void CDVRPTRClientApp::createThread() { m_thread = new CDVRPTRClientThread; m_thread->Create(); m_thread->Run(); wxString callsign1, callsign2; getCallsign(callsign1, callsign2); m_thread->setCallsign(callsign1, callsign2); wxString call; wxSortedArrayString list; getYourCalls(call, list); m_thread->setYour(call); getRpt1Calls(call, list); m_thread->setRpt1(call); getRpt2Calls(call, list); m_thread->setRpt2(call); wxString message; getMessage(message); m_thread->setMessage(message); wxString device; getDVDongle(device); if (!device.IsEmpty()) { CDVDongleController* dongle = new CDVDongleController(new CSerialDataController(device, SERIAL_230400)); bool res = dongle->open(); if (!res) { wxLogError(wxT("Can't find the DV-Dongle on the port specified")); error(_("Can't find the DV-Dongle on the port specified")); } else { m_thread->setDVDongle(dongle); } } wxString readDevice, writeDevice; getSoundcard(readDevice, writeDevice); if (!readDevice.IsEmpty() && !writeDevice.IsEmpty()) { #if defined(__WINDOWS__) CSoundCardReaderWriter* soundcard = new CSoundCardReaderWriter(readDevice, writeDevice, DSTAR_RADIO_SAMPLE_RATE, DSTAR_RADIO_BLOCK_SIZE); #else CSoundCardReaderWriter* soundcard = new CSoundCardReaderWriter(readDevice, writeDevice, DSTAR_RADIO_SAMPLE_RATE, 64U); #endif soundcard->setCallback(m_thread, 0); bool res = soundcard->open(); if (!res) { wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the sound card")); error(_("Cannot open the sound card")); } else { m_thread->setSoundCard(soundcard); } } wxString modemPort; DVRPTR_VERSION version; bool rxInvert, txInvert, channel; unsigned int modLevel, txDelay; getModem(version, modemPort, rxInvert, txInvert, channel, modLevel, txDelay); if (!modemPort.IsEmpty()) { IDVRPTRController* controller = NULL; switch (version) { case DVRPTR_V1: controller = new CDVRPTRControllerV1(modemPort, rxInvert, txInvert, channel, modLevel, txDelay); break; case DVRPTR_V2: controller = new CDVRPTRControllerV2(modemPort, txInvert, modLevel); break; default: wxLogError(wxT("Unknown DV-RPTR modem version - %d"), int(version)); break; } if (controller != NULL) { bool res = controller->open(); if (!res) { wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the DV-RPTR modem")); error(_("Cannot open the DV-RPTR modem")); } else { m_thread->setModem(controller); } } } bool bleep; getBleep(bleep); m_thread->setBleep(bleep); }
void CDVRPTRRepeaterApp::createThread() { wxString callsign, gateway; DSTAR_MODE mode; ACK_TYPE ack; bool restriction, rpt1Validation; getCallsign(callsign, gateway, mode, ack, restriction, rpt1Validation); IDVRPTRRepeaterThread* thread = NULL; switch (mode) { case MODE_RXONLY: thread = new CDVRPTRRepeaterRXThread; break; case MODE_TXONLY: thread = new CDVRPTRRepeaterTXThread; break; case MODE_TXANDRX: thread = new CDVRPTRRepeaterTXRXThread; break; default: thread = new CDVRPTRRepeaterTRXThread; break; } thread->setCallsign(callsign, gateway, mode, ack, restriction, rpt1Validation); wxLogInfo(wxT("Callsign set to \"%s\", gateway set to \"%s\", mode: %d, ack: %d, restriction: %d, RPT1 validation: %d"), callsign.c_str(), gateway.c_str(), int(mode), int(ack), restriction, rpt1Validation); wxString gatewayAddress, localAddress; unsigned int gatewayPort, localPort; getNetwork(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, localAddress, localPort); wxLogInfo(wxT("Gateway set to %s:%u, local set to %s:%u"), gatewayAddress.c_str(), gatewayPort, localAddress.c_str(), localPort); if (!gatewayAddress.IsEmpty()) { CRepeaterProtocolHandler* handler = new CRepeaterProtocolHandler(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, localAddress, localPort); bool res = handler->open(); if (!res) wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the protocol handler")); else thread->setProtocolHandler(handler); } unsigned int timeout, ackTime; getTimes(timeout, ackTime); thread->setTimes(timeout, ackTime); wxLogInfo(wxT("Timeout set to %u secs, ack time set to %u ms"), timeout, ackTime); unsigned int beaconTime; wxString beaconText; bool beaconVoice; TEXT_LANG language; getBeacon(beaconTime, beaconText, beaconVoice, language); if (mode == MODE_GATEWAY) beaconTime = 0U; thread->setBeacon(beaconTime, beaconText, beaconVoice, language); wxLogInfo(wxT("Beacon set to %u mins, text set to \"%s\", voice set to %d, language set to %d"), beaconTime / 60U, beaconText.c_str(), int(beaconVoice), int(language)); DVRPTR_VERSION modemVersion; CONNECTION_TYPE modemType; wxString modemUSBPort, modemAddress, modemUSBPath; bool rxInvert, txInvert, channel; unsigned int modemPort, modLevel, txDelay; getModem(modemVersion, modemType, modemUSBPort, modemAddress, modemPort, rxInvert, txInvert, channel, modLevel, txDelay); wxLogInfo(wxT("DV-RPTR modem: version: %d, type: %d, USB port: %s, address: %s:%u, RX invert: %d, TX invert: %d, channel: %s, mod level: %u%%, TX delay: %u ms"), int(modemVersion), int(modemType), modemUSBPort.c_str(), modemAddress.c_str(), modemPort, int(rxInvert), int(txInvert), channel ? wxT("B") : wxT("A"), modLevel, txDelay); if (modemType == CT_USB) { if (!modemUSBPort.IsEmpty()) { getModem(modemUSBPath); if (!modemUSBPath.IsEmpty()) wxLogInfo(wxT("DV-RPTR modem: path: %s"), modemUSBPath.c_str()); IDVRPTRController* controller = NULL; switch (modemVersion) { case DVRPTR_V1: controller = new CDVRPTRControllerV1(modemUSBPort, modemUSBPath, rxInvert, txInvert, channel, modLevel, txDelay); break; case DVRPTR_V2: controller = new CDVRPTRControllerV2(modemUSBPort, modemUSBPath, txInvert, modLevel, mode == MODE_DUPLEX || mode == MODE_TXANDRX, callsign); break; default: wxLogError(wxT("Unknown DV-RPTR modem version - %d"), int(modemVersion)); break; } if (controller != NULL) { bool res = controller->open(); if (!res) { wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the DV-RPTR modem")); } else { thread->setModem(controller); setModem(controller->getPath()); } } } } else if (modemType == CT_NETWORK) { if (!modemAddress.IsEmpty()) { CDVRPTRControllerV2* controller = new CDVRPTRControllerV2(modemAddress, modemPort, txInvert, modLevel, mode == MODE_DUPLEX || mode == MODE_TXANDRX, callsign); bool res = controller->open(); if (!res) wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the DV-RPTR modem")); else thread->setModem(controller); } } wxString controllerType; unsigned int activeHangTime; getController(controllerType, activeHangTime); wxLogInfo(wxT("Controller set to %s, active hang time: %u ms"), controllerType.c_str(), activeHangTime); CExternalController* controller = NULL; wxString port; if (controllerType.StartsWith(wxT("Velleman K8055 - "), &port)) { unsigned long num; port.ToULong(&num); controller = new CExternalController(new CK8055Controller(num), false, false); } else if (controllerType.IsSameAs(wxT("Raspberry Pi"))) { controller = new CExternalController(new CRaspberryController, false, false); } else { controller = new CExternalController(new CDummyController, false, false); } bool res = controller->open(); if (!res) wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the hardware interface - %s"), controllerType.c_str()); else thread->setController(controller, activeHangTime); bool out1, out2, out3, out4; getOutputs(out1, out2, out3, out4); thread->setOutputs(out1, out2, out3, out4); m_frame->setOutputs(out1, out2, out3, out4); wxLogInfo(wxT("Output 1 = %d, output 2 = %d, output 3 = %d, output 4 = %d"), out1, out2, out3, out4); bool enabled; wxString rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign; wxString shutdown, startup; wxString status1, status2, status3, status4, status5; wxString command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line; wxString command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line; wxString output1, output2, output3, output4; getControl(enabled, rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign, shutdown, startup, status1, status2, status3, status4, status5, command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line, command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line, output1, output2, output3, output4); thread->setControl(enabled, rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign, shutdown, startup, status1, status2, status3, status4, status5, command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line, command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line, output1, output2, output3, output4); wxLogInfo(wxT("Control: enabled: %d, RPT1: %s, RPT2: %s, shutdown: %s, startup: %s, status1: %s, status2: %s, status3: %s, status4: %s, status5: %s, command1: %s = %s, command2: %s = %s, command3: %s = %s, command4: %s = %s, output1: %s, output2: %s, output3: %s, output4: %s"), enabled, rpt1Callsign.c_str(), rpt2Callsign.c_str(), shutdown.c_str(), startup.c_str(), status1.c_str(), status2.c_str(), status3.c_str(), status4.c_str(), status5.c_str(), command1.c_str(), command1Line.c_str(), command2.c_str(), command2Line.c_str(), command3.c_str(), command3Line.c_str(), command4.c_str(), command4Line.c_str(), output1.c_str(), output2.c_str(), output3.c_str(), output4.c_str()); bool logging; getLogging(logging); thread->setLogging(logging, m_audioDir); m_frame->setLogging(logging); wxLogInfo(wxT("Frame logging set to %d, in %s"), int(logging), m_audioDir.c_str()); wxFileName wlFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), WHITELIST_FILE_NAME); bool exists = wlFilename.FileExists(); if (exists) { CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(wlFilename.GetFullPath()); bool res = list->load(); if (!res) { wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open white list file - %s"), wlFilename.GetFullPath().c_str()); delete list; } else { wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the white list"), list->getCount()); thread->setWhiteList(list); } } wxFileName blFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), BLACKLIST_FILE_NAME); exists = blFilename.FileExists(); if (exists) { CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(blFilename.GetFullPath()); bool res = list->load(); if (!res) { wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open black list file - %s"), blFilename.GetFullPath().c_str()); delete list; } else { wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the black list"), list->getCount()); thread->setBlackList(list); } } // Convert the worker class into a thread m_thread = new CDVRPTRRepeaterThreadHelper(thread); m_thread->start(); }