void HttpResponseSocketWriter::write( int socketFD, HttpResponse& response )
  std::string header("HTTP/1.1 ");

  write( socketFD, header.c_str(), header.length() );
  write( socketFD, response.status().c_str(), response.status().length() );
  write( socketFD, "\r\n\r\n", 4 );
  write( socketFD, response.body(), response.bodyLength() );

  socketApi_.close( socketFD );
TEST_F( HttpEchoRequestHandlerTests, EchoseBody )
  const char* body = "abcdef";
  setRequestBody( body );

  HttpResponse* response = getResponse();

  int diff = memcmp( response->body(), body, strlen(body) );
  ASSERT_EQ( 0, diff );

  delete response;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	if(argc != 2) {
		std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <URL>" << std::endl;
		return 1;

	Uri uri(argv[1]);

	HttpRequest request("GET", uri);
	HttpResponse response = HttpClient::request(request, uri.hostname, uri.port);

	if(response.isChunked()) {
		try {
			while(1) {
				std::cout << response.readChunk();
		} catch(HttpMessage::NoChunksLeftException&) {}
	} else {
		std::cout << response.body();
Handler::status_e RestBatchHandler::execute() {
  // extract the request type
  const HttpRequest::HttpRequestType type = _request->requestType();
  if (type != HttpRequest::HTTP_REQUEST_POST && type != HttpRequest::HTTP_REQUEST_PUT) {

    return Handler::HANDLER_DONE;

  string boundary;
  if (! getBoundary(&boundary)) {
    // invalid content-type or boundary sent
    generateError(HttpResponse::BAD, TRI_ERROR_HTTP_BAD_PARAMETER, "invalid content-type or boundary received");

    return Handler::HANDLER_FAILED;

  size_t errors = 0;

  // get authorization header. we will inject this into the subparts
  string authorization = _request->header("authorization");

  // create the response 
  _response = createResponse(HttpResponse::OK);

  // setup some auxiliary structures to parse the multipart message
  MultipartMessage message(boundary.c_str(), boundary.size(), _request->body(), _request->body() + _request->bodySize());

  SearchHelper helper;
  helper.message = &message;
  helper.searchStart = (char*) message.messageStart;

  // iterate over all parts of the multipart message
  while (true) {
    // get the next part from the multipart message
    if (! extractPart(&helper)) {
      // error
      generateError(HttpResponse::BAD, TRI_ERROR_HTTP_BAD_PARAMETER, "invalid multipart message received");
      LOGGER_WARNING << "received a corrupted multipart message";

      return Handler::HANDLER_FAILED;

    // split part into header & body
    const char* partStart = helper.foundStart;
    const char* partEnd = partStart + helper.foundLength;
    const size_t partLength = helper.foundLength;

    const char* headerStart = partStart;
    char* bodyStart = NULL;
    size_t headerLength = 0;
    size_t bodyLength = 0;

    // assume Windows linebreak \r\n\r\n as delimiter
    char* p = strstr((char*) headerStart, "\r\n\r\n");
    if (p != NULL) {
      headerLength = p - partStart;
      bodyStart = p + 4;
      bodyLength = partEnd - bodyStart;
    else {
      // test Unix linebreak
      p = strstr((char*) headerStart, "\n\n");
      if (p != NULL) {
        headerLength = p - partStart;
        bodyStart = p + 2;
        bodyLength = partEnd - bodyStart;
      else {
        // no delimiter found, assume we have only a header
        headerLength = partLength;
    // set up request object for the part
    LOGGER_TRACE << "part header is " << string(headerStart, headerLength); 
    HttpRequest* request = new HttpRequest(headerStart, headerLength);
    if (bodyLength > 0) {
      LOGGER_TRACE << "part body is " << string(bodyStart, bodyLength);
      request->setBody(bodyStart, bodyLength);

    if (authorization.size()) {
      // inject Authorization header of multipart message into part message
      request->setHeader("authorization", 13, authorization.c_str());

    HttpHandler* handler = _server->createHandler(request);
    if (! handler) {
      delete request;

      generateError(HttpResponse::BAD, TRI_ERROR_INTERNAL, "could not create handler for batch part processing");

      return Handler::HANDLER_FAILED;

