexhull ;
		Z2i::Object4_8 obj( Z2i::dt4_8, *objpts) ;
		Z2i::Object4_8 boundary = obj.border() ;
		if ( boundary.size() <= 3 )
			trace.info()<<"Warning : boundary is ";
			for ( Z2i::DigitalSet::ConstIterator pt = boundary.pointSet().begin() ; pt != boundary.pointSet().end() ; pt++ )
				trace.info()<<(*pt)<<" " ;
		Geom2D::ConvexHull( boundary.pointSet(), convexhull ) ;
		EdgePolygon segs ;
		init_edges_polygon( segs, convexhull ) ;
		uint new3Dpts = 0 ;
		if ( segs.size() >= 3 )
			for ( Z2i::Domain::ConstIterator pt = image.domain().begin() ; pt != image.domain().end() ; pt++ )
				if ( image( *pt ) == (unsigned char) 255 ) continue ;
				bool bInside = true ;
				for ( uint iSeg = 0 ; iSeg != segs.size() && bInside; iSeg++ )
					if ( segs[iSeg].signedDistance( *pt ) < 0 ) bInside = false ;
				if ( !bInside ) continue ;
				set3d.insertNew( Z3i::Point( (*pt).at(0),(*pt).at(1), z ) ) ;
				new3Dpts++ ;
		Z2i::Point UL, BR ;
		boundary.pointSet().computeBoundingBox( UL, BR ) ;
		std::cerr<<QString( "Slice %1").arg( z,10,10,QLatin1Char('0')).toStdString() ;
		std::cerr<<setw(6)<<objpts->size()<<" "
					<<setw(6)<<boundary.size()<<" "
					<<setw(6)<<new3Dpts<<" "
					<<setw(4)<<UL.at(1)<<" - "
	delete objpts ;
GrayImage gaussBlur(GrayImage const& src, float h_sigma, float v_sigma)
	using namespace boost::lambda;

	if (src.isNull()) {
		return src;

	GrayImage dst(src.size());
		src.size(), h_sigma, v_sigma,
		src.data(), src.stride(), StaticCastValueConv<float>(),
		dst.data(), dst.stride(), _1 = bind<uint8_t>(RoundAndClipValueConv<uint8_t>(), _2)

	return dst;
void GaussianPyramid::BuildPyramid(GrayImage *level0, unsigned nbLevels)
	GrayImage *pLevel = level0;
	GaussianFilter gf(_sigma);
	// build the nbLevels:
	unsigned w = pLevel->width();
	unsigned h = pLevel->height();
	if (nbLevels != 0) {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbLevels; ++i) { //soc
			w = pLevel->width() >> 1;
			h = pLevel->height() >> 1;
			GrayImage *img = new GrayImage(w, h);
			for (unsigned int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
				for (unsigned int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
					float v = gf.getSmoothedPixel<GrayImage>(pLevel, 2 * x, 2 * y);
					img->setPixel(x, y, v);
			pLevel = img;
	else {
		while ((w > 1) && (h > 1)) {
static bool checkScale(GrayImage const& img, QSize const& new_size)
	GrayImage const scaled1(scaleToGray(img, new_size));
	GrayImage const scaled2(img.toQImage().scaled(
		new_size, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation
	return fuzzyCompare(scaled1, scaled2);
void PreprocessingResults::computeOtherPreprocessings(
		const GrayImage<> &preprocessedImage, GrayImage<float> &intInvImage, GrayImage<float> &distTransformImage)
#if 1
	// 2nd: compute integral invariant image:
	int radius = 2; bool oddSize = true;
	Kernel<> mask; Kernel<>::createSphereKernel( mask, radius, oddSize );
//	std::cout << mask << std::endl;
	ImageIntegralInvariant::calcIntegralInvariantImage( mask, preprocessedImage, intInvImage );

