int SerializePart(google::protobuf::Message *message, Handle<Object> subj) { NanScope(); // get a reflection const Reflection *r = message->GetReflection(); const Descriptor *d = message->GetDescriptor(); // build a list of required properties vector<string> required; for (int i = 0; i < d->field_count(); i++) { const FieldDescriptor *field = d->field(i); if (field->is_required()) required.push_back(field->name()); } // build a reflection // get properties of passed object Local<Array> properties = subj->GetPropertyNames(); uint32_t len = properties->Length(); // check that all required properties are present for (uint32_t i = 0; i < required.size(); i++) { Handle<String> key = String::New(; if (!subj->Has(key)) return -1; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { Local<Value> property = properties->Get(i); Local<String> property_s = property->ToString(); if (*property_s == NULL) continue; String::Utf8Value temp(property); std::string propertyName = std::string(*temp); const FieldDescriptor *field = d->FindFieldByName(propertyName); if (field == NULL) continue; Local<Value> val = subj->Get(property); if (field->is_repeated()) { if (!val->IsArray()) continue; Handle<Array> array = val.As<Array>(); int len = array->Length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) SerializeField(message, r, field, array->Get(i)); } else { SerializeField(message, r, field, val); } } return 0; }
void Ti::TiProxy::initWithObject(Handle<Object> obj) { HandleScope scope; Local<Array> props = obj->GetPropertyNames(); for(int i = 0, len = props->Length(); i < len; i++) { Local<String> key = props->Get(i)->ToString(); Local<Value> val = obj->Get(key); _jsObject->Set(key, val); } }
void CloneObject(Handle<Object> src, Handle<Object> dest){ HandleScope scope; v8::Local<v8::Array> keys = src->GetPropertyNames(); TryCatch try_catch; int ignored = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < keys->Length(); i++) { v8::Handle<v8::String> key = keys->Get(i)->ToString(); if (key->Length() > 0){ v8::Handle<v8::Value> value = src->Get(key); dest->Set(key, value); } } }
void ContactsPersonProxy::_setEmail(void* userContext, Handle<Value> value) { ContactsPersonProxy *obj = (ContactsPersonProxy*) userContext; if(!value->IsObject()) return; Handle<Object> emailObject = value->ToObject(); Local<Array> emailProperties = emailObject->GetPropertyNames(); for(int i = 0, len = emailProperties->Length(); i < len; i++) { Local<String> allEmailsKey = emailProperties->Get(i)->ToString(); Local<Value> allEmailsValue = emailObject->Get(allEmailsKey); AttributeSubKind::Type subKind = AttributeSubKind::Other; QString allEmailsKeyString = titanium::V8ValueToQString(allEmailsKey).toLower(); if(allEmailsKeyString == "work") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::Work; } else if(allEmailsKeyString == "personal") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::Personal; } else if(allEmailsKeyString == "home") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::Home; } if(!allEmailsValue->IsArray()) return; Local<Array> emails = Local<Array>::Cast(allEmailsValue); for(int i = 0, len = emails->Length(); i < len; i++) { Local<Value> emailValue = emails->Get(Number::New(i)); if(emailValue->IsString() || emailValue->IsNumber()) { obj->setContactDetails(AttributeKind::Email, subKind, emailValue); } else { // Something goes here, throw an error? } } } }
void ContactsPersonProxy::_setPhone(void* userContext, Handle<Value> value) { ContactsPersonProxy *obj = (ContactsPersonProxy*) userContext; if(!value->IsObject()) return; Handle<Object> phoneObject = value->ToObject(); Local<Array> phoneProperties = phoneObject->GetPropertyNames(); for(int i = 0, len = phoneProperties->Length(); i < len; i++) { Local<String> phoneKey = phoneProperties->Get(i)->ToString(); Local<Value> phoneValue = phoneObject->Get(phoneKey); AttributeSubKind::Type subKind = AttributeSubKind::Other; QString phoneStringValue = titanium::V8ValueToQString(phoneKey); if(phoneStringValue == "home") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::Home; } else if(phoneStringValue == "work") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::Work; } else if(phoneStringValue == "mobile") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::PhoneMobile; } if(!phoneValue->IsArray()) return; Local<Array> phones = Local<Array>::Cast(phoneValue); for(int i = 0, len = phones->Length(); i < len; i++) { Local<Value> currentMessage = phones->Get(Number::New(i)); if(!currentMessage->IsString()) return; obj->setContactDetails(AttributeKind::Phone, subKind, currentMessage); } } }
