void toggleCameraFpsMode() { ICameraSceneNode * cam = irrDevice->getSceneManager()->getActiveCamera(); if (cam) { cam->setInputReceiverEnabled( !cam->isInputReceiverEnabled()); } }
void CSSceneNodeAnimatorFPS::animateNode(ISceneNode* node, u32 timeMs) { if (!node || node->getType() != ESNT_CAMERA) return; ICameraSceneNode* camera = static_cast<ICameraSceneNode*>(node); if (firstUpdate) { camera->updateAbsolutePosition(); if (CursorControl) { CursorControl->setPosition(m_CursorOffsetX, m_CursorOffsetY); CursorPos = CenterCursor = CursorControl->getRelativePosition(); } LastAnimationTime = timeMs; firstUpdate = false; } // If the camera isn't the active camera, and receiving input, then don't process it. if (!camera->isInputReceiverEnabled()) { firstInput = true; return; } if (firstInput) { allKeysUp(); firstInput = false; } scene::ISceneManager * smgr = camera->getSceneManager(); if (smgr && smgr->getActiveCamera() != camera) return; // get time f32 timeDiff = (f32)(timeMs - LastAnimationTime); LastAnimationTime = timeMs; // update position core::vector3df pos = camera->getPosition(); // Update rotation core::vector3df target = (camera->getTarget() - camera->getAbsolutePosition()); core::vector3df relativeRotation = target.getHorizontalAngle(); if (CursorControl) { if (CursorPos != CenterCursor) { relativeRotation.Y -= (m_CursorOffsetX - CursorPos.X) * RotateSpeed; relativeRotation.X -= (m_CursorOffsetY - CursorPos.Y) * RotateSpeed * MouseYDirection; // X < MaxVerticalAngle or X > 360-MaxVerticalAngle if (relativeRotation.X > MaxVerticalAngle * 2 && relativeRotation.X < 360.0f - MaxVerticalAngle) { relativeRotation.X = 360.0f - MaxVerticalAngle; } else if (relativeRotation.X > MaxVerticalAngle && relativeRotation.X < 360.0f - MaxVerticalAngle) { relativeRotation.X = MaxVerticalAngle; } // Do the fix as normal, special case below // reset cursor position to the centre of the window. CursorControl->setPosition(m_CursorOffsetX, m_CursorOffsetY); CenterCursor = CursorControl->getRelativePosition(); // needed to avoid problems when the event receiver is disabled CursorPos = CenterCursor; } // Special case, mouse is whipped outside of window before it can update. video::IVideoDriver* driver = smgr->getVideoDriver(); core::vector2d<u32> mousepos(u32(CursorControl->getPosition().X), u32(CursorControl->getPosition().Y)); core::rect<u32> screenRect(0, 0, driver->getScreenSize().Width, driver->getScreenSize().Height); // Only if we are moving outside quickly. bool reset = !screenRect.isPointInside(mousepos); if (reset) { // Force a reset. CursorControl->setPosition(m_CursorOffsetX, m_CursorOffsetY); CenterCursor = CursorControl->getRelativePosition(); CursorPos = CenterCursor; } } // set target target.set(0, 0, core::max_(1.f, pos.getLength())); core::vector3df movedir = target; core::matrix4 mat; mat.setRotationDegrees(core::vector3df(relativeRotation.X, relativeRotation.Y, 0)); mat.transformVect(target); if (NoVerticalMovement) { mat.setRotationDegrees(core::vector3df(0, relativeRotation.Y, 0)); mat.transformVect(movedir); } else { movedir = target; } movedir.normalize(); if (CursorKeys[EKA_MOVE_FORWARD]) pos += movedir * timeDiff * MoveSpeed; if (CursorKeys[EKA_MOVE_BACKWARD]) pos -= movedir * timeDiff * MoveSpeed; // strafing core::vector3df strafevect = target; strafevect = strafevect.crossProduct(camera->getUpVector()); if (NoVerticalMovement) strafevect.Y = 0.0f; strafevect.normalize(); if (CursorKeys[EKA_STRAFE_LEFT]) pos += strafevect * timeDiff * MoveSpeed; if (CursorKeys[EKA_STRAFE_RIGHT]) pos -= strafevect * timeDiff * MoveSpeed; // For jumping, we find the collision response animator attached to our camera // and if it's not falling, we tell it to jump. if (CursorKeys[EKA_JUMP_UP]) { const ISceneNodeAnimatorList& animators = camera->getAnimators(); ISceneNodeAnimatorList::ConstIterator it = animators.begin(); while (it != animators.end()) { if (ESNAT_COLLISION_RESPONSE == (*it)->getType()) { ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse * collisionResponse = static_cast<ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse *>(*it); if (!collisionResponse->isFalling()) collisionResponse->jump(JumpSpeed); } it++; } } // write translation camera->setPosition(pos); // write right target target += pos; camera->setTarget(target); }
void CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS::animateNode(IDummyTransformationSceneNode* node, uint32_t timeMs) { if (!node || node->getType() != ESNT_CAMERA) return; ICameraSceneNode* camera = static_cast<ICameraSceneNode*>(node); if (firstUpdate) { camera->updateAbsolutePosition(); if (CursorControl ) { CursorControl->setPosition(0.5f, 0.5f); CursorPos = CenterCursor = CursorControl->getRelativePosition(); } LastAnimationTime = timeMs; firstUpdate = false; } // If the camera isn't the active camera, and receiving input, then don't process it. if(!camera->isInputReceiverEnabled()) { firstInput = true; return; } if ( firstInput ) { allKeysUp(); firstInput = false; } scene::ISceneManager * smgr = camera->getSceneManager(); if(smgr && smgr->getActiveCamera() != camera) return; // get time float timeDiff = (float) ( timeMs - LastAnimationTime ); LastAnimationTime = timeMs; // update position core::vector3df pos = camera->getPosition(); // Update rotation core::vector3df target = (camera->getTarget() - camera->getAbsolutePosition()); core::vector3df relativeRotation = target.getHorizontalAngle(); if (CursorControl) { if (CursorPos != CenterCursor) { relativeRotation.Y -= (0.5f - CursorPos.X) * RotateSpeed; relativeRotation.X -= (0.5f - CursorPos.Y) * RotateSpeed * MouseYDirection; // X < MaxVerticalAngle or X > 360-MaxVerticalAngle if (relativeRotation.X > MaxVerticalAngle*2 && relativeRotation.X < 360.0f-MaxVerticalAngle) { relativeRotation.X = 360.0f-MaxVerticalAngle; } else if (relativeRotation.X > MaxVerticalAngle && relativeRotation.X < 360.0f-MaxVerticalAngle) { relativeRotation.X = MaxVerticalAngle; } // Do the fix as normal, special case below // reset cursor position to the centre of the window. CursorControl->setPosition(0.5f, 0.5f); CenterCursor = CursorControl->getRelativePosition(); // needed to avoid problems when the event receiver is disabled CursorPos = CenterCursor; } // Special case, mouse is whipped outside of window before it can update. video::IVideoDriver* driver = smgr->getVideoDriver(); core::vector2d<uint32_t> mousepos(uint32_t(CursorControl->getPosition().X), uint32_t(CursorControl->getPosition().Y)); core::rect<uint32_t> screenRect(0, 0, driver->getScreenSize().Width, driver->getScreenSize().Height); // Only if we are moving outside quickly. bool reset = !screenRect.isPointInside(mousepos); if(reset) { // Force a reset. CursorControl->setPosition(0.5f, 0.5f); CenterCursor = CursorControl->getRelativePosition(); CursorPos = CenterCursor; } } // set target target.set(0,0, core::max_(1.f, pos.getLength())); core::vector3df movedir = target; core::matrix4x3 mat; mat.setRotationDegrees(core::vector3df(relativeRotation.X, relativeRotation.Y, 0)); mat.transformVect(&target.X); if (NoVerticalMovement) { mat.setRotationDegrees(core::vector3df(0, relativeRotation.Y, 0)); mat.transformVect(&movedir.X); } else { movedir = target; } movedir.normalize(); if (CursorKeys[EKA_MOVE_FORWARD]) pos += movedir * timeDiff * MoveSpeed; if (CursorKeys[EKA_MOVE_BACKWARD]) pos -= movedir * timeDiff * MoveSpeed; // strafing core::vector3df strafevect = target; strafevect = strafevect.crossProduct(camera->getUpVector()); if (NoVerticalMovement) strafevect.Y = 0.0f; strafevect.normalize(); if (CursorKeys[EKA_STRAFE_LEFT]) pos += strafevect * timeDiff * MoveSpeed; if (CursorKeys[EKA_STRAFE_RIGHT]) pos -= strafevect * timeDiff * MoveSpeed; // write translation camera->setPosition(pos); // write right target target += pos; camera->setTarget(target); }
