static ParsedContentRange parseContentRangeInHeader(const HTTPHeaderMap& headers)
    String contentRangeValue = headers.get(HTTPHeaderName::ContentRange);
    if (contentRangeValue.isEmpty())
        return ParsedContentRange();

    return ParsedContentRange(contentRangeValue);
NPError PluginView::handlePost(const char* url, const char* target, uint32 len, const char* buf, bool file, void* notifyData, bool sendNotification, bool allowHeaders)
    if (!url || !len || !buf)
        return NPERR_INVALID_PARAM;

    FrameLoadRequest frameLoadRequest;

    HTTPHeaderMap headerFields;
    Vector<char> buffer;
    if (file) {
        NPError readResult = handlePostReadFile(buffer, len, buf);
        if(readResult != NPERR_NO_ERROR)
            return readResult;
    } else {
        memcpy(buffer.data(), buf, len);

    const char* postData = buffer.data();
    int postDataLength = buffer.size();

    if (allowHeaders) {
        if (startsWithBlankLine(buffer)) {
        } else {
            int location = locationAfterFirstBlankLine(buffer);
            if (location != -1) {
                // If the blank line is somewhere in the middle of the buffer, everything before is the header
                headerFields = parseRFC822HeaderFields(buffer, location);
                unsigned dataLength = buffer.size() - location;

                // Sometimes plugins like to set Content-Length themselves when they post,
                // but WebFoundation does not like that. So we will remove the header
                // and instead truncate the data to the requested length.
                String contentLength = headerFields.get("Content-Length");

                if (!contentLength.isNull())
                    dataLength = min(contentLength.toInt(), (int)dataLength);

                postData += location;
                postDataLength = dataLength;

    frameLoadRequest.resourceRequest().setURL(makeURL(m_baseURL, url));
    frameLoadRequest.resourceRequest().setHTTPBody(FormData::create(postData, postDataLength));

    return load(frameLoadRequest, sendNotification, notifyData);
static std::optional<std::chrono::system_clock::time_point> parseDateValueInHeader(const HTTPHeaderMap& headers, HTTPHeaderName headerName)
    String headerValue = headers.get(headerName);
    if (headerValue.isEmpty())
        return { };
    // This handles all date formats required by RFC2616:
    // Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT  ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123
    // Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036
    // Sun Nov  6 08:49:37 1994       ; ANSI C's asctime() format
    return parseHTTPDate(headerValue);
static NPError parsePostBuffer(bool isFile, const char *buffer, uint32_t length, bool parseHeaders, HTTPHeaderMap& headerFields, Vector<uint8_t>& bodyData)
    RefPtr<SharedBuffer> fileContents;
    const char* postBuffer = 0;
    uint32_t postBufferSize = 0;

    if (isFile) {
        fileContents = SharedBuffer::createWithContentsOfFile(String::fromUTF8(buffer));
        if (!fileContents)
            return NPERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;

        postBuffer = fileContents->data();
        postBufferSize = fileContents->size();

        // FIXME: The NPAPI spec states that the file should be deleted here.
    } else {
        postBuffer = buffer;
        postBufferSize = length;

    if (parseHeaders) {
        if (startsWithBlankLine(postBuffer, postBufferSize)) {
        } else {
            int location = locationAfterFirstBlankLine(postBuffer, postBufferSize);
            if (location != -1) {
                // If the blank line is somewhere in the middle of the buffer, everything before is the header
                headerFields = parseRFC822HeaderFields(postBuffer, location);
                unsigned dataLength = postBufferSize - location;
                // Sometimes plugins like to set Content-Length themselves when they post,
                // but WebFoundation does not like that. So we will remove the header
                // and instead truncate the data to the requested length.
                String contentLength = headerFields.get("Content-Length");
                if (!contentLength.isNull())
                    dataLength = min(contentLength.toInt(), (int)dataLength);
                postBuffer += location;
                postBufferSize = dataLength;

    bodyData.append(postBuffer, postBufferSize);