Handle<Value> MSAddSpawner(const Arguments& args) { HandleScope scope; dtEntity::MapSystem* ms = UnwrapMapSystem(args.This()); if(args.Length() != 1) { return ThrowError("Usage: addSpawner({components, name, guicategory, mapname, addtospawnerstore, iconpath})"); } Handle<Object> obj = Handle<Object>::Cast(args[0]); Handle<Value> vname = obj->Get(String::New("name")); Handle<Value> vcomponents = obj->Get(String::New("components")); if(vname.IsEmpty() || vcomponents.IsEmpty()) { return ThrowError("Usage: addSpawner({components, name, guicategory, mapname, addtospawnerstore, iconpath, parentname})"); } Handle<Value> vguicategory = obj->Get(String::New("guicategory")); Handle<Value> vmapname = obj->Get(String::New("mapname")); Handle<Value> vaddtospawnerstore = obj->Get(String::New("addtospawnerstore")); Handle<Value> viconpath = obj->Get(String::New("iconpath")); Handle<Value> vparentname = obj->Get(String::New("parentname")); std::string name = ToStdString(vname); std::string mapname = vmapname.IsEmpty() ? "" : ToStdString(vmapname); Handle<Object> components = Handle<Object>::Cast(vcomponents); dtEntity::Spawner* parent = NULL; if(!vparentname.IsEmpty() && !vparentname->IsUndefined()) { ms->GetSpawner(ToStdString(vparentname), parent); } osg::ref_ptr<dtEntity::Spawner> spawner = new dtEntity::Spawner(name, mapname, parent); if(!vguicategory.IsEmpty() && !vguicategory->IsUndefined()) { spawner->SetGUICategory(ToStdString(vguicategory)); } if(!vaddtospawnerstore.IsEmpty() && !vaddtospawnerstore->IsUndefined()) { spawner->SetAddToSpawnerStore(vaddtospawnerstore->BooleanValue()); } if(!viconpath.IsEmpty() && !viconpath->IsUndefined()) { spawner->SetIconPath(ToStdString(viconpath)); } Handle<Array> keys = components->GetPropertyNames(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < keys->Length(); ++i) { Handle<Value> key = keys->Get(Integer::New(i)); std::string keyname = ToStdString(key); dtEntity::StringId ctype = dtEntity::SIDHash(keyname); dtEntity::ComponentPluginManager::GetInstance().StartEntitySystem(ms->GetEntityManager(), ctype); if(ms->GetEntityManager().HasEntitySystem(ctype)) { Handle<Value> val = components->Get(key); if(val->IsObject()) { Handle<Object> compobj = Handle<Object>::Cast(val); Handle<Array> compkeys = compobj->GetPropertyNames(); dtEntity::GroupProperty props; for(unsigned int j = 0; j < compkeys->Length(); ++j) { Handle<Value> compkey = compkeys->Get(Integer::New(j)); std::string compkeystr = ToStdString(compkey); Handle<Value> compval = compobj->Get(compkey); dtEntity::Property* prop = ConvertValueToProperty(compval); props.Add(dtEntity::SIDHash(compkeystr), prop); } spawner->AddComponent(ctype, props); } } } ms->AddSpawner(*spawner); return Undefined(); }
void ContactsPersonProxy::_setInstantMessage(void* userContext, Handle<Value> value) { ContactsPersonProxy *obj = (ContactsPersonProxy*) userContext; if(!value->IsObject()) return; Handle<Object> messageObject = value->ToObject(); Local<Array> messageProperties = messageObject->GetPropertyNames(); for(int i = 0, len = messageProperties->Length(); i < len; i++) { Local<String> messageKey = messageProperties->Get(i)->ToString(); Local<Value> messageValue = messageObject->Get(messageKey); AttributeSubKind::Type subKind = AttributeSubKind::Other; QString messageKeyString = titanium::V8ValueToQString(messageKey).toLower(); if(messageKeyString == "aim") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingAim; } else if(messageKeyString == "aliwangwang") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingAliwangwang; } else if(messageKeyString == "bbmpin") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingBbmPin; } else if(messageKeyString == "googletalk") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingGoogleTalk; } else if(messageKeyString == "icq") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingIcq; } else if(messageKeyString == "irc") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingIrc; } else if(messageKeyString == "jabber") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingJabber; } else if(messageKeyString == "msLcs") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingMsLcs; } else if(messageKeyString == "msn") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingMsn; } else if(messageKeyString == "qq") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingQq; } else if(messageKeyString == "sametime") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingSametime; } else if(messageKeyString == "skype") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingSkype; } else if(messageKeyString == "yahoomessenger") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingYahooMessenger; } else if(messageKeyString == "yahoomessengerjapan") { subKind = AttributeSubKind::InstantMessagingYahooMessengerJapan; } if(!messageValue->IsArray()) return; Local<Array> messages = Local<Array>::Cast(messageValue); for(int i = 0, len = messages->Length(); i < len; i++) { Local<Value> currentMessage = messages->Get(Number::New(i)); if(!currentMessage->IsString()) return; obj->setContactDetails(AttributeKind::InstantMessaging, subKind, currentMessage); } } }