#if 1
	// 3rd: compute distance transform of inverted(!) glyph:
	GrayImage<> invPreprocessedGlyphImage = preprocessedImage;
	ImageFilter::distTransform(invPreprocessedGlyphImage, distTransformImage);
	GrayImage const& image, BinaryImage const& mask,
	std::vector<double>& equations,
	std::vector<double>& data_points) const
	int const width = image.width();
	int const height = image.height();
	double const xscale = calcScale(width);
	double const yscale = calcScale(height);
	uint8_t const* image_line = image.data();
	int const image_bpl = image.stride();
	uint32_t const* mask_line = mask.data();
	int const mask_wpl = mask.wordsPerLine();
	int const last_word_idx = (width - 1) >> 5;
	int const last_word_mask = ~uint32_t(0) << (31 - ((width - 1) & 31));
	for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
		double const y_adjusted = y * yscale;
		int idx = 0;
		// Full words.
		for (; idx < last_word_idx; ++idx) {
				image_line, mask_line[idx], idx, y,
				y_adjusted, xscale, equations, data_points
		// Last word.
			image_line, mask_line[idx] & last_word_mask,
			idx, y, y_adjusted, xscale, equations, data_points
		image_line += image_bpl;
		mask_line += mask_wpl;
// Dilate (a standard image processing operation) a hands mask
void dilateMask(GrayImage &img, int amount) {
	static GrayImage tmp;

	for (int y = amount; y < img.rows - amount; y++) {
		for (int x = amount; x < img.cols - amount; x++) {
			// Examine neighboring pixels
			for (int dy = -amount; dy <= amount; dy++) {
				for (int dx = -amount; dx <= amount; dx++) {
					if (img.data[y+dy][x+dx] != kMaskUnoccupied) {
						tmp.data[y][x] = img.data[y+dy][x+dx];
						goto donePixel;

// Erode (a standard image processing operation) a grayscale image
void erode(GrayImage &img, int amount) {
	static GrayImage tmp;

	// Two-dimensional kernel
	for (int y = 0; y < img.rows; y++) {
		for (int x = 0; x < img.cols; x++) {
			// Examine neighboring pixels
			int min = 255;
			for (int dy = -amount; dy <= amount; dy++) {
				for (int dx = -amount; dx <= amount; dx++) {
					if (img.data[y+dy][x+dx] < min)
						min = img.data[y+dy][x+dx];
			tmp.data[y][x] = min;

	GrayImage const& image,
	std::vector<double>& equations,
	std::vector<double>& data_points) const
	int const width = image.width();
	int const height = image.height();
	uint8_t const* line = image.data();
	int const bpl = image.stride();
	// Pretend that both x and y positions of pixels
	// lie in range of [0, 1].
	double const xscale = calcScale(width);
	double const yscale = calcScale(height);
	for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y, line += bpl) {
		double const y_adjusted = yscale * y;
		for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
			double const x_adjusted = xscale * x;
			data_points.push_back((1.0 / 255.0) * line[x]);
			double pow1 = 1.0;
			for (int i = 0; i <= m_vertDegree; ++i) {
				double pow2 = pow1;
				for (int j = 0; j <= m_horDegree; ++j) {
					pow2 *= x_adjusted;
				pow1 *= y_adjusted;
void PreprocessingResults::computePreprocessings(	const PreprocessingParameters parameters,
							const GrayImage<> &glyphImage)

	// 1st: preprocess glyph image:
	mpProcessedImage = new GrayImage<>();
	PreprocessingResults::preprocessGlyph(parameters, glyphImage, *mpProcessedImage, &isWhiteSpace);
//	pImageChar->pPreprImage = mpProcessedImage;
//	std::cout << "finished processing image " << i << std::endl;
//	std::cout << mProcessedImagesVec[i] << std::endl;

	if (isWhiteSpace) { // jump out as this is a whitespace character

#if 1
	// 2nd: compute integral invariant image:
	int radius = 2; bool oddSize = true;
	Kernel<> mask;
	Kernel<>::createSphereKernel( mask, radius, oddSize );
//	std::cout << mask << std::endl;
	mpIntInvImage = new GrayImage<float>();
	ImageIntegralInvariant::calcIntegralInvariantImage( mask, *mpProcessedImage, *mpIntInvImage );

#if 1
	// 3rd: compute distance transform of inverted(!) glyph:
	GrayImage<> invPreprocessedGlyphImage = *mpProcessedImage;
	mpDistTransformImage = new GrayImage<float>();
	ImageFilter::distTransform(invPreprocessedGlyphImage, *mpDistTransformImage);

// Box blur using summed area tables - constant time with respect to kernel size.
// Based off http://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/2934
void boxBlur(GrayImage &img, int size) {
	static GrayImage tmp;
	static int sum[480][640];

	// Top row and left column
	sum[0][0] = img.data[0][0];
	for (int x = 1; x < img.cols; ++x) {
		sum[0][x] = sum[0][x-1] + img.data[0][x];
	for (int y = 1; y < img.rows; ++y) {
		sum[y][0] = sum[y-1][0] + img.data[y][0];

