// casts a single ray through the scene geometry and finds the closest hit
bool RayTracer::CastRay(const Ray &ray, Hit &h, bool use_sphere_patches) const
        bool answer = false;

        // intersect each of the quads
        for (int i = 0; i < mesh->numQuadFaces(); i++) {
                Face *f = mesh->getFace(i);
                if (f->intersect(ray,h,args->intersect_backfacing)) answer = true;

        // intersect each of the spheres (either the patches, or the original spheres)
        if (use_sphere_patches) {
                for (int i = mesh->numQuadFaces(); i < mesh->numFaces(); i++) {
                        Face *f = mesh->getFace(i);
                        if (f->intersect(ray,h,args->intersect_backfacing)) answer = true;
        } else {
                const vector<Sphere*> &spheres = mesh->getSpheres();
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < spheres.size(); i++) {
                        if (spheres[i]->intersect(ray,h)) answer = true;
        return answer;