INT WINAPI WinMain( __in HINSTANCE hInstance, __in_opt HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, __in LPSTR lpCmdLine, __in int nShowCmd ) { char* lpFileChar = NULL; INT fileChars; if(!readXFile("Warrior.x", NULL, &fileChars)) { goto finallyDo; } lpFileChar = new CHAR[fileChars]; if(!readXFile("Warrior.x", &lpFileChar, &fileChars)) { goto finallyDo; } ID3DXFile* lpXFile = NULL; DXvBegin(D3DXFileCreate(&lpXFile)) goto finallyDo; DXvEnd DXvBegin(lpXFile->RegisterTemplates(D3DRM_XTEMPLATES, D3DRM_XTEMPLATE_BYTES)) goto finallyDo; DXvEnd DXvBegin(lpXFile->RegisterTemplates(lpFileChar, strlen(lpFileChar))) goto finallyDo; DXvEnd parseXFile(lpXFile); finallyDo: delete []lpFileChar; DXreleaseCom(lpXFile); return 0; }
BOOL JCXFile::parse(LPCSTR lpXFileData) { if(lpXFileData == NULL) { return FALSE; } cleanUp(); ID3DXFile* lpXFile = NULL; xVerifyFailedIf(D3DXFileCreate(&lpXFile)) jccommon_releaseComM(lpXFile); return FALSE; xVerifyFailedEndIf xVerifyFailedIf(lpXFile->RegisterTemplates(D3DRM_XTEMPLATES, D3DRM_XTEMPLATE_BYTES)) jccommon_releaseComM(lpXFile); return FALSE; xVerifyFailedEndIf xVerifyFailedIf(lpXFile->RegisterTemplates(lpXFileData, jcstring_cslen(lpXFileData))) jccommon_releaseComM(lpXFile); return FALSE; xVerifyFailedEndIf D3DXF_FILELOADMEMORY fileMemData; fileMemData.lpMemory = lpXFileData; fileMemData.dSize = jcstring_cslen(lpXFileData); ID3DXFileEnumObject* lpEnum = NULL; xVerifyFailedIf(lpXFile->CreateEnumObject(&fileMemData, D3DXF_FILELOAD_FROMMEMORY, &lpEnum)) jccommon_releaseComM(lpXFile); return FALSE; xVerifyFailedEndIf SIZE_T numChildren; xVerifyFailedIf(lpEnum->GetChildren(&numChildren)) jccommon_releaseComM(lpXFile); jccommon_releaseComM(lpEnum); return FALSE; xVerifyFailedEndIf for (SIZE_T childIndex = 0; childIndex < numChildren; ++childIndex) { ID3DXFileData* lpXFileData = NULL; xVerifyFailedIf(lpEnum->GetChild(childIndex, &lpXFileData)) break; xVerifyFailedEndIf parseChildren(lpXFileData, FALSE, NULL, NULL); jccommon_releaseComM(lpXFileData); } jccommon_releaseComM(lpXFile); jccommon_releaseComM(lpEnum); return TRUE; }
bool loadXFile( const std::string& filename, FrameNode* rootFrameNode, LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 d3dDevice ) { ID3DXFile* dxFile = 0; ID3DXFileEnumObject* dxFileEnum = 0; // Create the file parsing structure if( APP_ERROR( FAILED( D3DXFileCreate( &dxFile ) ) )( "Couldn't create IDirectXFile to parse source file" ) ) goto FAILED; // Register templates for parsing an X file if( APP_ERROR( FAILED( dxFile->RegisterTemplates( (LPVOID)D3DRM_XTEMPLATES, D3DRM_XTEMPLATE_BYTES ) ) ) ( "Failed to register D3DRM X-file templates" ) ) goto FAILED; // Register extended templates for parsing an X file if( APP_ERROR( FAILED( dxFile->RegisterTemplates( (LPVOID)XSKINEXP_TEMPLATES, sizeof(XSKINEXP_TEMPLATES) - 1 ) ) ) ( "Failed to register extended X-file templates" ) ) goto FAILED; // Create an enumerator so that we can look at the top-level entries in the file if( APP_ERROR( FAILED( dxFile->CreateEnumObject( (LPCVOID)filename.c_str(), D3DXF_FILELOAD_FROMFILE, &dxFileEnum ) ) ) ( "Couldn't create enumerator