int gridfs_getattr(const char *path, struct stat *stbuf)
  int res = 0;
  memset(stbuf, 0, sizeof(struct stat));

  if(strcmp(path, "/") == 0) {
    stbuf->st_mode = S_IFDIR | 0777;
    stbuf->st_nlink = 2;
    return 0;

  path = fuse_to_mongo_path(path);

  map<string,LocalGridFile*>::const_iterator file_iter;
  file_iter = open_files.find(path);

  if(file_iter != open_files.end()) {
    stbuf->st_mode = S_IFREG | 0555;
    stbuf->st_nlink = 1;
    stbuf->st_ctime = time(NULL);
    stbuf->st_mtime = time(NULL);
    stbuf->st_size = file_iter->second->getLength();
    return 0;

  // HACK: This is a protective measure to ensure we don't spin off into forever if a path without a period is requested.
  if(path_depth(path) > 10) {
    return -ENOENT;

  // HACK: Assumes that if the last part of the path has a '.' in it, it's the leaf of the path, and if we haven't found a match by now,
  // give up and go home. This works just dandy as long as you avoid putting periods in your 'directory' names.
  /*if(!is_leaf(path)) {
    stbuf->st_mode = S_IFDIR | 0777;
    stbuf->st_nlink = 2;
    return 0;

  ScopedDbConnection sdc(*gridfs_options.conn_string);
  GridFS gf(sdc.conn(), gridfs_options.db, gridfs_options.prefix);
  GridFile file = gf.findFile(path);

  if(!file.exists()) {
    return -ENOENT;

  stbuf->st_mode = S_IFREG | 0555;
  stbuf->st_nlink = 1;
  stbuf->st_size = file.getContentLength();

  time_t upload_time = mongo_time_to_unix_time(file.getUploadDate());
  stbuf->st_ctime = upload_time;
  stbuf->st_mtime = upload_time;

  return 0;
 * date = gridfile:upload_date()
static int gridfile_upload_date(lua_State *L) {
    GridFile *gridfile = userdata_to_gridfile(L, 1);

    Date_t upload_date = gridfile->getUploadDate();

    push_bsontype_table(L, mongo::Date);
    lua_pushnumber(L, upload_date);
    lua_rawseti(L, -2, 1);

    return 1;
int LocalMemoryGridFile::flush() {
	trace() << " -> LocalMemoryGridFile::flush {file: " << _filename << "}" << endl;
	if (!_dirty) {
		// Since, there are no dirty chunks, this does not need a flush
		info() << "buffers are not dirty.. need not flush {filename: " << _filename << "}" << endl;
		return 0;

	size_t bufferLen = 0;
	boost::shared_array<char> buffer = createFlushBuffer(bufferLen);
	if (!buffer.get() && bufferLen > 0) {
		// Failed to create flush buffer
		return -ENOMEM;

	// Get the existing gridfile from GridFS to get metadata and delete the
	// file from the system
	try {
		ScopedDbConnection dbc(globalFSOptions._connectString);
		GridFS gridFS(dbc.conn(), globalFSOptions._db, globalFSOptions._collPrefix);
		GridFile origGridFile = gridFS.findFile(BSON("filename" << _filename));

		if (!origGridFile.exists()) {
			warn() << "Requested file not found for flushing back data {file: " << _filename << "}" << endl;
			return -EBADF;

		//TODO: Make checks for appropriate object correctness
		//i.e. do not update anything that is not a Regular File
		//Check what happens in case of a link

		trace() << "Removing the current file from GridFS {file: " << _filename << "}" << endl;
		//TODO: Check for remove status if that was successfull or not
		//TODO: Rather have an update along with active / passive flag for the

		try {
			GridFS gridFS(dbc.conn(), globalFSOptions._db, globalFSOptions._collPrefix);

			// Create an empty file to signify the file creation and open a local file for the same
			trace() << "Adding new file to GridFS {file: " << _filename << "}" << endl;
			BSONObj fileObj = gridFS.storeFile(buffer.get(), bufferLen, _filename);
			if (!fileObj.isValid()) {
				warn() << "Failed to save file object in data flush {file: " << _filename << "}" << std::endl;
				return -EBADF;

			// Update the last updated date for the document
			BSONObj metadata = origGridFile.getMetadata();
			BSONElement fileObjId = fileObj.getField("_id");
			dbc->update(globalFSOptions._filesNS, BSON("_id" << fileObjId.OID()), 
					BSON("$set" << BSON(
								"uploadDate" << origGridFile.getUploadDate() 
								<< "metadata.type" << "file"
								<< "metadata.filename" << mgridfs::getPathBasename(_filename)
								<< "metadata.directory" << mgridfs::getPathDirname(_filename)
								<< "metadata.lastUpdated" << jsTime()
								<< "metadata.uid" << metadata["uid"]
								<< "metadata.gid" << metadata["gid"]
								<< "metadata.mode" << metadata["mode"]
	} catch (DBException& e) {
			error() << "Caught exception in saving remote file in flush {code: " << e.getCode() << ", what: " << e.what()
				<< ", exception: " << e.toString() << "}" << endl;
			return -EIO;

	} catch (DBException& e) {
		// Something failed in getting the file from GridFS
		error() << "Caught exception in getting remote file for flush {code: " << e.getCode() << ", what: " << e.what()
			<< ", exception: " << e.toString() << "}" << endl;
		return -EIO;

	_dirty = false;
	debug() << "Completed flushing the file content to GridFS {file: " << _filename << "}" << endl;
	return 0;