bool CDirectWriteRenderer::GetFontMetrics(CDirectWriteFont &Font, FontMetrics *pMetrics) { if (pMetrics == nullptr) return false; if (m_pRenderTarget == nullptr) return false; HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; IDWriteTextFormat *pTextFormat = Font.GetTextFormat(); if (pTextFormat != nullptr) { IDWriteFontCollection *pFontCollection; hr = pTextFormat->GetFontCollection(&pFontCollection); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { WCHAR szName[256]; hr = pTextFormat->GetFontFamilyName(szName, lengthof(szName)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { UINT32 Index; BOOL fExists; hr = pFontCollection->FindFamilyName(szName, &Index, &fExists); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IDWriteFontFamily *pFontFamily; hr = pFontCollection->GetFontFamily(Index, &pFontFamily); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IDWriteFont *pFont; hr = pFontFamily->GetFirstMatchingFont( pTextFormat->GetFontWeight(), pTextFormat->GetFontStretch(), pTextFormat->GetFontStyle(), &pFont); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWRITE_FONT_METRICS Metrics; pFont->GetMetrics(&Metrics); const float Ratio = pTextFormat->GetFontSize() / static_cast<float>(Metrics.designUnitsPerEm); pMetrics->Ascent = Metrics.ascent * Ratio; pMetrics->Descent = Metrics.descent * Ratio; pMetrics->LineGap = Metrics.lineGap * Ratio; pFont->Release(); } pFontFamily->Release(); } } } } pFontCollection->Release(); } return SUCCEEDED(hr); }
bool TextFormatD2D::GetDWPropertiesFromGDIProperties( const WCHAR* gdiFamilyName, const bool gdiBold, const bool gdiItalic, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT& dwFontWeight, DWRITE_FONT_STYLE& dwFontStyle, DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH& dwFontStretch, WCHAR* dwFamilyName, UINT dwFamilyNameSize) { bool result = false; IDWriteFont* dwFont = CreateDWFontFromGDIFamilyName(gdiFamilyName); if (dwFont) { if (GetFamilyNameFromDWFont(dwFont, dwFamilyName, dwFamilyNameSize)) { dwFontWeight = dwFont->GetWeight(); if (gdiBold) { if (dwFontWeight == DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL) { dwFontWeight = DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD; } else if (dwFontWeight < DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_ULTRA_BOLD) { // If 'gdiFamilyName' was e.g. 'Segoe UI Light', |dwFontWeight| wil be equal to // DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_LIGHT. If |gdiBold| is true in that case, we need to // increase the weight a little more for similar results with GDI+. // TODO: Is +100 enough? dwFontWeight = (DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT)(dwFontWeight + 100); } } dwFontStyle = dwFont->GetStyle(); if (gdiItalic && dwFontStyle == DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL) { dwFontStyle = DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC; } dwFontStretch = dwFont->GetStretch(); result = true; } dwFont->Release(); } return result; }
HRESULT GetDWritePropertiesFromGDIProperties( IDWriteFactory* factory, const WCHAR* gdiFamilyName, const bool gdiBold, const bool gdiItalic, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT& dwriteFontWeight, DWRITE_FONT_STYLE& dwriteFontStyle, DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH& dwriteFontStretch, WCHAR* dwriteFamilyName, UINT dwriteFamilyNameSize) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IDWriteFont* dwriteFont = CreateDWriteFontFromGDIFamilyName(factory, gdiFamilyName); if (dwriteFont) { hr = GetFamilyNameFromDWriteFont(dwriteFont, dwriteFamilyName, dwriteFamilyNameSize); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { GetPropertiesFromDWriteFont( dwriteFont, gdiBold, gdiItalic, &dwriteFontWeight, &dwriteFontStyle, &dwriteFontStretch); } dwriteFont->Release(); } return hr; }