	// Rest of summed area table
	for (int y = 1; y < img.rows; y++) {
		for (int x = 1; x < img.cols; x++) {
			sum[y][x] = tmp.data[y][x] + sum[y][x-1] + sum[y-1][x] - sum[y-1][x-1];

	int denom = 1.0f / (float)(((2*size) + 1) * ((2*size) + 1));
	for (int y = 0; y < img.rows; y++) {
		for (int x = 0; x < img.cols; x++) {
			const int xKernSize = std::min(x, size);
			const int yKernSize = std::min(y, size);
			const int xMin = x - xKernSize;
			const int yMin = y - yKernSize;
			const int pSum = sum[y][x] - sum[yMin][x] - sum[y][xMin] + sum[yMin][xMin];
			const int avg = pSum / std::max(xKernSize * yKernSize, 1);
			tmp.data[y][x] = avg;

Z3i::Domain scene_dimensions( const boost::filesystem::path &folderPath ) {
	uint depth = 0 ;
	boost::filesystem::path filePath;
	do {
		filePath = folderPath ;
		filePath /= QString("slice-%1.pgm").arg( depth, 0, 10 ).toStdString() ;
		depth++ ;
	} while ( boost::filesystem::exists( filePath ) ) ;
	depth-- ;
	if ( depth == 0 ) return Z3i::Domain( Z3i::Point(0,0,0), Z3i::Point(0,0,0) ) ;
	filePath = folderPath ;
	filePath /= QString("slice-%1.pgm").arg( depth/2, 0, 10 ).toStdString() ; /** "slice-0.pgm" ;*/
	GrayImage image = PNMReader<GrayImage>::importPGM( filePath.string() );
	#if 0
	Z2i::DigitalSet *pts = newDigitalSet2DFromBinaryImage( image ) ;
	Board2D board ;
	board << image.domain()<<*pts ;
	board.saveSVG( "cropcheck.svg");
	trace.info()<<"Get "<<pts->size()<<" points on slide "<<filePath.string()<<std::endl;
	delete pts ;
	return Z3i::Domain( Z3i::Point(0,0,0), Z3i::Point( image.domain().upperBound().at(0),image.domain().upperBound().at(1),depth) ) ;
void MotionBlur::applyEffect(ColorImage& image, KinectData& kinectData, const GrayImage& handsMask, int timeElapsed) {
	for (int y = 0; y < image.rows; y++) {
		for (int x = 0; x < image.cols; x++) {
			// Leave the area where hand currently is alone
			if (handsMask.data[y][x] != kMaskUnoccupied)

			unsigned int blendRed = 0;
			unsigned int blendGreen = 0;
			unsigned int blendBlue = 0;
			unsigned int blendSamplesUsed = 0;

			// Blend from each buffer
			for (int buf = 0; buf < historyLength; buf++) {
				// Include only pixels where hand was
				if (maskHistory[buf].data[y][x] != kMaskUnoccupied) {
					blendRed += imgHistory[buf].data[y][x].red;
					blendGreen += imgHistory[buf].data[y][x].green;
					blendBlue += imgHistory[buf].data[y][x].blue;
			// If any blending to be done, average the current pixel and the old ones.
			// Current frame makes up half the contribution, with the other half coming from all the other frames combined.
			if (blendSamplesUsed > 0) {
				blendRed /= blendSamplesUsed;
				blendGreen /= blendSamplesUsed;
				blendBlue /= blendSamplesUsed;

				image.data[y][x].red = (image.data[y][x].red + blendRed) / 2;
				image.data[y][x].green = (image.data[y][x].green + blendGreen) / 2;
				image.data[y][x].blue = (image.data[y][x].blue + blendBlue) / 2;

	// Store current frame in buffers and increment position in ring
	curBuffer = curBuffer % historyLength;
void PreprocessingResults::computePreprocessings(const PreprocessingParameters parameters, ImageChar *pImageChar)

	// extract glyph from document image:
	GrayImage<> *pImage = pImageChar->pImage;
	BoundingBox bbox = pImageChar->bBox;
	GrayImage<> glyphImage;
	#pragma omp critical // critical region, since a pointer to common images is set

//	printf("Hello World from thread %d\n", omp_get_thread_num());
//	std::cout << bbox << std::endl;