Handle<Object> WrapComponent(Handle<Object> wrappedes, ScriptSystem* scriptsys, dtEntity::EntityId eid, dtEntity::Component* v) { HandleScope handle_scope; Handle<Object> wrapped = scriptsys->GetFromComponentMap(v->GetType(), eid); if(!wrapped.IsEmpty()) { return wrapped; } Handle<FunctionTemplate> templt = GetScriptSystem()->GetTemplateBySID(s_componentWrapper); if(templt.IsEmpty()) { templt = FunctionTemplate::New(); templt->SetClassName(String::New("Component")); templt->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1); Handle<ObjectTemplate> proto = templt->PrototypeTemplate(); proto->Set("equals", FunctionTemplate::New(COEquals)); proto->Set("getType", FunctionTemplate::New(COGetType)); proto->Set("properties", FunctionTemplate::New(COProperties)); proto->Set("toString", FunctionTemplate::New(COToString)); proto->Set("finished", FunctionTemplate::New(COFinished)); proto->Set("copyPropertyValues", FunctionTemplate::New(COCopyPropertyValues)); GetScriptSystem()->SetTemplateBySID(s_componentWrapper, templt); } Local<Object> instance = templt->GetFunction()->NewInstance(); instance->SetInternalField(0, External::New(v)); instance->SetHiddenValue(scriptsys->GetEntityIdString(), Uint32::New(eid)); // GetStringFromSID and conversion to v8::String is costly, create a // hidden value in entity system wrapper that stores // strings and their string ids as name=>value pairs Handle<Value> propnamesval = wrappedes->GetHiddenValue(scriptsys->GetPropertyNamesString()); if(propnamesval.IsEmpty()) { Handle<Object> names = Object::New(); dtEntity::PropertyGroup::const_iterator i; const dtEntity::PropertyGroup& props = v->Get(); for(i = props.begin(); i != props.end(); ++i) { dtEntity::StringId sid = i->first; std::string propname = dtEntity::GetStringFromSID(sid); names->Set(String::New(propname.c_str()), WrapSID(sid)); } wrappedes->SetHiddenValue(scriptsys->GetPropertyNamesString(), names); propnamesval = names; } Handle<Object> propnames = Handle<Object>::Cast(propnamesval); Handle<Array> keys = propnames->GetPropertyNames(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < keys->Length(); ++i) { Handle<String> str = keys->Get(i)->ToString(); dtEntity::StringId sid = UnwrapSID(propnames->Get(str)); dtEntity::Property* prop = v->Get(sid); if(prop == NULL) { LOG_ERROR("Could not find property in component: " << ToStdString(str)); continue; } Handle<External> ext = v8::External::New(static_cast<void*>(prop)); instance->SetAccessor(str, COPropertyGetter, COPropertySetter, ext); } // store wrapped component to script system scriptsys->AddToComponentMap(v->GetType(), eid, instance); return handle_scope.Close(instance); }
Handle<Object> ProxyFactory::createV8Proxy(jclass javaClass, jobject javaProxy) { LOGV(TAG, "create v8 proxy"); JNIEnv* env = JNIScope::getEnv(); if (!env) { LOG_JNIENV_ERROR("while creating Java proxy."); return Handle<Object>(); } ENTER_V8(V8Runtime::globalContext); Local<Function> creator; LOGV(TAG, "get proxy info"); ProxyInfo* info; GET_PROXY_INFO(javaClass, info); if (!info) { // No info has been registered for this class yet, fall back // to the binding lookup table jstring javaClassName = JNIUtil::getClassName(javaClass); Handle<Value> className = TypeConverter::javaStringToJsString(javaClassName); env->DeleteLocalRef(javaClassName); Handle<Object> exports = KrollBindings::getBinding(className->ToString()); if (exports.IsEmpty()) { String::Utf8Value classStr(className); LOGE(TAG, "Failed to find class for %s", *classStr); LOG_JNIENV_ERROR("while creating V8 Proxy."); return Handle<Object>(); } // TODO: The first value in exports should be the type that's exported // But there's probably a better way to do this Handle<Array> names = exports->GetPropertyNames(); if (names->Length() >= 1) { creator = Local<Function>::Cast(exports->Get(names->Get(0))); } } else { creator = info->v8ProxyTemplate->GetFunction(); } Local<Value> external = External::New(javaProxy); TryCatch tryCatch; Local<Object> v8Proxy = creator->NewInstance(1, &external); if (tryCatch.HasCaught()) { LOGE(TAG, "Exception thrown while creating V8 proxy."); V8Util::reportException(tryCatch); return Handle<Object>(); } // set the pointer back on the java proxy Proxy* proxy = NativeObject::Unwrap<Proxy>(v8Proxy); jlong ptr = (jlong) *(proxy->handle_); jobject javaV8Object = env->NewObject(JNIUtil::v8ObjectClass, JNIUtil::v8ObjectInitMethod, ptr); env->SetObjectField(javaProxy, JNIUtil::krollProxyKrollObjectField, javaV8Object); env->DeleteLocalRef(javaV8Object); return scope.Close(v8Proxy); }