void GstEnginePipeline::SourceDrainedCallback(GstURIDecodeBin* bin,
                                              gpointer self) {
  GstEnginePipeline* instance = reinterpret_cast<GstEnginePipeline*>(self);

  if (instance->has_next_valid_url()) {
void GstEnginePipeline::SourceDrainedCallback(GstURIDecodeBin* bin,
                                              gpointer self) {
  GstEnginePipeline* instance = reinterpret_cast<GstEnginePipeline*>(self);

  if (instance->has_next_valid_url() &&
      // I'm not sure why, but calling this when previous track is a local song
      // and the next track is a Spotify song is buggy: the Spotify song will
      // not start or with some offset. So just do nothing here: when the song
      // finished, EndOfStreamReached/TrackEnded will be emitted anyway so
      // NextItem will be called.
      !(instance->url_.scheme() != "spotify" &&
        instance->next_url_.scheme() == "spotify")) {
bool GstEnginePipeline::HandoffCallback(GstPad*, GstBuffer* buf,
                                        gpointer self) {
  GstEnginePipeline* instance = reinterpret_cast<GstEnginePipeline*>(self);

  QList<BufferConsumer*> consumers;
    QMutexLocker l(&instance->buffer_consumers_mutex_);
    consumers = instance->buffer_consumers_;

  for (BufferConsumer* consumer : consumers) {
    consumer->ConsumeBuffer(buf, instance->id());

  // Calculate the end time of this buffer so we can stop playback if it's
  // after the end time of this song.
  if (instance->end_offset_nanosec_ > 0) {
    quint64 start_time = GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP(buf) - instance->segment_start_;
    quint64 duration = GST_BUFFER_DURATION(buf);
    quint64 end_time = start_time + duration;

    if (end_time > instance->end_offset_nanosec_) {
      if (instance->has_next_valid_url()) {
        if (instance->next_url_ == instance->url_ &&
            instance->next_beginning_offset_nanosec_ ==
                instance->end_offset_nanosec_) {
          // The "next" song is actually the next segment of this file - so
          // cheat and keep on playing, but just tell the Engine we've moved on.
          instance->end_offset_nanosec_ = instance->next_end_offset_nanosec_;
          instance->next_url_ = QUrl();
          instance->next_beginning_offset_nanosec_ = 0;
          instance->next_end_offset_nanosec_ = 0;

          // GstEngine will try to seek to the start of the new section, but
          // we're already there so ignore it.
          instance->ignore_next_seek_ = true;
          emit instance->EndOfStreamReached(instance->id(), true);
        } else {
          // We have a next song but we can't cheat, so move to it normally.
      } else {
        // There's no next song
        emit instance->EndOfStreamReached(instance->id(), false);

  if (instance->emit_track_ended_on_time_discontinuity_) {
        GST_BUFFER_OFFSET(buf) < instance->last_buffer_offset_) {
      qLog(Debug) << "Buffer discontinuity - emitting EOS";
      instance->emit_track_ended_on_time_discontinuity_ = false;
      emit instance->EndOfStreamReached(instance->id(), true);

  instance->last_buffer_offset_ = GST_BUFFER_OFFSET(buf);

  return true;