    Handler::status_e status = Handler::HANDLER_FAILED;
    do {
      try {
        status = handler->execute();
      catch (triagens::basics::TriagensError const& ex) {
      catch (std::exception const& ex) {
        triagens::basics::InternalError err(ex, __FILE__, __LINE__);

      catch (...) {
        triagens::basics::InternalError err("executeDirectHandler", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    while (status == Handler::HANDLER_REQUEUE);
    if (status == Handler::HANDLER_FAILED) {
      // one of the handlers failed, we must exit now
      delete handler;
      generateError(HttpResponse::BAD, TRI_ERROR_INTERNAL, "executing a handler for batch part failed");

      return Handler::HANDLER_FAILED; 

    HttpResponse* partResponse = handler->getResponse(); 
    if (partResponse == 0) {
      delete handler;
      generateError(HttpResponse::BAD, TRI_ERROR_INTERNAL, "could not create a response for batch part request");

      return Handler::HANDLER_FAILED;

    const HttpResponse::HttpResponseCode code = partResponse->responseCode();
    if (code >= 400) {
      // error

    // append the boundary for this subpart
    _response->body().appendText(boundary + "\r\nContent-Type: ");

    if (helper.contentId != 0) {
      // append content-id
      _response->body().appendText("\r\nContent-Id: " + string(helper.contentId, helper.contentIdLength));

    _response->body().appendText("\r\n\r\n", 4);

    // remove some headers we don't need
    partResponse->setHeader("connection", 10, "");
    partResponse->setHeader("server", 6, "");

    // append the part response header
    // append the part response body
    _response->body().appendText("\r\n", 2);

    delete handler;

    if (! helper.containsMore) {
      // we've read the last part
  } // next part

  // append final boundary + "--"
  _response->body().appendText(boundary + "--");

  if (errors > 0) {
    _response->setHeader(HttpResponse::getBatchErrorHeader(), StringUtils::itoa(errors)); 

  // success
  return Handler::HANDLER_DONE;
static HttpResponse* ExecuteActionVocbase (TRI_vocbase_t* vocbase,
                                           mrb_state* mrb,
                                           TRI_action_t const* action,
                                           mrb_value callback,
                                           HttpRequest* request) {
  MR_state_t* mrs;
  mrb_sym id;
  mrb_sym bodyId;
  mrb_value key;
  mrb_value val;

  mrs = (MR_state_t*) mrb->ud;

  // setup the request
  mrb_value req = mrb_class_new_instance(mrb, 0, 0, mrs->_arangoRequest);

  // setup the response
  mrb_value res = mrb_class_new_instance(mrb, 0, 0, mrs->_arangoResponse);

  // copy suffixes
  vector<string> const& suffix = request->suffix();
  mrb_value suffixArray = mrb_ary_new_capa(mrb, suffix.size());

  uint32_t index = 0;

  for (size_t s = action->_urlParts;  s < suffix.size();  ++s, ++index) {
    string const& str = suffix[s];
    val = mrb_str_new(mrb, str.c_str(), str.size());

    mrb_ary_set(mrb, suffixArray, index, val);

  id = mrb_intern(mrb, "@suffix");
  mrb_iv_set(mrb, req, id, suffixArray);

  // copy header fields
  map<string, string> const& headers = request->headers();
  map<string, string>::const_iterator iter = headers.begin();

  mrb_value headerFields = mrb_hash_new_capa(mrb, headers.size());

  for (; iter != headers.end(); ++iter) {
    string const& f = iter->first;
    string const& s = iter->second;

    key = mrb_str_new(mrb, f.c_str(), f.size());
    val = mrb_str_new(mrb, s.c_str(), s.size());

    mrb_hash_set(mrb, headerFields, key, val);

  id = mrb_intern(mrb, "@headers");
  mrb_iv_set(mrb, req, id, headerFields);

  // copy request type
  id = mrb_intern(mrb, "@request_type");
  bodyId = mrb_intern(mrb, "@body");

  switch (request->requestType()) {
    case HttpRequest::HTTP_REQUEST_POST:
      mrb_iv_set(mrb, req, id, mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, "POST"));
      mrb_iv_set(mrb, req, bodyId, mrb_str_new(mrb, request->body(), request->bodySize()));

    case HttpRequest::HTTP_REQUEST_PUT:
      mrb_iv_set(mrb, req, id, mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, "PUT"));
      mrb_iv_set(mrb, req, bodyId, mrb_str_new(mrb, request->body(), request->bodySize()));

    case HttpRequest::HTTP_REQUEST_DELETE:
      mrb_iv_set(mrb, req, id, mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, "DELETE"));

    case HttpRequest::HTTP_REQUEST_HEAD:
      mrb_iv_set(mrb, req, id, mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, "DELETE"));

      mrb_iv_set(mrb, req, id, mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, "GET"));

