void DisplayDevice::swapBuffers(HWComposer& hwc) const {
    // We need to call eglSwapBuffers() unless:
    // (a) there was no GLES composition this frame, or
    // (b) we're using a legacy HWC with no framebuffer target support (in
    //     which case HWComposer::commit() handles things).
    if (hwc.initCheck() != NO_ERROR ||
            (hwc.hasGlesComposition(mHwcDisplayId) &&
             hwc.supportsFramebufferTarget())) {
        EGLBoolean success = eglSwapBuffers(mDisplay, mSurface);
        if (!success) {
            EGLint error = eglGetError();
            if (error == EGL_CONTEXT_LOST ||
                    mType == DisplayDevice::DISPLAY_PRIMARY) {
                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("eglSwapBuffers(%p, %p) failed with 0x%08x",
                        mDisplay, mSurface, error);
            } else {
                ALOGE("eglSwapBuffers(%p, %p) failed with 0x%08x",
                        mDisplay, mSurface, error);

    status_t result = mDisplaySurface->advanceFrame();
    if (result != NO_ERROR) {
        ALOGE("[%s] failed pushing new frame to HWC: %d",
                mDisplayName.string(), result);
void DisplayDevice::swapBuffers(HWComposer& hwc) const {
    // We need to call eglSwapBuffers() if:
    //  (1) we don't have a hardware composer, or
    //  (2) we did GLES composition this frame, and either
    //    (a) we have framebuffer target support (not present on legacy
    //        devices, where HWComposer::commit() handles things); or
    //    (b) this is a virtual display
    if (hwc.initCheck() != NO_ERROR ||
            (hwc.hasGlesComposition(mHwcDisplayId) &&
             (hwc.supportsFramebufferTarget() || mType >= DISPLAY_VIRTUAL))) {
        EGLBoolean success = eglSwapBuffers(mDisplay, mSurface);
        if (!success) {
            EGLint error = eglGetError();
            if (error == EGL_CONTEXT_LOST ||
                    mType == DisplayDevice::DISPLAY_PRIMARY) {
                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("eglSwapBuffers(%p, %p) failed with 0x%08x",
                        mDisplay, mSurface, error);
            } else {
                ALOGE("eglSwapBuffers(%p, %p) failed with 0x%08x",
                        mDisplay, mSurface, error);

    status_t result = mDisplaySurface->advanceFrame();
    if (result != NO_ERROR) {
        ALOGE("[%s] failed pushing new frame to HWC: %d",
                mDisplayName.string(), result);
void DisplayDevice::swapBuffers(HWComposer& hwc) const {
    EGLBoolean success = EGL_TRUE;
    if (hwc.initCheck() != NO_ERROR) {
        // no HWC, we call eglSwapBuffers()
        success = eglSwapBuffers(mDisplay, mSurface);
    } else {
        // We have a valid HWC, but not all displays can use it, in particular
        // the virtual displays are on their own.
        // TODO: HWC 1.2 will allow virtual displays
        if (mType >= DisplayDevice::DISPLAY_VIRTUAL) {
            // always call eglSwapBuffers() for virtual displays
            success = eglSwapBuffers(mDisplay, mSurface);
        } else if (hwc.supportsFramebufferTarget()) {
            // as of hwc 1.1 we always call eglSwapBuffers if we have some
            // GLES layers
            if (hwc.hasGlesComposition(mType)) {
                success = eglSwapBuffers(mDisplay, mSurface);
        } else {
            // HWC doesn't have the framebuffer target, we don't call
            // eglSwapBuffers(), since this is handled by HWComposer::commit().

    if (!success) {
        EGLint error = eglGetError();
        if (error == EGL_CONTEXT_LOST ||
                mType == DisplayDevice::DISPLAY_PRIMARY) {
            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("eglSwapBuffers(%p, %p) failed with 0x%08x",
                    mDisplay, mSurface, error);
void DisplayDevice::onSwapBuffersCompleted(HWComposer& hwc) const {
    if (hwc.initCheck() == NO_ERROR) {
        if (hwc.supportsFramebufferTarget()) {
            int fd = hwc.getAndResetReleaseFenceFd(mType);
void DisplayDevice::swapBuffers(HWComposer& hwc) const {
    // We need to call eglSwapBuffers() if:
    //  (1) we don't have a hardware composer, or
    //  (2) we did GLES composition this frame, and either
    //    (a) we have framebuffer target support (not present on legacy
    //        devices, where HWComposer::commit() handles things); or
    //    (b) this is a virtual display
    if (hwc.initCheck() != NO_ERROR ||
            (hwc.hasGlesComposition(mHwcDisplayId) &&
             (hwc.supportsFramebufferTarget() || mType >= DISPLAY_VIRTUAL))) {
        // layer swap applied for HWC 1.1 and later
        EGLBoolean success = EGL_TRUE;
        if (mLayersSwapRequired) {
            if (mType == DisplayDevice::DISPLAY_PRIMARY)

            if (CC_UNLIKELY(mFlinger->sPropertiesState.mLineG3D))

            success = eglSwapBuffers(mDisplay, mSurface);
        EGLBoolean success = eglSwapBuffers(mDisplay, mSurface);
        if (!success) {
            EGLint error = eglGetError();
            if (error == EGL_CONTEXT_LOST ||
                    mType == DisplayDevice::DISPLAY_PRIMARY) {
                LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("eglSwapBuffers(%p, %p) failed with 0x%08x",
                                 mDisplay, mSurface, error);
            } else {
                ALOGE("eglSwapBuffers(%p, %p) failed with 0x%08x",
                      mDisplay, mSurface, error);

    status_t result = mDisplaySurface->advanceFrame();
    if (result != NO_ERROR) {
        ALOGE("[%s] failed pushing new frame to HWC: %d",
              mDisplayName.string(), result);

    // log display device FPS info for performace check
    if (true == mFps.update()) {
        ALOGI("[%s (type:%d)] fps:%f,dur:%.2f,max:%.2f,min:%.2f",
              mDisplayName.string(), mType,
              mFps.getLastLogDuration() / 1e6,
              mFps.getMaxDuration() / 1e6,
              mFps.getMinDuration() / 1e6);