IDWriteFont* FindDWriteFontInFontFamilyByGDIFamilyName( IDWriteFontFamily* fontFamily, const WCHAR* gdiFamilyName) { const UINT32 fontFamilyFontCount = fontFamily->GetFontCount(); for (UINT32 j = 0; j < fontFamilyFontCount; ++j) { IDWriteFont* font; HRESULT hr = fontFamily->GetFont(j, &font); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { WCHAR buffer[LF_FACESIZE]; hr = GetGDIFamilyNameFromDWriteFont(font, buffer, _countof(buffer)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && _wcsicmp(gdiFamilyName, buffer) == 0) { return font; } font->Release(); } } return nullptr; }
static QFontEngine *loadEngine(int script, const QFontDef &request, HDC fontHdc, int dpi, bool rawMode, const QtFontDesc *desc, const QStringList &family_list) { LOGFONT lf; memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT)); bool useDevice = (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferDevice) && fontHdc; HDC hdc = shared_dc(); QString font_name = desc != 0 ? desc->family->name :; if (useDevice) { hdc = fontHdc; font_name =; } bool stockFont = false; bool preferClearTypeAA = false; HFONT hfont = 0; #if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE) bool useDirectWrite = (request.hintingPreference == QFont::PreferNoHinting) || (request.hintingPreference == QFont::PreferVerticalHinting); IDWriteFont *directWriteFont = 0; #else bool useDirectWrite = false; #endif if (rawMode) { // will choose a stock font int f, deffnt = SYSTEM_FONT; QString fam = desc != 0 ? desc->family->name.toLower() :; if (fam == QLatin1String("default")) f = deffnt; else if (fam == QLatin1String("system")) f = SYSTEM_FONT; #ifndef Q_WS_WINCE else if (fam == QLatin1String("system_fixed")) f = SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT; else if (fam == QLatin1String("ansi_fixed")) f = ANSI_FIXED_FONT; else if (fam == QLatin1String("ansi_var")) f = ANSI_VAR_FONT; else if (fam == QLatin1String("device_default")) f = DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT; else if (fam == QLatin1String("oem_fixed")) f = OEM_FIXED_FONT; #endif else if (fam[0] == QLatin1Char('#')) f = fam.right(fam.length()-1).toInt(); else f = deffnt; hfont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(f); if (!hfont) { qErrnoWarning("QFontEngine::loadEngine: GetStockObject failed"); hfont = systemFont(); } stockFont = true; } else { int hint = FF_DONTCARE; switch (request.styleHint) { case QFont::Helvetica: hint = FF_SWISS; break; case QFont::Times: hint = FF_ROMAN; break; case QFont::Courier: hint = FF_MODERN; break; case QFont::OldEnglish: hint = FF_DECORATIVE; break; case QFont::System: hint = FF_MODERN; break; default: break; } lf.lfHeight = -qRound(request.pixelSize); lf.lfWidth = 0; lf.lfEscapement = 0; lf.lfOrientation = 0; if (desc == 0 || desc->style->key.weight == 50) lf.lfWeight = FW_DONTCARE; else lf.lfWeight = (desc->style->key.weight*900)/99; lf.lfItalic = (desc != 0 && desc->style-> != QFont::StyleNormal); lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; int strat = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferBitmap) { strat = OUT_RASTER_PRECIS; #ifndef Q_WS_WINCE } else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferDevice) { strat = OUT_DEVICE_PRECIS; } else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferOutline) { strat = OUT_OUTLINE_PRECIS; } else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceOutline) { strat = OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS; #endif } lf.lfOutPrecision = strat; int qual = DEFAULT_QUALITY; if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferMatch) qual = DRAFT_QUALITY; #ifndef Q_WS_WINCE else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferQuality) qual = PROOF_QUALITY; #endif if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferAntialias) { if (QSysInfo::WindowsVersion >= QSysInfo::WV_XP) { qual = CLEARTYPE_QUALITY; preferClearTypeAA = true; } else { qual = ANTIALIASED_QUALITY; } } else if (request.styleStrategy & QFont::NoAntialias) { qual = NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY; } lf.lfQuality = qual; lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | hint; QString fam = font_name; if(fam.isEmpty()) fam = QLatin1String("MS Sans Serif"); if ((fam == QLatin1String("MS Sans Serif")) && ( == QFont::StyleItalic || (-lf.lfHeight > 18 && -lf.lfHeight != 24))) { fam = QLatin1String("Arial"); // MS Sans Serif has bearing problems in italic, and does not scale } if (fam == QLatin1String("Courier") && !