static HRESULT createFAFiller(IAAFDictionary* const pDict, IAAFFillerSP& spFill)
	//handy - QI filler for  Object intf.		
	IAAFObjectSP spObj;
	checkResult(spFill->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFObject, (void**)&spObj));
	//Get the  property def for Component::FA
	IAAFClassDefSP spCD_comp;
	checkResult(pDict->LookupClassDef(AUID_AAFComponent, &spCD_comp));
	//From Class Def, get the Property Def
	IAAFPropertyDefSP spPD_comp;
	checkResult(spCD_comp->LookupPropertyDef(TEST_PROP_ID, &spPD_comp));
	aafBoolean_t  bIsPresent = kAAFTrue;
	//Verify that optional property is NOT yet present in object
	checkResult(spObj->IsPropertyPresent(spPD_comp, &bIsPresent));
	checkExpression(bIsPresent == kAAFFalse, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED);
	//Now, create a property value .......
	//first, get the type def
	//Lookup the FA type
	IAAFTypeDefSP spTypeDef;
	checkResult(pDict->LookupTypeDef(TEST_FA_TYPE_ID, &spTypeDef));
	//Get the FA typedef
	IAAFTypeDefFixedArraySP  spFA;
	checkResult(spTypeDef->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFTypeDefFixedArray, (void**)&spFA));
	//Set the array up
	IAAFPropertyValueSP spPropVal;
	checkResult( spFA->CreateValueFromCArray (
		(aafMemPtr_t)  TEST_FA_VALUES,
		&spPropVal)	);
	//Set the value FA to the Object *****************************************
	checkResult(spObj->SetPropertyValue(spPD_comp, spPropVal));
	//Verify that the optional property is now present in the object
	checkResult(spObj->IsPropertyPresent(spPD_comp, &bIsPresent));
	checkExpression(bIsPresent == kAAFTrue,  AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED);
	return S_OK;
static HRESULT createCHARFiller(IAAFDictionary* const pDict, IAAFFillerSP& spFill)
	//handy - QI filler for  Object intf.		
	IAAFObjectSP spObj;
	checkResult(spFill->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFObject, (void**)&spObj));
	//Get the  property def for Component::CHAR
	IAAFClassDefSP spCD_comp;
	checkResult(pDict->LookupClassDef(AUID_AAFComponent, &spCD_comp));
	//From Class Def, get the Property Def
	IAAFPropertyDefSP spPD_comp;
	checkResult(spCD_comp->LookupPropertyDef(TEST_PROP_ID, &spPD_comp));
	aafBoolean_t  bIsPresent = kAAFTrue;
	//Verify that optional property is already present in object (builtin)
	checkResult(spObj->IsPropertyPresent(spPD_comp, &bIsPresent));
	checkExpression(bIsPresent == kAAFFalse, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED);
	//Now, create a property value .......
	//first, get the type def
	//Lookup the CHAR type
	IAAFTypeDefSP spTypeDef;
	checkResult(pDict->LookupTypeDef(TEST_CHAR_TYPE_ID, &spTypeDef));
	//Get the CHAR typedef
	IAAFTypeDefCharacterSP  spCHAR;
	checkResult(spTypeDef->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFTypeDefCharacter, (void**)&spCHAR));
	//Set the CHAR up
	IAAFPropertyValueSP spPropVal;
	checkResult( spCHAR->CreateValueFromCharacter (
		&spPropVal)	);
	//Set the value CHAR to the Object *****************************************
	checkResult(spObj->SetPropertyValue(spPD_comp, spPropVal));
	//Verify that the optional property is now present in the object
	checkResult(spObj->IsPropertyPresent(spPD_comp, &bIsPresent));
	checkExpression(bIsPresent == kAAFTrue,  AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED);
	return S_OK;
// Get the stream property values from the given essence data.
static void Test_EssenceStreamPropertyValues(
  IAAFDictionary *pDictionary,
  IAAFEssenceData *pEssenceData,
  IAAFPropertyValue **ppDataPropertyValue,
  IAAFPropertyValue **ppSampleIndexPropertyValue)
  // Get the direct access interfaces.
  IAAFObjectSP pObject;
  IAAFPropertyDefSP pDataPropertyDef;
  IAAFPropertyDefSP pSampleIndexPropertyDef;  