    return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
static double parseDateValueInHeader(const HTTPHeaderMap& headers, const AtomicString& headerName)
    const AtomicString& headerValue = headers.get(headerName);
    if (headerValue.isEmpty())
        return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
    // This handles all date formats required by RFC2616:
    // Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT  ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123
    // Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036
    // Sun Nov  6 08:49:37 1994       ; ANSI C's asctime() format
    double dateInMilliseconds = parseDate(headerValue);
    if (!std::isfinite(dateInMilliseconds))
        return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
    return dateInMilliseconds / 1000;
static HTTPHeaderMap parseRFC822HeaderFields(const char* bytes, unsigned length)
    String lastHeaderKey;
    HTTPHeaderMap headerFields;

    // Loop over lines until we're past the header, or we can't find any more end-of-lines
    while (const char* endOfLine = findEndOfLine(bytes, length)) {
        const char* line = bytes;
        int lineLength = endOfLine - bytes;

        // Move bytes to the character after the terminator as returned by findEndOfLine.
        bytes = endOfLine + 1;
        if ((*endOfLine == '\r') && (*bytes == '\n'))
            bytes++; // Safe since findEndOfLine won't return a spanning CRLF.

        length -= (bytes - line);
        if (!lineLength) {
            // Blank line; we're at the end of the header

        if (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t') {
            // Continuation of the previous header
            if (lastHeaderKey.isNull()) {
                // malformed header; ignore it and continue
            // Merge the continuation of the previous header
            String currentValue = headerFields.get(lastHeaderKey);
            String newValue(line, lineLength);
            headerFields.set(lastHeaderKey, currentValue + newValue);
        } else {
            // Brand new header
            const char* colon = line;
            while (*colon != ':' && colon != endOfLine)

            if (colon == endOfLine) {
                // malformed header; ignore it and continue

            lastHeaderKey = capitalizeRFC822HeaderFieldName(String(line, colon - line));
            String value;
            for (colon++; colon != endOfLine; colon++) {
                if (*colon != ' ' && *colon != '\t')
            if (colon == endOfLine)
                value = "";
                value = String(colon, endOfLine - colon);
            String oldValue = headerFields.get(lastHeaderKey);
            if (!oldValue.isNull())
                value = oldValue + ", " + value;
            headerFields.set(lastHeaderKey, value);

    return headerFields;
static inline HTTPHeaderMap parseRFC822HeaderFields(const Vector<char>& buffer, unsigned length)
    const char* bytes = buffer.data();
    const char* eol;
    String lastKey;
    HTTPHeaderMap headerFields;

    // Loop ove rlines until we're past the header, or we can't find any more end-of-lines
    while ((eol = findEOL(bytes, length))) {
        const char* line = bytes;
        int lineLength = eol - bytes;
        // Move bytes to the character after the terminator as returned by findEOL.
        bytes = eol + 1;
        if ((*eol == '\r') && (*bytes == '\n'))
            bytes++; // Safe since findEOL won't return a spanning CRLF.

        length -= (bytes - line);
        if (lineLength == 0)
            // Blank line; we're at the end of the header
        else if (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t') {
            // Continuation of the previous header
            if (lastKey.isNull()) {
                // malformed header; ignore it and continue
            } else {
                // Merge the continuation of the previous header
                String currentValue = headerFields.get(lastKey);
                String newValue(line, lineLength);

                headerFields.set(lastKey, currentValue + newValue);
        } else {
            // Brand new header
            const char* colon;
            for (colon = line; *colon != ':' && colon != eol; colon++) {
                // empty loop
            if (colon == eol) 
                // malformed header; ignore it and continue
            else {
                lastKey = capitalizeRFC822HeaderFieldName(String(line, colon - line));
                String value;

                for (colon++; colon != eol; colon++) {
                    if (*colon != ' ' && *colon != '\t')
                if (colon == eol)
                    value = "";
                    value = String(colon, eol - colon);

                String oldValue = headerFields.get(lastKey);
                if (!oldValue.isNull()) {
                    String tmp = oldValue;
                    tmp += ", ";
                    tmp += value;
                    value = tmp;

                headerFields.set(lastKey, value);

    return headerFields;