int main()
    HashTable ht;
    ht_elem pe;
    string str = "abcdef";
    const char* cstr = str.c_str();
    string str1 = "1233";
    const char* cstr1 = str1.c_str();
    string str3 = "abcdef";
    const char* cstr3 = str3.c_str();
    string str4 = "str4~";
    const char* cstr4 = str4.c_str();
    pe.key = (void*)cstr;
    pe.data = (void*)cstr1;

    cout << "Before insert, Hash Table Size: " << ht.capacity() << endl;
    pe.key = (void*)cstr4;
    cout << "After insert, Hash Table Size: " << ht.capacity() << endl;

    ht_data p = ht.search((void*)cstr3);
    cout << "HashTable::search: " << (char*)(p) << endl;

    cout << "After remove, Hash Table Size: " << ht.capacity() << '\n'
         << "      number of elements     : " << ht.size() << endl;
   // ht.insert(pe);
    if( ! ht.search(pe.key) )
        cout << "Delete Key: " << (char*) pe.key << endl;

    return 0;
TEST(HashTableTest, NonTrivialValueType) {
  HashTable<FooBar> Table;
  uint32_t Cap = Table.capacity();
  for (uint32_t I = 0; I < Cap; ++I) {
    FooBar F;
    F.X = I;
    F.Y = I + 1;
    Table.set_as(utostr(I), F);

  std::vector<uint8_t> Buffer(Table.calculateSerializedLength());
  MutableBinaryByteStream Stream(Buffer, little);
  BinaryStreamWriter Writer(Stream);
  EXPECT_THAT_ERROR(Table.commit(Writer), Succeeded());
  // We should have written precisely the number of bytes we calculated earlier.
  EXPECT_EQ(Buffer.size(), Writer.getOffset());

  HashTable<FooBar> Table2;
  BinaryStreamReader Reader(Stream);
  EXPECT_THAT_ERROR(Table2.load(Reader), Succeeded());
  // We should have read precisely the number of bytes we calculated earlier.
  EXPECT_EQ(Buffer.size(), Reader.getOffset());

  EXPECT_EQ(Table.size(), Table2.size());
  EXPECT_EQ(Table.capacity(), Table2.capacity());
  // EXPECT_EQ(Table.Buckets, Table2.Buckets);
  // EXPECT_EQ(Table.Present, Table2.Present);
  // EXPECT_EQ(Table.Deleted, Table2.Deleted);
void dumpHashTable(const HashTable<T> &ht) {
int main()
  // print my name and this assignment's title 
  cout << "LAB 10: Write, Test, and Apply The HashTable Class Template\n"; 
  cout << "Programmer: Jacky Chow\n"; 
  cout << "Editor(s) used: Notepad++\n"; 
  cout << "Compiler(s) used: Visual C++\n"; 
  cout << "File: " << __FILE__ << endl; 
  cout << "Complied: " << __DATE__ << " at " << __TIME__ << endl << endl;
  int n = 100;
  int arraySize;
  HashTable<string, TermSection, 1009> a(hashCode);
  cout << "Created HashTable<string, TermSection, 1009> a(hashCode)\n";
  cout << "a.capacity returns: " << a.capacity() << endl;
  assert(807 == a.capacity());
  cout << "Size should be 0. a.size returns: " << a.size() << endl << endl;
  assert(0 == a.size());
  char* token;
  char buf[1000];
  const char* const tab = "\t";
  int counter = 0;
  ifstream fin;
  if (!fin.good()) throw "I/O error";  
  while (fin.good())
    //progress bar
    if(counter == n) break;
    // read the line
    string line;
    getline(fin, line);
    strcpy(buf, line.c_str());
    if (buf[0] == 0) continue;
    // parse the line
    const string term(token = strtok(buf, tab));
    const string section(token = strtok(0, tab));
    const string course((token = strtok(0, tab)) ? token : "");
    const string instructor((token = strtok(0, tab)) ? token : "");
    const string whenWhere((token = strtok(0, tab)) ? token : "");
    if (course.find('-') == string::npos) continue; // invalid line
    const string subjectCode(course.begin(), course.begin() + course.find('-'));
    TermSection x = {term, section};
    a[x] = course;

  vector<TermSection> k = a.keys();  
  cout << "Capacity of a should now be 807. a.capacity returns: " << a.capacity() << endl;
  assert(807 == a.capacity());
  cout << "Size should also be 99. a.size returns: " << a.size() << endl;
  assert(99 == a.size());
  cout << "keys vector size should be equal to a.size: " << k.size() << endl;
  arraySize = k.size();
  assert(arraySize == a.size());
  counter = 0;

