void FLYMAPLEScheduler::init(void* machtnichts)
    delay_us(2000000); // Wait for startup so we have time to connect a new USB console
    // 1kHz interrupts from systick for normal timers

    // Set up Maple hardware timer for 1khz failsafe timer
    // ref: http://leaflabs.com/docs/lang/api/hardwaretimer.html#lang-hardwaretimer
    _failsafe_timer.setPeriod(1000); // 1000us = 1kHz
    _failsafe_timer.setChannelMode(TIMER_CH1, TIMER_OUTPUT_COMPARE);// Set up an interrupt on channel 1
    _failsafe_timer.setCompare(TIMER_CH1, 1);  // Interrupt 1 count after each update
    _failsafe_timer.attachInterrupt(TIMER_CH1, _failsafe_timer_event);
    _failsafe_timer.refresh();// Refresh the timer's count, prescale, and overflow
    _failsafe_timer.resume(); // Start the timer counting
    // We run this timer at a higher priority, so that a broken timer handler (ie one that hangs)
    // will not prevent the failsafe timer interrupt.
    // Caution: the timer number must agree with the HardwareTimer number
    nvic_irq_set_priority(NVIC_TIMER2, 0x14);