void HTMLDocumentImpl::close()
    bool doload = !parsing() && m_tokenizer;


    HTMLElementImpl* b = body();
    if (b && doload) {
        // According to dom the load event must not bubble
        // but other browsers execute in a frameset document
        // the first(IE)/last(Moz/Konq) registered onload on a <frame> and the
        // first(IE)/last(Moz/Konq) registered onload on a <frameset>.

        // The body has the listener for <frame onload>
        b->dispatchWindowEvent(EventImpl::LOAD_EVENT, false, false);

        b = body(); // the onload code could have changed it (e.g. document.open/write/close)

        // The document has the listener for <frameset onload>
        if (b && b->id() == ID_FRAMESET)
            getDocument()->dispatchWindowEvent(EventImpl::LOAD_EVENT, false, false);

        // don't update rendering if we're going to redirect anyway
        if ( view() && ( view()->part()->d->m_redirectURL.isNull() ||
                         view()->part()->d->m_delayRedirect > 1 ) )