  // object copy testing
    const HashTable<string, TermSection, 1009> copy = a;
    cout << endl;

    k = copy.keys();  
    cout << "Capacity of copy1 should be 807. copy.capacity returns: " << copy.capacity() << endl;
    assert(807 == copy.capacity());
    cout << "Size of copy1 should also be 99. copy.size returns: " << copy.size() << endl;
    assert(99 == copy.size());
    cout << "keys vector size of copy1 should be equal to copy.size: " << k.size() << endl;
    arraySize = k.size();
    assert(arraySize == copy.size());
    cout << "Printing out course from copy1 using element 4 in vector k: " << copy[k[4]] << endl;
    cout << "Now testing that copy.containsKey() will return true with that parameter.\n";
    if(copy.containsKey(k[4])) cout << "copy.containsKey(k[4]) returned True.\n";
    else cout << "Error! a.containsKey(k[4]) returned False.\n";
    TermSection y = {"Horch 2036", "9999"};
    cout << "Printing out course with fake y parameter(should be a dummy): " << copy[y] << endl;
    cout << "Now testing that copy.containsKey() will return false with fake y parameter.\n";
    if(!copy.containsKey(y)) cout << "copy.containsKey(y) returned False.\n";
    else cout << "Error! copy.containsKey(y) returned True.\n";  
  // object assignment testing
    cout << endl;
    HashTable<string, TermSection, 1009> copy(hashCode); 
    cout << "Created copy 2 with a capacity 807.\nIt returns " << copy.capacity() << endl;
    assert(807 == copy.capacity());
    cout << "Copy 2 should have a size of 0. It returns: " << copy.size() << endl;
    cout << "Assigning copy 2 to equal a.\n";
    copy = a;
    k = copy.keys();  
    cout << "Capacity of copy2 should now be 160. copy.capacity returns: " << copy.capacity() << endl;
    assert(807 == copy.capacity());
    cout << "Size of copy2 should now be 99. copy.size returns: " << copy.size() << endl;
    assert(99 == copy.size());
    cout << "keys vector size of copy2 should be equal to copy.size: " << k.size() << endl;
    arraySize = k.size();
    assert(arraySize == copy.size());
    cout << "Using the clear function on copy 2.\n";
    cout << "Capacity of copy2 should still be 160. copy.capacity returns: " << copy.capacity() << endl;
    assert(807 == copy.capacity());
    cout << "Size of copy2 should now be 0. copy.size returns: " << copy.size() << endl;
    assert(0 == copy.size());
    k = copy.keys();
    cout << "keys vector size of copy2 should be equal to copy.size: " << k.size() << endl;
    arraySize = k.size();
    assert(arraySize == copy.size());

  if (!fin.good()) throw "I/O error";  

  while (fin.good())
    //progress bar
    if(counter == n) break;
    // read the line
    string line;
    getline(fin, line);
    strcpy(buf, line.c_str());
    if (buf[0] == 0) continue;
    // parse the line
    const string term(token = strtok(buf, tab));
    const string section(token = strtok(0, tab));
    const string course((token = strtok(0, tab)) ? token : "");
    const string instructor((token = strtok(0, tab)) ? token : "");
    const string whenWhere((token = strtok(0, tab)) ? token : "");
    if (course.find('-') == string::npos) continue; // invalid line
    const string subjectCode(course.begin(), course.begin() + course.find('-'));
    TermSection x = {term, section};      
  cout << "\nReopened the file to check and delete entries in array a.\n";
  k = a.keys();
  cout << "Capacity of a should still be 807. a.capacity returns: " << a.capacity() << endl;
  assert(807 == a.capacity());
  cout << "Size should also be 0. a.size returns: " << a.size() << endl;
  assert(0 == a.size());
  cout << "keys vector size should be equal to a.size: " << k.size() << endl;
  arraySize = k.size();
  assert(arraySize == a.size());