//! OnAnimate() is called just before rendering the whole scene. //! nodes may calculate or store animations here, and may do other useful things, //! dependent on what they are. void CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya::animateNode(ISceneNode *node, u32 timeMs) { //Alt + LM = Rotate around camera pivot //Alt + LM + MM = Dolly forth/back in view direction (speed % distance camera pivot - max distance to pivot) //Alt + MM = Move on camera plane (Screen center is about the mouse pointer, depending on move speed) if (!node || node->getType() != ESNT_CAMERA) return; ICameraSceneNode* camera = static_cast<ICameraSceneNode*>(node); // If the camera isn't the active camera, and receiving input, then don't process it. if(!camera->isInputReceiverEnabled()) return; scene::ISceneManager * smgr = camera->getSceneManager(); if(smgr && smgr->getActiveCamera() != camera) return; if (OldCamera != camera) { OldTarget = camera->getTarget(); OldCamera = camera; LastCameraTarget = OldTarget; } else { OldTarget += camera->getTarget() - LastCameraTarget; } core::vector3df target = camera->getTarget(); f32 nRotX = RotX; f32 nRotY = RotY; f32 nZoom = CurrentZoom; if ( (isMouseKeyDown(0) && isMouseKeyDown(2)) || isMouseKeyDown(1) ) { if (!Zooming) { ZoomStart = MousePos; Zooming = true; nZoom = CurrentZoom; } else { const f32 targetMinDistance = 0.1f; nZoom += (ZoomStart.X - MousePos.X) * ZoomSpeed; if (nZoom < targetMinDistance) // jox: fixed bug: bounce back when zooming to close nZoom = targetMinDistance; } } else if (Zooming) { const f32 old = CurrentZoom; CurrentZoom = CurrentZoom + (ZoomStart.X - MousePos.X ) * ZoomSpeed; nZoom = CurrentZoom; if (nZoom < 0) nZoom = CurrentZoom = old; Zooming = false; } // Translation --------------------------------- core::vector3df translate(OldTarget), upVector(camera->getUpVector()); core::vector3df tvectX = Pos - target; tvectX = tvectX.crossProduct(upVector); tvectX.normalize(); const SViewFrustum* const va = camera->getViewFrustum(); core::vector3df tvectY = (va->getFarLeftDown() - va->getFarRightDown()); tvectY = tvectY.crossProduct(upVector.Y > 0 ? Pos - target : target - Pos); tvectY.normalize(); if (isMouseKeyDown(2) && !Zooming) { if (!Translating) { TranslateStart = MousePos; Translating = true; } else { translate += tvectX * (TranslateStart.X - MousePos.X)*TranslateSpeed + tvectY * (TranslateStart.Y - MousePos.Y)*TranslateSpeed; } } else if (Translating) { translate += tvectX * (TranslateStart.X - MousePos.X)*TranslateSpeed + tvectY * (TranslateStart.Y - MousePos.Y)*TranslateSpeed; OldTarget = translate; Translating = false; } // Rotation ------------------------------------ if (isMouseKeyDown(0) && !Zooming) { if (!Rotating) { RotateStart = MousePos; Rotating = true; nRotX = RotX; nRotY = RotY; } else { nRotX += (RotateStart.X - MousePos.X) * RotateSpeed; nRotY += (RotateStart.Y - MousePos.Y) * RotateSpeed; } } else if (Rotating) { RotX += (RotateStart.X - MousePos.X) * RotateSpeed; RotY += (RotateStart.Y - MousePos.Y) * RotateSpeed; nRotX = RotX; nRotY = RotY; Rotating = false; } // Set Pos ------------------------------------ target = translate; Pos.X = nZoom + target.X; Pos.Y = target.Y; Pos.Z = target.Z; Pos.rotateXYBy(nRotY, target); Pos.rotateXZBy(-nRotX, target); // Rotation Error ---------------------------- // jox: fixed bug: jitter when rotating to the top and bottom of y upVector.set(0,1,0); upVector.rotateXYBy(-nRotY); upVector.rotateXZBy(-nRotX+180.f); camera->setPosition(Pos); camera->setTarget(target); camera->setUpVector(upVector); LastCameraTarget = camera->getTarget(); }