static void SpecializeToMemory(CodeSegment& cs, const Metadata& metadata, HandleWasmMemoryObject memory) { for (const BoundsCheck& check : metadata.boundsChecks) Assembler::UpdateBoundsCheck(check.patchAt(cs.code()), memory->buffer().byteLength()); #if defined(JS_CODEGEN_X86) uint8_t* base = memory->buffer().dataPointerEither().unwrap(); for (const MemoryAccess& access : metadata.memoryAccesses) { // Patch memory pointer immediate. void* addr = access.patchMemoryPtrImmAt(cs.code()); uint32_t disp = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(X86Encoding::GetPointer(addr)); MOZ_ASSERT(disp <= INT32_MAX); X86Encoding::SetPointer(addr, (void*)(base + disp)); } #endif }
/* static */ UniqueCodeSegment CodeSegment::create(JSContext* cx, const Bytes& bytecode, const LinkData& linkData, const Metadata& metadata, HandleWasmMemoryObject memory) { MOZ_ASSERT(bytecode.length() % gc::SystemPageSize() == 0); MOZ_ASSERT(linkData.globalDataLength % gc::SystemPageSize() == 0); MOZ_ASSERT(linkData.functionCodeLength < bytecode.length()); auto cs = cx->make_unique<CodeSegment>(); if (!cs) return nullptr; cs->bytes_ = AllocateCodeSegment(cx, bytecode.length() + linkData.globalDataLength); if (!cs->bytes_) return nullptr; uint8_t* codeBase = cs->base(); cs->functionCodeLength_ = linkData.functionCodeLength; cs->codeLength_ = bytecode.length(); cs->globalDataLength_ = linkData.globalDataLength; cs->interruptCode_ = codeBase + linkData.interruptOffset; cs->outOfBoundsCode_ = codeBase + linkData.outOfBoundsOffset; cs->unalignedAccessCode_ = codeBase + linkData.unalignedAccessOffset; { JitContext jcx(CompileRuntime::get(cx->compartment()->runtimeFromAnyThread())); AutoFlushICache afc("CodeSegment::create"); AutoFlushICache::setRange(uintptr_t(codeBase), cs->codeLength()); memcpy(codeBase, bytecode.begin(), bytecode.length()); StaticallyLink(*cs, linkData, cx); if (memory) SpecializeToMemory(nullptr, *cs, metadata, memory->buffer()); } if (!ExecutableAllocator::makeExecutable(codeBase, cs->codeLength())) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return nullptr; } if (!SendCodeRangesToProfiler(cx, *cs, bytecode, metadata)) return nullptr; return cs; }
static bool CreateExportObject(JSContext* cx, HandleWasmInstanceObject instanceObj, MutableHandleWasmTableObject tableObj, HandleWasmMemoryObject memoryObj, const ValVector& globalImports, const ExportVector& exports, MutableHandleObject exportObj) { const Instance& instance = instanceObj->instance(); const Metadata& metadata = instance.metadata(); if (metadata.isAsmJS() && exports.length() == 1 && strlen(exports[0].fieldName()) == 0) { RootedFunction fun(cx); if (!instanceObj->getExportedFunction(cx, instanceObj, exports[0].funcIndex(), &fun)) return false; exportObj.set(fun); return true; } exportObj.set(JS_NewPlainObject(cx)); if (!exportObj) return false; for (const Export& exp : exports) { JSAtom* atom = AtomizeUTF8Chars(cx, exp.fieldName(), strlen(exp.fieldName())); if (!atom) return false; RootedId id(cx, AtomToId(atom)); RootedValue val(cx); switch (exp.kind()) { case DefinitionKind::Function: { RootedFunction fun(cx); if (!instanceObj->getExportedFunction(cx, instanceObj, exp.funcIndex(), &fun)) return false; val = ObjectValue(*fun); break; } case DefinitionKind::Table: { if (!tableObj) { MOZ_ASSERT(instance.tables().length() == 1); tableObj.set(WasmTableObject::create(cx, *instance.tables()[0])); if (!tableObj) return false; } val = ObjectValue(*tableObj); break; } case DefinitionKind::Memory: { if (metadata.assumptions.newFormat) val = ObjectValue(*memoryObj); else val = ObjectValue(memoryObj->buffer()); break; } case DefinitionKind::Global: { if (!ExportGlobalValue(cx, metadata.globals, exp.globalIndex(), globalImports, &val)) return false; break; } } if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, exportObj, id, val, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) return false; } return true; }