	// 1st: preprocess glyph image:
	mpProcessedImage = new GrayImage<>();
	PreprocessingResults::preprocessGlyph(parameters, glyphImage, *mpProcessedImage, &isWhiteSpace);
//	pImageChar->pPreprImage = mpProcessedImage;
//	std::cout << "finished processing image " << i << std::endl;
//	std::cout << mProcessedImagesVec[i] << std::endl;

	if (isWhiteSpace) { // jump out as this is a whitespace character

#if 1
	// 2nd: compute integral invariant image:
	int radius = 2; bool oddSize = true;
	Kernel<> mask;
	Kernel<>::createSphereKernel( mask, radius, oddSize );
//	std::cout << mask << std::endl;
	mpIntInvImage = new GrayImage<float>();
	ImageIntegralInvariant::calcIntegralInvariantImage( mask, *mpProcessedImage, *mpIntInvImage );

#if 1
	// 3rd: compute distance transform of inverted(!) glyph:
	GrayImage<> invPreprocessedGlyphImage = *mpProcessedImage;
	mpDistTransformImage = new GrayImage<float>();
	ImageFilter::distTransform(invPreprocessedGlyphImage, *mpDistTransformImage);

} // end computePreprocessings(ImageChar *pImageChar)
void AppCanvas::readDepthPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h, GrayImage& oImage) const
	float *z = new float[w * h];
	memset(z, 0, sizeof(float) * w * h);
	int xsch = width();
	int ysch = height();
	if (_pass_z.buf) {
		int xmin = border().getMin().x();
		int ymin = border().getMin().y();
		int xmax = border().getMax().x();
		int ymax = border().getMax().y();
		int rectx = _pass_z.width;
		int recty = _pass_z.height;
		float xfac = ((float)rectx) / ((float)(xmax - xmin));
		float yfac = ((float)recty) / ((float)(ymax - ymin));
#if 0
		if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_FREESTYLE) {
			printf("readDepthPixels %d x %d @ (%d, %d) in %d x %d [%d x %d] -- %d x %d @ %d%%\n", w, h, x, y,
			       xsch, ysch, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin, rectx, recty, (int)(xfac * 100.0f));
		int ii, jj;
		for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) {
			jj = (int)((y - ymin + j) * yfac);
			if (jj < 0 || jj >= recty)
			for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) {
				ii = (int)((x - xmin + i) * xfac);
				if (ii < 0 || ii >= rectx)
				z[w * j + i] = _pass_z.buf[rectx * jj + ii];
	oImage.setArray(z, xsch, ysch, w, h, x, y, false);
void SteerableViewMap::saveSteerableViewMap() const
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= _nbOrientations; ++i) {
		if (_imagesPyramids[i] == 0) {
			cerr << "SteerableViewMap warning: orientation " << i <<
			        " of steerable View Map whas not been computed yet" << endl;
		int ow = _imagesPyramids[i]->width(0);
		int oh = _imagesPyramids[i]->height(0);

		//soc QString base("SteerableViewMap");
		string base("SteerableViewMap");
		stringstream filename;

		for (int j = 0; j < _imagesPyramids[i]->getNumberOfLevels(); ++j) { //soc
			float coeff = 1.0f; // 1 / 255.0f; // 100 * 255; // * pow(2, j);
			//soc QImage qtmp(ow, oh, QImage::Format_RGB32);
			ImBuf *ibuf = IMB_allocImBuf(ow, oh, 32, IB_rect);
			int rowbytes = ow * 4;
			char *pix;

			for (int y = 0; y < oh; ++y) { //soc
				for (int x = 0; x < ow; ++x) { //soc
					int c = (int)(coeff * _imagesPyramids[i]->pixel(x, y, j));
					if (c > 255)
						c = 255;
					//int c = (int)(_imagesPyramids[i]->pixel(x, y, j));

					//soc qtmp.setPixel(x, y, qRgb(c, c, c));
					pix = (char *)ibuf->rect + y * rowbytes + x * 4;
					pix[0] = pix[1] = pix[2] = c;