(request.styleStrategy & QFont::PreferBitmap)) fam = QLatin1String("Courier New"); memcpy(lf.lfFaceName, fam.utf16(), sizeof(wchar_t) * qMin(fam.length() + 1, 32)); // 32 = Windows hard-coded hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); if (!hfont) qErrnoWarning("QFontEngine::loadEngine: CreateFontIndirect failed"); stockFont = (hfont == 0); bool ttf = false; int avWidth = 0; BOOL res; HGDIOBJ oldObj = SelectObject(hdc, hfont); TEXTMETRIC tm; res = GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm); avWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth; ttf = tm.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE; SelectObject(hdc, oldObj); if (!ttf || !useDirectWrite) { useDirectWrite = false; if (hfont && (!ttf || request.stretch != 100)) { DeleteObject(hfont); if (!res) qErrnoWarning("QFontEngine::loadEngine: GetTextMetrics failed"); lf.lfWidth = avWidth * request.stretch/100; hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); if (!hfont) qErrnoWarning("QFontEngine::loadEngine: CreateFontIndirect with stretch failed"); } #ifndef Q_WS_WINCE if (hfont == 0) { hfont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(ANSI_VAR_FONT); stockFont = true; } #else if (hfont == 0) { hfont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT); stockFont = true; } #endif } #if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE) else { // Default to false for DirectWrite (and re-enable once/if everything // turns out okay) useDirectWrite = false; QFontDatabasePrivate *db = privateDb(); if (db->directWriteFactory == 0) { HRESULT hr = DWriteCreateFactory( DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE_SHARED, __uuidof(IDWriteFactory), reinterpret_cast<IUnknown **>(&db->directWriteFactory) ); if (FAILED(hr)) { qErrnoWarning("QFontEngine::loadEngine: DWriteCreateFactory failed"); } else { hr = db->directWriteFactory->GetGdiInterop(&db->directWriteGdiInterop); if (FAILED(hr)) qErrnoWarning("QFontEngine::loadEngine: GetGdiInterop failed"); } } if (db->directWriteGdiInterop != 0) { QString nameSubstitute = fontNameSubstitute(QString::fromWCharArray(lf.lfFaceName)); memcpy(lf.lfFaceName, nameSubstitute.utf16(), sizeof(wchar_t) * qMin(nameSubstitute.length() + 1, LF_FACESIZE)); HRESULT hr = db->directWriteGdiInterop->CreateFontFromLOGFONT( &lf, &directWriteFont); if (FAILED(hr)) { #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG qErrnoWarning("QFontEngine::loadEngine: CreateFontFromLOGFONT failed " "for %ls (0x%lx)", lf.lfFaceName, hr); #endif } else { DeleteObject(hfont); useDirectWrite = true; } } } #endif } QFontEngine *fe = 0; if (!useDirectWrite) { QFontEngineWin *few = new QFontEngineWin(font_name, hfont, stockFont, lf); if (preferClearTypeAA) few->glyphFormat = QFontEngineGlyphCache::Raster_RGBMask; // Also check for OpenType tables when using complex scripts // ### TODO: This only works for scripts that require OpenType. More generally // for scripts that do not require OpenType we should just look at the list of // supported writing systems in the font's OS/2 table. if (scriptRequiresOpenType(script)) { HB_Face hbFace = few->harfbuzzFace(); if (!hbFace || !hbFace->supported_scripts[script]) { FM_DEBUG(" OpenType support missing for script\n"); delete few; return 0; } } initFontInfo(few, request, fontHdc, dpi); fe = few; } #if !defined(QT_NO_DIRECTWRITE) else { QFontDatabasePrivate *db = privateDb(); IDWriteFontFace *directWriteFontFace = NULL; HRESULT hr = directWriteFont->CreateFontFace(&directWriteFontFace); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { QFontEngineDirectWrite *fedw = new QFontEngineDirectWrite(db->directWriteFactory, directWriteFontFace, request.pixelSize); initFontInfo(fedw, request, dpi, directWriteFont); fe = fedw; } else { qErrnoWarning(hr, "QFontEngine::loadEngine: CreateFontFace failed"); } } if (directWriteFont != 0) directWriteFont->Release(); #endif if(script == QUnicodeTables::Common && !