  CheckResult(pEssenceData->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFObject, (void **)&pObject));

  aafBoolean_t present = kAAFFalse;
  CheckResult(pObject->IsPropertyPresent(pSampleIndexPropertyDef, &present));
  if (kAAFTrue == present)
    *ppSampleIndexPropertyValue = NULL;
static HRESULT verifyContents (IAAFHeader* const pHeader, IAAFDictionary* const pDict,
							   const aafBoolean_t bMinimalTesting)
	//CAAFBuiltinDefs defs (pDict);
	//  Check the MOb stuff 
	IAAFMobSP spMob;
	checkResult(pHeader->LookupMob (TEST_MobID, &spMob));
	aafNumSlots_t numSlots = 0;
	checkResult(spMob->CountSlots (&numSlots));
	// we only put one in
	assert (1 == numSlots);
	IEnumAAFMobSlotsSP spSlotEnum;
	checkResult(spMob->GetSlots (&spSlotEnum));
	// Since we only put one in, just bother with the first one.
	IAAFMobSlotSP spMobSlot;
	checkResult(spSlotEnum->NextOne (&spMobSlot));
	aafCharacter buf[128] = {0};
	checkResult(spMobSlot->GetName(buf, 128*sizeof(aafCharacter)));
	checkExpression( wcscmp(buf, TEST_SLOT_NAME) == 0,   AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED );	
	aafSlotID_t slotid = {0};
	checkExpression( slotid == TEST_SLOT_ID,    AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED );	
	// Get the segment; it's got to be our filler.
	IAAFSegmentSP spSegment;
	checkResult(spMobSlot->GetSegment (&spSegment));
	// Get filler interface
	IAAFFillerSP spFill;
	//Make sure Property is preset!  Can't do anything without it
	//handy - QI filler for  Object intf.		
	IAAFObjectSP spObj;
	checkResult(spFill->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFObject, (void**)&spObj));
	//Get the  property def for Component::CHAR
	IAAFClassDefSP spCD_comp;
	checkResult(pDict->LookupClassDef(AUID_AAFComponent, &spCD_comp));
	//From Class Def, get the Property Def
	IAAFPropertyDefSP spPD_comp;
	checkResult(spCD_comp->LookupPropertyDef(TEST_PROP_ID, &spPD_comp));
	//Verify that optional property is present in object
	aafBoolean_t  bIsPresent = kAAFFalse;
	checkResult(spObj->IsPropertyPresent(spPD_comp, &bIsPresent));
	checkExpression(bIsPresent == kAAFTrue, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED);
	//get the value
	IAAFPropertyValueSP spPropVal;
	checkResult(spObj->GetPropertyValue(spPD_comp, &spPropVal)); //Our CHARING PropVal
	//Get the  typedef
	//first, get the Type Def from the  Property def
	IAAFTypeDefSP spTypeDef;
	//now get the CHAR intf
	IAAFTypeDefCharacterSP spCHAR;
	checkResult(spTypeDef->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFTypeDefCharacter, (void**)&spCHAR));
	aafCharacter  test_char = 0;  //init a checking variable; select a reasonable size buffer

	checkResult(spCHAR->GetCharacter(spPropVal, &test_char));
	//VERIFY values:
	checkExpression( test_char == TEST_CHAR_VALUE, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED );	
	//At this point, the test is succesful for both the CREATE and READ (unscrambling of .aaf file) routines
	if (bMinimalTesting)
		// so,  bail if we're called from CREATE 
		return S_OK;
	/////  READ routine .... continue with more tests ....................