			//soc qtmp.save(base+QString::number(i)+"-"+QString::number(j)+".png", "PNG");
			filename << base;
			filename << i << "-" << j << ".png";
			ibuf->ftype = PNG;
			IMB_saveiff(ibuf, const_cast<char *>(filename.str().c_str()), 0);
#if 0
		QString base("SteerableViewMap");
		for (unsigned j = 0; j < _imagesPyramids[i]->getNumberOfLevels(); ++j) {
			GrayImage *img = _imagesPyramids[i]->getLevel(j);
			int ow = img->width();
			int oh = img->height();
			float coeff = 1.0f; // 100 * 255; // * pow(2, j);
			QImage qtmp(ow, oh, 32);
			for (unsigned int y = 0; y < oh; ++y) {
				for (unsigned int x = 0; x < ow; ++x) {
					int c = (int)(coeff * img->pixel(x, y));
					if (c > 255)
						c = 255;
					//int c = (int)(_imagesPyramids[i]->pixel(x, y, j));
					qtmp.setPixel(x, y, qRgb(c, c, c));
			qtmp.save(base + QString::number(i) + "-" + QString::number(j) + ".png", "PNG");
float ImagePyramid::pixel(int x, int y, int level)
	GrayImage *img = _levels[level];
	if (0 == level) {
		return img->pixel(x, y);
	unsigned int i  = 1 << level;
	unsigned int sx = x >> level;
	unsigned int sy = y >> level;
	if (sx >= img->width())
		sx = img->width() - 1;
	if (sy >= img->height())
		sy = img->height() - 1;

	// bilinear interpolation
	float A = i * (sx + 1) - x;
	float B = x - i * sx;
	float C = i * (sy + 1) - y;
	float D = y - i * sy;

	float P1(0), P2(0);
	P1 = A * img->pixel(sx, sy);
	if (sx < img->width() - 1) {
		if (x % i != 0)
			P1 += B * img->pixel(sx + 1, sy);
	else {
		P1 += B * img->pixel(sx, sy);
	if (sy < img->height() - 1) {
		if (y % i != 0) {
			P2 = A * img->pixel(sx, sy + 1);
			if (sx < img->width() - 1) {
				if (x % i != 0)
					P2 += B * img->pixel(sx + 1, sy + 1);
			else {
				P2 += B * img->pixel(sx, sy + 1);
	else {
		P2 = P1;
	return (1.0f / (float)(1 << (2 * level))) * (C * P1 + D * P2);
/*static*/ void PreprocessingResults::preprocessGlyph(
												const PreprocessingParameters parameters,
												const GrayImage<> &src,
												GrayImage<> &dst,
												bool *whitespace/*=NULL*/
	//		std::cout << preprocessedGlyphImage << std::endl;
			GrayImage<> tmpImage1 = src;
//			dst = src;

			if (parameters.binarize) { // binarize image
			if (parameters.invert) { // invert image
			if (parameters.preMedian) { // do pre median filtering
				dst = tmpImage1;
				ImFi::median(dst, tmpImage1, parameters.preMedianMaskSize);

//			tmpImage1.show("nachinvert");

			double thresh = 0.05;
			double pixelDens = tmpImage1.pixelDensity();
			bool isWs = false;
			if (pixelDens < thresh) { isWs = true; }
			if (whitespace != NULL) *whitespace = isWs;

//			dst = tmpImage1;
//			isWs = makeWhitespaceImageOne(dst, tmpImage1, thresh);
			if (!isWs) {
//			tmpImage1.show("nachwhitespace");

	//		std::cout << tmpImage1 << std::endl;
			// do size normalization:
			dst = tmpImage1;
			uint8 padValue = 0;

#if 0
			// compute center of mass index:
			Index ctrOfMassIndex;
			dst.computeCenterOfMassIndex(ctrOfMassIndex, true);
			// center image on center of mass:
			ImOp::extendToCenter(dst, tmpImage1, ctrOfMassIndex, 0, padValue);
			dst.computeCenterOfMassCenteredImage(tmpImage1, padValue);
//			tmpImage1.show("nachcenterofmass");
	//		std::cout << tmpImage2 << std::endl;
		 // 		CV_INTER_NN - nearest-neigbor interpolation,
		 // 		CV_INTER_LINEAR - bilinear interpolation (used by default)
		 // 		CV_INTER_AREA - resampling using pixel area relation. It is preferred method for image decimation that gives moire-free results. In case of zooming it is similar to CV_INTER_NN method.
		 // 		CV_INTER_CUBIC - bicubic interpolation.
			tmpImage1.resize(parameters.sizeNormWidth, parameters.sizeNormHeight, CV_INTER_LINEAR);
//			tmpImage1.show("nachresize");
//			std::cout << tmpImage1 << std::endl;

			if (parameters.postMedian) { // do pre median filtering
				dst = tmpImage1;
				ImFi::median(dst, tmpImage1, parameters.postMedianMaskSize);

//			tmpImage1.show("nachbinarize");

			dst = tmpImage1;
			} // end if not whitespace
			else {
				dst.init(parameters.sizeNormWidth, parameters.sizeNormHeight);
				dst(0,0) = 255;

} // end preprocessGlyph