Instance::Instance(JSContext* cx, Handle<WasmInstanceObject*> object, UniqueCode code, HandleWasmMemoryObject memory, SharedTableVector&& tables, Handle<FunctionVector> funcImports, const ValVector& globalImports) : compartment_(cx->compartment()), object_(object), code_(Move(code)), memory_(memory), tables_(Move(tables)) { MOZ_ASSERT(funcImports.length() == metadata().funcImports.length()); MOZ_ASSERT(tables_.length() == metadata().tables.length()); = cx; tlsData_.instance = this; tlsData_.globalData = code_->segment().globalData(); tlsData_.memoryBase = memory ? memory->buffer().dataPointerEither().unwrap() : nullptr; tlsData_.stackLimit = *(void**)cx->stackLimitAddressForJitCode(StackForUntrustedScript); for (size_t i = 0; i < metadata().funcImports.length(); i++) { HandleFunction f = funcImports[i]; const FuncImport& fi = metadata().funcImports[i]; FuncImportTls& import = funcImportTls(fi); if (IsExportedFunction(f) && !isAsmJS() && !ExportedFunctionToInstance(f).isAsmJS()) { Instance& calleeInstance = ExportedFunctionToInstance(f); const Metadata& calleeMetadata = calleeInstance.metadata(); uint32_t funcIndex = ExportedFunctionToIndex(f); const FuncExport& funcExport = calleeMetadata.lookupFuncExport(funcIndex); const CodeRange& codeRange = calleeMetadata.codeRanges[funcExport.codeRangeIndex()]; import.tls = &calleeInstance.tlsData_; import.code = calleeInstance.codeSegment().base() + codeRange.funcNonProfilingEntry(); import.baselineScript = nullptr; import.obj = ExportedFunctionToInstanceObject(f); } else { import.tls = &tlsData_; import.code = codeBase() + fi.interpExitCodeOffset(); import.baselineScript = nullptr; import.obj = f; } } uint8_t* globalData = code_->segment().globalData(); for (size_t i = 0; i < metadata().globals.length(); i++) { const GlobalDesc& global = metadata().globals[i]; if (global.isConstant()) continue; uint8_t* globalAddr = globalData + global.offset(); switch (global.kind()) { case GlobalKind::Import: { globalImports[global.importIndex()].writePayload(globalAddr); break; } case GlobalKind::Variable: { const InitExpr& init = global.initExpr(); switch (init.kind()) { case InitExpr::Kind::Constant: { init.val().writePayload(globalAddr); break; } case InitExpr::Kind::GetGlobal: { const GlobalDesc& imported = metadata().globals[init.globalIndex()]; globalImports[imported.importIndex()].writePayload(globalAddr); break; } } break; } case GlobalKind::Constant: { MOZ_CRASH("skipped at the top"); } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < tables_.length(); i++) *addressOfTableBase(i) = tables_[i]->base(); }
static bool CreateExportObject(JSContext* cx, HandleWasmInstanceObject instanceObj, HandleWasmMemoryObject memoryObj, const ExportVector& exports, MutableHandleObject exportObj) { const Instance& instance = instanceObj->instance(); const Metadata& metadata = instance.metadata(); const SharedTableVector& tables = instance.tables(); if (metadata.isAsmJS() && exports.length() == 1 && strlen(exports[0].fieldName()) == 0) { exportObj.set(NewExportedFunction(cx, instanceObj, 0)); return !!exportObj; } exportObj.set(JS_NewPlainObject(cx)); if (!exportObj) return false; Rooted<ValueVector> vals(cx, ValueVector(cx)); for (size_t i = 0; i < metadata.funcExports.length(); i++) { JSFunction* fun = NewExportedFunction(cx, instanceObj, i); if (!fun || !vals.append(ObjectValue(*fun))) return false; } RootedWasmTableObject tableObj(cx); for (const Export& exp : exports) { JSAtom* atom = AtomizeUTF8Chars(cx, exp.fieldName(), strlen(exp.fieldName())); if (!atom) return false; RootedId id(cx, AtomToId(atom)); RootedValue val(cx); switch (exp.kind()) { case DefinitionKind::Function: val = vals[exp.funcExportIndex()]; break; case DefinitionKind::Table: MOZ_ASSERT(tables.length() == 1); if (!tableObj) { tableObj = WasmTableObject::create(cx, *tables[0]); if (!tableObj) return false; } val = ObjectValue(*tableObj); break; case DefinitionKind::Memory: if (metadata.assumptions.newFormat) val = ObjectValue(*memoryObj); else val = ObjectValue(memoryObj->buffer()); break; } if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, exportObj, id, val, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) return false; } return true; }
bool Module::initSegments(JSContext* cx, HandleWasmInstanceObject instanceObj, Handle<FunctionVector> funcImports, HandleWasmMemoryObject memoryObj, const ValVector& globalImports) const { Instance& instance = instanceObj->instance(); const SharedTableVector& tables = instance.tables(); // Perform all error checks up front so that this function does not perform // partial initialization if an error is reported. for (const ElemSegment& seg : elemSegments_) { uint32_t numElems = seg.elemCodeRangeIndices.length(); if (!numElems) continue; uint32_t tableLength = tables[seg.tableIndex]->length(); uint32_t offset = EvaluateInitExpr(globalImports, seg.offset); if (offset > tableLength || tableLength - offset < numElems) { JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_WASM_BAD_FIT, "elem", "table"); return false; } } if (memoryObj) { for (const DataSegment& seg : dataSegments_) { if (!seg.length) continue; uint32_t memoryLength = memoryObj->buffer().byteLength(); uint32_t offset = EvaluateInitExpr(globalImports, seg.offset); if (offset > memoryLength || memoryLength - offset < seg.length) { JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_WASM_BAD_FIT, "data", "memory"); return false; } } } else { MOZ_ASSERT(dataSegments_.empty()); } // Now that initialization can't fail partway through, write data/elem // segments into memories/tables. for (const ElemSegment& seg : elemSegments_) { Table& table = *tables[seg.tableIndex]; uint32_t offset = EvaluateInitExpr(globalImports, seg.offset); bool profilingEnabled = instance.code().profilingEnabled(); const CodeRangeVector& codeRanges = metadata().codeRanges; uint8_t* codeBase = instance.codeBase(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < seg.elemCodeRangeIndices.length(); i++) { uint32_t funcIndex = seg.elemFuncIndices[i]; if (funcIndex < funcImports.length() && IsExportedWasmFunction(funcImports[funcIndex])) { MOZ_ASSERT(!metadata().isAsmJS()); MOZ_ASSERT(!table.isTypedFunction()); HandleFunction f = funcImports[funcIndex]; WasmInstanceObject* exportInstanceObj = ExportedFunctionToInstanceObject(f); const CodeRange& cr = exportInstanceObj->getExportedFunctionCodeRange(f); Instance& exportInstance = exportInstanceObj->instance(); table.set(offset + i, exportInstance.codeBase() + cr.funcTableEntry(), exportInstance); } else { const CodeRange& cr = codeRanges[seg.elemCodeRangeIndices[i]]; uint32_t entryOffset = table.isTypedFunction() ? profilingEnabled ? cr.funcProfilingEntry() : cr.funcNonProfilingEntry() : cr.funcTableEntry(); table.set(offset + i, codeBase + entryOffset, instance); } } } if (memoryObj) { uint8_t* memoryBase = memoryObj->buffer().dataPointerEither().unwrap(/* memcpy */); for (const DataSegment& seg : dataSegments_) { MOZ_ASSERT(seg.bytecodeOffset <= bytecode_->length()); MOZ_ASSERT(seg.length <= bytecode_->length() - seg.bytecodeOffset); uint32_t offset = EvaluateInitExpr(globalImports, seg.offset); memcpy(memoryBase + offset, bytecode_->begin() + seg.bytecodeOffset, seg.length); } } return true; }