float Docking::scoring(vector<Vector3> transPosB){

	HashGridBox3<Vector3>* currentBox;
	HashGridBox3<Vector3>::BoxIterator box_it;
	HashGridBox3<Vector3>::DataIterator data_it;

	float distance;
	int contact = 0;
	int overlap = 0;
	int maxOverlap = 250;

	for (vector<Vector3>::iterator transPosB_it= transPosB.begin(); transPosB_it !=transPosB.end(); ++transPosB_it){

		currentBox = grid.getBox(*transPosB_it);
		//getBox liefert 0 zurück falls außerhalb der HashGrid Dimension
		if (currentBox == 0){

		box_it = currentBox->beginBox();

		for (; +box_it; ++box_it){
			//Alle Kombinationen aus Punkten  werden angeschaut
			for (data_it = box_it->beginData(); data_it != box_it->endData(); ++data_it){
					//berechne Abstand zwischen betrachtetem Punkt aus A und dem jetzt angeschauten
					distance = (*data_it-*transPosB_it).getSquareLength();
					if (distance < 7.5625) {
						//wenn overlap hier bereits überschritten, betrachte es nicht weiter
						if (overlap > maxOverlap) return 0;
					else if (distance < 16) contact++;
		} //end positionsA
		if (contact < 650) return 0; ///TODO wieder aktivieren!!

		float k1 = 1.4; //Belohnung contakt
		float k2 = 1.8;  //Strafe overlap

		float geomScore = k1*contact - k2* overlap;

	//	if (contact > 700 && overlap < 250) cout << "Found more than 700 contacts and less than 250 overlaps!\nwith Score: "  << geomScore << endl;

		return geomScore;
	Matrix4x4 DockingAlgorithm::mapCompounds(const AtomContainer& S1, const AtomContainer& S2, Size& no_matched_heavy_atoms, double& rmsd, double upper_bound, double lower_bound, double tolerance)
	// calculate bounding box of protein S1
		BoundingBoxProcessor box_processor;

		// BoundingBoxProcessor can unfortunately not operate on const AtomContainer, althought it does NOT change the system
		AtomContainer* S1nc = const_cast<AtomContainer*>(&S1);

	/// insert positions of the heavy atoms of S1 into a three-dimensional hashgrid and in the array heavy_atoms

		Vector3 upper_bound_vector(upper_bound, upper_bound, upper_bound);

		HashGrid3 < Position > grid_S1(box_processor.getLower() - upper_bound_vector, box_processor.getUpper() - box_processor.getLower() + (float) 2.0 * upper_bound_vector, upper_bound);

		AtomConstIterator atom_it;
		vector<Vector3> heavy_atoms_S1;
//	vector<Position> index_heavy_S1;
		Position no_heavy_S1 = 0;

		for (atom_it = S1.beginAtom(); +atom_it; ++atom_it)
			if (((*atom_it).getElement() != PTE[Element::H]))
				grid_S1.insert((*atom_it).getPosition(), no_heavy_S1);
	// index_heavy_S1.push_back(type_map[(*atom_it).getFragment()->getName()]);
	// calculate bounding box of protein S2

		// BoundingBoxProcessor can unfortunately not operate on const AtomContainer, althought it does NOT change the system
		AtomContainer* S2nc = const_cast<AtomContainer*>(&S2);

	/// insert positions of the heavy atoms of S2 into the hashgrid grid_S2
		HashGrid3<Position> grid_S2(box_processor.getLower() - upper_bound_vector, box_processor.getUpper() - box_processor.getLower() +(float) 2.0 * upper_bound_vector, upper_bound);
		Vector3 tolerance_vector(2 * tolerance, 2 * tolerance, 2 * tolerance);
		HashGrid3<Position> fine_grid_S2(box_processor.getLower() - tolerance_vector, box_processor.getUpper() - box_processor.getLower() + tolerance_vector, 2 * tolerance);

		vector<Vector3> heavy_atoms_S2;
//	vector<Position> index_heavy_S2;
		Size no_heavy_S2 = 0;

		for (atom_it = S2.beginAtom(); +atom_it; ++atom_it)
			if (((*atom_it).getElement() != PTE[Element::H]))
				grid_S2.insert((*atom_it).getPosition(), no_heavy_S2);
				fine_grid_S2.insert((*atom_it).getPosition(), no_heavy_S2);

	// index_heavy_S2.push_back(type_map[(*atom_it).getFragment()->getName()]);

	/// calculate triangles between heavy atoms of S2 whose edge length are larger than lower_bound
	/// and smaller than upperbound and store them in a hashgrid with respect to their edge length
		Vector3 upper(upper_bound + 1, upper_bound + 1, upper_bound + 1);
		Vector3 lower(lower_bound - 1, lower_bound - 1, lower_bound - 1);

		HashGrid3<TVector3<Position> > triangles_S2(lower, upper - lower, tolerance); // tolerance == spacing of hashgrid