(request.styleStrategy & QFont::NoFontMerging) && desc != 0 && !(desc->family->writingSystems[QFontDatabase::Symbol] & QtFontFamily::Supported)) { if(!tryFonts) { LANGID lid = GetUserDefaultLangID(); switch( lid&0xff ) { case LANG_CHINESE: // Chinese (Taiwan) if ( lid == 0x0804 ) // Taiwan tryFonts = ch_TW_tryFonts; else tryFonts = ch_CN_tryFonts; break; case LANG_JAPANESE: tryFonts = jp_tryFonts; break; case LANG_KOREAN: tryFonts = kr_tryFonts; break; default: tryFonts = other_tryFonts; break; } } QStringList fm = QFontDatabase().families(); QStringList list = family_list; const char **tf = tryFonts; while(tf && *tf) { if(fm.contains(QLatin1String(*tf))) list << QLatin1String(*tf); ++tf; } QFontEngine *mfe = new QFontEngineMultiWin(fe, list); mfe->fontDef = fe->fontDef; fe = mfe; } return fe; }
void TextFormatD2D::SetProperties( const WCHAR* fontFamily, int size, bool bold, bool italic, const FontCollection* fontCollection) { auto fontCollectionD2D = (FontCollectionD2D*)fontCollection; Dispose(); WCHAR dwriteFamilyName[LF_FACESIZE]; DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT dwriteFontWeight = bold ? DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD : DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_REGULAR; DWRITE_FONT_STYLE dwriteFontStyle = italic ? DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC : DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL; DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH dwriteFontStretch = DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_NORMAL; const float dwriteFontSize = size * (4.0f / 3.0f); // |fontFamily| uses the GDI/GDI+ font naming convention so try to create DirectWrite font // using the GDI family name and then create a text format using the DirectWrite family name // obtained from it. HRESULT hr = Util::GetDWritePropertiesFromGDIProperties( CanvasD2D::c_DWFactory.Get(), fontFamily, bold, italic, dwriteFontWeight, dwriteFontStyle, dwriteFontStretch, dwriteFamilyName, _countof(dwriteFamilyName)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CanvasD2D::c_DWFactory->CreateTextFormat( dwriteFamilyName, nullptr, dwriteFontWeight, dwriteFontStyle, dwriteFontStretch, dwriteFontSize, L"", &m_TextFormat); } if (FAILED(hr)) { IDWriteFontCollection* dwriteFontCollection = nullptr; // If |fontFamily| is not in the system collection, use the font collection from // |fontCollectionD2D| if possible. if (!Util::IsFamilyInSystemFontCollection(CanvasD2D::c_DWFactory.Get(), fontFamily) && (fontCollectionD2D && fontCollectionD2D->InitializeCollection())) { IDWriteFont* dwriteFont = Util::FindDWriteFontInFontCollectionByGDIFamilyName( fontCollectionD2D->m_Collection, fontFamily); if (dwriteFont) { hr = Util::GetFamilyNameFromDWriteFont( dwriteFont, dwriteFamilyName, _countof(dwriteFamilyName)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { fontFamily = dwriteFamilyName; Util::GetPropertiesFromDWriteFont( dwriteFont, bold, italic, &dwriteFontWeight, &dwriteFontStyle, &dwriteFontStretch); } dwriteFont->Release(); } dwriteFontCollection = fontCollectionD2D->m_Collection; } // Fallback in case above fails. hr = CanvasD2D::c_DWFactory->CreateTextFormat( fontFamily, dwriteFontCollection, dwriteFontWeight, dwriteFontStyle, dwriteFontStretch, dwriteFontSize, L"", &m_TextFormat); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { SetHorizontalAlignment(GetHorizontalAlignment()); SetVerticalAlignment(GetVerticalAlignment()); // Get the family name to in case CreateTextFormat() fallbacked on some other family name. hr = m_TextFormat->GetFontFamilyName(dwriteFamilyName, _countof(dwriteFamilyName)); if (FAILED(hr)) return; Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFontCollection> collection; Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> fontFamily; UINT32 familyNameIndex; BOOL exists; if (FAILED(m_TextFormat->GetFontCollection(collection.GetAddressOf())) || FAILED(collection->FindFamilyName(dwriteFamilyName, &familyNameIndex, &exists)) || FAILED(collection->GetFontFamily(familyNameIndex, fontFamily.GetAddressOf()))) { return; } Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFont> font; hr = fontFamily->GetFirstMatchingFont( m_TextFormat->GetFontWeight(), m_TextFormat->GetFontStretch(), m_TextFormat->GetFontStyle(), font.GetAddressOf()); if (FAILED(hr)) return; DWRITE_FONT_METRICS fmetrics; font->GetMetrics(&fmetrics); // GDI+ compatibility: GDI+ adds extra padding below the string when |m_AccurateText| is // |false|. The bottom padding seems to be based on the font metrics so we can calculate it // once and keep using it regardless of the actual string. In some cases, GDI+ also adds // the line gap to the overall height so we will store it as well. const float pixelsPerDesignUnit = dwriteFontSize / (float)fmetrics.designUnitsPerEm; m_ExtraHeight = (((float)fmetrics.designUnitsPerEm / 8.0f) - fmetrics.lineGap) * pixelsPerDesignUnit; m_LineGap = fmetrics.lineGap * pixelsPerDesignUnit; } else { Dispose(); } }
int main(void) { int argc; LPWSTR *argv; WCHAR *fontname, *string; int len; HDC dc; HFONT font, prevfont; IDWriteFontCollection *sysfc; UINT32 index; BOOL exists; IDWriteFontFamily *dwfamily; IDWriteFont *dwfont; IDWriteFontFace *dwface; featurePreparer *features; HRESULT hr; // TODO would using wmain() be adequate? argv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &argc); if (argv == NULL) dieLE("error getting command-line arguments"); if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %ws font string\n", argv[0]); return 1; } fontname = argv[1]; string = argv[2]; len = wcslen(string); // DirectWrite requires COM hr = CoInitialize(NULL); if (hr != S_OK) die("error initializing COM", hr); // Uniscribe requires a device context with the font to use dc = GetDC(NULL); if (dc == NULL) dieLE("error getting screen HDC for Uniscribe"); // TODO DEFAULT_CHARSET might affect the results we get font = CreateFontW(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, fontname); if (font == NULL) dieLE("error creating font for Uniscribe"); prevfont = (HFONT) SelectObject(dc, font); if (prevfont == NULL) dieLE("error selecting font into HDC for Uniscribe"); // and initialize DirectWrite hr = DWriteCreateFactory(DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE_SHARED, __uuidof (IDWriteFactory), (IUnknown **) (&dwfactory)); if (hr != S_OK) die("error initializing DirectWrite", hr); // and load the font *there* hr = dwfactory->GetSystemFontCollection(&sysfc, TRUE); if (hr != S_OK) die("error loading DirectWrite system font collection", hr); hr = sysfc->FindFamilyName(fontname, &index, &exists); if (hr != S_OK) die("error finding DirectWrite font family", hr); if (!exists) die("font not found in DirectWrite system font collection", E_FAIL); hr = sysfc->GetFontFamily(index, &dwfamily); if (hr != S_OK) die("error loading DirectWrite font family", hr); hr = dwfamily->GetFirstMatchingFont(DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL, DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_NORMAL, DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL, &dwfont); if (hr != S_OK) die("error loading DirectWrite font object", hr); hr = dwfont->CreateFontFace(&dwface); if (hr != S_OK) die("error creating DirectWrite font face", hr); // first, uniscribe only; no features are used // uniscribeTest(dc, string, len, NULL, // doScriptItemize, doScriptShape, "Uniscribe"); // next, unprepared features (NULL values) features = new featurePreparer; //features->add('z','e','r','o',1); //features->add('f','r','a','c',1);features->prepare(len); // uniscribeTest(dc, string, len, features, // doScriptItemizeOpenType, doScriptShapeOpenType, "Uniscribe OpenType"); directwriteAnalyzerTest(dwface, string, len, features); delete features; dwface->Release(); dwfont->Release(); dwfamily->Release(); sysfc->Release(); dwfactory->Release(); SelectObject(dc, prevfont); DeleteObject(font); ReleaseDC(NULL, dc); CoUninitialize(); return 0; }