  // copy request parameter
  map<string, string> values = request->values();
  mrb_value parametersArray = mrb_hash_new_capa(mrb, values.size());

  for (map<string, string>::iterator i = values.begin();  i != values.end();  ++i) {
    string const& k = i->first;
    string const& v = i->second;

    map<string, TRI_action_parameter_type_e>::const_iterator p = action->_parameters.find(k);

    if (p == action->_parameters.end()) {
      key = mrb_str_new(mrb, k.c_str(), k.size());
      val = mrb_str_new(mrb, v.c_str(), v.size());

      mrb_hash_set(mrb, parametersArray, key, val);
    else {
      TRI_action_parameter_type_e const& ap = p->second;

      switch (ap) {
        case TRI_ACT_COLLECTION:
        case TRI_ACT_STRING: {
          key = mrb_str_new(mrb, k.c_str(), k.size());
          val = mrb_str_new(mrb, v.c_str(), v.size());

          mrb_hash_set(mrb, parametersArray, key, val);

        case TRI_ACT_NUMBER: {
          key = mrb_str_new(mrb, k.c_str(), k.size());
          val = mrb_str_new(mrb, v.c_str(), v.size());
          val = mrb_float_value(TRI_DoubleString(v.c_str()));

          mrb_hash_set(mrb, parametersArray, key, val);

  id = mrb_intern(mrb, "@parameters");
  mrb_iv_set(mrb, req, id, parametersArray);

  // execute the callback
  mrb_value args[2];
  args[0] = req;
  args[1] = res;

  mrb_funcall_argv(mrb, callback, "service", 2, args);

  if (mrb->exc) {
    TRI_LogRubyException(mrb, mrb->exc);
    mrb->exc = 0;
    return new HttpResponse(HttpResponse::SERVER_ERROR);

  // set status code
  id = mrb_intern(mrb, "@status");
  val = mrb_iv_get(mrb, res, id);
  HttpResponse::HttpResponseCode code = HttpResponse::OK;

  if (! mrb_nil_p(val)) {
    code = (HttpResponse::HttpResponseCode) MR_float(mrb, val);

  // generate response
  HttpResponse* response = new HttpResponse(code);

  // set content type
  id = mrb_intern(mrb, "@content_type");
  val = mrb_iv_get(mrb, res, id);

  if (! mrb_nil_p(val)) {
    response->setContentType(MR_string(mrb, val));

  id = mrb_intern(mrb, "@body");
  val = mrb_iv_get(mrb, res, id);

  if (! mrb_nil_p(val)) {
    response->body().appendText(MR_string(mrb, val));

  return response;
HttpHandler::status_t RestBatchHandler::execute () {
  // extract the request type
  const HttpRequest::HttpRequestType type = _request->requestType();

  if (type != HttpRequest::HTTP_REQUEST_POST && type != HttpRequest::HTTP_REQUEST_PUT) {
    return status_t(HttpHandler::HANDLER_DONE);

  string boundary;

  // invalid content-type or boundary sent
  if (! getBoundary(&boundary)) {
    generateError(HttpResponse::BAD, TRI_ERROR_HTTP_BAD_PARAMETER, "invalid content-type or boundary received");
    return status_t(HttpHandler::HANDLER_FAILED);

  LOG_TRACE("boundary of multipart-message is '%s'", boundary.c_str());

  size_t errors = 0;

  // get authorization header. we will inject this into the subparts
  string authorization = _request->header("authorization");

  // create the response
  _response = createResponse(HttpResponse::OK);

  // setup some auxiliary structures to parse the multipart message
  MultipartMessage message(boundary.c_str(),
                           _request->body() + _request->bodySize());

  SearchHelper helper;
  helper.message = &message;
  helper.searchStart = (char*) message.messageStart;

  // iterate over all parts of the multipart message
  while (true) {
    // get the next part from the multipart message
    if (! extractPart(&helper)) {
      // error
      generateError(HttpResponse::BAD, TRI_ERROR_HTTP_BAD_PARAMETER, "invalid multipart message received");
      LOG_WARNING("received a corrupted multipart message");

      return status_t(HttpHandler::HANDLER_FAILED);