		HashGrid3 < Position >::BoxIterator b_it1;
		HashGridBox3 < Position >::BoxIterator b_it2, b_it3;
		HashGridBox3 < Position >::DataIterator d_it1, d_it2, d_it3;
		TVector3 < Position > index_vector;
		Vector3 distance_vector;
		float square_upper = upper_bound * upper_bound;
		float square_lower = lower_bound * lower_bound;
		float distance1, distance2, distance3;

		for (b_it1 = grid_S2.beginBox(); +b_it1; ++b_it1)
			for (d_it1 = (*b_it1).beginData(); +d_it1; ++d_it1)
				for (b_it2 = (*b_it1).beginBox(); +b_it2; ++b_it2)
					for (d_it2 = (*b_it2).beginData(); +d_it2; ++d_it2)
						if ((*d_it2) != (*d_it1))
							distance1 = heavy_atoms_S2[(*d_it1)].getSquareDistance(heavy_atoms_S2[(*d_it2)]);
							if (distance1 < square_upper && distance1 > square_lower)
								for (b_it3 = (*b_it1).beginBox(); +b_it3; ++b_it3)
									for (d_it3 = (*b_it3).beginData(); +d_it3; ++d_it3)
										if ((*d_it3) != (*d_it1) && (*d_it3) != (*d_it2))
										distance2 = heavy_atoms_S2[(*d_it1)].getSquareDistance(heavy_atoms_S2[(*d_it3)]);
										if (distance2 < square_upper && distance2 > square_lower)
										distance3 = heavy_atoms_S2[(*d_it2)].getSquareDistance(heavy_atoms_S2[(*d_it3)]);
										if (distance3 < square_upper && distance3 > square_lower)
										distance1 = sqrt(distance1);
										distance2 = sqrt(distance2);
										distance3 = sqrt(distance3);
										distance_vector.set(distance1, distance2, distance3);
										index_vector.set((*d_it1), (*d_it2), (*d_it3));
										triangles_S2.insert(distance_vector, index_vector);

	/// calculate all triangles between heavy atoms of S1 and
	/// search similar triangles between heavy atoms of S2 stored in triangles_S2
		HashGridBox3 < TVector3 < Position > >::BoxIterator b_it4;
		HashGridBox3 < TVector3 < Position > >::DataIterator d_it4;
		HashGridBox3 < TVector3 < Position > >*box;
		HashGridBox3 < Position > *ibox;
		HashGridBox3 < Position >::BoxIterator ibox_it;
		HashGridBox3 < Position >::DataIterator id_it;

		Matrix4x4 T_best;
		const float square_tolerance = tolerance * tolerance;
		no_matched_heavy_atoms = 0;

		for (b_it1 = grid_S1.beginBox(); +b_it1; ++b_it1)
			for (d_it1 = (*b_it1).beginData(); +d_it1; ++d_it1)
				for (b_it2 = (*b_it1).beginBox(); +b_it2; ++b_it2)
					for (d_it2 = (*b_it2).beginData(); +d_it2; ++d_it2)
						if ((*d_it2) != (*d_it1))
							distance1 = heavy_atoms_S1[(*d_it1)].getSquareDistance(heavy_atoms_S1[(*d_it2)]);
							if (distance1 < square_upper && distance1 > square_lower)
								distance1 = sqrt(distance1);
								for (b_it3 = (*b_it1).beginBox(); +b_it3; ++b_it3)
									for (d_it3 = (*b_it3).beginData(); +d_it3; ++d_it3)
										if ((*d_it3) != (*d_it1) && (*d_it3) != (*d_it2))
										distance2 = heavy_atoms_S1[*d_it1].getSquareDistance(heavy_atoms_S1[*d_it3]);
										if (distance2 < square_upper && distance2 > square_lower)
										distance2 = sqrt(distance2);
										distance3 = heavy_atoms_S1[*d_it2].getSquareDistance(heavy_atoms_S1[*d_it3]);
										if (distance3 < square_upper && distance3 > square_lower)
										distance3 = sqrt(distance3);
										distance_vector.set(distance1, distance2, distance3);
										index_vector.set(*d_it1, *d_it2, *d_it3);     // the positions of the atoms of S1 that are part of this triangle
										box = triangles_S2.getBox(distance_vector);

				/// iterate over all triangles of S2 that have similar edge lengths
										for (b_it4 = box->beginBox(); +b_it4; ++b_it4) // iterate over all buckets...
										for (d_it4 = (*b_it4).beginData(); +d_it4; ++d_it4)
					//   if (index_heavy_S1[(*d_it1)] == index_heavy_S2[(*d_it4).x] && index_heavy_S1[(*d_it2)] == index_heavy_S2[(*d_it4).y] && index_heavy_S1[(*d_it3)] == index_heavy_S2[(*d_it4).z])
										Matrix4x4 T = StructureMapper::matchPoints(

										size_t matched_heavy_atoms = 0u;
										float current_rmsd = 0.0f;

						/// iterate over all heavy atoms of S1 and define them as matched if there is an atom of S2 within square_tolerance;
						/// calculate RMSD out of all matched atoms
										for (Size i = 0; i < no_heavy_S1; i++)
										Vector3 v = T * heavy_atoms_S1[i];
										ibox = fine_grid_S2.getBox(v);

										if (ibox != 0)
										bool matched = false;

										for (ibox_it = ibox->beginBox(); +ibox_it && !matched; ++ibox_it)
										for (id_it = (*ibox_it).beginData(); +id_it && !matched; ++id_it)
										float squared_atom_dist = v.getSquareDistance(heavy_atoms_S2[(*id_it)]);
										if (squared_atom_dist <= square_tolerance)
										matched = true;
										current_rmsd += squared_atom_dist;

										if (matched_heavy_atoms >= no_matched_heavy_atoms)
										current_rmsd = sqrt(current_rmsd / matched_heavy_atoms);
										if (matched_heavy_atoms == no_matched_heavy_atoms)
										if (current_rmsd < rmsd)
										T_best = T;
										rmsd = current_rmsd;
										else // if more atoms could be mapped, always use new
										{	// transformation
										T_best = T;
										rmsd = current_rmsd;
										no_matched_heavy_atoms = matched_heavy_atoms;

		return T_best;