	//Do a Set/Get character operation pari ...

	const aafCharacter  TEST_Char = 'b';
	checkResult(spCHAR->SetCharacter(spPropVal, TEST_Char));

	//Now get it back
	test_char = 0;     //reset variable before the readback
	checkResult(spCHAR->GetCharacter(spPropVal, &test_char));
	//verify the read-back
	checkExpression( test_char == TEST_Char, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED );	

	return S_OK;
static HRESULT verifyContents (IAAFHeader* const pHeader, IAAFDictionary* const pDict,
							   const aafBoolean_t bMinimalTesting)
	//CAAFBuiltinDefs defs (pDict);
	//  Check the MOb stuff 
	IAAFMobSP spMob;
	checkResult(pHeader->LookupMob (TEST_MobID, &spMob));
	aafNumSlots_t numSlots = 0;
	checkResult(spMob->CountSlots (&numSlots));
	// we only put one in
	assert (1 == numSlots);
	IEnumAAFMobSlotsSP spSlotEnum;
	checkResult(spMob->GetSlots (&spSlotEnum));
	// Since we only put one in, just bother with the first one.
	IAAFMobSlotSP spMobSlot;
	checkResult(spSlotEnum->NextOne (&spMobSlot));
	aafCharacter buf[128] = {0};
	checkResult(spMobSlot->GetName(buf, 128));
	checkExpression( wcscmp(buf, TEST_SLOT_NAME) == 0,   AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED );	
	aafSlotID_t slotid = {0};
	checkExpression( slotid == TEST_SLOT_ID,    AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED );	
	// Get the segment; it's got to be our filler.
	IAAFSegmentSP spSegment;
	checkResult(spMobSlot->GetSegment (&spSegment));
	// Get filler interface
	IAAFFillerSP spFill;
	//Make sure Property is preset!  Can't do anything without it
	//handy - QI filler for  Object intf.		
	IAAFObjectSP spObj;
	checkResult(spFill->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFObject, (void**)&spObj));
	//Get the  property def for Component::FA
	IAAFClassDefSP spCD_comp;
	checkResult(pDict->LookupClassDef(AUID_AAFComponent, &spCD_comp));
	//From Class Def, get the Property Def
	IAAFPropertyDefSP spPD_comp;
	checkResult(spCD_comp->LookupPropertyDef(TEST_PROP_ID, &spPD_comp));
	//Verify that optional property is not yet present in object
	aafBoolean_t  bIsPresent = kAAFFalse;
	checkResult(spObj->IsPropertyPresent(spPD_comp, &bIsPresent));
	checkExpression(bIsPresent == kAAFTrue, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED);
	//get the value
	IAAFPropertyValueSP spPropVal;
	checkResult(spObj->GetPropertyValue(spPD_comp, &spPropVal));
	//Get the Fixed Array typedef
	//first, get the Type Def from the  Property def
	IAAFTypeDefSP spTypeDef;
	//now get the FA intf
	IAAFTypeDefFixedArraySP spFA;
	checkResult(spTypeDef->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFTypeDefFixedArray, (void**)&spFA));
	//get the array out of it ...
	TEST_ELEM_t	check_fa [TEST_FA_COUNT] = {0};  //init a checking variable
	aafUInt32 check_count = 0;
	checkExpression( check_count == TEST_FA_COUNT, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED );	
	IAAFTypeDefSP spTestType;
	//Look up our elem Type def 
	IAAFTypeDefSP spTD_elem;
	checkResult(pDict->LookupTypeDef (TEST_ELEM_TYPE_ID, &spTD_elem));
//!!!	checkExpression( AreUnksSame(spTestType, spTD_elem), AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED );
	aafUInt32 i=0;
	checkResult(spFA->GetCArray(spPropVal, (aafMemPtr_t) check_fa, sizeof(check_fa)));
	//VERIFY values:
	for (i=0; i<TEST_FA_COUNT; i++)
		checkExpression( check_fa[i] == TEST_FA_VALUES[i], AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED );	
	//At this point, the test is succesful for both the CREATE and READ (unscrambling of .aaf file) routines
	if (bMinimalTesting)
		// so,  bail if we're called from CREATE 
		return S_OK;
	/////  READ routine .... continue with more tests ....................
	//Get 3rd index out of array
	aafUInt32  test_index = 2;
	IAAFPropertyValueSP spSomeVal;
	checkResult(spFA->GetElementValue(spPropVal, test_index, &spSomeVal));
	//Make sure both have same types ...
//!!!	checkExpression( AreUnksSame(spTestType, spTD_elem), AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED );
	//now, test spSomeVal for integer
	IAAFTypeDefIntSP spSomeInt;
	checkResult(spTestType->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFTypeDefInt, (void**)&spSomeInt));
	TEST_ELEM_t some_int = -1;
	checkResult(spSomeInt->GetInteger(spSomeVal, (aafMemPtr_t)&some_int, sizeof (some_int)));
	checkExpression( some_int == TEST_FA_VALUES[test_index], AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED );
	const TEST_ELEM_t  newArray[TEST_FA_COUNT] = {99, -99, 22, -22, 120};
	checkResult(spFA->SetCArray (spPropVal, (aafMemPtr_t) newArray,  sizeof(newArray)));
	//Verify that the new values are set .... 
	// .... call GetCArray
	checkResult(spFA->GetCArray(spPropVal, (aafMemPtr_t) check_fa, sizeof(check_fa)));
	for (i=0; i<TEST_FA_COUNT; i++)
		checkExpression( check_fa[i] == newArray[i], AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED );	

