HDBNode::write(HDBHandle& hdl, EWriteHeaderFlag onlyHeader)
	if (!m_pdata)
		OW_THROW(HDBException, "Internal error: Cannot write null node");
	bool newRecord = false;
	m_pdata->m_blk.keyLength = m_pdata->m_key.length() + 1;
	m_pdata->m_blk.dataLength = m_pdata->m_bfrLen + m_pdata->m_key.length() + 1;
	File file = hdl.getFile();
	HDB* phdb = hdl.getHDB();
	int totalSize = m_pdata->m_blk.dataLength + sizeof(m_pdata->m_blk);
	m_pdata->m_blk.isFree = false;
	if (m_pdata->m_offset <= 0)	// Is this a new node?
		newRecord = true;
		m_pdata->m_blk.size = totalSize;
		m_pdata->m_offset = phdb->findBlock(file, totalSize);
		if (m_pdata->m_blk.parent <= 0)
			phdb->addRootNode(file, m_pdata->m_blk, m_pdata->m_offset);
			HDB::writeBlock(m_pdata->m_blk, file, m_pdata->m_offset);
		// Add this entry to the index
		if (!hdl.addIndexEntry(m_pdata->m_key.c_str(), m_pdata->m_offset))
			OW_THROW(HDBException, "Failed to write index entry");
		// If the size required to hold this node has increased,
		// then delete the old block and add a new one.
		if (totalSize > int(m_pdata->m_blk.size))
			HDBBlock node = m_pdata->m_blk;
			phdb->addBlockToFreeList(file, node, m_pdata->m_offset); // delete old
			m_pdata->m_blk.size = totalSize;
			updateOffsets(hdl, phdb->findBlock(file, totalSize));
		HDB::writeBlock(m_pdata->m_blk, file, m_pdata->m_offset);
	if (onlyHeader == false || newRecord == true)
		// Now write key and data for node
		if (file.write(m_pdata->m_key.c_str(), m_pdata->m_key.length()+1)
			!= m_pdata->m_key.length()+1)
			OW_THROW_ERRNO_MSG(HDBException, "Failed to write node key");
		if (file.write(m_pdata->m_bfr, m_pdata->m_bfrLen)
			!= size_t(m_pdata->m_bfrLen))
			OW_THROW_ERRNO_MSG(HDBException, "Failed to write node data");
	m_pdata->m_version = hdl.registerWrite();
	return m_pdata->m_offset;