for .X file in memory" ) ) goto FAILED; // Scan all of the top-level objects in the file bool continueLoading = true; SIZE_T numberOfChildren; dxFileEnum->GetChildren( &numberOfChildren ); for( SIZE_T i = 0; continueLoading && i < numberOfChildren; ++i ) { ID3DXFileData* dxFileDataObject = NULL; continueLoading = !APP_ERROR( FAILED( dxFileEnum->GetChild( i, &dxFileDataObject ) ) || !rootFrameNode->load( dxFileDataObject, d3dDevice ) )( "Couldn't load element" ); SAFE_RELEASE( dxFileDataObject ); } // Free the file objects SAFE_RELEASE( dxFileEnum ); SAFE_RELEASE( dxFile ); // Success return true; FAILED: SAFE_RELEASE( dxFileEnum ); SAFE_RELEASE( dxFile ); return false; }
INT WINAPI WinMain( __in HINSTANCE hInstance, __in_opt HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, __in LPSTR lpCmdLine, __in int nShowCmd ) { ID3DXFile* lpXFile; if(FAILED(D3DXFileCreate(&lpXFile))) { return 0; } if(FAILED(lpXFile->RegisterTemplates(D3DRM_XTEMPLATES, D3DRM_XTEMPLATE_BYTES))) { lpXFile->Release(); return 0; } parseXFile(lpXFile); lpXFile->Release(); return 0; }
BOOL cMesh::Load(cGraphics *Graphics, char *Filename, char *TexturePath) { ID3DXFile *pDXFile = NULL; ID3DXFileEnumObject *pDXEnum = NULL; ID3DXFileData *pDXData = NULL; sFrame *TempFrame, *FramePtr; sMesh *Mesh; // Free prior mesh object data Free(); // Error checking if((m_Graphics = Graphics) == NULL || Filename == NULL) return FALSE; // Create the file object if(FAILED(D3DXFileCreate(&pDXFile))) return FALSE; // Register the templates if(FAILED(pDXFile->RegisterTemplates((LPVOID)D3DRM_XTEMPLATES, D3DRM_XTEMPLATE_BYTES))) { pDXFile->Release(); return FALSE; } // Create an enumeration object if(FAILED(pDXFile->CreateEnumObject((LPVOID)Filename, DXFILELOAD_FROMFILE, &pDXEnum))) { pDXFile->Release(); return FALSE; } // Create a temporary frame TempFrame = new sFrame(); SIZE_T count; if (FAILED(pDXEnum->GetChildren(&count))) { return FALSE; } SIZE_T c = 0; // Loop through all objects looking for the frames and meshes while(c < count) { if (FAILED(pDXEnum->GetChild(c, &pDXData))) return FALSE; c++; ParseXFileData(pDXData, TempFrame, TexturePath); ReleaseCOM(pDXData); } // Release used COM objects ReleaseCOM(pDXEnum); ReleaseCOM(pDXFile); // See if we should keep the tempframe as root if(TempFrame->m_MeshList != NULL) { m_Frames = TempFrame; m_Frames->m_Name = new char[7]; strcpy(m_Frames->m_Name, "%ROOT%"); } else { // Assign the root frame and release temporary frame m_Frames = TempFrame->m_Child; FramePtr = m_Frames; while(FramePtr != NULL) { FramePtr->m_Parent = NULL; FramePtr = FramePtr->m_Sibling; } TempFrame->m_Child = NULL; delete TempFrame; } // Match frames to bones (for matrices) MapFramesToBones(m_Frames); // Calculate bounding box and sphere if((Mesh = m_Meshes) != NULL) { while(Mesh != NULL) { m_Min.x = min(m_Min.x, Mesh->m_Min.x); m_Min.y = min(m_Min.y, Mesh->m_Min.y); m_Min.z = min(m_Min.z, Mesh->m_Min.z); m_Max.x = max(m_Max.x, Mesh->m_Max.x); m_Max.y = max(m_Max.y, Mesh->m_Max.y); m_Max.z = max(m_Max.z, Mesh->m_Max.z); m_Radius = max(m_Radius, Mesh->m_Radius); Mesh = Mesh->m_Next; } } return TRUE; }