	//Test IAAFTypeDefFixedArray::IAAFTypeDefArray::SetElementValue() ....

	some_int = -13;
	checkResult(spSomeInt->CreateValue((aafMemPtr_t)&some_int, sizeof (some_int), &spSomeVal));
	//try to set the value out-of-bounds
	hr = spFA->SetElementValue(spPropVal, 5, spSomeVal); //5 is one elem out of bounds
	//Set the element to last index ...
	checkResult(spFA->SetElementValue(spPropVal, 4, spSomeVal));  //4 is last index position
	//Now get back the element ...
	checkResult(spFA->GetElementValue(spPropVal, 4, &spSomeVal));
	some_int = 0; //reset value
	checkResult(spSomeInt->GetInteger(spSomeVal, (aafMemPtr_t)&some_int, sizeof (some_int)));
	//verify retrieved integer
	checkExpression( -13 == some_int  , AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED );
    //IAAFTypeDefArray::CreateValueFromValues ()
	const TEST_ELEM_t  newsize_array[7] = {10, -20, 30, -44, 55, -360, 11};

	aafUInt32 bad_count = 7;
	IAAFPropertyValue * pSourceValArr[7];
	for (i=0; i<bad_count; i++)
						sizeof (some_int), &pSourceValArr[i]));
	IAAFPropertyValueSP spTargetValArr;
	hr = spFA->CreateValueFromValues(pSourceValArr, bad_count, &spTargetValArr );
	//ok try again, with the correct count
	aafUInt32 good_count = 5;
	checkResult(spFA->CreateValueFromValues(pSourceValArr, good_count, &spTargetValArr ));

	//done with creating Target ValArr;  release Source ValArr elements
	for (i=0; i<bad_count; i++)

	//verify spPropValArr values
	TEST_ELEM_t	check2_fa [5] = {0};  //init a checking variable
	checkResult(spFA->GetCArray(spTargetValArr, (aafMemPtr_t) check2_fa, sizeof(check2_fa)));
	for (i=0; i<good_count; i++)
		checkExpression( check2_fa[i] == newsize_array[i], AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED );	

	//another  negative test ...
	//check for bad size request : like, say 6 elements
	const TEST_ELEM_t  badSize_array[TEST_FA_COUNT+1] = {99, -2, 78, -12, 77, -55};
	hr = spFA->SetCArray (spPropVal, (aafMemPtr_t) badSize_array,  sizeof(badSize_array));
	//we should have got back a BAD SIZE!!!! 
	return S_OK;