    // split part into header & body
    const char* partStart = helper.foundStart;
    const char* partEnd = partStart + helper.foundLength;
    const size_t partLength = helper.foundLength;

    const char* headerStart = partStart;
    char* bodyStart = nullptr;
    size_t headerLength = 0;
    size_t bodyLength = 0;

    // assume Windows linebreak \r\n\r\n as delimiter
    char* p = strstr((char*) headerStart, "\r\n\r\n");

    if (p != nullptr && p + 4 <= partEnd) {
      headerLength = p - partStart;
      bodyStart = p + 4;
      bodyLength = partEnd - bodyStart;
    else {
      // test Unix linebreak
      p = strstr((char*) headerStart, "\n\n");

      if (p != nullptr && p + 2 <= partEnd) {
        headerLength = p - partStart;
        bodyStart = p + 2;
        bodyLength = partEnd - bodyStart;
      else {
        // no delimiter found, assume we have only a header
        headerLength = partLength;

    // set up request object for the part
    LOG_TRACE("part header is: %s", string(headerStart, headerLength).c_str());
    HttpRequest* request = new HttpRequest(_request->connectionInfo(), headerStart, headerLength, _request->compatibility(), false);

    if (request == nullptr) {
      generateError(HttpResponse::SERVER_ERROR, TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY);

      return status_t(HttpHandler::HANDLER_FAILED);

    // we do not have a client task id here

    // inject the request context from the framing (batch) request
    // the "false" means the context is not responsible for resource handling
    request->setRequestContext(_request->getRequestContext(), false);

    if (bodyLength > 0) {
      LOG_TRACE("part body is '%s'", string(bodyStart, bodyLength).c_str());
      request->setBody(bodyStart, bodyLength);

    if (authorization.size()) {
      // inject Authorization header of multipart message into part message
      request->setHeader("authorization", 13, authorization.c_str());

    HttpHandler* handler = _server->createHandler(request);

    if (! handler) {
      delete request;

      generateError(HttpResponse::BAD, TRI_ERROR_INTERNAL, "could not create handler for batch part processing");

      return status_t(HttpHandler::HANDLER_FAILED);

    HttpHandler::status_t status(HttpHandler::HANDLER_FAILED);

    do {
      try {
        status = handler->execute();
      catch (triagens::basics::Exception const& ex) {
      catch (std::exception const& ex) {
        triagens::basics::Exception err(TRI_ERROR_INTERNAL, ex.what(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
      catch (...) {
        triagens::basics::Exception err(TRI_ERROR_INTERNAL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    while (status.status == HttpHandler::HANDLER_REQUEUE);

    if (status.status == HttpHandler::HANDLER_FAILED) {
      // one of the handlers failed, we must exit now
      delete handler;
      generateError(HttpResponse::BAD, TRI_ERROR_INTERNAL, "executing a handler for batch part failed");

      return status_t(HttpHandler::HANDLER_FAILED);

    HttpResponse* partResponse = handler->getResponse();

    if (partResponse == nullptr) {
      delete handler;
      generateError(HttpResponse::BAD, TRI_ERROR_INTERNAL, "could not create a response for batch part request");

      return status_t(HttpHandler::HANDLER_FAILED);

    const HttpResponse::HttpResponseCode code = partResponse->responseCode();

    if (code >= 400) {
      // error

    // append the boundary for this subpart
    _response->body().appendText(boundary + "\r\nContent-Type: ");

    if (helper.contentId != 0) {
      // append content-id
      _response->body().appendText("\r\nContent-Id: " + string(helper.contentId, helper.contentIdLength));


    // remove some headers we don't need
    partResponse->setHeader(TRI_CHAR_LENGTH_PAIR("connection"), "");
    partResponse->setHeader(TRI_CHAR_LENGTH_PAIR("server"), "");

    // append the part response header
    // append the part response body

    delete handler;

    if (! helper.containsMore) {
      // we've read the last part
  } // next part

  // append final boundary + "--"
  _response->body().appendText(boundary + "--");

  if (errors > 0) {
    _response->setHeader(HttpResponse::BatchErrorHeader, StringUtils::itoa(errors));

  // success
  return status_t(HttpHandler::HANDLER_DONE);